130 research outputs found

    An exact macroscopic extended model with many moments

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    Extended Thermodynamics is a very important theory: for example, it predicts hyperbolicity, finite speeds of propagation waves as well as continuous dependence on initial data. Therefore, it constitutes a significative improvement of ordinary thermodynamics. Here its methods are applied to the case of an arbitrary, but fixed, number of moments. The kinetic approach has already been developed in literature; then, the macroscopic approach is here considered and the constitutive functions appearing in the balance equations are determined up to whatever order with respect to thermodynamical equilibrium. The results of the kinetic approach are a particular case of the present ones

    Interaction between <i>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</i>, <i>Mycobacterium bovis</i>, <i>Mycobacterium avium</i> subspecies <i>paratuberculosis</i> with the enteric glia and microglial cells

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    Background We investigated the interaction of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis, M. bovis and M. tuberculosis and different glial cells (enteric glial and microglial cells) in order to evaluate the infecting ability of these microorganisms and the effects produced on these cells, such as the evaluation of cytokines expression. Results Our experiments demonstrated the adhesion of M. paratuberculosis to the enteroglial cells and the induction of IL-1A and IL-6 expression; M. tuberculosis and M. bovis showed a good adhesive capability to the enteric cell line with the expression of the following cytokines: IL-1A and IL-1B, TNF-α, G-CSF and GM-CSF; M. bovis induced the expression of IL-6 too. The experiment performed with the microglial cells confirmed the results obtained with the enteroglial cells after the infection with M. tuberculosis and M. bovis, whereas M. paratuberculosis stimulated the production of IL-1A and IL-1B. Conclusion Enteroglial and microglial cells, could be the target of pathogenic mycobacteria and, even if present in different locations (Enteric Nervous System and Central Nervous System), show to have similar mechanism of immunomodulation

    Donna Violante Carroz 'in finis terrae': l'estremo pellegrinaggio della contessa di Quirra a Santiago de Compostela

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    El estudio de un documento del Archivo Histórico de Protocolos Notariales de Zaragoza revela importantes datos sobre la muerte de la Condesa de Quirra Violante Carroz, ocurrida en 1510, durante su regreso de una peregrinación a Santiago de Compostela. La elaboración de un inventario de los bienes que acompañaban a la noble —realizado en Zaragoza— es una oportunidad para reconstruir una compleja red de relaciones humanas y de lugares que también involucró al Reino de Cerdeña. Entre los objetos transportados por el grupo hay también algunas esculturas de azabache (artesanía típica compostelana) que encuentran sugestivas correspondencias con tres pequeñas esculturas que aún se conservan en Cagliari, en la Pinacoteca anexa al Museo Arqueológico Nacional

    Aragón en Cerdeña. L'influsso culturale aragonese in Sardegna durante il regno di Ferdinando II

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    L’esigenza di un controllo diretto da parte dei re aragonesi e le iniziative legate al redreç politico-amministrativo attuato da Ferdinando il Cattolico, fecero sì che – in un periodo abbastanza circoscritto - si spostarono verso l’interno della penisola iberica i poli di riferimento istituzionale (e quindi culturale) del Regno di Sardegna. Prima i Carroz, poi gli Alagón e, infine, i protagonisti della ‘reazione’ regia ai disordini verificatisi nell’Isola, in seguito alla ‘rivolta’ dell’ultimo marchese di Oristano, crearono un singolare ‘ponte’ con l’Aragona e con la città di Saragozza. A partire dalla capitale del regno, ci si occupa di indagare, in modo quasi monografico, proprio sulla figura di Leonardo de Alagón e sulle vicende che lo resero contestato erede del marchesato sardo. In questa cornice storica ‘generale’ si inseriscono anche fenomeni di tipo artistico come il Maestro di Castelsardo, legato in vario modo alle dinamiche sociali iberiche e mediterranee, fra la fine del XV e gli inizi del XVI secolo. &nbsp; &nbsp

