150 research outputs found

    Analisi e modellistica dei fischi emessi dal Tursiope del Mediterraneo

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    Descrizione del sistema di acquisizione dati audio in banda 100 kHz. Progetto del filtro Anti-Aliasing necessario al sistema. Sviluppo di vari software in ambiente LabVIEW per l'acquisizione e la visualizzazione in tempo reale dei segnali registrati. Estrazione e classificazione di fischi di Tursiope del Mediterraneo, visualizzati su spetrogramma. Analisi e modellistica dei fischi estratti tramite stima RELAX e stima polinomiale

    Uma análise do desempenho econômico internacional do setor de Tecnologia de Informação e Comunicação (TIC) no Brasil (2000-2017)

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    Nesta monografia propõe-se realizar uma análise do desempenho econômico internacional do ramo de Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC) no Brasil no período histórico que vai de 2000 a 2017. Partindo da constatação que há um bom potencial mercadológico interno e também uma economia com deficiências próprias de países em desenvolvimento, além do fato de que tecnologias mais avançadas costumam vir de fora, testa-se a hipótese que o país possua um desempenho em TICs aquém de seu potencial e que o mesmo se dê também em sua atuação internacional. A pesquisa se divide em três etapas: primeiro, um estudo sobre o setor e suas características; segundo, a análise interna do setor nacional e por fim o desempenho internacional. A partir das constatações é feita uma análise das causas. Como base teórica, primeiramente é delimitado o setor sob o prisma econômico, desde suas características elementares e também entendimento mais amplo dos paradigmas tecnológicos segundo as teorias de inovação neo-schumpeterianas e ciclos dos paradigmas tecno-econômicos de Perez e ciclos de Kondratiev. Na sequência, as teorias institucionalistas são usadas para fundamentar o aspecto institucional do setor e por fim, utiliza-se as teorias de internacionalização (padrões de internacionalização das firmas, conceitos de empresa-rede e de inserção nas cadeias globais de valor). Analisando os resultados encontrados e contrapondo-os aos dos países mais avançados, conclui-se a hipótese que o país possui um desempenho aquém do seu potencial e as causas estão relacionadas a um baixo desempenho nas áreas científicas e tecnológicas, que por sua vez têm raízes históricas e estão relacionadas a um cenário econômico onde o custo-país é elevado.This monograph looks to analyze the international economic performance of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) branch in Brazil in the historical period that covers the years 2000 to 2017. Starting from the observation that there is good internal potential market and also an economy with deficiencies in addition to the fact that more advanced technologies tend to come from outside, it is based on the hypothesis that the country has a performance in ICTs below it´s potential and that the same could be true in it´s international performance. The research was divided into three stages: first, a study of the sector and its characteristics; second, the internal economic analysis of the national sector and finally the international economic performance. Based on the findings, an analysis of the causes is made. As a theoretical basis, first the sector is delimited from the economic prism, from its elementary characteristics and also a broader understanding of the technological paradigms according to neoschumpeterian innovation theories (Perez’s cycles of techno-economic paradigms and Kondratiev cycles). Institutional aspects are used to justify the institutional aspect of the sector, and finally, the theories of internationalization (firm´s internationalization patterns, firm-network concepts and insertion in global value chains) are used. The results, when compared to the most advanced countries confirms the hypothesis that the country performs below it´s potential and the causes are related to low investments in science and technology, which have historical roots and are related to an economic scenario with high Brazil cost

    Optical transmitter based on a 1.3-mu m VCSEL and a SiGe driver circuit for short-reach applications and beyond

