687 research outputs found


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    As favelas cariocas viraram o centro das atenções após a pacificação. Asfalto e morro se interligaram e interagiram. Se antes o tráfico armado impedia essa aproximação, com a presença da polícia esses locais passaram a ser frequentados e procurados por pesquisadores e turistas. Com a Copa e as Olimpíadas, esse olhar se intensificou ainda mais, colocando a questão da Segurança Pública no palco principal das discussões. Este artigo objetiva entender o Complexo do Alemão, localizado na Zona Norte da cidade do Rio de Janeiro a partir de três eixos temáticos: (meio)ambiente, trabalho e educação. O primeiro relaciona-se ao local (“ambiente”) e ao meio ambiente do Complexo do Alemão, e como ele foi se alterando no tempo a partir das ocupações. O segundo, trabalho, após o entendimento de seus pressupostos e conceituação, busca entender a condição econômica da população local.  O terceiro e último, educação, ocupa-se em analisar o aspecto educacional na comunidade referida e sua relação ensino-aprendizado

    Linear Alkanes and Reproductive Status of Polistes versicolor (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) Females in Winter Aggregates

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    Female wasps such as Polistes versicolor can form aggregates to face weather conditions that are not suitable to sustain their colonies. The interactions between individuals in these aggregates, just as in other associations, are probably facilitated by chemical signals. Of these compounds some of the most efficient during social interactions of insects are those called contact pheromones or superficial pheromones. This special type of pheromones, known as cuticular hydrocarbons, can be found in insects cuticle. They facilitate the differentiation of caste, species and nestmates, and may be important indicators of dominance as well as fertility. Some studies indicate that linear alkanes are important cuticular compounds for intraspecific recognition and discrimination. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between reproductive physiologic condition and the linear alkanes present in the cuticle of females of P. versicolor in aggregates employing Gas Chromatography with Flame Ionization Detector (GC-FID). Females from distinct aggregates were differentiated by the chemical composition of their cuticle. In each aggregate, there was difference in cuticular chemical composition between females with different ovarian development degrees, allowing the distinction between inseminated and non-inseminated females

    Cellular Fibroma of the Ovary with Multiloculated Macroscopic Characteristics: Case Report

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    Ovarian fibroma is the commonest benign tumor of the ovarian stroma. The cellular subtype accounts for around 10% of ovarian fibromatous tumors. The cellular fibroma is a tumor of uncertain malignant potential that may recur or be associated with peritoneal implants. Usually these are solid tumors, sometimes with small areas of cystic degeneration. This case is reported to highlight an unusual feature for an ovarian fibroma: the tumor was predominantly cystic with a small solid part; the multiple cavities contents consisted of viscous liquid that solidified under room temperature. The multiloculated cysts, the mucinous contents, and the solid areas simulated a borderline mucinous ovarian tumor on both CT scan and gross pathologic examination

    A influência do comprometimento, do entrincheiramento e do suporte à transferência de treinamento sobre o impacto do treinamento no trabalho

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    This article aims to identify the influence of organizational commitment and entrenchment, as well as support for the transfer of training on the impact of on-the-job training. For this, a sample of 392 servers from a public institution of higher education who responded to a questionnaire prepared from previously validated self-assessment models was used. After quantitatively analyzing the data, the results showed positive correlations between affective commitment, the impact of training and support to transfer at work; and negative correlations between the training impact at work and the dimensions of entrenchment (limitations of alternatives and bureaucratic arrangements). It was concluded, therefore, that the nature of the individual's link with the organization differently affects the transfer of the learning obtained in the trainings, which can subsidize strategies for the strengthening of the training impact at work.This article aims to identify the influence of organizational commitment and entrenchment, as well as support for the transfer of training on the impact of on-the-job training. For this, a sample of 392 servers from a public institution of higher education who responded to a questionnaire prepared from previously validated self-assessment models was used. After quantitatively analyzing the data, the results showed positive correlations between affective commitment, the impact of training and support to transfer at work; and negative correlations between the training impact at work and the dimensions of entrenchment (limitations of alternatives and bureaucratic arrangements). It was concluded, therefore, that the nature of the individual's link with the organization differently affects the transfer of the learning obtained in the trainings, which can subsidize strategies for the strengthening of the training impact at work.Este artigo objetiva identificar a influência do comprometimento e do entrincheiramento organizacionais, bem como do suporte à transferência de treinamento sobre o impacto do treinamento no trabalho. Para isso, foi utilizada uma amostra composta de 392 servidores de uma Instituição Pública de Ensino Superior que respondeu a um questionário elaborado a partir de modelos de autoavaliação previamente validados. Após analisar quantitativamente os dados, os resultados encontrados evidenciaram correlações positivas entre o comprometimento afetivo, o impacto do treinamento e o suporte à transferência no trabalho; e correlações negativas entre o impacto do treinamento no trabalho e as dimensões de entrincheiramento (limitações de alternativas e arranjos burocráticos). Concluiu-se, assim, que a natureza do vínculo do indivíduo com a organização afeta diferentemente a transferência das aprendizagens obtidas nos treinamentos, o que pode subsidiar estratégias para o fortalecimento do impacto do treinamento no trabalho

