3,569 research outputs found

    The dependence of convective core overshooting on stellar mass

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    Context. Convective core overshooting extends the main-sequence lifetime of a star. Evolutionary tracks computed with overshooting are very different from those that use the classical Schwarzschild criterion, which leads to rather different predictions for the stellar properties. Attempts over the last two decades to calibrate the degree of overshooting with stellar mass using detached double-lined eclipsing binaries have been largely inconclusive, mainly because of a lack of suitable observational data. Aims. We revisit the question of a possible mass dependence of overshooting with a more complete sample of binaries, and examine any additional relation there might be with evolutionary state or metal abundance Z. Methods. We used a carefully selected sample of 33 double-lined eclipsing binaries strategically positioned in the H-R diagram with accurate absolute dimensions and component masses ranging from 1.2 to 4.4 M. We compared their measured properties with stellar evolution calculations to infer semi-empirical values of the overshooting parameter α for each star. Our models use the common prescription for the overshoot distance d = αH, where H is the pressure scale height at the edge of the convective core as given by the Schwarzschild criterion, and α is a free parameter. Results. We find a relation between α and mass, which is defined much more clearly than in previous work, and indicates a significant rise up to about 2 M followed by little or no change beyond this mass. No appreciable dependence is seen with evolutionary state at a given mass, or with metallicity at a given mass although the stars in our sample span a range of a factor of ten in [Fe/H], from -1.01 to + 0.01.The Spanish MEC (AYA2015-71718-R) is gratefully acknowledged for its support during the development of this work. G.T. acknowledges partial support from the NSF through grant AST-1509375Peer Reviewe

    Aplicación del cálculo paralelo al análisis de energía sísmica en la coda de terremotos regionales

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    Las ondas de coda constituyen un instrumento muy útil de cara a la estimación de la atenuación de las ondas sísmicas durante su propagación a través de la litosfera terrestre. La atenuación total consta de dos efectos principales: la absorción intrínseca y la dispersión, que pueden ser separados si se efectúa una modelización de la envolvente de la coda sobre la base de la teoría de esparcimiento múltiple. En este trabajo compararemos, desde el punto de vista computacional, dos técnicas (una simulación por el método de Montecarlo y un procedimiento analítico) para obtener la distribución espacio-temporal teórica de la energía sísmica en la coda, bajo las hipótesis de dispersión isótropa múltiple y distribución uniforme de dispersores. Para ello estudiaremos las características de los algoritmos e introduciremos el cálculo paralelo, en un intento de reducir el tiempo de computación necesario para obtener los resultados.Coda waves constitute a powerful tool for the estimation of the seismic wave attenuation in the Earth's lithosphere. Total attenuation includes two effects: intrinsic absorption and scatttering, that can be separated if we perform a multiple scattering modelling of the coda envelope. In this paper we will compare, in terms of the computational point of view, two techniques (a Montecarlo simulation and an analytical procedure) for obtaining the theoretical space and time distribution of the seismic energy in the coda, under the hypothesis of multiple isotropic scattering and uniform distribution of scatterers. We will study the characteristic of the algorithms and will use parallelization techniques in order to reduce the time required for obtaining the results.Peer Reviewe

    Particulate matter concentrations and emissions in rabbit farms

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    [EN] The extent of the potential health hazards of particulate matter (PM) inside rabbit farms and the magnitude of emission levels to the outside environment are still unknown, as data on PM concentrations and emissions in and from such buildings is scarce. The purpose of this study was to quantify airborne PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations and emissions on two rabbit farms in Mediterranean conditions and identify the main factors related with farm activities influencing PM generation. Concentrations of PM10 and PM2.5 were determined continuously using a tapered element oscillating microbalance (TEOM) in one farm with fattening rabbits and one reproductive doe farm in autumn. At the same time as PM sampling, the time and type of human farm activity being performed was recorded. Additionally, temperature, relative humidity and ventilation rate were recorded continuously. Emissions were calculated using a mass balance on each farm. Results showed PM concentrations in rabbit farms are low compared with poultry and pig farms. Average PM10 concentrations were 0.082±0.059 mg/m3 (fattening rabbits), and 0.048 ±0.058 mg/m3 (reproductive does). Average PM2.5 concentrations were 0.012±0.016 mg/m3 (fattening rabbits), and 0.012±0.035 mg/m3 (reproductive does). Particulate matter concentrations were significantly influenced by the type of human farm activity carried out in the building rather than by animal activity. The main PM-generating activity on the fattening rabbit farm was sweeping, and the major PM-generating activity in reproductive does was sweeping and burning hair from the cages. Average PM10 emissions were 5.987±6.144 mg/place/day (fattening rabbits), and 14.9±31.5 mg/place/day (reproductive does). Average PM2.5 emissions were 0.20±1.26 mg/place/day (fattening rabbits), and 2.83±19.54 mg/place/day (reproductive does). Emission results indicate that rabbit farms can be considered relevant point sources of PM emissions, comparable to other livestock species. Our results improve the knowledge on factors affecting concentration and emissions of PM in rabbit farms and can contribute to the design of suitable PM reduction measures to control not only PM inside rabbit houses, but also its emission into the atmosphere.The authors thank the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation for the economic support to conduct this study (Project GasFarm-2 AGL2008-04125) and the Campus de Excelencia Internacional of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia. The authors are also grateful to the farmers and staff at the farms who collaborated during sampling periods.Adell Sales, E.; Calvet Sanz, S.; Torres, AG.; Cambra López, M. (2012). Particulate matter concentrations and emissions in rabbit farms. World Rabbit Science. 20(1):1-11. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2012.1035SWORD11120