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    Long-wavelength vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (LW-VCSELs) with emission wavelength in the 1.3-mu m region for intensity modulation (IM)/direct detection optical transmissions enable longer fiber reach compared to C-band VCSELs, thanks to the extremely low chromatic dispersion impact at that wavelength. A lot of effort has been recently dedicated to novel cavity designs in order to enhance LW-VCSELs' modulation bandwidth to allow higher data rates. Another approach to further improve VCSEL-based IM speed consists of making use of dedicated driver circuits implementing feedforward equalization (FFE). In this paper, we present a transmitter assembly incorporating a four-channel 0.13-mu m SiGe driver circuit wire-bonded to a novel dual 1.3-mu m VCSEL array. The short-cavity indium phosphide buried tunnel junction VCSEL design minimizes both the photon lifetime and the device parasitic currents. The integrated driver circuit requires 2.5-V supply voltage only due to the implementation of a pseudobalanced regulator; it includes a two-tap asymmetric FFE, where magnitude, sign, relative delay, and pulse width distortion of the taps can be modified. Through the proposed transmitter, standard single-mode fiber reach of 20 and 4.5 km, respectively, for 28- and 40-Gb/s data rate has been demonstrated with state-of-the-art power consumption. Transmitter performance has been analyzed through pseudorandom bit sequences of both 2(7)-1 and 2(31)-1 length, and the additional benefit due to the use of the driver circuit has been discussed in detail. A final comparison with state-of-the-art VCSEL drivers is also includedt

    Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor of the mediastinum: A temporary aortic transection approach

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    Unprecedented standard single-mode fiber reach of 20km and 4.5km respectively for 28Gb/s and 40Gb/s VCSEL-based intensity-modulation/direct detection optical transmission was obtained with a low-power transmitter assembly including a 4-channel 0.13-μm SiGe driver wire-bonded to a novel 2×1 1.3pm-VCSEL array

    A fully photonics-based coherent radar system

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    The next generation of radar (radio detection and ranging) systems needs to be based on software-defined radio to adapt to variable environments, with higher carrier frequencies for smaller antennas and broadened bandwidth for increased resolution. Today's digital microwave components (synthesizers and analogue-to-digital converters) suffer from limited bandwidth with high noise at increasing frequencies, so that fully digital radar systems can work up to only a few gigahertz, and noisy analogue up- and downconversions are necessary for higher frequencies. In contrast, photonics provide high precision and ultrawide bandwidth, allowing both the flexible generation of extremely stable radio-frequency signals with arbitrary waveforms up to millimetre waves, and the detection of such signals and their precise direct digitization without downconversion. Until now, the photonics-based generation and detection of radio-frequency signals have been studied separately and have not been tested in a radar system. Here we present the development and the field trial results of a fully photonics-based coherent radar demonstrator carried out within the project PHODIR. The proposed architecture exploits a single pulsed laser for generating tunable radar signals and receiving their echoes, avoiding radio-frequency up- and downconversion and guaranteeing both the software-defined approach and high resolution. Its performance exceeds state-of-the-art electronics at carrier frequencies above two gigahertz, and the detection of non-cooperating aeroplanes confirms the effectiveness and expected precision of the system

    Colistin and rifampicin compared with colistin alone for the treatment of serious infections due to extensively drug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii: A multicenter, randomized clinical trial

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    Background. Extensively drug-resistant (XDR) Acinetobacter baumannii may cause serious infections in critically ill patients. Colistin often remains the only therapeutic option. Addition of rifampicin to colistin may be synergistic in vitro. In this study, we assessed whether the combination of colistin and rifampicin reduced the mortality of XDR A. baumannii infections compared to colistin alone. Methods. This multicenter, parallel, randomized, open-label clinical trial enrolled 210 patients with life-threatening infections due to XDR A. baumannii from intensive care units of 5 tertiary care hospitals. Patients were randomly allocated (1:1) to either colistin alone, 2 MU every 8 hours intravenously, or colistin (as above), plus rifampicin 600 mg every 12 hours intravenously. The primary end point was overall 30-day mortality. Secondary end points were infection-related death, microbiologic eradication, and hospitalization length. Results. Death within 30 days from randomization occurred in 90 (43%) subjects, without difference between treatment arms (P = .95). This was confirmed by multivariable analysis (odds ratio, 0.88 [95% confidence interval, .46-1.69], P = .71). A significant increase of microbiologic eradication rate was observed in the colistin plus rifampicin arm (P = .034). No difference was observed for infection-related death and length of hospitalization. Conclusions. In serious XDR A. baumannii infections, 30-day mortality is not reduced by addition of rifampicin to colistin. These results indicate that, at present, rifampicin should not be routinely combined with colistin in clinical practice. The increased rate of A. baumannii eradication with combination treatment could still imply a clinical benefi