38 research outputs found

    Análisis de la expresión de las moléculas relacionadas con el complejo principal de histocompatibilidad de clase I y de NKG2D como respuesta al daño oxidativo del DNA en el cáncer urotelial de vejiga. Relación con las características clínico patológicas y supervivencia

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    Es tracta d'un estudi retrospectiu de casos de 280 pacients diagnosticats de tumor vesical primari amb un seguiment mínim de 8 anys. S'ha construït un Tissue microarray i mitjançant mètodes semiquantitatius d'inmunohistoquímica es determinarà l'expressió de les molècules MICA (MHC class I chain-related gene A) i del seu receptor NKG2D (Natural-Killer group 2-member D) a nivell tissular, relacionant-lo amb variables anatomopatològiques segons els grups de risc, hàbit tabàquic i sexe. Finalment valorarem l'expressió de MICA/NKG2D com a factor independent de recidiva / progressió tumoral. En la literatura només existeixen 2 treballs que relacionin MICA amb el càncer vesical.Se trata de un estudio retrospectivo de casos de 280 pacientes diagnosticados de tumor vesical primario con un seguimiento mínimo de 8 años. Se ha construido un Tissue microarray y mediante métodos semicuantitativos de inmunohistoquímica se determinará la expresión de las moléculas MICA (MHC class I chain-related gene A) y de su receptor NKG2D (Natural-Killer group 2-member D) a nivel tisular, relacionándolo con variables anatomopatológicas según los grupos de riesgo, hábito tabáquico y sexo. Finalmente valoraremos la expresión de MICA/NKG2D como factor independiente de recidiva/progresión tumoral. En la literatura sólo existen 2 trabajos que relacionen MICA con el cáncer vesical

    European Society of Endocrinology Clinical Guideline: Treatment of chronic hypoparathyroidism in adults

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    Abstract Hypoparathyroidism (HypoPT) is a rare (orphan) endocrine disease with low calcium and inappropriately low (insufficient) circulating parathyroid hormone levels, most often in adults secondary to thyroid surgery. Standard treatment is activated vitamin D analogues and calcium supplementation and not replacement of the lacking hormone, as in other hormonal deficiency states. The purpose of this guideline is to provide clinicians with guidance on the treatment and monitoring of chronic HypoPT in adults who do not have end-stage renal disease. We intend to draft a practical guideline, focusing on operationalized recommendations deemed to be useful in the daily management of patients. This guideline was developed and solely sponsored by The European Society of Endocrinology, supported by CBO (Dutch Institute for Health Care Improvement) and based on the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) principles as a methodological base. The clinical question on which the systematic literature search was based and for which available evidence was synthesized was: what is the best treatment for adult patients with chronic HypoPT? This systematic search found 1100 articles, which was reduced to 312 based on title and abstract. The working group assessed these for eligibility in more detail, and 32 full-text articles were assessed. For the final recommendations, other literature was also taken into account. Little evidence is available on how best to treat HypoPT. Data on quality of life and the risk of complications have just started to emerge, and clinical trials on how to optimize therapy are essentially non-existent. Most studies are of limited sample size, hampering firm conclusions. No studies are available relating target calcium levels with clinically relevant endpoints. Hence it is not possible to formulate recommendations based on strict evidence. This guideline is therefore mainly based on how patients are managed in clinical practice, as reported in small case series and based on the experiences of the authors. (2015) 173, G1-G20 European Journal of Endocrinology Summary of recommendations The recommendations are worded as recommend (strong recommendation) and suggest (weak recommendation). We formally graded only the evidence underlying recommendations for therapeutic choices and target calcium levels. The quality of evidence behind the recommendations is classified as very low (4BBB), low (44BB), moderate (444B) and strong (4444). See further section 'Summary of methods used for guideline development'. European Journal of Endocrinology Clinical Practice Guideline J Bollerslev, L Rejnmark and others ESE guideline on treatment of chronic HypoP

    Renal Function After Dopamine and Fluid Administration in Patients with Malignant Obstructive Jaundice. A Prospective Randomized Study

