22 research outputs found

    Human Immunodeficiency Virus Seroprevalence among Inmates of the Penitentiary Complex of the Region of Campinas, State of SĂŁo Paulo, Brazil

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    Six hundred and ninety three male inmates from three penitentiaries, two (A and B) maximum-security systems and one (C) minimum-security facility, located in Campinas, State of SĂŁo Paulo, Brazil were studied for the presence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) antibodies, using a cross-sectional design. The search for anti-HIV antibodies in 693 samples of sera collected was carried out by two serological tests: (a) the Microparticle enzyme immunoassay-HIV-1 and HIV-2 (MEIA) (Abbott Laboratories) and (b) the Western Blot-HIV-1 (WB) (Cambridge Biotech Corporation) to confirm positive results with MEIA. Sera reactivity for HIV antibodies was 14.4%. The highest frequency of anti-HIV antibodies was found in the A and B maximum-security prisons: 17% and 21.5%, respectively. In prison C, the frequency of reagents was 10.9%. Seventy three inmates, initially negative in the MEIA test, were checked again five and seven months later. Three of them, all from the maximum-security facilities, became reactive in the MEIA test, with confirmation in the WB, suggesting that serological conversion had occurred after imprisonment.47948

    Evaluation of an oil emulsified vaccine against bovine colibacillosis using semi-purified K99-F41 adhesins

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    The K99 and F41 fimbrial antigens were extracted from Escherichia coli B41 strain by heating, and semi-purified by precipitation with ammonium sulfate and treatment with sodium desoxicolate (DOC). The semi-purified antigens K99 and F4I were used to prepare an oil emulsified vaccine against bovine colibacillosis. The vaccine was made up containing in each dose 1,500, 750 or 380 HU (Haemagglutinating Units). The test of the vaccine efficiency was measured by gel immunodiffusion and ELISA test. Challenge of calves from vaccinated and control cows was carried out with the virulent Escherichia coli B4I. Our findings suggested that 750 HU vaccine, induces better production of anti-K99-F4l antibodies in vaccinated cows, and the transference of these antibodies to calves through the colostrum, gave full protection to challenge. Furthermore no adverse effects were observed in any of the vaccinated cows.Os antĂ­genos K99-F41 foram extraĂ­dos da amostra de Escherichia coli B41 por aquecimento e semi-purificados pela precipitação com sulfato de amĂŽnio e tratamento com desoxicolato de sĂłdio (DOC). Os antĂ­genos semi-purificados foram utilizados na produção de uma vacina oleosa contra a colibacilose bovina. Foram preparadas vacinas contendo em cada dose 1.500 HU (Unidades Hemaglutinantes), 750 HU e 380 HU. A eficiĂȘncia da vacina foi avaliada atravĂ©s do ensaio de imunodifusĂŁo dupla, ensaio imunoenzimĂĄtico (ELISA) e por um desafio, em que a amostra de Escherichia coli virulenta foi inoculada nos bezerros nascidos de vacas vacinadas e nĂŁo vacinadas. Observamos que a vacina contendo 750 HU foi a que melhor induziu a produção de anticorpos nas vacas vacinadas, e que estes mostraram-se protetores, uma vez que os bezerros nascidos de vacas vacinadas e que mamaram o colostro, nada sofreram no desafio. NĂŁo se verificou nenhum efeito colateral nas vacas vacinadas

    Abstracts from the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting 2016

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    Human Immunodeficiency Virus Seroprevalence among Inmates of the Penitentiary Complex of the Region of Campinas, State of SĂŁo Paulo, Brazil

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    Six hundred and ninety three male inmates from three penitentiaries, two (A and B) maximum-security systems and one (C) minimum-security facility, located in Campinas, State of SĂŁo Paulo, Brazil were studied for the presence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) antibodies, using a cross-sectional design. The search for anti-HIV antibodies in 693 samples of sera collected was carried out by two serological tests: (a) the Microparticle enzyme immunoassay-HIV-1 and HIV-2 (MEIA) (Abbott Laboratories) and (b) the Western Blot-HIV-1 (WB) (Cambridge Biotech Corporation) to confirm positive results with MEIA. Sera reactivity for HIV antibodies was 14.4%. The highest frequency of anti-HIV antibodies was found in the A and B maximum-security prisons: 17% and 21.5%, respectively. In prison C, the frequency of reagents was 10.9%. Seventy three inmates, initially negative in the MEIA test, were checked again five and seven months later. Three of them, all from the maximum-security facilities, became reactive in the MEIA test, with confirmation in the WB, suggesting that serological conversion had occurred after imprisonment


