367 research outputs found

    Sincronización de reloj basado en fibra multinúcleo para interconexiones de centro de datos de ultra baja latencia

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    La evolución del mercado de la tecnología de la información hacia los servicios en la nube y el crecimiento innegable del tráfico de datos han desencadenado la concepción de los centros de datos a gran escala. Intrínsecamente, los servicios en la nube requieren capacidad para hacer frente al alto tráfico de datos para servir a los clientes y los procesos internos requeridos para servicios de alta calidad. Las tecnologías ópticas han permitido manejar un mayor tráfico de datos y la capacidad de fibra multinúcleo para la transmisión de alta velocidad de datos es una solución prometedora para las interconexiones de centros de datos, permitiendo la transmisión de señales de reloj paralelas a la transmisión de datos, aumentando así el rendimiento al reducir la sobrecarga de sincronización del reloj y el tiempo de recuperación del reloj. Sin embargo, en un centro de datos, mientras que las variables ambientales están controladas, opera en un rango variable, por lo tanto, estas variaciones deben tenerse en cuenta. En este estudio, se miden y analizan los efectos de la temperatura en la variación de inclinación entre núcleos, de una fibra multinúcleo. La configuración experimental, que utiliza un interferómetro para medir las diferencias relativas de retardo en un par de núcleos, es un enfoque novedoso para la cuantificación de la variación de inclinación entre núcleos. Además, utilizando esta técnica, la resolución lograda es del orden de femtosegundos. Los resultados muestran un aumento en la variación de inclinación entre núcleos entre un par de núcleos proporcional al aumento de temperatura. Además, los núcleos adyacentes demuestran la variación más baja.The information technology market evolution towards cloud services and the undeniable growth of data traffic have triggered the conception of the hyper-scale data centres. Intrinsically, cloud services require capability to cope with the high data traffic to serve the customers and required internal processes for high quality services. Optical technologies have enabled to handle higher the data traffic and multi-core fibre’s capacity for high data rate transmission comes as a promising solution for data centre interconnections, enabling clock signal transmission parallel to data transmission, thus increasing performance by reducing clock synchronization overhead and time for clock recovery. However, in a data centre, while the environmental variables are controlled, it operates in a variable range, thus these variations need to be accounted. In this study, the effects of the temperature on the inter-core skew variation, of a multi-core fibre, are measured and analysed. The experimental setup, which uses an interferometer to measure the relative delay differences in a pair of cores, is a novel approach for inter-core skew variation quantification. Moreover, using this technique, the achieved resolution is in the order of femtoseconds. The results show an increase in inter-core skew variation between a pair of cores proportional to the increase in temperature. Additionally, adjacent cores demonstrate the lowest variation.Perú. Programa Nacional de Becas y Crédito Educativo (Pronabec) : Beca Presidente de la República (2017-II)Tesi

    Design and implementation of an ultrasonic sensor for rapid monitoring of industrial malolactic fermentation of wines

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    Ultrasound is an emerging technology that can be applied to monitor food processes. However, ultrasonic techniques are usually limited to research activities within a laboratory environment and they are not extensively used in industrial processes. The aim of this paper is to describe a novel ultrasonic sensor designed to monitor physical–chemical changes that occur in wines stored in industrial tanks. Essentially, the sensor consists of an ultrasonic transducer in contact with a buffer rod, mounted inside a stainless steel tube section. This structure allows the ultrasonic sensor to be directly installed in stainless steel tanks of an industrial plant. The operating principle of this design is based on the measurement of ultrasonic velocity of propagation. To test its proper operation, the sensor has been used to measure changes of concentration in aqueous samples and to monitor the progress of a malolactic fermentation of red wines in various commercial wineries. Results show the feasibility of using this sensor for monitoring malolactic fermentations in red wines placed in industrial tanks.Postprint (author's final draft

    New delivery systems for amphotericin B applied to the improvement of leishmaniasis treatment

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    © 2015, Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical. All rights reserved. Leishmaniasis is one of the six major tropical diseases targeted by the World Health Organization. It is a life-threatening disease of medical, social and economic importance in endemic areas. No vaccine is yet available for human use, and chemotherapy presents several problems. Pentavalent antimonials have been the drugs of choice to treat the disease for more than six decades; however, they exhibit high toxicity and are not indicated for children, for pregnant or breastfeeding women or for chronically ill patients. Amphotericin B (AmpB) is a second-line drug, and although it has been increasingly used to treat visceral leishmaniasis (VL), its clinical use has been hampered due to its high toxicity. This review focuses on the development and in vivo usage of new delivery systems for AmpB that aim to decrease its toxicity without altering its therapeutic efficacy. These new formulations, when adjusted with regard to their production costs, may be considered new drug delivery systems that promise to improve the treatment of leishmaniasis, by reducing the side effects and the number of doses while permitting a satisfactory cost-benefit ratio.Peer Reviewe

    Control de calidad en la industria de la automoción

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    Transporte marítimo en América latina, casos chile y Colombia

