2,263 research outputs found

    Choosing High-Court Judges by Political Parties.

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    This paper proposes a mechanism to overcome the possibility that political parties may block the nomination of High-Court judges when the Parliament is involved in their nomination and their mandate expires on a fixed date. This possibility arises when the default option is that the judge whose mandate expires holds office until an agreement is reached. Our proposal consists of changing the default option by a weighted lottery. We show that this mechanism is capable of solving the problem and implementing the socially optimal solution.Negotiation, Political Competition, random protocols, legislative bargaining.

    Determination of 15N stable isotope natural abundances for assessing the use of saline reclaimed water in grapefruit

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    We reported the results of an isotopic study aimed at evaluating the medium to long-term effects of different water qualities and deficit irrigation strategies on the ecophysiology of grapefruit in a 7-year-old plantation in SE Spain. For a better understanding of the interaction between nitrogen and salts from reclaimed water, RW, an experiment using natural abundance (δ) of 15N was conducted. This study showed that in grapefruit crop irrigated with RW leaf δ15N value increased. We concluded that: (i) causal links exist between leaf δ15N isotope and salt stress: positive correlation between values of this isotope and leaf salt content was showed; (ii) excess of nitrates provided by the reclaimed irrigation water were lost in the ecosystem through leaching, denitrification, etc., enriching the medium with δ15N and increasing δ15N values in plants. Therefore, the results of this study highlight the key role that salt content from RW can play in N uptake by plants and, hence, isotopic discrimination of leaf N. Consequently, it has been demonstrated the usefulness of isotopic discrimination measure to predict crop sustainability in the medium to long term when using water sources of different quality combined with deficit irrigation strategies

    Appointing high-court judges by political parties

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    This paper proposes a mechanism to overcome the possibility that political parties may block the nomination of High-Court judges when the Parliament is involved in their nomination and theirmandate expires on a fixed date. This possibility arises when the default option is that the judge whose mandate expires holds office until an agreement is reached. Our proposal consists of changing the default option by a weighted lottery, related to the shares in Parliament of the different parties.We show that this mechanism is capable of solving the problem under reasonable conditions and implementing a politically balanced solution

    Numerical validation of the incremental launching method of a steel bridge through a small-scale experimental study

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s40799-016-0037-5This article presents an experimental and a numerical study of an incremental launching process of a steel bridge. The former is deployed in a scale-reduced laboratory,whereas the latter is performed using the finite elementmethod. The numerical simulation is based upon realistic transient boundary conditions and accurately reproduces the elastic response of the steel bridge during launching. This numerical approach is validated experimentally with the scale-reduced test performed at the laboratory. The properly validated numerical model is subsequently systematically employed as a simulation tool of the process. The proposed simulation protocol might be useful for design and monitoring purposes of steel bridges to be launched. Results concerning strains, stresses, and displacements might be inferred from the model and thus compared to field measurements obtained in situ. The conditions presented at the end of the article are potentially useful for researchers and practice engineers alike.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    RODRIGO Alsina, Miquel. Los medios de comunicación ante el terrorismo

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    Desarrollo de un método de estimación cuantitativa de la difusión atmosférica basado en la transformación de variables

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    El deterioro del medio ambiente humano está alcanzando en algunas regiones de nuestro planeta límites irreversibles. En el caso particular de la contaminación atmosférica, el cálculo de la concentración de contaminantes en aire en función de la intensidad de emisión de las fuentes y de las características del flujo atmosférico, adquiere especial importancia. La existencia de diferentes fórmulas matemáticas destinadas al uso práctico-rutinario en problemas de difusión atmosférica, demuestra el interés alcanzado en este campo. Sin embargo, estas ecuaciones que se adaptan bien a los datos experimentales en condiciones ideales, atmósfera adiabática y terreno uniforme sin relieve, difieren considerablemente de las mediciones en casos con flujo atmosférico estratificado y superficies rugosas. Por otra parte, dichas fórmulas se desarrollaron mediante la integración de la ecuación de difusión en casos especiales (en particular suponiendo difusión "Fickiana"). Otra dificultad de la aplicación de estas fórmulas consiste en la dependencia del cálculo de la concentración de una considerable cantidad de observaciones. Teniendo en cuenta estas consideraciones se desarrolla un modelo generalizado de difusión atmosférica para fuentes emitiendo continuamente contaminantes desde superficie. Para ello se emplea la ecuación de difusión tridimensional con difusividades turbulantes lateraly vertical y con velocidad media del viento variando potencialmente con la altura con diferentes exponentes. Esta ecuación es irresoluble mediante métodos analíticos. Por ello se utilizó el análisis dimensional. Aplicando el análisis dimensional ordinario, la solución encontrada depende de cinco números argumentales, mientras que mediante el empleo de la técnica de transformación de variables, similar al análisis dimensional generalizado se halla una función dependiente de tres variables. Esto implica que este último procedimiento suministra mayor información que el análisis dimensional ordinario. Este método es utilizado por primera vez en problemas de difusión atmosférica. A continuación, se elaboran diferentes métodos tendientes a encontrar los valores numéricos de los distintos coeficientes que intervienen en la fórmula generalizada de difusión. Todos los parámetros que intervienen en ese modelo dependen del coeficiente de estabilidad atmosférica de Monin. Asimismo se encuentran las formas de las funciones argumentales. La consideración del caso particular en que los exponentes de las difusividades turbulentas y de la velocidad del viento se anulan demuestra que la fórmula generalizada de difusión tiende, bajo esas condiciones a la ecuación de la "pluma gaussiana". Finalmente, se compara el modelo generalizado de difusión y el de la "pluma gaussiana" con datos observacionales obtenidos del "Project Praire Grass" mediante una prueba estadística, verificándose que el primero se adapta mucho mejor a las mediciones que el segundo. De esto se desprende que la fórmula generalizada de difusión deducida mediante la transformación de variables puede ser utilizada con éxito en el cálculo de la concentración de contaminantes en aire, siendo superior a otras empleadas hasta el presente

    Effect of deficit irrigation and reclaimed water on yield and quality of grapefruits at harvest and postharvest

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    The aim of our research was to discover the effects of the long-term irrigation with saline reclaimed (RW) and transfer (TW) water and different irrigation strategies: control (C) and regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) on yield and fruit quality of grapefruit at harvest and during cold storage. T W-RDI treatment decreased tree canopy (TC) and crop load, resulting in a 21% reduction of fruit yield. Regarding fruit quality, RW notably decreased peel thickness at harvest (about 8%); however, this difference was not remained during cold storage. Sugar/acid ratio was mainly increased by RDI, but also by RW, due to an important increase in soluble solid content (11% of average value for TW-RDI, RW-C and RW-RDI). In addition, RDI combined with RW, significantly increased the number of fruits in small category 5 at the end of cold storage. Finally, neither ratio yield/TC nor irrigation water productivity were affected by any irrigation treatments.This study was supported by two CICYT projects (AGL2010-17553 and AGL2013-49047-C2- 515 2-R) projects and SENECA-Excelencia Científica (19903/GERM/15)

    Las nuevas derechas latinoamericanas frente a una globalización en crisis

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    Las nuevas derechas latinoamericanas apuestan por la globalización y la vinculación con las potencias centrales, pero esta apuesta resulta tardía y a menudo se concreta de manera inadecuada. El mundo está cambiando, y hay reconfiguraciones que van desde el terreno político hasta el tecnológico –incluyendo una nueva revolución productiva–, aunque a menudo no avanzan en el sentido en que estos gobiernos pretenden. Por eso sería un error dar por sentado que las nuevas derechas globalistas latinoamericanas hayan llegado para quedarse