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    Some viruses of the families Retroviridae, such as Human T Lymphotropic Virus (HTLV); Herpesviridae as the Cytomegalovirus (CMV) and Hepadnaviridae such as the Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) are liable to be co-transmitted with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Since prisoners are exposed to several and important risk factors involved in the transmission of HIV and the above mentioned viruses, male inmates from the penitentiary complex of Campinas, SP, Brazil, including HIV + and HIV - ones, were examined for the presence of HTLV-I and/or II antibodies; IgG and IgM anti-CMV antibodies, and the research of the superficial hepatitis B antigen (HBsAg). The presence of anti-HTLV-I and/or II was determined by the Western Blot (WB) technique, whereas IgG and IgM anti-CMV and the search of HBsAg were carried out by the Microparticle Enzyme Immunoassay (MEIA-Abbott Lab).With regard to anti-HTLV-I and/or II, 58.3% (14/24-Number of positive reactions/number of sera examined) were reactive among the anti-HIV positive sera. Conversely, only 12.5% (3/24) among the HIV- negative sera showed positive reactions to HTLV-I and/or II antibodies. When looking for IgG anti-CMV percentages of 97.7% (43/44) and 95% (38/40) were obtained for anti-HIV positive and negative sera, respectively. As to IgM anti-CMV antibodies 11.36% (5/44) and 2.5% (1/40) of reactive sera were found for anti-HIV positive and negative, respectively. The HBsAg was found in 12.8% (5/39) of the sera which were anti-HIV positive


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    Some viruses of the families Retroviridae, such as Human T Lymphotropic Virus (HTLV); Herpesviridae as the Cytomegalovirus (CMV) and Hepadnaviridae such as the Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) are liable to be co-transmitted with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Since prisoners are exposed to several and important risk factors involved in the transmission of HIV and the above mentioned viruses, male inmates from the penitentiary complex of Campinas, SP, Brazil, including HIV + and HIV - ones, were examined for the presence of HTLV-I and/or II antibodies; IgG and IgM anti-CMV antibodies, and the research of the superficial hepatitis B antigen (HBsAg). The presence of anti-HTLV-I and/or II was determined by the Western Blot (WB) technique, whereas IgG and IgM anti-CMV and the search of HBsAg were carried out by the Microparticle Enzyme Immunoassay (MEIA-Abbott Lab).With regard to anti-HTLV-I and/or II, 58.3% (14/24-Number of positive reactions/number of sera examined) were reactive among the anti-HIV positive sera. Conversely, only 12.5% (3/24) among the HIV- negative sera showed positive reactions to HTLV-I and/or II antibodies. When looking for IgG anti-CMV percentages of 97.7% (43/44) and 95% (38/40) were obtained for anti-HIV positive and negative sera, respectively. As to IgM anti-CMV antibodies 11.36% (5/44) and 2.5% (1/40) of reactive sera were found for anti-HIV positive and negative, respectively. The HBsAg was found in 12.8% (5/39) of the sera which were anti-HIV positive.Alguns vĂ­rus das famĂ­lias Retroviridae, tais como, o VĂ­rus do Linfoma Humano de CĂ©lulas T ( HTLV); Herpesviridae, tais como o VĂ­rus CitomegĂĄlico (CMV) e da Hepatite B (HBV) podem ser co-transmitidos com o VĂ­rus da ImunodeficiĂȘncia Adquirida (HIV). Uma vez que prisioneiros estĂŁo expostos a diversos fatores de risco envolvidos na transmissĂŁo do HIV e dos vĂ­rus acima mencionados, prisioneiros do sexo masculino do Complexo PenitenciĂĄrio de Campinas, SP, Brasil, incluindo aqueles que eram HIV+ e HIV-, foram examinados para a presença de anticorpos anti- HTLV-I/II; anticorpos IgG e IgM anti-vĂ­rus citomegĂĄlico e a presença do antĂ­geno de superfĂ­cie do HBV (HbsAg). A presença de anti- HTLV-I/II foi determinada pela tĂ©cnica de Western Blot, enquanto IgG e IgM anti-CMV e a pesquisa do HbsAg foram feitas por ensaio ImunoenzimĂĄtico (MEIA-Abbott Lab). Com relação Ă  pesquisa de anti-HTLV-I/II, 58,3% (14/24- nĂșmero de positivos/nĂșmero total de soros examinados) foram reagentes entre os soros HIV+. Contrariamente, apenas 12,5% (3/24) entre os soros HIV- mostraram reaçÔes positivas para anti- HTLV-I/II. Porcentagens de 97,7% (43/44) e 95% (38/40) foram obtidas, respectivamente para os soros anti-HIV+ e anti-HIV-, em relação Ă  pesquisa de IgG anti-CMV. No que concerne Ă  IgM anti-CMV 11,36% (5/44) e 2,5% (1/40) foram os achados para os soros anti-HIV+ e anti-HIV-, respectivamente. A presença do HbsAg foi encontrada em 12,8% (5/39) dos soros que eram HIV+.209213Fundação de Amparo Ă  Pesquisa do Estado de SĂŁo Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientĂ­fico e TecnolĂłgico (CNPq

