44 research outputs found

    Digital literacy and the use of augmented reality in teaching science in Secondary Education

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    Hoy día la tecnología ocupa un lugar destacado en la sociedad, por lo que es fundamental para desenvolverse en ella con éxito tener adquirida la competencia digital. Los docentes deben desarrollarla de forma adecuada para que su labor educativa sea eficaz y para poder transmitirla a su alumnado. Un ejemplo del uso de la tecnología en educación que se encuentra en auge es la utilización didáctica de la Realidad Aumentada, que ofrece al área de las ciencias una gran cantidad de posibilidades para facilitar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. El objetivo que se plantea en el presente estudio es conocer la incidencia de la competencia digital en el empleo de la realidad aumentada como recurso didáctico en la impartición de clases relacionadas con las ciencias. El método utilizado es de tipo cuantitativo no experimental, de corte descriptivo, correlacional y con carácter predictivo. La recogida de datos se ha llevado a cabo mediante un cuestionario ad hoc sobre competencia digital docente y realidad aumentada, con diferentes niveles de respuesta. Los resultados muestran que la realidad aumentada es un recurso que ha sido usado por parte de los docentes que imparten ciencias, presentando estos un nivel de competencia digital medio. Se concluye afirmando que los docentes que utilizan la realidad aumentada presentan más competencia digital que aquellos que no lo usan.Today, technology is a major issue in society, so it is essential to have acquired digital competence in order to be successful in it. An example of the growing use of technology in education is the didactic use of Augmented Reality, which offers the area of science a wealth of possibilities to facilitate the teaching-learning process. The aim of this study is to understand the impact of digital competence on the use of augmented reality as a teaching resource in science-related classes. The method used is quantitative, non-experimental, descriptive, correlational and predictive. The data collection has been carried out through an ad hoc questionnaire on digital teaching competence and augmented reality with different levels of response. The results show that augmented reality is a resource that has been used by teachers teaching science, presenting them with an average level of digital competence. We conclude by stating that teachers who use augmented reality are more digitally competent than those who do not.

    Educational Innovation in Higher Education: Use of Role Playing and Educational Video in Future Teachers’ Training

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    Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have led to the emergence of a variety of active and innovative teaching methods. This is the case in role-playing, which consists of simulating a real-life situation, in this case the school context, in which the student takes on a certain role and interacts with other students in a fictitious situation. Framed in this way, the present study aims to show if the application of the role-playing method promotes the improvement of attitude variables and practical skills. To this end, we advocated the use of a quasi-experimental methodology, with a control and experimental group and the application of a post-test. The sample is composed of 138 students from the Master of Teachers of Compulsory Secondary Education in Ceuta (Spain). The results showed that the students positively valued the application of the method, obtaining better scores in the set of variables studied, especially in motivation, creativity and collaboration. Therefore, it continues to be observed that the application of innovative methodologies through technology promotes the increase of multiple skills in the student body. This study aimed to prove that the use of active methods provides an increase in students’ skills, and that, therefore, we must bet on the use of sustainable pedagogies in order to promote a real innovation in the classrooms.This study is financed by the Teaching Training and Information Plan of the University of Granada. FIDOugr Plan 2018-2020, in the program of Innovation and Good Teaching Practices. Code: 19-43

    Bibliometric analysis on Educational Inspection in the Web of Science database

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    La Inspección Educativa es un organismo que vela por la calidad de la enseñanza y está regulada por las leyes de educación. Considerada como un eje fundamental de los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje. El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar toda la producción científica existente sobre este tema en la base de datos WoS. Este estudio se ha centrado en el rendimiento, la relevancia conceptual y evolución de la producción sobre este tema tan importante para la educación. Para ello se ha realizado un estudio bibliométrico a base de técnicas de rastreo analítico y de cuantificación documental mediante una evaluación de rendimiento, análisis de producción científica de los autores y creación de mapas de ciencia, identificando la evolución conceptual del objeto de estudio en un marco longitudinal de un total de 369 documentos. Los resultados muestran que la evolución temática del campo de estudio no se encuentra definida, aunque se vislumbra una tendencia gracias a las investigaciones surgidas en el segundo periodo analizado, comprendido entre los años 2011 y 2015, que es la etapa más productiva en el número de investigaciones sobre esta temática. Se concluye que el objeto investigado empieza a ser de interés por parte de la comunidad educativa, gracias al relieve que está suscitando por parte de la comunidad científicaThe Educational Inspection is a body that oversees the quality of education and is regulated by education laws. It is considered a fundamental axis of the teaching and learning processes. The purpose of this paper was to identify all the existing scientific production on this topic in the WoS database. This study has focused on the performance, conceptual relevance and evolution of production on this very important subject for education. For this purpose, a bibliometric study has been carried out based on analytical tracking techniques and documentary quantification by means of an evaluation of performance, analysis of the scientific production of the authors and creation of science maps, identifying the conceptual evolution of the object of study in a longitudinal framework of a total of 369 documents. The results show that the thematic evolution of the field of study is not defined, although a trend can be seen thanks to the research carried out in the second period analysed, between 2011 and 2015, which is the most productive stage in the number of researches about this subject. It is concluded that the object researched is beginning to be of interest to the educational community, thanks to the importance it is raising on the part of the scientific communit

