921 research outputs found

    A gauge invariant flow equation

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    Given a Quantum Field Theory, with a particular content of fields and a symmetry associated with them, if one wants to study the evolution of the couplings via a Wilsonian renormalisation group, there is still a freedom on the construction of a flow equation, allowed by scheme independence. In the present thesis, making use of this choice, we first build up a generalisation of the Polchinski flow equation for the massless scalar field, and, applying it to the calculation of the beta function at one loop for the characteristic self-interaction, we test its universality beyond the already known cutoff independence. Doing so we also develop a method to perform the calculation with this generalised flow equation for more complex cases. In the second part of the thesis, the method is extended to SU(N) Yang-Mills gauge theory, regulated by incorporating it in a spontaneously broken SU(N|N) supergauge group. Making use of the freedom allowed by scheme independence, we develop a flow equation for a SU(N|N) gauge theory, which preserves the invariance step by step throughout the flow and demonstrate the technique with a compact calculation of the one-loop beta function for the SU(N) Yang-Mills physical sector of SU(N|N), achieving a manifestly universal result, and without gauge fixing, for the first time at finite N.Comment: PhD thesis, Latex, 175 page

    Sugar and chromosome stability: Clastogenic effects of sugars in vitamin B6-deficient cells

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    Pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP), the active form of vitamin B6, has been implicated in preventing human pathologies, such as diabetes and cancer. However, the mechanisms underlying the beneficial effects of PLP are still unclear. Using Drosophila as a model system, we show that PLP deficiency caused either by mutations in the pyridoxal kinase-coding gene (dPdxk) or by vitamin B6 antagonists results in chromosome aberrations (CABs). The CAB frequency in PLP-depleted cells was strongly enhanced by sucrose, glucose or fructose treatments, and dPdxk mutant cells consistently displayed higher glucose contents than their wild type counterparts, an effect that is at least in part a consequence of an acquired insulin resistance. Together, our results indicate that a high intracellular level of glucose has a dramatic clastogenic effect if combined with PLP deficiency. This is likely due to an elevated level of Advanced Glycation End-products (AGE) formation. Treatment of dPdxk mutant cells with alpha lipoic acid (ALA) lowered both AGE formation and CAB frequency, suggesting a possible AGE-CAB cause-effect relationship. The clastogenic effect of glucose in PLP-depleted cells is evolutionarily conserved. RNAi-mediated silencing of PDXK in human cells or treatments with PLP inhibitors resulted in chromosome breakage, which was potentiated by glucose and reduced by ALA. These results suggest that patients with concomitant hyperglycemia and vitamin B6 deficiency may suffer chromosome damage. This might impact on cancer risk, as CABs are a well-known tumorigenic factor

    Role of Mesotherapy in Musculoskeletal Pain: Opinions from the Italian Society of Mesotherapy

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    Mesotherapy is the injection of active substances into the surface layer of the skin. This method allows a slower spread, higher levels, and longer lasting effects of drugs in the tissues underlying the site of injection (skin, muscle, and joint) compared with those following intramuscular injection. This technique is useful when a local pharmacological effect is required and relatively high doses of drug in the systemic circulation are not. Mesotherapy should only be undertaken following a complete clinical workup and subsequent diagnosis. Encouraging results have been reported in randomized, controlled clinical trials and in observational studies involving patients with various forms of musculoskeletal pain. Recommendations by experts from the Italian Society of Mesotherapy for appropriate use of mesotherapy in musculoskeletal pain and an algorithm for treating localized painful conditions are provided

    La vida contemporánea: entre el endeudamiento y el aseguramiento

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    Real-Time TDM-Based Expert Clinical Pharmacological Advice Program for Attaining Aggressive Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Target of Continuous Infusion Meropenem in the Treatment of Critically Ill Patients with Documented Gram-Negative Infections Undergoing Continuous Veno-Venous Hemodiafiltration

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    : (1) Objectives: to describe the pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) profile of continuous infusion (CI) meropenem in critical patients with documented Gram-negative infections undergoing continuous veno-venous hemodiafiltration (CVVHDF) and to assess the relationship with microbiological outcome. (2) Methods: Data were retrospectively retrieved for patients admitted to the general and the post-transplant intensive care units in the period October 2022-May 2023 who underwent CVVHDF during treatment with CI meropenem optimized by means of a real-time therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM)-based expert clinical pharmacological advice (ECPA) program for documented Gram-negative infections. Steady-state meropenem plasma concentrations were measured, and the free fractions (fCss) were calculated. Meropenem total clearance (CLtot) was calculated at each TDM assessment, and the impact of CVVHDF dose intensity and of residual diuresis on CLtot was investigated by means of linear regression. Optimal meropenem PK/PD target attainment was defined as an fCss/MIC ratio > 4. The relationship between meropenem PK/PD target attainment and microbiological outcome was assessed. (3) Results: A total of 24 critical patients (median age 68 years; male 62.5%) with documented Gram-negative infections were included. Median (IQR) meropenem fCss was 19.9 mg/L (17.4-28.0 mg/L). Median (IQR) CLtot was 3.89 L/h (3.28-5.29 L/h), and median (IQR) CVVHDF dose intensity was 37.4 mL/kg/h (33.8-44.6 mL/kg/h). Meropenem dosing adjustments were provided in 20 out of 24 first TDM assessments (83.3%, all decreases) and overall in 26 out of the 51 total ECPA cases (51.0%). Meropenem PK/PD target attainment was always optimal, and microbiological eradication was achieved in 90.5% of assessable cases. (4) Conclusion: the real-time TDM-guided ECPA program was useful in attaining aggressive PK/PD targeting with CI meropenem in critically ill patients undergoing high-intensity CVVHDF and allowed microbiological eradication in most cases with dosing regimens ranging between 125 and 500 mg q6h over 6 h

