25 research outputs found

    Cyt c6-3: A new isoform of photosynthetic Cyt c6 exclusive to heterocyst-forming cyanobacteria

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    All known cyanobacteria contain Cyt c6, a small soluble electron carrier protein whose main function is to transfer electrons from the Cyt b6 f complex to PSI, although it is also involved in respiration. We have previously described a second isoform of this protein, the Cyt c6-like, whose function remains unknown. Here we describe a third isoform of Cyt c6 (here called Cytc6-3), which is only found in heterocyst- forming filamentous cyanobacteria. Cyt c6-3 is expressed in vegetative cells but is specifically repressed in heterocysts cells under diazotrophic growth conditions. Although there is a close structural similarity between Cyt c6-3 and Cyt c6 related to the general protein folding, Cyt c6-3 presents differential electrostatic surface features as compared with Cyt c6, its expression is not copper dependent and has a low reactivity towards PSI. According to the different expression pattern, functional reactivity and structural properties, Cyt c6-3 has to play an as yet to be defined regulatory role related to heterocyst differentiation.Fundación de Investigación de la Universidad de Sevilla FIUS05710000Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BIO2012-35271, BIO2015-64169-PJunta de Andalucía PAIDI BIO-02

    Site-directed Mutagenesis of Cytochromec 6 from Anabaena Species PCC 7119

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    A number of surface residues of cytochromec 6 from the cyanobacterium Anabaenasp. PCC 7119 have been modified by site-directed mutagenesis. Changes were made in six amino acids, two near the heme group (Val-25 and Lys-29) and four in the positively charged patch (Lys-62, Arg-64, Lys-66, and Asp-72). The reactivity of mutants toward the membrane-anchored complex photosystem I was analyzed by laser flash absorption spectroscopy. The experimental results indicate that cytochrome c 6 possesses two areas involved in the redox interaction with photosystem I: 1) a positively charged patch that may drive its electrostatic attractive movement toward photosystem I to form a transient complex and 2) a hydrophobic region at the edge of the heme pocket that may provide the contact surface for the transfer of electrons to P700. The isofunctionality of these two areas with those found in plastocyanin (which acts as an alternative electron carrier playing the same role as cytochromec 6) are evident

    Construcción génica que codifica para el citocromo c y procedimiento de obtención

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    Construcción génica que codifica para el citocromo c y procedimiento de obtención. Se describe una construcción génica que comprende (i) una primera secuencia de ácido nucleico que comprende una secuencia de nucleótidos que codifica para un cito cromo c, y (ii) una segunda secuencia de ácido nucleico que comprende una secuencia de nucleótidos que codi fica para un péptido señal; en donde el extremo 5’ de di cha primera secuencia de ácido nucleico está unido al ex tremo 3’ de dicha segunda secuencia de ácido nucleico. Dicha construcción génica puede ser utilizada para cons truir vectores útiles para transformar, junto con un vec tor que comprende los genes necesarios para la madura ción del citocromo c, una célula hospedadora y producir citocromo c.Españ

    Plan Sectorial de la Alimentación. Plan Estratégico de la Industria Valenciana

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    El Sector de la Alimentación, otro gran sector tractor de la C. Valenciana, junto con el automóvil (del plástico, química o envases, entre otros) y directamente relacionado con la serviindustria (de la mano de Mercadona o Consum, entre otros), cuenta con 1.881 empresas en alimentación y 288 en bebidas, (Dirce, 2016; 2169 empresas en total) así como con algo más de 30.000 ocupados, constituyéndose en el sector líder en la C. Valenciana1, tanto en contribución al VAB como en número directo de ocupados; asimismo, aporta a la C. Valenciana más de 9.000 millones de Euros de facturación. En él coexisten grandes multinacionales en convivencia con empresas puramente locales.Hervás Oliver, JL.; Asencio Martínez, A.; Boronat Moll, C.; Sempere Ripoll, MF.; Estelles Miguel, S.; Belso Martínez, JA.; Miguel Molina, MBD. (2017). Plan Sectorial de la Alimentación. Plan Estratégico de la Industria Valenciana. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/10768

