124 research outputs found

    SOA Model and Design Guidelines in Lossless Photonic Subsystem

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    We propose a new practical analytical model to calculate the performance of amplitude-modulated systems, including semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOA). Lower and upper-performance bounds are given in terms of signal quality factor (Q) concerning the input signal pattern. The target is to provide a design tool for gain elements included in photonic integrated circuits (PIC) to compensate for their insertion loss. This subject is a critical issue, for example, in the arrays of optical transmitters with silicon photonics modulators used for interconnection applications. Due to implementation limitations, the design of an SOA embedded in a PIC is considerably different with respect to the use of SOAs as line amplifiers in optical networks. SOA amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) and gain saturation effects have been included in the model, together with the input signal extinction ratio and the receiver electrical filter. Each degradation effect provides its own contribution to the signal integrity in terms of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) or inter-symbol interference (ISI). The model shows that the SOA operation at low extinction ratios, typical in optical interconnect applications, is substantially different from the operation at higher extinction ratios used in transport networks. The model is validated through numerical simulations and experiments. Finally, two examples are provided for dimensioning a PIC system and optimizing the SOA parameters

    Pregnancy after sexuality preserving cystectomy with urinary diversion for bladder cancer. case report and review of the literature

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    Background: Radical cystectomy for bladder cancer represents a high demolitive surgical procedure with a significative impact on quality of life. Sexuality preserving techniques have been proposed in order to improve functional outcomes. Although sex-sparing techniques would provide women with the chance of having pregnancy, experience is still limited when malignant conditions are considered. We report the outcomes of pregnancy and delivery in a 43-year-old woman with a Padua ileal orthotopic neobladder after robot-assisted sexuality preserving cystectomy for muscle-invasive urothelial bladder cancer performed four years earlier, at age 39. Case presentation: Since pregnancy was confirmed, the patient had been under close urological and gynecological observation. Hydronephrosis and voiding-relating complications were reported and treated by inserting a nephrostomy tubes and indwelling bladder catheter. At the time of delivery, elective caesarian section was performed without complications. Conclusions: Sexuality preserving cystectomy could be an option in selected and highly motivated young patients with diagnosis of bladder cancer. A multidisciplinary team of experts included gynecologists, urologists, radiologists, anesthesiologists and neonatologists is required for the optimal management of pregnancy and peripartum care in women with urinary diversion

    Treatment of hemophilia: a review of current advances and ongoing issues

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    Replacement of the congenitally deficient factor VIII or IX through plasma-derived or recombinant concentrates is the mainstay of treatment for hemophilia. Concentrate infusions when hemorrhages occur typically in joint and muscles (on-demand treatment) is able to resolve bleeding, but does not prevent the progressive joint deterioration leading to crippling hemophilic arthropathy. Therefore, primary prophylaxis, ie, regular infusion of concentrates started after the first joint bleed and/or before the age of two years, is now recognized as first-line treatment in children with severe hemophilia. Secondary prophylaxis, whenever started, aims to avoid (or delay) the progression of arthropathy and improve patient quality of life. Interestingly, recent data suggest a role for early prophylaxis also in preventing development of inhibitors, the most serious complication of treatment in hemophilia, in which multiple genetic and environmental factors may be involved. Treatment of bleeds in patients with inhibitors requires bypassing agents (activated prothrombin complex concentrates, recombinant factor VIIa). However, eradication of inhibitors by induction of immune tolerance should be the first choice for patients with recent onset inhibitors. The wide availability of safe factor concentrates and programs for comprehensive care has now resulted in highly satisfactory treatment of hemophilia patients in developed countries. Unfortunately, this is not true for more than two-thirds of persons with hemophilia, who live in developing countries

    Penile lenghthening original technique using a pubo-cavernous spacer. Long term results from a series of over 200 patients

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    Introduction: We report our long experience in the surgical treatment of patients requesting penile lengthening by suspensory ligament release and placement of a custom-made soft silicone pubo-cavernous spacer. The aim was to show that with this surgical technique the results obtained are maintained over time. It is crucial to achieve postoperative satisfaction of these patients who show fragility and self-esteem problems. Methods: From 1999 to 2020, we treated 245 patients with congenital or acquired penile brevity. We carefully analysed the preoperative and postoperative (at 6, 12, 24 and 48 months) penile size of the patients to evaluate whether this technique could allow the long-term maintenance of aesthetic results. We also assessed preoperative erectile function and we focused on the psychological aspects to avoid surgery in patients with dysmorphophobia. This original technique involves the section of the suspensory ligament and the implantation of a silicone spacer between the pubic symphysis and the corpora cavernosa. This spacer is conformed to the patient anatomy and maintains the relationship between the anatomical structures unchanged over time. Sexual self-esteem and patient satisfaction were assessed with the APPSSI questionnaire. Results: The mean increase in penile length was about 2.5 cm in flaccid state and 1.9 cm in stretched state. There were no injuries of the neurovascular bundle or urethra, and no erectile dysfunction was noted. These results persisted at 6, 12, 24 and 48 months without significant differences. Over 80% of patients stated that they were completely satisfied with the results obtained. This satisfaction remained stable along follow up. Conclusion: The section of the suspensory ligament and the implant of the soft silicone spacer provide real penis elongation with satisfactory results that persist over time. This technique avoids the frequent complication of short-term shortening due to the scar adhesions of the edges of the dissected ligament. The high aesthetic satisfaction of patients is stable at controls at 6, 12, 24 and 48 months

