357 research outputs found

    Interests Diffusion in Social Networks

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    Understanding cultural phenomena on Social Networks (SNs) and exploiting the implicit knowledge about their members is attracting the interest of different research communities both from the academic and the business side. The community of complexity science is devoting significant efforts to define laws, models, and theories, which, based on acquired knowledge, are able to predict future observations (e.g. success of a product). In the mean time, the semantic web community aims at engineering a new generation of advanced services by defining constructs, models and methods, adding a semantic layer to SNs. In this context, a leapfrog is expected to come from a hybrid approach merging the disciplines above. Along this line, this work focuses on the propagation of individual interests in social networks. The proposed framework consists of the following main components: a method to gather information about the members of the social networks; methods to perform some semantic analysis of the Domain of Interest; a procedure to infer members' interests; and an interests evolution theory to predict how the interests propagate in the network. As a result, one achieves an analytic tool to measure individual features, such as members' susceptibilities and authorities. Although the approach applies to any type of social network, here it is has been tested against the computer science research community. The DBLP (Digital Bibliography and Library Project) database has been elected as test-case since it provides the most comprehensive list of scientific production in this field.Comment: 30 pages 13 figs 4 table

    Assessment of gender divide in scientific communities

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    AbstractIncreasing evidence of women's under-representation in some scientific disciplines is prompting researchers to expand our understanding of this social phenomenon. Moreover, any countermeasures proposed to eliminate this under-representation should be tailored to the actual reasons for this different participation. Here, we take a multi-dimensional approach to assessing gender differences in science by representing scientific communities as social networks, and using data analytics, complexity science methods, and semantic methods to measure gender differences in the context, the attitude and the success of scientists. We apply this approach to four scientific communities in the two fields of computer science and information systems using the network of authors at four different conferences. For each discipline, one conference is based in Italy and attracts mostly Italians, while one conference is international in both location and participants. The present paper provides evidence against common narratives that women's under-representation is due to women's limited skills and/or less social centrality

    Robustness and assortativity for diffusion-like processes in scale-free networks

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    By analysing the diffusive dynamics of epidemics and of distress in complex networks, we study the effect of the assortativity on the robustness of the networks. We first determine by spectral analysis the thresholds above which epidemics/failures can spread; we then calculate the slowest diffusional times. Our results shows that disassortative networks exhibit a higher epidemiological threshold and are therefore easier to immunize, while in assortative networks there is a longer time for intervention before epidemic/failure spreads. Moreover, we study by computer simulations the sandpile cascade model, a diffusive model of distress propagation (financial contagion). We show that, while assortative networks are more prone to the propagation of epidemic/failures, degree-targeted immunization policies increases their resilience to systemic risk

    Sequencing in orthognathic bimaxillary surgery: which jaw should be operated first? A scoping review

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    Bimaxillary orthognathic surgery is widely used for the correction of dentoskeletal deformities. Surgery sequencing (maxilla or mandible first) remains debated, and guidelines and consensus are lacking. This scoping review summarizes the state of the art and compares the advantages and disadvantages of both approaches. The review was conducted following PRISMA-ScR guidelines. Three electronic databases (PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science) were searched using the PICO protocol and key words in orthognathic surgical sequencing. Four reviewers screened the records independently, and disagreement was resolved by consensus. A total of 23 records met the inclusion criteria. The advantages and disadvantages of the two approaches were compared and assessed for accuracy of reporting. Within the limitations of the present study, available evidence for the intrinsic advantages and the accuracy of the mandible-first sequence supports the choice of this approach in most cases. Nevertheless, each clinical case needs to be evaluated individually, as no dogmatic recommendations can be given for sequencing in bimaxillary orthognathic surger

    Il trattamento chirurgico dei tumori maligni del labbro. Esperienza personale

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    I tumori maligni del labbro rappresentano circa l’1-2% delle neoplasie cervico-facciali. Tali lesioni sono più frequentemente costi - tuite da carcinomi spinocellulari e basocellulari che nel complesso rappresentano il 25% di tutti i tumori orali. Mentre il carcinoma spinocellulare si localizza soprattutto sul labbro inferiore, il carcino - ma basocellulare si riscontra maggiormente sul labbro superiore .Il sesso maschile risulta essere sensibilmente il più colpito. L’etiopatoge - nesi di queste neoplasie è legata all’esposizione solare, al fumo, alla predisposizione genetica (mutazione del gene soppressore p53), all’e - voluzione di forme di precancerosi, quali radiodermiti, cheiliti croni - che, xeroderma pigmentosum. Inoltre, alcuni Autori enfatizzano il ruolo svolto da diversi agenti virali quali HPV16, HPV24, HSV1 e HSV2. Il trattamento dei carcinomi del labbro è prevalentemente chirurgico ed è fondamentalmente rappresentato dall’escissione della lesione e successiva ricostruzione del labbro. Le tecniche riparative sono numerose e per la maggior parte basate sull’utilizzo di lembi cutanei locali di scorrimento e di rotazione. La ricostruzione del lab - bro comporta un notevole impegno al fine di preservare quanto più possibile forma e funzioni essendo il labbro fondamentale nell’ali - mentazione, nella fonazione e nella mimica espressiva. Gli Autori riportano la loro esperienza riguardo il trattamento chi - rurgico di 19 pazienti, 17 di sesso maschile, di età compresa tra 58 e 84 anni (età media 72 anni), affetti da carcinoma del labbro (16 spi - nocellulari, 3 basocellulari) con prevalenza di forme ben differenziate. Vengono inoltre discusse le principali problematiche ricostruttive ine - renti la preservazione degli aspetti estetici e funzionali delle labbra

    The effect of subspinal Le Fort I osteotomy and alar cinch suture on nasal widening

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    The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate the relationships between upper jaw movements and nasal soft-tissue changes in patients who have undergone subspinal Le Fort I osteotomy combined with alar cinch suture.Single and multivariate linear regression analyses were used to examine the relationships between greatest inter-alar width (GAW) and maxillary advancement, maxillary impaction, and rotational movements. The database of our referral hospital was searched for patients who had undergone upper jaw surgery with a subspinal LFI osteotomy to correct dentoskeletal deformities between April 2012 and June 2016.Thirty-eight of the patients (15 men and 23 women) who were identified were eligible for inclusion. The average change in inter-alar width (Delta GAW) was +1.7 +/- 1.2 mm. GAW increased by 0.3 mm (p < 0.0001) for each millimetre of maxillary advancement, and increased by 0.5 mm (p < 0.0001) for each millimetre of maxillary impaction. GAW increased by 0.2 mm for each degree of counterclockwise rotation of the occlusal plane (p < 0.0001).An analysis of our data compared with the current literature confirmed that subspinal Le Fort I combined with alar cinch suture reduced alar base widening. (C) 2020 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery

    Piezoelectricity and charge trapping in ZnO and Co-doped ZnO thin films

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    Piezoelectricity and charge storage of undoped and Co-doped ZnO thin films were investigated by means of PiezoResponse Force Microscopy and Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy. We found that Co-doped ZnO exhibits a large piezoelectric response, with the mean value of piezoelectric matrix element d33 slightly lower than in the undoped sample. Moreover, we demonstrate that Co-doping affects the homogeneity of the piezoelectric response, probably as a consequence of the lower crystalline degree exhibited by the doped samples. We also investigate the nature of the interface between a metal electrode, made up of the PtIr AFM tip, and the films as well as the phenomenon of charge storage. We find Schottky contacts in both cases, with a barrier value higher in PtIr/ZnO than in PtIr/Co-doped ZnO, indicating an increase in the work function due to Co-doping
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