762 research outputs found

    Programa FESDO para mejorar la satisfacción laboral de docentes del CEBA Nº 80824 José Carlos Mariátegui del distrito El Porvenir, Trujillo – 2020

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    El presente estudio buscó determinar el efecto de la implementación de un programa en satisfacción docente (FESDO) en la satisfacción de los docentes de un Centro de Educación Básica Alternativa para adolescentes, jóvenes y adultos. Empleándose para ello un diseño de investigación preexperimental de un solo grupo con pre y postest, usando como instrumento de medición una escala de satisfacción laboral, aplicada a la totalidad de los docentes (11), para medir factores intrínsecos con sus dimensiones motivación y autorrealización, y factores extrínsecos con sus dimensiones condiciones laborales y socio organizativas. El programa FESDO se realizó considerando los resultados del pretest en los aspectos de las dimensiones con menor puntaje. Como resultado de la investigación se determinó que el programa FESDO implementado al 79% tuvo un efecto positivo y significativo en la satisfacción laboral y sus cuatro dimensiones, probada con la prueba estadística de Wilcoxon, con 95% de confianza; elevando sus niveles de satisfacción excelente y bueno a 19% y 9% respectivamente; estableciéndose además que las dimensiones condiciones laborales y socio organizativas generaron un menor nivel de satisfacción. Los resultados son relevantes pues un docente satisfecho es más productivo repercutiendo positivamente en el aprendizaje de sus estudiantes y en un clima laboral saludable.The present study sought to determine the effect of the implementation of a teacher satisfaction program (FESDO) on the satisfaction of the teachers of an Alternative Basic Education Center for adults. Using a pre-experimental research design of a single group with pre and post test; using as a measuring instrument a Job Satisfaction scale, applied to all teachers (11), which measures factors intrinsic with their motivation and self-realization dimensions, and extrinsic factors with their dimensions, working conditions and socio-organizational. The FESDO program was carried out considering the pre-test results in the aspects of the dimensions with the lowest score. As a result of the research, it was determined that the FESDO program implemented at 79% had a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction and its four dimensions, tested with the Wilcoxon statistical test, with 95% confidence; raising their excellent and good satisfaction levels by 19% and 9% respectively; It was also established that the dimensions of labor conditions and socio-organizational generated a lower level of satisfaction. The results are relevant because a satisfied teacher is more productive, having a positive impact on the learning of their students and in a healthy work environment.Tesi

    Energy and Seismic Rehabilitation of RC Buildings through an Integrated Approach: An Application Case Study

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    The high number of existing buildings in Italy without adequate seismic and thermal performances requires the definition of integrated retrofitting techniques in order to improve the seismic performance and to reduce energy losses at the same time. On one hand, an integrated approach appears mandatory considering that improving only the energy efficiency of nonseismic buildings leads to an increase of their exposure and, therefore, of their risk in the case of seismic events. On the other hand, seismic strengthening without an adequate thermal assessment and rehabilitation could compromise living comfort and energy maintenance costs. In this context, an application of integrated approach for the rehabilitation of reinforced concrete (RC) existing buildings has been proposed referring to a case study representative of the Italian building stock. Different configurations of infill panels have been considered in order to analyze both energy and seismic performance. Monthly quasi-steady state and hourly dynamic models have been used for the calculation of the energy need of buildings located in different Italian climate and seismic zones. Seismic performances have been evaluated by means of incremental nonlinear dynamic analysis (IDA). As-built and post-retrofit performances have been compared in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed intervention solutions

    Automatic Detection of Epileptic Seizures in Neonatal Intensive Care Units through EEG, ECG and Video Recordings: A Survey

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    In Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs), the early detection of neonatal seizures is of utmost importance for a timely, effective and efficient clinical intervention. The continuous video electroencephalogram (v-EEG) is the gold standard for monitoring neonatal seizures, but it requires specialized equipment and expert staff available 24/24h. The purpose of this study is to present an overview of the main Neonatal Seizure Detection (NSD) systems developed during the last ten years that implement Artificial Intelligence techniques to detect and report the temporal occurrence of neonatal seizures. Expert systems based on the analysis of EEG, ECG and video recordings are investigated, and their usefulness as support tools for the medical staff in detecting and diagnosing neonatal seizures in NICUs is evaluated. EEG-based NSD systems show better performance than systems based on other signals. Recently ECG analysis, particularly the related HRV analysis, seems to be a promising marker of brain damage. Moreover, video analysis could be helpful to identify inconspicuous but pathological movements. This study highlights possible future developments of the NSD systems: a multimodal approach that exploits and combines the results of the EEG, ECG and video approaches and a system able to automatically characterize etiologies might provide additional support to clinicians in seizures diagnosis

    General methods for measuring and comparing medical interventions in childbirth: a framework

