771 research outputs found

    Impact of Flipped Classroom Approach on Students’ Learning in Post-Pandemic: A Survey Research on Public Sector Schools

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    This research focuses on the increasing dependency on flipped classrooms with the merger of distance teaching and learning instead of face-to-face classrooms during the pandemic, which impacted student's performance and learning post-pandemic. The primary purpose of this research study was to identify support, motivation, participation, collaboration, assessment, and feedback gained through the use of flipped classrooms with the merger of distance teaching instead of a physical classroom in the pandemic situations and the challenges faced by teachers in using flipped classroom. The main intention is to analyze flipped classroom effectiveness as an emerging concept in a pandemic situation. In this research, a methodology is recommended step by step below in the methodology section-a quantitative research method used to collect accurate and reliable results. A survey research method was used in this study. The populations of 90-73 respondents among higher secondary grade students of the public school in Sukkur were selected for data collection. For managing the data, SPSS statistics software was used. In inferential statistics, an independent-samples t-test was used for the analysis of data. The results were analyzed based on gender mean score. The significant findings from this study suggested that the flipped classroom is a practical learning approach that enhances student engagement, performance, and learning in the class. It is summed up that a large number of students favoured the flipped classroom approach over traditional pedagogy. This study will help to further integrate this approach into higher levels of institutions by keeping in mind its effectiveness and hindrances in Pakistan

    ICT Motivation in Sixth-Grade Students in Pandemic Times—The Influence of Gender and Age

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    Information and communication technology (ICT) is being immersed in people’s daily lives at an increasingly younger age. It has been key for adolescents to pursue distance education, and their use and mastery of technological means and tools with Internet access has increased. In this study, the motivation, specifically in the interest, digital competence, autonomy, and social interaction, generated by ICTs in the daily lives of adolescents during the pandemic caused by COVID-19 was analyzed. In the study, the objective was to study the motivation, use and commitment generated by ICTs in these students in relation to their gender and age after their confinement to the classroom caused by the first wave of incoming students. An experimental method of descriptive and correlative design was used along with a quantitative method to analyze the data. The data were obtained in the year 2020 through a validated questionnaire committed to the ICT scale used by PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment). A total of 924 students from the sixth grade of primary education in the autonomous city of Ceuta (Spain), aged between 10 and 13, participated in the sample. The results reveal that the motivation and commitment to ICT in these age groups were medium in relation to the total mean of results on a Likert-5 scale. Boys scored higher in all the variables analyzed, and both age and gender show correlations, in addition to the factor of prediction. In conclusion, students in the sixth year of primary education, after the confinement period, were medium-high in their use and engagement of ICT. In addition, gender and age affected ICT use and engagement

    El impacto del género en el uso de la realidad aumentada y la realidad virtual en estudiantes con TEA

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    Today’s education is in the process of transformation as a consequence of the inclusion of educational technology in learning spaces. Among the most prominent technologies is augmented and virtual reality. These emerging technologies have reflected great educational potential in different contexts. The study's objective is focused on knowing the influence of gender in the application of augmented and virtual reality in students with ASD. They have been considered in various dimensions such as motivation, attention, communication, autonomy, and learning outcomes. A quantitative research methodology has been used through a descriptive and correlational nonexperimental design to achieve this objective. 46 Spanish students with ASD participated in the study. The data were collected through a questionnaire. The results reveal differences in motivation, attention, and communication based on gender. However, in terms of autonomy and in learning outcomes, gender does not suppose any conditioner. The work culminates with various theoretical and practical implications.La educación actual se encuentra en un proceso de transformación como consecuencia de la inclusión de la tecnología educativa en los espacios de aprendizaje. Entre las tecnologías más destacadas se encuentran la realidad aumentada y la virtual. Estas tecnologías emergentes han reflejado un gran potencial educativo en diferentes contextos. El objetivo del estudio se centra en conocer la influencia del género en la aplicación de realidad aumentada y virtual en estudiantes con TEA. Se han tenido en cuenta en varias dimensiones como la motivación, la atención, la comunicación, la autonomía y los resultados del aprendizaje. Para lograr este objetivo se ha utilizado una metodología de investigación cuantitativa a través de un diseño no experimental descriptivo y correlacional. En el estudio participaron 46 estudiantes españoles con TEA. Los datos fueron recopilados a través de un cuestionario. Los resultados revelan diferencias en motivación, atención y comunicación en función del género. Sin embargo, en la autonomía y en los resultados de aprendizaje, el género no supone ningún condicionante. El trabajo culmina con diversas implicaciones teóricas y prácticas.I + D + i project OTRI-University of Granada 499