    Qualitative assessment of contrast-enhanced ultrasound in differentiating clear cell renal cell carcinoma and oncocytoma

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    Background: We aimed to assess whether clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) can be differentiated from renal oncocytoma (RO) on a contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS). Methods: Between January 2021 and October 2022, we retrospectively queried and analyzed our prospectively maintained dataset. Renal mass features were scrutinized with conventional ultrasound imaging (CUS) and CEUS. All lesions were confirmed by histopathologic diagnoses after nephron-sparing surgery (NSS). A multivariable analysis was performed to identify the potential predictors of ccRCC. The area under the curve (AUC) was depicted in order to assess the diagnostic accuracy of the multivariable model. Results: A total of 126 renal masses, including 103 (81.7%) ccRCC and 23 (18.3%) RO, matched our inclusion criteria. Among these two groups, we found significant differences in terms of enhancement (homogeneous vs. heterogeneous) (p < 0.001), wash-in (fast vs. synchronous/slow) (p = 0.004), wash-out (fast vs. synchronous/slow) (p = 0.001), and rim-like enhancement (p < 0.001). On the multivariate logistic regression, heterogeneous enhancement (OR: 19.37; p = <0.001) and rim-like enhancement (OR: 3.73; p = 0.049) were independent predictors of ccRCC. Finally, these two variables had an AUC of 82.5% and 75.3%, respectively. Conclusions: Diagnostic imaging for presurgical planning is crucial in the choice of either conservative or radical management. CEUS, with its unique features, revealed its usefulness in differentiating ccRCC from RO

    Muscle magnetic resonance imaging in myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1) : Refining muscle involvement and implications for clinical trials

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    Only a few studies have reported muscle imaging data on small cohorts of patients with myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1). We aimed to investigate the muscle involvement in a large cohort of patients in order to refine the pattern of muscle involvement, to better understand the pathophysiological mechanisms of muscle weakness, and to identify potential imaging biomarkers for disease activity and severity. One hundred and thirty-four DM1 patients underwent a cross-sectional muscle magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) study. Short tau inversion recovery (STIR) and T1 sequences in the lower and upper body were analyzed. Fat replacement, muscle atrophy and STIR positivity were evaluated using three different scales. Correlations between MRI scores, clinical features and genetic background were investigated. The most frequent pattern of muscle involvement in T1 consisted of fat replacement of the tongue, sternocleidomastoideus, paraspinalis, gluteus minimus, distal quadriceps and gastrocnemius medialis. Degree of fat replacement at MRI correlated with clinical severity and disease duration, but not with CTG expansion. Fat replacement was also detected in milder/asymptomatic patients. More than 80% of patients had STIR-positive signals in muscles. Most DM1 patients also showed a variable degree of muscle atrophy regardless of MRI signs of fat replacement. A subset of patients (20%) showed a 'marbled' muscle appearance. Muscle MRI is a sensitive biomarker of disease severity alsofor the milder spectrum of disease. STIR hyperintensity seems to precede fat replacement in T1. Beyond fat replacement, STIR positivity, muscle atrophy and a 'marbled' appearance suggest further mechanisms of muscle wasting and weakness in DM1, representing additional outcome measures and therapeutic targets for forthcoming clinical trials. We refined the pattern of muscle involvement in DM1 by upper and lower body muscle magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), identifying the most frequent pattern of fat replacement and confirming that muscle MRI is a sensitive biomarker of disease burden in DM1. We also observed: STIR-positive muscles in 80% of patients preceding fat replacement, muscle atrophy in muscles unreplaced by fat, and progeroid muscle appearance supporting a premature muscle senescence. Our findings provide novel insights into the pathophysiological mechanisms of muscle wasting and weakness in DM1, and could represent additional outcome measures and therapeutic targets for forthcoming clinical trials

    Comparison of quantitative muscle ultrasound and whole-body muscle MRI in facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy type 1 patients

