813 research outputs found

    Squeezing in a nonlocal photon fluid

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    Quantum fluids of light are an emerging tool employed in quantum many-body physics. Their amazing properties and versatility allow using them in a wide variety of fields including gravitation, quantum information and simulation. However the implications of the quantum nature of light in the nonlinear optical propagation are still missing many features. We theoretically predict classical spontaneous squeezing of a photon fluid in a nonlocal nonlinear medium. By using the so called Gamow vectors, we show that the quadratures of a coherent state get squeezed and that a maximal squeezing power exists. Our analysis holds true for temporal and spatial optical propagation in highly nonlocal regime. These results open a new scenario in quantum photon fluids and may lead to novel applications in fields like metrology and analogues of quantum gravity.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Universal newborn hearing screening in the Lazio region, Italy

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    Background: The introduction of Universal Newborn Hearing Screening (UNHS) programs has drastically contributed to the early diagnosis of hearing loss in children, allowing prompt intervention with significant results on speech and language development in affected children. UNHS in the Lazio region has been initially deliberated in 2012; however, the program has been performed on a universal basis only from 2015. The aim of this retrospective study is to present and discuss the preliminary results of the UNHS program in the Lazio region for the year 2016, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of the program. Methods: Data from screening facilities in the Lazio region for year 2016 were retrospectively analyzed. Data for Level I centers were supplied by the Lazio regional offices; data for Level II and III centers were provided by units that participated to the study. Results: During 2016, a total of 44,805 babies were born in the Lazio region. First stage screening was performed on 41,821 children in 37 different birth centers, with a coverage rate of 93.3%. Of these, 38.977 (93.2%) obtained a "pass" response; children with a "refer" result in at least one ear were 2844 (6.8%). Data from Level II facilities are incomplete due to missing reporting, one of the key issues in Lazio UNHS. Third stage evaluation was performed on 365 children in the three level III centers of the region, allowing identification of 70 children with unilateral (40%) or bilateral (60%) hearing loss, with a prevalence of 1.6/1000. Conclusions: The analysis of 2016 UNHS in the Lazio region allowed identification of several strengths and weaknesses of the initial phase of the program. The strengths include a correct spread and monitoring of UNHS among Level I facilities, with an adequate coverage rate, and the proper execution of audiological monitoring and diagnosis among Level III facilities. Weakness, instead, mainly consisted in lack of an efficient and automated central process for collecting, monitoring and reporting of data and information

    Abnormal illness behavior and Internet addiction severity: The role of disease conviction, irritability, and alexithymia

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    While the association between health anxiety and maladaptive Internet use is a well-established finding, no studies have been performed to examine the possible effect of abnormal illness behavior (AIB). AIB is a maladaptive manner of experiencing, evaluating, or acting in response to health and illness that is disproportionate to evident pathology. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between AIB and Internet addiction (IA) severity in a sample of Italian University students. The possible effect of alexithymia, anxiety, and depression was also taken into account. Methods Participants were 115 men and 163 women (mean age = 23.62 ± 4.38 years); AIB was measured via the Illness Behavior Questionnaire (IBQ), and IA severity by the Internet Addiction Test (IAT). Results The most powerful IBQ factor predicting IA severity scores was disease conviction. Irritability was the only emotional IBQ factor associated with IA severity. Nevertheless, disease conviction and alexithymia remained the only significant predictors of IAT scores when hierarchical regression analysis was executed. Discussion and conclusions Our results support previous findings showing that those characterized by health anxiety are more prone to an excessive and maladaptive use of Internet. Moreover, this study showed that irritability was the only emotional aspect of AIB predicting IA severity. This finding is consistent with the cognitive model of hypochondria, which states that cognitive factors (dysfunctional beliefs and assumptions) play a major role in the explanation of this psychopathological condition

    Preliminary experience with pancreatic sphincterotomy as treatment for intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm-associated recurrent pancreatitis

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    \u2002Pancreatic intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms (IPMN) are cystic tumors of the pancreas characterized by a malignant potential. IPMN have been associated with recurrent pancreatitis (RP). Obstruction of the main pancreatic duct by thick mucus has been postulated to be the cause of pancreatitis. In a few isolated reports, pancreatic sphincterotomy (PS) has been reported to reduce the frequency of pancreatitis. The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of PS in patients with IPMN-associated RP

    A Rorschach investigation of Autism Spectrum Disorders in Adulthood:

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    Autism is a pervasive developmental disorder characterized by deficits in the areas of communication, socialization and behavior. Current diagnostic criteria have been modified in a restrictive sense, thus the possibility that individuals with milder impairments may not reach the diagnostic threshold is concrete. Furthermore, heterogeneity in phenotypic expression and the high rate of comorbidity with other psychiatric disorders would make even more difficult the diagnostic classification in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The present study was a Rorschach investigation aimed to identify specific psychopathological elements to properly orient the diagnosis of ASD in adulthood. Results have shown that the examined subjects were characterized by pragmatism, documented by the presence of details and little details, falls in formal thinking, thought inflexibility, lack of answers with human content, and the prevalence of particular phenomena (denial, perseveration). Data obtained in the study showed a specific pattern of psychopathological signs in adults with ASD, thus suggesting the importance of projective methods for a better understanding of the clinical features of avoidance behaviors and relationships

    Micro- and nano-plastics in edible fruit and vegetables. The first diet risks assessment for the general population.

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    Microplastics (MPs) represent a current public health concern since toxicity has not yet fully investigated. They were found in several foods, but to the best of our knowledge, at this time no data was reported for the edible vegetables and fruits. We focused on diet exposure aiming to evaluate the number and the size (10 μm) of MPs in the most commonly consumed vegetables and fruits, in relation to their recommended daily intake too. MPs extraction and analysis were carried out using an innovative Italian methodology and SEM-EDX, respectively. Finally, we calculated the Estimated Daily Intakes (EDIs) for adults and children for each type of vegetal and fruit. The higher median (IQR) level of MPs in fruit and vegetable samples was 223,000 (52,600-307,750) and 97,800 (72,175-130,500), respectively. In particular, apples were the most contaminated fruit samples, while carrot was the most contaminated vegetable. Conversely, the lower median (IQR) level was observed in lettuce samples 52,050 (26,375-75,425). Both vegetable and fruit samples MPs levels were characterized by wide variability. The smallest size of MPs was found in the carrot samples (1.51 μm), while the biggest ones were found in the lettuce (2.52 μm). Both vegetable and fruit samples had size of the MPs characterized by low variability. We found the highest median level of MPs in samples purchased from the "fruiter 3" (124,900 p/g) and the lowest in those purchased in "supermarket" (87,600 p/g). The median size of the MPs had overlapping dimensions in all the purchase sites, with the exception of the samples purchased at the "shop at km zero 2″ which had slightly smaller size (1.81 μm). The highest adults' (4.62 E+05) and children's (1.41 E+06) EDIs are due the ingestion of apples, instead the lowest are due to the ingestion of carrots (adults: 2.96 E+04; children: 1.15 E+05). We hypothesized that the mechanism of uptake and translocation of MPs can be the same described and reported for carbon-nanomaterials. This may be a possible translocation route of MPs by environment to vegetables permitting, so, the translocation or uptake inside of their biological systems. Based on the results obtained it is urgent important to perform toxicological and epidemiological studies to investigate for the possible effects of MPs on human health

    The Relevance of Microcystin Monitoring in Dialysis Centers of Sicilians Cities: An Environmental Study

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    Background: Sicilian surface basins are among the most important water supply resources available on the island. They are often affected by harmful cyanobacteria blooms as Planktothrix rubescens and Microcystis aeruginosa. Since dialysates are produced using network water, they could contain cyanotoxins. No study has been conducted yet to evaluate the removal efficiency of osmotic systems for cyanotoxins in abnormal conditions at room temperatures of about 40°C. The aim of this study was to monitor the presence of microcystins in Sicilian dialysis center, network waters and, finally, dialysates produced from these waters in an Agrigento dialysis unit where environmental conditions are favorable for algal bloom. Methods: This clinic normally receives surface water from artificial basins, where several times, traces of cyanobacteria have been detected. Moreover, dialysates and underground supply waters of a clinic in Catania were also sampled as control. Samplings were performed in summer 2018, when room temperatures were above 38 °C. A total of 40 samples were analyzed by ELISA assay. Results: Results of our monitoring highlighted concentrations of MCs in waters of several basins among LOD - 155 ng/L, lower than WHO reference value for drinking waters (1,0 µg/L), that decrease up to undetectable levels whereas no MC contamination was detected both in supply waters and dialysates. Conclusion: Although our first set of data outcomes seem to be quite comforting, an improvement of law and a complete census of the water supplies of dialysate centers would be ideal
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