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    Este ensayo sobre el comportamiento del transporte marítimo en Latinoamérica, es una visión global sobre la evolución de la dinámica del comercio internacional y sus repercusiones en el transporte marítimo, analizando cómo ha evolucionado a partir de la globalización, de los cambios en el panorama actual de la economía mundial, de las infraestructuras, la logística, la tecnología y los sistemas de información, con base en los planteamientos de expertos en el tema, revisando los antecedentes, la situación actual y las tendencias en el manejo del transporte y los puertos. Esta inquietud surge por conocer la forma como los países lo han asumido para ser competitivos en el comercio de bienes. De igual manera, el transporte marítimo ha desarrollado nuevas herramientas, con el fin de alcanzar estrategias que cumplan con las necesidades del comercio internacional. Estas estrategias y la forma como se han adaptado, son desarrolladas en el presente documento, para exponer los avances en Latinoamérica, especialmente en los principales puertos de Chile y Colombia, en cuanto a los cambios de pensamiento y actitud en el manejo del transporte marítimo para poder estar a la vanguardia a nivel Latinoamerican

    Quartz crystal microbalance holder design for on-line sensing in liquid applications

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    In this paper, the design of a QCM sensor for liquid media measurements in vertical position is described. A rugged and low-cost proof holder has been designed, the cost of which is significantly lower than those of traditional commercial holders. The crystal is not replaceable but it can be easily cleaned. Its small volume permits to be used by dipping it in the liquid with the desired location and orientation. The developed design has been experimentally validated by measuring changes in the resonance frequency and resistance of the QCM sensor immersed vertically in different calibrated aqueous glycerol solutions. The obtained results show a great agreement with the Kanazawa theoretical expression. Consequently, the designed QCM sensor would be appropriate for sensing applications in liquids, and might take part of a future on-line multichannel low-cost QCM-based measurement system.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Multichannel QCM-based system for continuous monitoring of bacterial biofilm growth

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    © 2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) sensors are becoming a good alternative to analytical methods for the measurement of bacterial growth in liquid media culture. For this purpose, two essential resonance parameters allow monitoring of biofilm formation: the series resonance frequency shift and the change of the resistance at this frequency. Nevertheless, several problems arise in determining these parameters, as their relative variation is very small. This means that an accurate procedure must be implemented for the measurement of the QCM resonance parameters, including the automatic calibration of the frequency response effects of the measurement circuits and the automatic compensation of the static electrical capacitance of the QCM. In this paper, a novel multichannel system for on-line monitoring of biofilm formation based on QCM sensors is proposed. QCM resonance parameters are determined from the electrical impedance analysis by means of an auto-balanced impedance bridge. This configuration has allowed the implementation of an affordable multichannel measurement instrument. Obtained results, based on binary mixtures of water-glycerol measurements and real microorganism experiments, are in good agreement with the theoretical behaviour. These results show the great potential of this instrument to be used for monitoring microbial growth and biofilm formation.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Estudio de factibilidad técnica económica de explotación de mármol, para optimizar la rentabilidad económica en la concesión minera Cantera San Rita 2010, Cajamarca 2016

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    RESUMEN La presente tesis constituye una herramienta de consulta cuya finalidad es ayudar a la empresa dueña de la concesión minera Cantera San Rita, hacer posible un proyecto de inversión. En este estudio de factibilidad técnica se realiza una evaluación sobre la rentabilidad del proyecto, se analiza el método de minado que mejor se adapta a la cantera (tipo de explotación que tendrá la cantera). El presente trabajo como estudio de factibilidad de explotación de mármol, comprende estudios de geología local y estructural, detalla el método de explotación, diseño de explotación, sistema de minado, la tecnología a emplear, determina los costos de transporte así como de una propuesta alternativa para la extracción de bloques de mayor calidad. Los puntos principales de la propuesta son: la realización de un cálculo preliminar de reservas y de un análisis económico enfocado en obtener la mayor productividad y rentabilidad de explotación. En el proyecto en estudio no se ha realizado perforaciones diamantinas, sin embargo existen suficientes evidencias sobre la existencia de un gran volumen de recursos, definidos por las observaciones de campo, lo que ha permitido determinar un modelo geológico, realizar un análisis del mineral no metálico y posteriormente un planeamiento de minado. Finalmente se plantea que dicha materia prima (bloques de mármol) pase al proceso de comercialización al mercado local, nacional e internacional.ABSTRACT This thesis constitutes a consultation tool whose purpose is to help the company that owns the Cantera San Rita mining concession, to make possible an investment project. In this technical feasibility study an evaluation is made on the profitability of the project, it analyzes the method of mine that best fits the quarry (type of exploitation that the quarry will have). The present work as a feasibility study of marble exploitation, includes studies of local and structural geology, details the method of exploitation, mining system, the technology to be used, determines transport costs as well as an alternative proposal for the extraction of Blocks of higher quality. The main points of the proposal are: the realization of a preliminary calculation of reserves and an economic analysis focused on obtaining the highest productivity and profitability of exploitation. According to the analysis and observation in the field it has been determined that the best mining option is through the use of hydraulic wedges; Due to the geology that presents the place, it is affordable the application of the method and a lower investment cost in comparison with the other mining methods. However, there is sufficient evidence on the existence of a large volume of resources, defined by the field observations, which has allowed to determine a geological model, to perform an analysis of the nonmetallic mineral And then a mine planning. Finally, it is proposed that this raw material (marble blocks) go to the marketing process to the local, national and international market