    Education and Diet in the Scientific Literature: A Study of the Productive, Structural, and Dynamic Development in Web of Science

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    The authors acknowledge the researchers of the research group AREA (HUM-672), which belongs to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Junta de Andalucía and is registered in the Department of Didactics and School Organization of the Faculty of Education Sciences of the University of GranadaNutrition-related education is necessary to protect and improve the health status of schoolchildren and to minimize the risk of future diseases. The objective of this research was to analyze the trajectory and transcendence of the concepts “education” and “diet” in the Web of Science literature. The methodology focused on bibliometry, analyzing both the performance and the structural and dynamic development of the concepts through a co-word analysis. A total of 1247 documents were analyzed, and the results show that scientific production experienced a turning point in 2009, in comparison to the level of production reported in previous years. The medium of papers and the language of English were the most common. In relation to the research topic, before 2014, scientific production focused on medical and disease-related aspects; however, since 2014, it has focused on disease prevention and feeding. It was therefore concluded that the theme “diet and education” has been researched for more than 20 years, although it is only in the last decade that it has become more relevant—particularly studies focusing on disease prevention and the type of food, specifically fruit, which is presented as the most outstanding issue for researchers in this field of knowledge.research group AREA HUM-672This study was financed by the “Study and analysis of technological resources and innovation in teacher training in the field of Higher Education and its applicability to the development of the Santander Region (Colombia),” in the Framework Cooperation Agreement for the strengthening of research and education, signed between the Corporación Escuela Tecnológica del Oriente, the Secretariat of Education of Santander, and the AreA HUM/672 Research Group of the University of Granada. Code: ISPRS-2017-7202. Period: 2017 to 2021

    Validation of the Questionnaire on Reading Preferences and Habits of Primary School Pupils at Risk of Social Exclusion

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    The acquisition of the habit of reading is a fundamental issue for primary school pupils, as it contributes to the integral education of the person and, in some cases, may be essential for pupils to remain in the educational system and to escape social exclusion. In order to carry out research on reading promotion in socially disadvantaged contexts, it is necessary to have an appropriate instrument for these profiles. The aim of this work was to adapt and validate a questionnaire on reading habits and preferences that is suitable for pupils in the first cycle of primary education who are at risk of social exclusion. To this end, a mixed qualitative and quantitative methodology was used to analyse the content validity and the construct validity, which obtained, as a result, a high correlation between the variables, an appropriate factor analysis, a high overall reliability of the instrument and, in general, an adequate model to correctly explain the data of the proposed structure. We concluded by obtaining a 22-item questionnaire that is divided into five factors and that will be appropriate for determining the reading habits and tastes of disadvantaged pupils, as well as the influence of families and schools in the task of encouraging reading.Spanish Government FPU18/0067

    Scientific Performance and Mapping of the Term STEM in Education on the Web of Science

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    Technological progress is causing terms such as “STEM”, an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, to burst into the educational arena, marking a new era in the application of innovative and motivating teaching and learning processes. The objective of this research is to analyze the trajectory and the transcendence of the “STEM” concept in the educational field, having as reference the reported literature of Web of Science. The methodology applied in this research is based on bibliometrics, analyzing both the performance and the structural and dynamic development of the concept through a co-word analysis. The total number of documents analyzed is 4390. The results show that the scientific community mainly uses English and research papers to present their results. From 2015 onwards, the main lines of research are beginning to be established, which focus on “women” and “science”. It can be concluded that the term “STEM” in education is beginning to have a greater incidence and impact on the processes of teaching and learning, especially in the field of science, although there are currently discrepancies between men and women in its use

    Effect of the Flipped Classroom and Gamification Methods in the Development of a Didactic Unit on Healthy Habits and Diet in Primary Education

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    This paper has been funded by the I+D+I Project Research of Results Transfer Office (OTRI) of the University of Granada (Reference: CNT4315).Currently, there are several methodological models that have broken into different disciplines of knowledge with the aim of making the teaching/learning process more dynamic, active and participatory for students. This is the case of Flipped Classroom, which is based on a mixed approach between e-learning and face-to-face teaching, as well as gamification, which bases its didactic principles on the recreational components of the games. Within this context, the aim of this research is to observe what effect the application of Flipped Classroom and gamification has in the development of motivation, autonomy and self-regulation towards learning through a didactic unit on healthy habits and diet in 202 students of 6th grade of Primary School from four different schools (public and state-subsidized) in the city of Granada (Spain). For this purpose, a methodological design was used with pre-test and post-test to check the effects of the experience on the students. The findings obtained showed that the application of these methods promoted an increase in students’ motivation, as well as in their autonomy and self-regulation when facing the contents of the subject. For this reason, it is advocated that there is a need to continue promoting a quality and innovative educational practice according to the figure of the student today.I+D+I Project Research of Results Transfer Office (OTRI) of the University of Granada CNT431