    Morphology, chemical composition, and bacterial concentration of airborne particulate matter in rabbit farms

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    [EN] Livestock houses are major sources of airborne particulate matter (PM), which can originate from manure, feed, feathers, skin and bedding and may contain and transport microorganisms. Improved knowledge of particle size, morphology, chemical and microbiological composition of PM in livestock houses can help identify major sources of PM and contribute to the development of appropriate source- specific reduction techniques. In rabbit production systems, however, there is limited information on specific particle characteristics. The objective of this study was to characterise airborne PM in rabbit farms in terms of morphology, chemical compositions and bacterial concentration in different size fractions. Size-fractioned PM was sampled in the air of 2 rabbit farms, 1 for fattening rabbits and 1 for reproductive does, using a virtual cascade impactor, which simultaneously collected total suspended PM (TSP), PM10 and PM2.5 size fractions. Airborne PM samples were examined by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy combined with energy dispersive X-ray analysis. Representative samples from potential sources of PM were also collected and examined. Additionally, a methodology to extract bacteria from the collected samples of airborne PM was developed to determine the bacterial concentration per PM size fraction. Results showed that airborne PM in rabbit farms is highly complex in particle morphology, especially in size. Broken skin flakes, disintegrated particles from feed or faecal material from mechanical fracture are the main sources of airborne PM in rabbit farms. Major elements found in rabbit airborne PM were S, Ca, Mg, Na and Cl. Bacterial concentrations ranged from 1.7¿104 to 1.6¿106 colony forming units (CFU)/m3 (TSP); from 3.6¿103 to 3.0¿104 CFU/m3 (PM10); and from 3.1¿103 to 1.6¿104 CFU/m3 (PM2.5). Our results will improve the knowledge on essential particle characteristics necessary to understand PM¿s origin in rabbit farms and contribute to its reduction.The authors thank the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation for the economic support to conduct this study (Project GasFarm AGL2009-0067) and the Campus de Excelencia Internacional of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia. The authors are also grateful to the farmers and staff at the farms who collaborated during sampling periods. We thank the Electronic Microscopy Service (Universitat Politecnica de Valencia) for expert technical assistance during SEM analysis.252Adell Sales, E.; Estellés Barber, F.; Torres, AG.; Cambra López, M. (2012). Morphology, chemical composition, and bacterial concentration of airborne particulate matter in rabbit farms. World Rabbit Science. 20(4). doi:10.4995/wrs.2012.1211SWORD24120

    Structural and oceanic effects in the gravimetric tides observations in Lanzarote (Canary Islands)

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    Trabajo presentado en el XI International Symposium on Earth Tides, Helsinki, 1989.Since 1987, and as part of the research project that the I.A.G. is carrying out in the Canary Islands, records are obtained of gravimetric and ocean tides, pressure, temperature, etc. on the island of Lanzarote. The structural and geodynamic features of the island make our observations especially interesting because they may help to further research of the possible correlations of responses to tidal forces and other parameters such as crust structure and thickness, geothermic anomalies, etc. In this paper, we present the results obtained until now and a preliminary appraisal is given of these results in view of various previous hypotheses.Peer reviewe

    A process-specific approach in the study of normal aging deficits in cognitive control: What deteriorates with age?

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    Bearing in mind that cognitive control is a complex function that includes several processes, it is not clear exactly which ones deteriorate with age. In fact, controversial results have been found. For example, some studies indicate that age-related deficits are observed in proactive and not in reactive control, others show that it is reactive control that is impaired and not proactive control, and some studies find no deficits at all (e.g., Kopp, Lange, Howe, & Wessel, 2014; Xiang et al., 2016). One possible reason is that the contribution of different processes to the deterioration of cognitive control was investigated separately, i.e., without testing all processes within the same paradigm. Therefore, the main goal of the present experiment was to study the impact of normal aging on several processes related to cognitive control within the same task, which included both Simon and Spatial Stroop trials. The study focused on the following processes: generation of conflict measured by automatic response capture (i.e., stronger task-irrelevant information processing compared to task-relevant information processing); conflict detection; and control implementation (which can be reactive control, both within trials and across trials, and proactive control, as a task-set strategy). The results showed larger automatic response capture for older adults when facing a stimulus-response conflict (Simon) but not a stimulus-stimulus conflict (Spatial Stroop). Similarly, older adults also showed larger detection effects for both conflicts. However, regarding control implementation, they only showed difficulties in inhibiting the early automatic response capture (within-trial reactive control) but not reactive control across trials or proactive control. In conclusion, it seems that older adults are more affected by the presence of task-irrelevant information, especially when it comes to resolving stimulus-response conflict. However, they showed no impairments in their ability to implement cognitive control both across trials and as a task-set strategy