    MAC-Sparing Effect of Transdermal Fentanyl in Sevoflurane-Anesthetized Sheep

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    Abstract Transdermal fentanyl allows for consistent plasma concentrations of a potent synthetic μ-opioid receptor agonist and can provide constant post-operative analgesia for up to 72 h. The aim of this study was to determine the reduction of the minimum alveolar concentration of sevoflurane (MACSEVO) by transdermal fentanyl in nonpregnant ewes. Nine sheep were mask induced with sevoflurane (SEVO in oxygen). MACSEVO determinations involved electrical current applied to the lateral metacarpus as a supramaximal stimulus and measurements in duplicate. Seven days later, a fentanyl patch (75 μg/h) was applied to each sheep and 15.1 ± 1.8 h later the MAC re-determined (MACSF). MACSF was 1.99 ± 0.32 %, corresponding to 25.6 ± 8.1 % reduction from MACSEVO (P < 0.001). Transdermal fentanyl produces a significant MACSEVO-sparing effect with minimal effect on cardiovascular parameters

    La Geografia fisica

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    Lo studio analizza la geografia fisica della Provincia di Sassari: posizione e confini, coste, isole, clima, geomorfologia, orografia, rocce, suoli, idrografia, sorgenti minerali e termali e giacimenti minerari

    Rosmarinus officinalis L.: chemical modifications of the essential oil and evaluation of antioxidant and antimicrobial activity.

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    Rosmarinus officinalis essential oil was separated into its hydrocarbon and oxygenated fractions. The major compounds in the hydrocarbon fraction were α-pinene (44.2%), camphene (24.5%), and limonene (11.7%), while in the oxygenated fraction they were 1,8-cineole (37.6%), camphor (16.5%), and bornyl acetate (21.4%). The hydrocarbon fraction was submitted to a hydroformylation process and the antioxidant activity of the product was screened by the DPPH and β-carotene/linoleic acid tests. The hydroformylated fraction maintained the antioxidant activity of the whole oil. The MIC (minimal inhibitory concentration) and the MBC (minimal bactericidal concentration) of the essential oil, hydrocarbon, oxygenated and hydroformylated fractions were also tested on several microorganisms. Aeromonas sobria and Candida strains were the most susceptible micro-organisms. The hydroformylated fraction exhibited a MBC against Candida strains resistant to the other fractions

    Interaction between Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacterium bovis, Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis with the enteric glia and microglial cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>We investigated the interaction of <it>Mycobacterium avium </it>subspecies <it>paratuberculosis, M. bovis </it>and <it>M. tuberculosis </it>and different glial cells (enteric glial and microglial cells) in order to evaluate the infecting ability of these microorganisms and the effects produced on these cells, such as the evaluation of cytokines expression.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our experiments demonstrated the adhesion of <it>M. paratuberculosis </it>to the enteroglial cells and the induction of IL-1A and IL-6 expression; <it>M. tuberculosis </it>and <it>M. bovis </it>showed a good adhesive capability to the enteric cell line with the expression of the following cytokines: IL-1A and IL-1B, TNF-α, G-CSF and GM-CSF; <it>M. bovis </it>induced the expression of IL-6 too.</p> <p>The experiment performed with the microglial cells confirmed the results obtained with the enteroglial cells after the infection with <it>M. tuberculosis </it>and <it>M. bovis</it>, whereas <it>M. paratuberculosis </it>stimulated the production of IL-1A and IL-1B.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Enteroglial and microglial cells, could be the target of pathogenic mycobacteria and, even if present in different locations (Enteric Nervous System and Central Nervous System), show to have similar mechanism of immunomodulation.</p

    Polimeri conduttori e metallopolimeri redox

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    Il nostro gruppo di ricerca è da anni attivo nella sintesi e caratterizzazione elettrochimica di polimeri conduttori a base tiofenica. In particolare la nostra attenzione è rivolta verso materiali costituiti da un backbone di tipo tertiofenico, che consente la polimerizzazione nelle posizioni 2 e 5, e da unità chelanti all’azoto, (terpiridine o fenantroline), che possono consentire la coordinazione con metalli di transizione all’interno del polimero ed incrementarne ulteriormente le proprietà conduttive
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