595 research outputs found

    Lost in the chaos: Flawed literature should not generate new disorders

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    The paper by Kuss, Griffiths, and Pontes (2016) titled “Chaos and confusion in DSM-5 diagnosis of Internet Gaming Disorder: Issues, concerns, and recommendations for clarity in the field” examines issues relating to the concept of Internet Gaming Disorder. We agree that there are serious issues and extend their arguments by suggesting that the field lacks basic theory, definitions, patient research, and properly validated and standardized assessment tools. As most studies derive data from survey research in functional populations, they exclude people with severe functional impairment and provide only limited information on the hypothesized disorder. Yet findings from such studies are widely used and often exaggerated, leading many to believe that we know more about the problem behavior than we do. We further argue that video game play is associated with several benefits and that formalizing this popular hobby as a psychiatric disorder is not without risks. It might undermine children’s right to play or encourage repressive treatment programs, which ultimately threaten children’s right to protection against violence. While Kuss et al. (2016) express support for the formal implementation of a disorder, we argue that before we have a proper evidence base, a sound theory, and validated assessment tools, it is irresponsible to support a formal category of disorder and doing so would solidify a confirmatory approach to research in this area


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    Objective: The aim of this study is to find negative impacts of the construction of the modern infrastructure of the toll road and find out a good solution in East Timor. Methods: The research methodology used is descriptive qualitative research methodology, namely, collecting data, interviewing key persons, making data deduction, analyzing data, drawing conclusions, and expressing recommendations, especially for the contractors and for the government. Results: The construction of the toll road infrastructure megaprojects in the new country of Timor-Leste has both positive and negative impacts. The negative impact is huge and this is not taken into account by the contractors and the government in the construction of the Suai-Beasu toll road that connects the city of Suai on the South coast and the town of Dili on the North coast of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste. Hence, the recommendations suggested for the contractors and the government are to implement the aspirations of the communities, especially in the fair and just payment for the area used for the projects and building new cross-traffic for the residents alongside the toll road. Conclusion: The presence of the toll road had positive impacts but there are several negative impacts on the lives of the Suai people, therefore, it is better that if the government and the contractors pay serious attention to overcome the negative impacts

    Analisa Kualitas Pelayanan Menggunakan Metode Service Quality (Studi Kasus di Apotek Maggha Mulia Palembang)

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    Health is an essential factor required for human survival, and that's why healthcare services are widely available today, such as in pharmacies. A pharmacy is a specialized place that conducts pharmaceutical business, pharmaceutical work, and drug distribution. Apotek Maggha Mulia, which operates in the field of healthcare, faces customer service-related issues. At Apotek Maggha Mulia, the highest quality of service should be provided to ensure that customers remain loyal and are not disappointed with the service. There are several methods that can be used to measure customer satisfaction, and one of them is Service Quality (Servqual). In assessing perceptions, acceptance, and weighting in Servqual, it results in an individual's assessment of a qualitative criterion, often subjective, which can be biased. Customer satisfaction at Apotik Maggha Mulia Palembang, as seen from the 5 dimensions of Servqual, has a satisfaction score of 3.996 and an expectation score of 4.07, resulting in a gap of -0.074. This gap occurs due to the unfulfilled expectations of patients regarding the quality of services provided by Apotik Maggha Mulia Palembang


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    PD. Mie Berkah is a trading company and MSME engaged in the production of food ingredients. Products produced by PD. Mie Berkah is noodles and dumpling skin. PD. Mie Berkah produces noodles with 3 types of quality, namely ordinary, special and super. Because the graphical pattern of demand data is horizontal and seasonal, using the 2 most appropriate forecasting methods to predict future noodle production planning, namely the Multiplicative Decomposition and Linear Regression methods. Calculation of the MAD values of the two methods, it turns out that the smallest MAD value comes from the multiplicative decomposition method with a value of 446,719. Therefore, this method is used for future periods. Keywords : Forcasting, Multiplicative Decomposition, Linear Regressio