    Thematic evolution of the scientific production of the journal DEDiCA

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    La revista DEDiCA es una revista científica que publica artículos relacionados con la educación, las humanidades y las artes, comenzando su andadura en el año 2011 hasta la actualidad. La investigación tiene como finalidad analizar toda la producción científica de la propia revista. Para ello, se ha desarrollado un estudio bibliométrico, centrado en el desarrollo estructural y temático, aplicando un análisis de co-palabras longitudinal mediante el uso del software SciMAT, teniendo presente el número de citas. Para realizar el análisis se han establecido tres periodos: 2011-2013, 2014-2016 y 2017-2019. La muestra ha estado compuesta por 246 artículos de investigación. Los resultados muestran que no hay una continuidad temática entre los periodos analizados, además de haber un índice bajo de coincidencia en relación a palabras clave entre las épocas analizadas. Las temáticas más citadas por periodos son interculturalidad (entre 2011 y 2013), educación (entre 2014 y 2016), y educación musical (entre 2017 y 2019), mientras que los temas motores varían entre esas épocas, siendo en el primero periodo la cultura popular y la música, en el segundo periodo la innovación educativa y en el tercer periodo la didáctica musical y la educación musical. Se concluye que DEDiCA tendió, en el periodo global analizado, a centrarse en la educación musical y didáctica musical, asentando su centro de interés en esos campos de estudios, aunque también tenga en consideración estudios relacionados con la educación en general y con la innovación educativa.The journal DEDiCA is a scientific journal that publishes articles related to education, the humanities and the arts, starting in 2011 until today. The aim of the research is to analyze the entire scientific production of the journal itself. To this end, a bibliometric study has been developed, focusing on structural and thematic development, applying a longitudinal co-word analysis through the use of SciMAT software, bearing in mind the number of citations. Three periods have been established for the analysis: 2011-2013, 2014-2016 and 2017-2019. The sample consisted of 246 research articles. The results show that there is no thematic continuity between the analyzed periods, in addition to a low rate of coincidence in relation to keywords between the analyzed periods. The most cited themes by period are interculturality (between 2011 and 2013), education (between 2014 and 2016), and musical education (between 2017 and 2019), while the driving themes vary between those periods, with popular culture and music in the first period, educational innovation in the second period and musical didactics and musical education in the third period. It is concluded that DEDiCA has tended, in the analyzed global period, to focus on musical education and musical didactics, establishing its focus of interest in these fields of study, although it also considers studies related to education in general and educational innovation.Grupo e Investigación HUM-672 AREA (Análisis de la Realidad EducativA

    A Comprehensive Survey on Data Utility and Privacy: Taking Indian Healthcare System as a Potential Case Study

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    The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers and editors who have been involved in examining this manuscript.Background: According to the renowned and Oscar award-winning American actor and film director Marlon Brando, “privacy is not something that I am merely entitled to, it is an absolute prerequisite.” Privacy threats and data breaches occur daily, and countries are mitigating the consequences caused by privacy and data breaches. The Indian healthcare industry is one of the largest and rapidly developing industry. Overall, healthcare management is changing from disease-centric into patient-centric systems. Healthcare data analysis also plays a crucial role in healthcare management, and the privacy of patient records must receive equal attention. Purpose: This paper mainly presents the utility and privacy factors of the Indian healthcare data and discusses the utility aspect and privacy problems concerning Indian healthcare systems. It defines policies that reform Indian healthcare systems. The case study of the NITI Aayog report is presented to explain how reformation occurs in Indian healthcare systems. Findings: It is found that there have been numerous research studies conducted on Indian healthcare data across all dimensions; however, privacy problems in healthcare, specifically in India, are caused by prevalent complacency, culture, politics, budget limitations, large population, and existing infrastructures. This paper reviews the Indian healthcare system and the applications that drive it. Additionally, the paper also maps that how privacy issues are happening in every healthcare sector in India. Originality/Value: To understand these factors and gain insights, understanding Indian healthcare systems first is crucial. To the best of our knowledge, we found no recent papers that thoroughly reviewed the Indian healthcare system and its privacy issues. The paper is original in terms of its overview of the healthcare system and privacy issues. Social Implications: Privacy has been the most ignored part of the Indian healthcare system. With India being a country with a population of 130 billion, much healthcare data are generated every day. The chances of data breaches and other privacy violations on such sensitive data cannot be avoided as they cause severe concerns for individuals. This paper segregates the healthcare system’s advances and lists the privacy that needs to be addressed first