    re-habitar El Carmen : Un proyecto sobre patrimonio contemporáneo

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    El proyecto _re-HABITAR suponía para el propio proceder de la institución un avance más allá del reconocimiento, registro, inventario o protección patrimonial de la arquitectura del siglo XX y del Movimiento Moderno para posicionarse en la acción preventiva y conservativa de ese legado contemporáneo. Para ello, la praxis patrimonial se aferraba a un modelo: el de la vivienda social en España en la segunda mitad del siglo XX; a un caso concreto: el de la barriada de Nuestra Señora del Carmen (Recasens Méndez-Queipo de Llano, 1958); y a un requisito fundamental: analizar un objeto vivo y en uso, aún con la presencia de quienes lo vivieron y usaron desde su origen

    Actualización del cribado de cáncer colorrectal en Andalucía

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    Folleto y AnexosYesPrograma que pone de manifiesto la relación entre la detección precoz del cáncer colorrectal y la supervivencia

    An evolutionary analysis of the reaction mechanisms of photosystem I reduction by cytochrome c(6) and plastocyanin

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    8 pages, 4 figures, 1 table.-- PMID: 11786337 [PubMed].-- Available online Nov 29, 2001.Photosystem I reduction by the soluble metalloproteins cytochrome c6 and plastocyanin, which are alternatively synthesized by some photosynthetic organisms depending on the relative availability of copper and iron, has been investigated in cyanobacteria, green algae and plants. The reaction mechanism is classified in three different types on the basis of the affinity of the membrane complex towards its electron donor protein. The role of electrostatic interactions in forming an intermediate transient complex, as well as the structural and functional similarities of cytochrome c6 and plastocyanin are analysed from an evolutionary point of view. The proposal made is that the heme protein was first “discovered” by nature, when iron was much more abundant on the Earth's surface, and replaced by plastocyanin when copper became available because of the oxidizing conditions of the new atmosphere.The research was supported by the European Union (Networks ERB-FMRX-CT98-0218 and HPRN-CT1999-00095), Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (MCYT, Grant BMC2000-0444), and Andalusian Government (PAI, CVI-0198).Peer reviewe

    Colonoscopia de seguimiento: documento de apoyo al PAI cáncer colorrectal

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    YesDocumento de consenso que permite ayudar a la toma de decisiones clínicas, tanto en la indicación de cribado de cáncer colorrectal en personas con antecedentes familiares como en las indicaciones de colonoscopias de seguimiento de pacientes con pólipos de colon resecados o intervenidos por un cáncer colorrectal

    Radio induced cancer risk during ERCP: Is it a real clinical problem? Riesgo de cáncer por irradiación durante ERCP: ¿Es un problema clínico real?

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    Background: in recent years many factors have been shown to influence dose received by the patient during ERCP. Therefore it is necessary to update radio induced cancer risk. Objectives: to calculate lifetime attributable risk of cancer during ERCP. To compare the risk with the most common X-ray examinations. Design: descriptive study with 393 consecutive ERCP performed at one center. Equipment used was Philips BV pulsera. In each exploration demographic and anthropometric variables of the patient were collected. Dosimetric quantities were calculated from exposure parameters. Effective dose was estimated using specific conversion factors. Organ doses and radio induced cancer incidence was estimated. Results: dose area product was 0.82 mGym² (IQR 0.4-1.5) with an average fluoroscopy time of 2 minutes and 45 seconds. Entrance surface dose was 30.7 mGy (IQR 15-60.8) and effective dose was 0.44 mSv (IQR 0.2-0.9). Multivariate analysis identified that difficult papillary cannulation (&beta;0.4; p = 0.009), patient age (&beta;-0.01; p = 0.001) and therapeutic applied (&beta;= 0.89; p < 0.001) influenced dose-area product. The ERCP dose would be equivalent to the radiation received by twenty chest radiographs and would be about fourteen times smaller than a barium enema or twenty times less than that received during an abdominal CT. Lifetime attributable risk of cancer incidence was 4.08 and 16.81 per million procedures in diagnostic and therapeutic ERCP respectively. Conclusions: from the radiological point of view, ERCP is a safe technique that uses low exposure levels compared to other explorations commonly used in medicine. It implies a reasonably low risk of radio induced cancer