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    Abstract Background: The continue increase of interventions during labour in low risk population is a controversial issue of the current obstetric literature, given the lack of evidence demonstrating the benefits of unnecessary interventions for women or infants’ health. This makes it important to have approaches to assess the burden of all medical interventions performed. Methods: Exploiting the nature of childbirth intervention as a staged process, we proposed graphic representations allowing to generate alternative formulas for the simplest measures of the intervention intensity namely, the overall and type-specific treatment ratios. We applied the approach to quantify the change in interventions following a protocol termed Comprehensive Management (CM), using data from Robson classification, collected in a prospective longitudinal cohort study carried out at the Obstetric Unit of the Cà Granda Niguarda Hospital in Milan, Italy. Results: Following CM a substantial reduction was observed in the Overall Treatment Ratio, as well as in the ratios for augmentation (amniotomy and synthetic oxytocin use) and for caesarean section ratio, without any increase in neonatal and maternal adverse outcomes. The key component of this reduction was the dramatic decline in the proportion of women progressing to augmentation, which resulted not only the most practiced intervention, but also the main door towards further treatments. Conclusions: The proposed framework, once combined with Robson Classification, provides useful tools to make medical interventions performed during childbirth quantitatively measurable and comparable. The framework allowed to identifying the key components of interventions reduction following CM. In its turn, CM proved useful to reduce the number of medical interventions carried out during childbirth, without worsening neonatal and maternal outcomes

    Simplified Model for Strengthening Design of Beam–Column Internal Joints in Reinforced Concrete Frames

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    The beam-column joints are very restricted areas in which the internal forces, generated by boundary elements, act on the concrete core and reinforcing bars with a very high gradient. They are the link between horizontal and vertical structural elements, and therefore, they are directly involved in the transfer of seismic forces. Thus, they are crucial to study the seismic behavior of reinforced concrete (RC) structures. To fully understand the seismic performances and failure modes of beam-column joints in RC buildings, a simplified analytical model of joint behavior is proposed and theoretical simulations are performed. The aim of the model, focusing on internal perimetric joints, is to identify the strength hierarchy in terms of capacity for different failure modes (namely failure of cracked joint, bond failure of passing through bars, flexural/shear failures of columns or beams). It could represent a tool for the designers of new joints to quantify the performance of new structures, but also as a tool for the designers of external strengthening of existing joints in order to calculate the benefits of the retrofit and pushing the initial failure to a more desirable failure mode. Further, some experimental results of tests available in the scientific literature are reported, analyzed and compared

    Influencia de la satisfacción laboral en el desempeño docente de los colaboradores de un Centro de Educación Básica Alternativa, Trujillo 2019

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    Esta investigación tiene como propósito determinar la influencia de la satisfacción laboral en el desempeño docente de los colaboradores de un Centro de Educación Básica Alternativa de Trujillo en el año 2019, la población estuvo conformada por 11 docentes del ciclo de inicial, intermedio y avanzado según el registro de docentes del CEBA. Es un estudio descriptivo de tipo correlacional, pues permite investigar el nivel de satisfacción laboral de los colaboradores de la institución y ver su relación con su desempeño. Para medir la satisfacción laboral, se les aplicó un cuestionario (ANEXO n.° 1) que consta con cuatro dimensiones: relaciones interpersonales entre trabajadores; incentivos; condiciones laborales y horarios. Para medir el desempeño laboral, se utilizó la Ficha de monitoreo y acompañamiento al desempeño docente – (MADD 2019) (ANEXO n.° 2), que consta de 5 dimensiones: involucra activamente a los estudiantes en el proceso de aprendizaje; promueve el razonamiento, la creatividad y/o el pensamiento crítico; evalúa el progreso de los aprendizajes para retroalimentar a los estudiantes y adecuar su enseñanza; propicia un ambiente de respeto y proximidad y regula positivamente el comportamiento de los estudiantes. Para analizar la información obtenida se utilizó SPSS vers. 21, logrando obtener que hay una correlación moderada entre la satisfacción y el desempeño laborales (0.556) y esto es significativa (0.256 >0.05). Finalmente se determinó que la satisfacción laboral no influye directa y significativamente en el desempeño docente de los colaboradores en esta institución

    Beneficios de la utilización de la metodología de la 5’s en empresas peruanas: una revisión sistemática de las investigaciones elaboradas por tesistas UPN en los últimos años

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    La implementación de la metodología de la 5S es muy útil para optimizar la producción y disminuir costos en una empresa, esta investigación teórica tiene como objetivo describir los beneficios de la utilización de la metodología de la 5S en empresas peruanas en los últimos años, esta investigación se obtendrá a partir de la revisión sistemática de tesis patentadas en el Repositorio Institucional de Universidad Privada del Norte. Estas tesis han sido seleccionadas usando los siguientes criterios: tesis desde setiembre de 2013 y hasta setiembre de 2018, cuyo tópico central fuese los beneficios de la utilización de la metodología de la 5S de las diversas sedes la universidad. Se llegó a la conclusión, que esta metodología beneficia a las empresas en la mejora de su productividad, reduce costos e inventarios, mejora la gestión de las áreas de la empresa, su eficiencia y rendimiento. Finalmente, algunas limitaciones durante esta investigación fueron el acceso a las diferentes bibliotecas de las distintas sedes de la universidad y además que algunas tesis están protegidas por el autor no permite acceder a su contenido de manera virtual
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