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    Abstract Background and Aims: Acute renal failure is a relevant complication in obstructive jaundice (OJ). The extracellular water volume (ECW) depletion and myocardial dysfunction affects haemodynamic and renal disturbance in patients with OJ. Methods: A prospective open randomised study was conducted to evaluate the effect of peridrainage saline infusion associated with dopamine administration on hormonal and renal function derangements in 102 patients with malignant OJ. Patients were randomly distributed according to whether (n=64) or not (n=38) received dopamine with saline solution before endoscopic biliary drainage. Furthermore, patients receiving dopamine were randomly distributed whether (n=31) or not (n=33) received additional dopamine administration during the postdrainage phase. Different parameters such as ECW, serum levels of aldosterone, renin, atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), antidiuretic hormone (ADH), endothelin-1 (ET-1), urine PGE2 and creatinine clearance (CrCl) were analyzed. Results: Fluid administration was accompanied by an increase in the ECW (p=0.01) and an improvement in the CrCl (p=0.01). Dopamine increased CrCl by 11% (p=0.04) and reduced urinary PGE2 concentration (p=0.02). After drainage, a transient worsening of CrCl was seen in patients on i.v. fluid infusion alone but not in dopamine groups (p=0.001). Improvement of CrCl after dopamine administration was found in patients with serum bilirubin > 16 mg/dl and sodium urine excretion <145 mEq/l. Conclusions: The administration of dopamine associated with appropriate i.v. fluid infusion in the peridrainage period has an impact on renal function only in selected patients with malignant biliary obstruction. This effect is more relevant in patients with higher marked cholestasis

    Antimicrobials: a global alliance for optimizing their rational use in intra-abdominal infections (AGORA)

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    Etiology and diagnosis of permanent hypoparathyroidism after total thyroidectomy

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    Postoperative parathyroid failure is the commonest adverse effect of total thyroidectomy, which is a widely used surgical procedure to treat both benign and malignant thyroid disorders. The present review focuses on the scientific gap and lack of data regarding the time period elapsed between the immediate postoperative period, when hypocalcemia is usually detected by the surgeon, and permanent hypoparathyroidism often seen by an endocrinologist months or years later. Parathyroid failure after thyroidectomy results from a combination of trauma, devascularization, inadvertent resection, and/or autotransplantation, all resulting in an early drop of iPTH (intact parathyroid hormone) requiring replacement therapy with calcium and calcitriol. There is very little or no role for other factors such as vitamin D deficiency, calcitonin, or magnesium. Recovery of the parathyroid function is a dynamic process evolving over months and cannot be predicted on the basis of early serum calcium and iPTH measurements; it depends on the number of parathyroid glands remaining in situ (PGRIS)-not autotransplanted nor inadvertently excised-and on early administration of full-dose replacement therapy to avoid hypocalcemia during the first days/weeks after thyroidectomy

    Juntas Literarias: legado de la cirugía ilustrada

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    Las Juntas Literarias son un conjunto de manuscritos que acreditan reuniones periódicas de los cirujanos del Real Colegio de Cirugía de Barcelona durante la época ilustrada. Se conservan unos 200 documentos —o «actas»— a los que hay que añadir sus respectivas «censuras» (o críticas), el más antiguo data de 1765 y el último data de 1835. La serie documental presenta interrupciones temporales que coinciden con los períodos políticamente conflictivos que sin duda repercutieron en el normal funcionamiento del Colegio. En estas reuniones se presentaban ponencias sobre cuestiones clínicas y sobre las ciencias básicas más florecientes de la época, fundamentalmente la Química. Los documentos, que se han transcrito y editado completos recientemente, representan un hito histórico en relación con el intercambio de experiencias y la formación continua de los cirujanos catalanes

    Juntas Literarias: legado de la cirugía ilustrada

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    Las Juntas Literarias son un conjunto de manuscritos que acreditan reuniones periódicas de los cirujanos del Real Colegio de Cirugía de Barcelona durante la época ilustrada. Se conservan unos 200 documentos —o «actas»— a los que hay que añadir sus respectivas «censuras» (o críticas), el más antiguo data de 1765 y el último data de 1835. La serie documental presenta interrupciones temporales que coinciden con los períodos políticamente conflictivos que sin duda repercutieron en el normal funcionamiento del Colegio. En estas reuniones se presentaban ponencias sobre cuestiones clínicas y sobre las ciencias básicas más florecientes de la época, fundamentalmente la Química. Los documentos, que se han transcrito y editado completos recientemente, representan un hito histórico en relación con el intercambio de experiencias y la formación continua de los cirujanos catalanes