    Characterization of the alpha-haemolysin determinant from the human enteropathogenic Escherichia coli O26 plasmid pEO5

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    The 157-kb conjugative plasmid pEO5 encoding alpha-haemolysin in strains of human enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) O26 was investigated for its relationship with EHEC-haemolysin-encoding plasmids of enterohaemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) O26 and O157 strains. Plasmid pEO5 was found to be compatible with EHEC-virulence plasmids and did not hybridize in Southern blots with plasmid pO157 from the EHEC O157:H7 strain EDL933, indicating that both plasmids were unrelated. A 9227-bp stretch of pEO5 DNA encompassing the entire alpha-hlyCABD operon was sequenced and compared for similarity to plasmid and chromosomally inherited alpha-hly determinants. The alpha-hly determinant of pEO5 (7252 bp) and its upstream region was most similar to corresponding sequences of the murine E. coli alpha-hly plasmid pHly152, in particular, the structural alpha-hlyCABD genes (99.2% identity) and the regulatory hlyR regions (98.8% identity). pEO5 and alpha-hly plasmids of EPEC O26 strains from humans and cattle were very similar for the regions encompassing the structural alpha-hlyCABD genes. The major difference found between the hly regions of pHly152 and pEO5 is caused by the insertion of an IS2 element upstream of the hlyC gene in pHly152. The presence of transposon-like structures at both ends of the alpha-hly sequence indicates that this pEO5 virulence factor was probably acquired by horizontal gene transfer.Brazil by `Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES)`,[2689/06-5]Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Caracterização biológica e molecular de linhagens de Streptococcus crista isoladas do biofilme dental de seres humanos através de iniciadores arbitrårios - PCR (AP-PCR)

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    Streptococcus ssp are important components of the dental biofilm and Streptococcus crista is considered to be an interesting model of bacterial interactions taking place in this biofilm. In the present work, S. crista strains were isolated from the dental biofilm of Brazilian individuals and studied with respect to their biological characteristics and their molecular profile by means of AP-PCR techniques, using the RR2, 434, OPR2, OPR8, and OPR13 primers. Results allowed us to build a similarity dendrogram. Analysis of the similarity dendrogram allowed the separation of the studied strains into similarity groups. All isolates presented fibril tufts by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). These isolates were able to bind to salivary amylase and to adhere to mouth epithelial cells. Some strains displaying fibril tufts and positive adherence were not able to co-aggregate with Fusobacterium nucleatum, suggesting that different adhesin groups are present in these strains.Streptococcus spp sĂŁo importantes componentes do biofilme dental sendo Streptococus crista considerado um interessante modelo de interaçÔes bacterianas que nele ocorrem. No presente trabalho linhagens de S. crista, foram isoladas do biofilme dental de indivĂ­duos brasileiros, e estudadas em relação a suas caracterĂ­sticas biolĂłgicas e ao seu perfil molecular atravĂ©s da tĂ©cnica do AP-PCR, usando-se os iniciadores RR2, 434, OPR2, OPR8 e OPR13. Os resultados nos permitiram construir um dendrograma de similaridade. A anĂĄlise do dendrograma de similaridade permitiu a separação das linhagens estudadas em grupos de similaridade. Todos os isolados apresentaram tufo de fibrilas, quando estudados por Microscopia EletrĂŽnica de TransmissĂŁo (MET). Estes isolados foram capazes de se ligar Ă  amilase salivar e de se aderir a cĂ©lulas epiteliais bucais. Algumas linhagens, que apresentam tufo de fibrilas e aderĂȘncia positiva, nĂŁo foram capazes de coagregar com a Fusobacterium nucleatum, sugerindo que diferentes grupos de adesinas estĂŁo presentes nestas amostras.119126Fundação de Amparo Ă  Pesquisa do Estado de SĂŁo Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientĂ­fico e TecnolĂłgico (CNPq