1,409 research outputs found

    Insereixen material genètic al nucli cel·lular per a teràpia gènica amb nanodiscs

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    Investigadors de la UAB han aconseguit encapsular material genètic i alliberar-lo directament dins el nucli de les cèl·lules, per tal de dur a terme teràpia gènica, mitjançant partícules amb forma de disc de la grandària de només un pocs nanòmetres. Els nanodiscs, tal i com els han batejat els investigadors, travessen ràpidament l'interior de la cèl·lula i es concentren en el nucli, de manera que incrementarien l'eficiència del procés de transferència genètica.Investigadores de la UAB han conseguido encapsular material genético y liberarlo directamente dentro del núcleo de las células, para llevar a cabo terapia génica, mediante partículas con forma de disco del tamaño de sólo unos pocos nanómetros. Los nanodiscos, tal y como los han bautizado los investigadores, atraviesan rápidamente el interior de la célula y se concentran en el núcleo, de manera que incrementarían la eficiencia del proceso de transferencia genética.Researchers at UAB have discovered a novel gene therapy method using particles measuring only a few nanometres which encapsulate genetic material and introduce themselves directly into the cell nucleus. The nanodisks, as researchers have named the particles, travel rapidly to the interior of the cell until reaching the nucleus, thus increasing the efficiency of the gene transfer process

    La crisis de la revolución y algunas salidas post-metafísicas de inspiración nietzscheana.

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    Descubrir que la fuente del poder no emana de lo eterno, de lo inmutable, de lo idéntico, sino que emana del devenir, de lo múltiple, de lo cambiante, hace que los procesos de legitimación, ya no dependan de verdades universales, sino de tensiones de fuerzas que necesitan afirmarse entre sí. Ser consciente de este giro genealógico implicaría entender que una fuerza no puede ejercer su poder si ha eliminado el poder de las demás. Por lo tanto, la negación del contrario (contradicción), que ha impregnado las lógicas revolucionarias de inspiración dialéctica, nos ha llevado al fracaso de los intentos de liberación.To realise that the source of power doesn't emerge from the eternal, the inmutable, the identical, but lies on the becoming, the pluralism, the multiplicity, makes the legitimation processes not depend anymore on universal truths, but on tension between forces that need to affirm them-selves. To be aware of this genealogical turn implies understanding that a force can't exert its power if it has ruled out the power of the rest of the forces. Therefore, the negation of the contrary (con-tradiction), that has imbued revolutionary logics of dialectical inspiration, has lead us to the failure of the attempts of liberation

    "Liber Pater et libera": nuevo hallazgo en Zorita (Cáceres)

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    Este ara votiva de Zorita es el primer testimonio de una dedicación a Liber y Libera, o el segundo si se acepta esta reinterpretación, a nuestro iuicio evidente. de un epígrafe hallado en la finca del término municipal de Trujillo, «Aldehuela de Mordazo».This votive altar of Zorita is the first evidence of a dedication to Liber and Libera or the second one if this reinterpretation is accepted, that we think it's obvious, about an epigraph found on the farm in the municipality of Trujillo, "Aldehuela de Mordazo"

    Industrial process monitoring by means of recurrent neural networks and Self Organizing Maps

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    Industrial manufacturing plants often suffer from reliability problems during their day-to-day operations which have the potential for causing a great impact on the effectiveness and performance of the overall process and the sub-processes involved. Time-series forecasting of critical industrial signals presents itself as a way to reduce this impact by extracting knowledge regarding the internal dynamics of the process and advice any process deviations before it affects the productive process. In this paper, a novel industrial condition monitoring approach based on the combination of Self Organizing Maps for operating point codification and Recurrent Neural Networks for critical signal modeling is proposed. The combination of both methods presents a strong synergy, the information of the operating condition given by the interpretation of the maps helps the model to improve generalization, one of the drawbacks of recurrent networks, while assuring high accuracy and precision rates. Finally, the complete methodology, in terms of performance and effectiveness is validated experimentally with real data from a copper rod industrial plant.Postprint (published version

    Targeting in Cancer Therapies

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    Drug developers recruit and combine principles, procedures and strategies from chemistry, pharmacology, nanotechnology and biotechnology, focusing on the generation of functional vehicles as nano-carriers of drugs for improved stability and enhanced intracellular delivery.[...