    Environmental exposure to arsenic and chromium in an industrial area

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    Arsenic and chromium are widespread environmental contaminants that affect global health due to their toxicity and carcinogenicity. To date, few studies have investigated exposure to arsenic and chromium in a population residing in a high-risk environmental area. The aim of this study is to evaluate the exposure to arsenic and chromium in the general population with no occupational exposure to these metals, resident in the industrial area of Taranto, Southern Italy, through biological monitoring techniques. We measured the levels of chromium, inorganic arsenic, and methylated metabolites, in the urine samples of 279 subjects residing in Taranto and neighboring areas. Qualified health staff administered a standardized structured questionnaire investigating lifestyle habits and controlling for confounding factors. The biological monitoring data showed high urinary concentrations of both the heavy metals investigated, particularly Cr. On this basis, it will be necessary to carry out an organized environmental monitoring program, taking into consideration all exposure routes so as to correlate the environmental concentrations of these metals with the biomonitoring results

    Strategies to Reverse Endothelial Progenitor Cell Dysfunction in Diabetes

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    Bone-marrow-derived cells-mediated postnatal vasculogenesis has been reported as the main responsible for the regulation of vascular homeostasis in adults. Since their discovery, endothelial progenitor cells have been depicted as mediators of postnatal vasculogenesis for their peculiar phenotype (partially staminal and partially endothelial), their ability to differentiate in endothelial cell line and to be incorporated into the vessels wall during ischemia/damage. Diabetes mellitus, a condition characterized by cardiovascular disease, nephropathy, and micro- and macroangiopathy, showed a dysfunction of endothelial progenitor cells. Herein, we review the mechanisms involved in diabetes-related dysfunction of endothelial progenitor cells, highlighting how hyperglycemia affects the different steps of endothelial progenitor cells lifetime (i.e., bone marrow mobilization, trafficking into the bloodstream, differentiation in endothelial cells, and homing in damaged tissues/organs). Finally, we review preclinical and clinical strategies that aim to revert diabetes-induced dysfunction of endothelial progenitor cells as a means of finding new strategies to prevent diabetic complications

    Mussel farming production capacity and food web interactions in a mesotrophic environment

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    Low trophic aquaculture (LTA), such as bivalve farming, offers promising avenues to supply sustainable seafood and aquafeed. While bivalve farming usually occurs in highly productive coastal areas which already support numerous human activities and suffer from environmental pressures, numerical tools offer a promising avenue to explore and assess biomass production potential and associated ecosystemic impacts for further development of the industry and prospection of new exploitation sites. In this study, we coupled an ecophysiological model, the dynamic energy budget theory (DEB), with an ecosystem model (NORWECOM.E2E) to simulate blue mussel Mytilus spp. farming production and effects based on the food web in the mesotrophic Hardangerfjord in western Norway. We tested several levels of fjord-scale farming intensity and assessed 2 production purposes: aquafeed and human consumption. Results suggested the Hardangerfjord could host large-scale mussel farming for both purposes. However, large exploitation schemes displayed detrimental effects on individual mussel growth (39% less wet mass after 2 yr) and especially on secondary production (decrease of 33% after 1 yr) due to acute trophic competition. Simulations showed short production cycles for aquafeed were more efficient to exploit primary production, since young and small mussels have lower maintenance and reproduction costs. Dissolved nutrient inputs from salmonid farms had marginal effects on primary production (<2%). However, salmonid and mussel farming activities could compete for the sites with the highest production potential.publishedVersio

    Plasmon‐Assisted Energy Transfer in Hybrid Nanosystems

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    While direct optical excitation of carbon nanotubes activates only the tube species strictly matching the excitation source, excitation energy transfer processes provide a single excitation channel for all the nanotubes species in a sample. The requirement of an overlap between donor emission and acceptor absorption limits the poll of donors able to trasfer their excitation to the tubes, leaving the high‐energy part of the solar spectrum excluded from such processes. Here it is shown that the grafting of small metal nanoparticles to the tubes alters those rules, enabling energy transfer process from molecules for which the standard energy transfer process is strongly suppressed. The onset of an energy transfer band in the UV/blue spectral region is demonstrated for an hybrid gold‐pyrene‐nanotube system, yielding collective emission from all the tubes present in our samples upon excitation of pyrene