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    Introduction: Muscle ultrasound is a fast, non-invasive and cost-effective examination that can identify structural muscular changes by assessing muscle thickness and echointensity (EI) with a quantitative analysis (QMUS). To assess applicability and repeatability of QMUS, we evaluated patients with genetically confirmed facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy type 1 (FSHD1), comparing their muscle ultrasound characteristics with healthy controls and with those detected by MRI. We also evaluated relationships between QMUS and demographic and clinical characteristics. Materials and methods: Thirteen patients were included in the study. Clinical assessment included MRC sum score, FSHD score and The Comprehensive Clinical Evaluation Form (CCEF). QMUS was performed with a linear transducer scanning bilaterally pectoralis major, deltoid, rectus femoris, tibialis anterior and semimembranosus muscles in patients and healthy subjects. For each muscle, we acquired three images, which were analysed calculating muscle EI by computer-assisted grey-scale analysis. QMUS analysis was compared with semiquantitative 1.5 T muscle MRI scale. Results: All muscles in FSHD patients showed a significant increased echogenicity compared to the homologous muscles in healthy subjects. Older subjects and patients with higher FSHD score presented increased muscle EI. Tibialis anterior MRC showed a significant inverse correlation with EI. Higher median EI was found in muscles with more severe MRI fat replacement. Conclusions: QMUS allows quantitative evaluation of muscle echogenicity, displaying a tight correlation with muscular alterations, clinical and MRI data. Although a confirmation on larger sample is needed, our research suggests a possible future application of QMUS in diagnosis and management of muscular disorders

    Follow-Up Study Confirms the Presence of Gastric Cancer DNA Methylation Hallmarks in High-Risk Precursor Lesions

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    Intestinal metaplasia confers an increased risk of progression to gastric cancer. However, some intestinal metaplasia patients do not develop cancer. The development of robust molecular biomarkers to stratify patients with advanced gastric precursor lesions at risk of cancer progression will contribute to guiding programs for prevention. Starting from a genome-wide methylation study, we have simplified the detection method regarding candidate-methylation tests to improve their applicability in the clinical environment. We identified CpG methylation at the ZNF793 and RPRM promoters as a common event in intestinal metaplasia and intestinal forms of gastric cancer. Furthermore, we also showed that Helicobacter pylori infection influences DNA methylation in early precursor lesions but not in intestinal metaplasia, suggesting that therapeutic strategies to prevent epigenome reprogramming toward a cancer signature need to be adopted early in the precursor cascade. To adopt prevention strategies in gastric cancer, it is imperative to develop robust biomarkers with acceptable costs and feasibility in clinical practice to stratified populations according to risk scores. With this aim, we applied an unbiased genome-wide CpG methylation approach to a discovery cohort composed of gastric cancer (n = 24), and non-malignant precursor lesions (n = 64). Then, candidate-methylation approaches were performed in a validation cohort of precursor lesions obtained from an observational longitudinal study (n = 264), with a 12-year follow-up to identify repression or progression cases. H. pylori stratification and histology were considered to determine their influence on the methylation dynamics. As a result, we ascertained that intestinal metaplasia partially recapitulates patterns of aberrant methylation of intestinal type of gastric cancer, independently of the H. pylori status. Two epigenetically regulated genes in cancer, RPRM and ZNF793, consistently showed increased methylation in intestinal metaplasia with respect to earlier precursor lesions. In summary, our result supports the need to investigate the practical utilities of the quantification of DNA methylation in candidate genes as a marker for disease progression. In addition, the H. pylori-dependent methylation in intestinal metaplasia suggests that pharmacological treatments aimed at H. pylori eradication in the late stages of precursor lesions do not prevent epigenome reprogramming toward a cancer signature

    Serum Albumin Is Inversely Associated With Portal Vein Thrombosis in Cirrhosis

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    We analyzed whether serum albumin is independently associated with portal vein thrombosis (PVT) in liver cirrhosis (LC) and if a biologic plausibility exists. This study was divided into three parts. In part 1 (retrospective analysis), 753 consecutive patients with LC with ultrasound-detected PVT were retrospectively analyzed. In part 2, 112 patients with LC and 56 matched controls were entered in the cross-sectional study. In part 3, 5 patients with cirrhosis were entered in the in vivo study and 4 healthy subjects (HSs) were entered in the in vitro study to explore if albumin may affect platelet activation by modulating oxidative stress. In the 753 patients with LC, the prevalence of PVT was 16.7%; logistic analysis showed that only age (odds ratio [OR], 1.024; P = 0.012) and serum albumin (OR, -0.422; P = 0.0001) significantly predicted patients with PVT. Analyzing the 112 patients with LC and controls, soluble clusters of differentiation (CD)40-ligand (P = 0.0238), soluble Nox2-derived peptide (sNox2-dp; P < 0.0001), and urinary excretion of isoprostanes (P = 0.0078) were higher in patients with LC. In LC, albumin was correlated with sCD4OL (Spearman's rank correlation coefficient [r(s)], -0.33; P < 0.001), sNox2-dp (r(s), -0.57; P < 0.0001), and urinary excretion of isoprostanes (r(s), -0.48; P < 0.0001) levels. The in vivo study showed a progressive decrease in platelet aggregation, sNox2-dp, and urinary 8-iso prostaglandin F2 alpha-III formation 2 hours and 3 days after albumin infusion. Finally, platelet aggregation, sNox2-dp, and isoprostane formation significantly decreased in platelets from HSs incubated with scalar concentrations of albumin. Conclusion: Low serum albumin in LC is associated with PVT, suggesting that albumin could be a modulator of the hemostatic system through interference with mechanisms regulating platelet activation