    The Star Wars-based collaborative learning method for the development of social and civic competence

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    Hoy en día, la educación requiere cambios en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje, a través de la implementación de acciones pedagógicas innovadoras y motivadoras, debido a las necesidades existentes en la sociedad. El principal objetivo de este estudio es conocer la eficacia del método cooperativo, basado en la temática de Star Wars, respecto al método tradicional en el primer año de la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria para el desarrollo de la competencia social y cívica. Para ello se ha diseñado una investigación cuasi-experimental, cuantitativa, descriptiva y correlacional, utilizando un cuestionario estandarizado como técnica de recolección de información. La muestra está compuesta por 294 estudiantes de primer curso de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria distribuidos en 10 grupos (5 de control y 5 experimentales) de un instituto público del sur de España. Las pruebas realizadas muestran que el aprendizaje cooperativo genera mejoras en la disposición de los/as estudiantes de cara al desarrollo de la competencia social y cívica. Por lo tanto, el método cooperativo, desarrollado mediante el tema de Star Wars para los/as discentes de 1º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria en el desarrollo de la competencia social y cívica genera una mejora todas las variables de estudios.Today, education requires changes in the teaching and learning processes, through the implementation of innovative and motivating pedagogical actions, due to the existing needs in society. The main objective of this study is to know the effectiveness of the cooperative method, based on the Star Wars theme, with respect to the traditional method in the first year of Compulsory Secondary Education for the development of social and civic competence. For this purpose, a quasi-experimental, quantitative, descriptive and correlational research has been designed, using a standardized questionnaire as a technique to collect information. The sample is composed of 294 students in the first year of Compulsory Secondary Education distributed in 10 groups (5 control and 5 experimental) of a public institute in southern Spain. The tests carried out show that cooperative learning generates improvements in students' disposition towards the development of social and civic competence. Therefore, the cooperative method, developed through the Star Wars theme for students in 1st year of Obligatory Secondary Education in the development of social and civic competence generates an improvement in all study variables.Financiado por I+D+i OTRI-Universidad de Granada. CNT-4315. Metodologías act ivas parael aprendizaje mediante recursos tecnológicos parael desarrol lo de las socieda

    Association of HLA-B*41:02 with Henoch-Schönlein Purpura (IgA Vasculitis) in Spanish individuals irrespective of the HLA-DRB1 status

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    INTRODUCTION: To determine whether the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) B alleles are implicated in the susceptibility to Henoch-Schönlein purpura (HSP) in the largest series of Caucasian HSP patients ever assessed for genetic studies. METHODS: The study population was composed of 349 Spanish patients diagnosed with HSP fulfilling the American College of Rheumatology and the Michel et al. classification criteria, and 335 sex and ethnically matched controls. HLA-B phenotypes were determined by sequencing-based typing (SBT) and analyzed by chi-square or Fisher exact test. RESULTS: A statistically significant increase of HLA-B*41:02 allele in HSP patients when compared with controls was found (8.3% versus 1.5% respectively; p = 0.0001; OR (odds ratio) =5.76 [2.15-19.3]). These results remained statistically significant after adjusting for Bonferroni correction (p = 0.0028). An internal validation also confirmed the susceptibility effect on HSP associated with HLA-B*41:02 (OR = 5.70 [1.98-16.44]). Since a former study described an association between HLA-DRB1*01:03 and HSP susceptibility, we also evaluated the implication of HLA-B*41:02 independently of HLA-DRB1*01:03. Interestingly, the association remained statistically significant (p = 0.0004, OR = 4.97 [1.8-16.9]). No HLA-B association with specific HSP clinical features was found. CONCLUSIONS: Our study indicates that HLA-B*41:02 is associated with the susceptibility to HSP in Spanish patients irrespective of HLA-DRB1 status

    A genome-wide association study suggests the HLA Class II region as the major susceptibility locus for IgA vasculitis.

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    The genetic component of Immunoglobulin-A (IgA) vasculitis is still far to be elucidated. To increase the current knowledge on the genetic component of this vasculitis we performed the first genome-wide association study (GWAS) on this condition. 308 IgA vasculitis patients and 1,018 healthy controls from Spain were genotyped by Illumina HumanCore BeadChips. Imputation of GWAS data was performed using the 1000 Genomes Project Phase III dataset as reference panel. After quality control filters and GWAS imputation, 285 patients and 1,006 controls remained in the datasets and were included in further analysis. Additionally, the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) region was comprehensively studied by imputing classical alleles and polymorphic amino acid positions. A linkage disequilibrium block of polymorphisms located in the HLA class II region surpassed the genome-wide level of significance (OR = 0.56, 95% CI = 0.46-0.68). Although no polymorphic amino acid positions were associated at the genome-wide level of significance, P-values of potential relevance were observed for the positions 13 and 11 of HLA-DRB1 (P = 6.67E-05, P = 1.88E-05, respectively). Outside the HLA, potential associations were detected, but none of them were close to the statistical significance. In conclusion, our study suggests that IgA vasculitis is an archetypal HLA class II disease