    Effect of a simulated heat wave on stress parameters of broiler chicken housed at two different stocking densities

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     A. Villagrá1, I. Olivas1, N. Fernández2, M. Lainez1, V. Fitas3, A. G. Torres2(1. Centro de Tecnología Animal. Polígono La Esperanza nº 100, 12400, Segorbe, Castellón, Spain;2. Instituto de Cienciay Tecnología Animal, E.T.S.I. Agrónomos, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Camino de Vera s/n, 46022, Valencia, Spain;3. ICAAM, Escola de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade de Évora, Apartado 94, 7002-554, Évora, Portugal) Abstract: High temperatures and relative humidities are common in certain areas in summer (for example in the Mediterranean area), and can raise the indoor temperature of the farms.  The aim of this paper was to assess the possible differences in the response to this situation of broilers housed at two different stocking densities (15 and 20 birds/m2).  On day 29 until day 36, the indoor temperature increased to 32℃ from 10:00 to 14:00 and maintained at 28℃ for the rest of the day and the relative humidity was maintained at 75%.  Measured variables before and after this treatment were weight, plasma corticosterone, creatine kinase (CK), aspartate transaminase (AST), alanine transferase (ALT), glucose (GLU), heterophil lymphocyte ratio and rectal temperature.  Results showed that no differences were found between the animals housed at 15 birds/m2 and those at  20 birds/m2, so stocking density had no significant effect on the measured parameters.  In addition, corticosterone concentration and alanine transferase appeared as not useful parameters to study this situation.Keywords: broiler, stocking density, enzymes activity, heat wave, hot conditions Citation: A. Villagrá, I. Olivas, N. Fernández, M. Lainez, V. Fitas, and A. G. Torres.  Effect of a simulated heat wave on stress parameters of broiler chicken housed at two different stocking densities.  Agric Eng Int: CIGR Journal, 2010, 12(3): 82-86.   &nbsp

    Leintz gatzaga landslide: geotechnical analysis and monitorization with terrestial and radar techniques (eoslide project

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    [ES] La inestabilidad de ladera que afecta a la villa de Leintz Gatzaga (Gipuzkoa) y su entorno ha producido desde hace siglos daños estructurales en viviendas, muros y viales, que van desde moderados a intensos. Esto ha obligado a ejecutar diferentes actuaciones de reparación y consolidación. Se realiza en este trabajo una discusión geológico/geotécnica de los datos disponibles sobre el deslizamiento que afecta a la ladera, así como de los resultados obtenidos a partir de su monitorización con inclinómetros, piezómetros y fisurómetros en los últimos años. Complementariamente, este deslizamiento ha sido elegido como zona test del proyecto EOSLIDE, en el que se han desarrollado e implementado metodologías de vigilancia que combinan técnicas terrestres clásicas con Técnicas Avanzadas de Interferometría Diferencial Radar de Satélite (A-DInSAR), además de utilizar técnicas gravimétricas para la el estudio de estructuras bajo superficie. Se describen las actuaciones realizadas en el marco de este proyecto y los resultados obtenidos.[EN] Leintz Gatzaga village settles on a slope which whose instability has caused the former moderate to severe structural damages for centuries. Different remedial and consolidation solutions have been adopted in order to mitigate the landslide effects. In this work, we analyse and discuss the geological and geotechnical characteristics of the landslide, and the monotorization monitorization results obtained by inclinometers, piezometers and fisurometers in recent years. This landslide has been chosen as a test case to for the EOSLIDE project, which aims is to develop and implement surveillance methodologies combining classic terrestial techniques with Advanced Differential Radar Interferometry (A-DInSAR). Furthermore, gravimetric techniques have been applied in order to study subsoil structures. We describe the procedures and results obtained in within the framework of this project.Este trabajo se ha desarrollado en el marco del proyecto EOSLIDE del MINECO (IPT-2011-1234-310000) de la convocatoria INNPACTO 2011. La investigación de AGC, JFP y JF ha sido también parcialmente sufragada por los proyectos GEOSIR (AYA2010-17448) y AQUARISK (ESP2013-47780-C2-I-R) del MINECO.Peer reviewe

    Deslizamiento de leintz gatzaga: instrumentación geotécnica y monitorización del movimiento con técnicas terrestres y espaciales.

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    La inestabilidad de ladera que afecta a la villa de Leintz Gatzaga (Gipuzkoa) y su entorno ha producido desde hace siglos daños estructurales en viviendas, muros y viales, que van desde moderados a intensos. Esto ha obligado a ejecutar diferentes actuaciones de reparación y consolidación. Se realiza en este trabajo una discusión geológico/geotécnica de los datos disponibles sobre el deslizamiento que afecta a la ladera, así como de los resultados obtenidos a partir de su monitorización con inclinómetros, piezómetros y ?surómetros en lo
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