    Influência da aplicação de um plano de leitura na motivação, inteligência emocional, fluência e compreensão leitora em alunos espanhóis do ensino fundamental

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    This study is part of the project with reference OTRI-4995 entitled Services related to the pilot phase of the evaluation of educational programs, financed by the “La Caixa” Foundation and sponsored by the University of Granada and the EducaTech Research Group (SEJ-666).Reading is positioned as an important skill in people’s daily lives. That is why work is done and time is dedicated to its development in educational centers through didactic proposals that are compiled in the Reading Plan. This research focuses on knowing the impact of the Reading Plan on various dimensions such as motivation, emotional intelligence, fluency and reading comprehension in primary school students from different educational centers in Spain. For this, a quantitative methodology has been followed with a pre-post quasi-experimental design with a control and an experimental group. 331 students enrolled between 5th and 6th grade of said educational stage participated in the study. The data has been collected through many validated instruments (Questionnaire of Motivated Strategies for Learning, BarOn Emotional Intelligence Inventory and the EMLE-TALE 2000) for the objectives pursued. After the statistical analysis, the results obtained reveal how the increase in emotional intelligence of the experimental group has improved the students’ motivation, both intrinsically and extrinsically, and this has favoured the acquisition of greater fluency and reading comprehension concerning the control group. It is concluded that motivation, emotional intelligence, fluency and reading comprehension are higher in experimental group than those achieved by students in the control group. This shows that the Reading Plan developed by the experimental group positively impacts the improvement of these dimensions in the students.A leitura se posiciona como uma habilidade importante no cotidiano das pessoas. Por isso, trabalha-se e dedica- -se tempo ao seu desenvolvimento nos centros educativos através de propostas didáticas que constam do Plano de Leitura. Esta pesquisa se concentra em conhecer o impacto do Plano de Leitura em várias dimensões, como motivação, inteligência emocional, fluência e compreensão de leitura em alunos do ensino fundamental de diferentes centros educacionais na Espanha. Para isso, seguiu-se uma metodologia quantitativa com um desenho pré-pós quase-experimental com um grupo controle e um experimental. Participaram do estudo 331 alunos matriculados entre o 5º e o 6º ano da referida etapa de ensino. Os dados foram recolhidos através de vários instrumentos validados (Questionário de Estratégias Motivadas para a Aprendizagem, Inventário de Inteligência Emocional BarOn e o EMLE-TALE 2000) para os objetivos perseguidos. Após a análise estatística, os resultados obtidos revelam como o aumento da inteligência emocional no grupo experimental melhorou a motivação dos alunos, tanto intrínseca quanto extrinsecamente, e isso favoreceu a aquisição de maior fluência e compreensão de leitura em relação ao grupo controle. Conclui-se que motivação, inteligência emocional, fluência e compreensão de leitura são maiores no grupo experimental do que aquelas alcançadas pelos alunosdo grupo controle. Isso mostra que o Plano de Leitura desenvolvido pelo grupo experimental tem um impacto positivo na melhora dessas dimensões nos alunos.“La Caixa” Foundation OTRI-4995Universidad de Granada SEJ-666 UG

    Retrospective and Prospective Analysis on Educational Leadership: Indicators of Productivity, Dispersion, and Content