    Aggresion in terrorism

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    Behavioral scientists have attempted to describe and explain terroristic aggression in various ways. Acts of terrorism have typically been labeled as instrumentally aggressive in nature, however, we argue that this descriptor is insufficient in capturing the complexity of terroristic aggression. In light of this, we propose a new term called “programmatic aggression” that may better serve to capture the multiple levels of influence in generating terroristic aggression. We also review how personality and psychopathological models and theories of aggression, including the frustration-aggression hypothesis, social learning theory, and the General Aggression Model, have been applied and fall short in the explication of terroristic aggression. Finally, we suggest some future directions of research that would likely benefit the study of terrorism and aggression, including analysis of social psychological work on group dynamics and their influence on individual and group behavior, as well as forensic risk and threat assessment research that could inform future efforts at predicting and hopefully, preventing acts of terroristic aggression


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    Masalah pemutusan hubungan kerja karyawan pada perusahaan tekstil dan produk tekstil di Indonesia sedang menjadi topik diskusi pada beberapa bulan terakhir. Permasalahan tersebut menarik perhatian para pemerhati untuk mengevaluasi kinerja dan membuat estimasi tentang prospek kondisi industri tekstil pada masa depan. Kinerja keuangan perusahaan menjadi salah satu aspek penting yang patut dievaluasi untuk dijadikan pertimbangan dalam rangka pembuatan strategi perusahaan. Tujuan penelitian ini, 1) untuk mengetahui kemampuan rasio-rasio cash flow dalam membedakan kinerja keuangan perusahaan yang sehat dan tidak sehat; 2) untuk menidentifikasi variabel predictor yang memberikan kontribusi paling besar bagi perbedaan kinerja keuangan perusahaan yang sehat dan tidak sehat. Sampel yang dipilih sebanyak 40 perusahaan dimana 20 perusahaan terindikasi mengalami kesulitan keuangan dan 20 perusahaan dinilai dalam kondisi sehat. Data dikumpulkan dari laporan keuangan perusahaan selama tiga tahun yakni tahun 2017 sampai 2019. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan analisis diskriminan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 1) rasio-rasio aliran kas mampu menjelaskan perbedaan kinerja antara perusahaan yang sehat dan tidak sehat; 2) variabel cash flow to adequacy ratio merupakan variabel predictor yang memberikan kontribusi paling tinggi bagi perbedaan antara perusahaan yang sehat dan tidak sehat

    Social innovation as a driver for new educational practices

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    Based on the results of the EU funded Social Innovation – Driving Force of Social Change (SI-DRIVE) project the major challenges and needs of education and lifelong learning worldwide are revealed, focusing on solutions via new educational practices delivered by social innovations and embedding civil society. Against this background, a more learner-oriented approach instead of institutional improvements is presented. Based on the results of SI-DRIVE’s global mapping of more than 200 innovative education initiatives and 18 in-depth case studies, the article spotlights the relevant settings and success factors of social innovations in education, leading to a system related typology of social innovation. New ways of repairing, modernising and transforming education as well as separated approaches are illustrated showing the underdeveloped, unexploited and unrecognised potential of this kind of innovation. For setting up a more innovation friendly environment, it is particularly important to realise a paradigm shift towards a learner perspective and rationality. More leeway and new governance structures for integrating and fostering social innovations and unfolding the potential of all societal sectors for enhancing education are necessary. This especially includes a more active and new role of universities in enabling, exchanging, moderating and researching social innovation

    Obesity, Age, and African American Males: The Impact of Food Security on Cardiovascular Health Outcomes

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    Although prevalence of food insecurity has declined over the last 5 years, food insecurity for African Americans and single individuals is increasing. The purpose of this paper is to examine the male-specific associations between food insecurity and cardiovascular-related health outcomes. We examine the relationship between single, African American male adults and food security, kidney disease risk, diabetes, and related comorbidities using the NHANES dataset (2013-2014). We build multivariate logistic regression models to estimate the association between gender, race, and food insecurity using stratified data from the 2013-2014 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
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