    Artificial neural network model of soil heat flux over multiple land covers in South America

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    Soil heat flux (G) is an important component for the closure of the surface energy balance (SEB) and the estimation of evapotranspiration (ET) by remote sensing algorithms. Over the last decades, efforts have been focused on parameterizing empirical models for G prediction, based on biophysical parameters estimated by remote sensing. However, due to the existing models’ empirical nature and the restricted conditions in which they were developed, using these models in large-scale applications may lead to significant errors. Thus, the objective of this study was to assess the ability of the artificial neural network (ANN) to predict mid-morning G using extensive remote sensing and meteorological reanalysis data over a broad range of climates and land covers in South America. Surface temperature (Ts), albedo (α), and enhanced vegetation index (EVI), obtained from a moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS), and net radiation (Rn) from the global land data assimilation system 2.1 (GLDAS 2.1) product, were used as inputs. The ANN’s predictions were validated against measurements obtained by 23 flux towers over multiple land cover types in South America, and their performance was compared to that of existing and commonly used models. The Jackson et al. (1987) and Bastiaanssen (1995) G prediction models were calibrated using the flux tower data for quadratic errors minimization. The ANN outperformed existing models, with mean absolute error (MAE) reductions of 43% and 36%, respectively. Additionally, the inclusion of land cover information as an input in the ANN reduced MAE by 22%. This study indicates that the ANN’s structure is more suited for large-scale G prediction than existing models, which can potentially refine SEB fluxes and ET estimates in South America

    Avaliação morfológica de apêndices cecais em tomografias computadorizadas de abdomên / Morphological evaluation of the appendix in computed tomography scan of the abdomen

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    Introdução: A apendicite aguda é a indicação mais comum de cirurgia intra-abdominal de urgência no mundo, e a tomografia é o melhor exame para a confirmação diagnóstica no pré-operatório. Dentre os vários parâmetros utilizados, o mais abordado seria o diâmetro parede externa a parede externa ? 7mm. Objetivo: Avaliar a morfologia do apêndice cecal de um grupo aleatório de pacientes, através de Tomografias de abdomên e comparar com o que há descrito na literatura sobre critério diagnóstico de apendicite aguda.  Métodos: Estudo transversal observacional, do tipo retrospectivo, sem caráter intervencionista, que realizou a avaliação de apêndices cecais através de tomografias de abdômen da clínica de imagem do Hospital São José de Teresópolis, excluindo aqueles exames que apresentassem sinais radiológicos de apendicite a excessão do diâmetro ? 7mm. Resultados e Discussão: Foram avaliados 150 exames, excluídos 41 do total, restando 109, dos quais 13% apresentavam diâmetro entre três e cinco milímetros, 61% entre cinco e 6,9mm e 26% apresentava diâmetro superior ou igual a 7mm sem apresentar nenhum dos outros critérios diagnósticos para apendicite. Conclusão: No presente estudo, foi encontrado um número significante de pacientes com diâmetro superior ao limite da normalidade, mas sem outros comemorativos de apendicite aguda.

    Citizen Science Data on Urban Forageable Plants:A Case Study in Brazil

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    This paper presents two key data sets derived from the Pomar Urbano project. The first data set is a comprehensive catalog of edible fruit-bearing plant species, native or introduced in Brazil. The second data set, sourced from the iNaturalist platform, tracks the distribution and monitoring of these plants within urban landscapes across Brazil. The study encompasses data from all 27 Brazilian state capitals, focusing on the ten cities that contributed the most observations as of August 2023. The research emphasizes the significance of citizen science in urban biodiversity monitoring and its potential to contribute to various fields, including food and nutrition, creative industry, study of plant phenology, and machine learning applications. We expect the data sets to serve as a resource for further studies in urban foraging, food security, cultural ecosystem services, and environmental sustainability