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    This article analyzes the production, performance, impact, and content of scientific documents contained in an internationally recognized database, the Web of Science, that consider educational leadership (EL) thesaurus (title, abstract and/or keywords). To this end, a scientometric study was performed on a sample of 2,181 research documents that met the established inclusion criteria. A co-word analysis was also performed using Hirsch’s index (2005), as well as several bibliometric indicators, impact factors, and citation indices (h, g, hg, and q2). The main findings indicate that production on the topic of EL dates back to 1924, although it did not reach a significant level until 2004. Several important points related to the production profile on EL are highlighted: language, area of knowledge and institutions, and authors specializing in the subject. There are several lines of study open in the established periods, and the subjects that should be taken into account in the future are “critical-race-theory,” “identity,” and “distributedleadership.” The implications and limitations of the study are discussed and ways for education leaders to address new education policies and their practical implications are provided.Ministry of Universities of the Government of SpainEuropean Commissio

    Nomophobia: An Individual’s Growing Fear of Being without a Smartphone—A Systematic Literature Review

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    We acknowledge the researchers of the research group AREA (HUM-672), which belongs to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Junta de Andalucía and is registered in the Department of Didactics and School Organization of the Faculty of Education Sciences of the University of Granada.This review examines the current literature focused on nomophobia (objectives, methodological design, main variables, sample details, and measurement methods) in the Scopus and Web of Science databases. To this end, we conducted a systematic literature review in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews (PRISMA) guidelines. The initial sample consisted of 142 articles, of which 42 met the inclusion criteria and were analyzed in detail. The findings show that the current research is in an exploratory phase, with a greater predominance of descriptive, nonexperimental, and cross-sectional studies that explore the prevalence of nomophobia mainly in adolescents and university students. The most widely used measurement instrument is the Nomophobia Questionnaire (NMP-Q) proposed by Yildrim and Correia. In addition, the research suggests that nomophobia negatively affects personality, self-esteem, anxiety, stress, academic performance, and other physical and mental health problems. We are therefore faced with a health problem, which negatively affects a person, causing psychological problems and physical and behavioral changes.This research has received public funding from the Ministry of Education of the Government of Spain (FPU14/04626)

    Dietary Intervention through Flipped Learning as a Techno Pedagogy for the Promotion of Healthy Eating in Secondary Education

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    We acknowledge the researchers of the research group AREA (HUM-672), which belongs to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Junta de Andalucía and is registered in the Department of Didactics and School Organization of the Faculty of Education Sciences of the University of Granada.Technological progress in the educational field has led to the application of active and innovative teaching methods, such as flipped learning, including in the field of dietary education. This is considered a mixed formative approach that combines face-to-face and outside the classroom education. The objective of this research was to analyze the effectiveness of flipped learning methodology on a traditional training practice in dietary training, both in the sixth grade of primary education and in the fourth level of secondary education. A quasi-experimental design was adopted with two experimental groups, two control groups and only posttest. The final sample was composed of 115 students divided into four groups, two of each educational stage mentioned. A didactic unit consisting of six sessions in all groups was applied. Two different training methodologies were followed according to the nature of the group (control-traditional; experimental-flipped learning). The results reveal that flipped learning is effective both in primary education and in secondary education, being more influential in student development in this last stage. It is concluded that the flipped learning approach has meant an improvement of the academic indicators evaluated after a diet education program.This research was funded by I+D+I OTRI-Universidad de Granada CNT-4315. Metodologías activas para el aprendizaje mediante recursos tecnológicos para el desarrollo de la sociedad

    Do Age and Educational Stage Influence No-Mobile-Phone Phobia?

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    Technological progress not only brings with it resources that improve and facilitate the day-to-day life of the people who make up society but also entails health risks, with the emergence of terms, such as nomophobia, which is considered an anxiety disorder produced by the fear that not having a mobile phone generates in a person. This research aims to identify the relationship and influence between levels of nomophobia and the age or educational stage of students. The research method is based on a correlational and predictive design of quantitative methodology. The instrument used is the NMP-Q questionnaire. The study population is students from different educational stages (obligatory secondary education, baccalaureate, vocational training and university). The results show that students over 12 years old present an average level of “nomophobia” (no-mobile-phone phobia), namely, not being able to communicate with the family where the highest levels are presented. We conclude that students over 12 years of age and of any educational stage present an average level of nomophobia, and it cannot be determined that either the educational stage or the age are determining factors in the presentation of this problem. This can occur at any age and at any level of the different educational stages, although there are risk indicators that we should bear in mind to avoid the appearance of nomophobia.I+D+I Project Research of Results Transfer Office (OTRI) of the University of Granada (Reference: CNT 4439