337 research outputs found

    Los efectos de la crisis económica en la Negociación Colectiva

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    La crisis económica iniciada en 2008 ha conllevado la adopción de distintas medidas legislativas, entre las que se encuentran las reformas en materia laboral, que han supuesto un cambio significativo en el modelo vigente de relaciones laborales. La negociación colectiva ha sufrido una importante transformación con el objetivo de adaptarse a las nuevas exigencias económicas y, para ello, se han realizado cambios normativos con un profundo calado como los descuelgues convencionales, la prioridad aplicativa del convenio de empresa o la modificación de la regla de la vigencia de la ultraactividad de los convenios que ha creado situaciones de inseguridad jurídica. Estos cambios parecen no sólo haber alterado las reglas del juego sino haberlo hecho en un sentido muy determinado. A pesar de ello no está claro, habida cuenta de los pronunciamientos y sentencias contrapuestas del Tribunal Constitucional y el Supremo que este nuevo modelo haya modificado ya la estructura vigente, o al menos que lo vaya a hacer sin una fuerte oposición/conflicto. En cualquier caso, de momento parece haber generado más problemas de los que supuestamente venía a solucionar, empezando por problemas de interpretación de la propia ley.Grado en Relaciones Laborales y Recursos Humano

    Simple Method to Synthesize Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes Employing Cobalt Nitrate and Acetone by Using Spray Pyrolysis Deposition Technique

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    Recently alcohols and ketones have been employed to sensitize CNT by CVD. A study has shown the importance of the chemical nature of those carbon precursors on the characteristics of the CNT (carbon nanotubes) obtained. In the present work we show the influence of the catalyst employed on the synthesis of functionalized multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) utilizing acetone as carbon source and cobalt nitrate Co(NO3)2 as catalyst

    A critical comparison between DWT and Hilbert-Huang-based methods for the diagnosis of rotor bar failures in induction machines

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    (c) 2012 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.[EN] In this paper, a cutting-edge time-frequency decomposition tool, i.e., the Hilbert-Huang transform (HHT), is applied to the stator startup current to diagnose the presence of rotor asymmetries in induction machines. The objective is to extract the evolution during the startup transient of the left sideband harmonic (LSH) caused by the asymmetry, which constitutes a reliable evidence of the presence of the fault. The validity of the diagnosis methodology is assessed through several tests developed using real experimental signals. Moreover, in this paper, an analytical comparison with an alternative time-frequency decomposition tool, i.e., the discrete wavelet transform (DWT), is carried out. This tool was applied in previous works to the transient extraction of fault-related components, with satisfactory results, even in cases in which the classical Fourier approach does not lead to correct results. The results of the application of the HHT and DWT are analyzed and compared, obtaining novel conclusions about their respective suitability for the transient extraction of asymmetry-related components, as well as the equivalence, with regard to the LSH extraction, between their basic components, namely: 1) intrinsic mode function, for the HHT, and 2) approximation signal for the DWT.This work was supported in part by the Spanish “Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia,” in the framework of the “Programa Nacional de proyectos de Investigación Fundamental,” project reference DPI2008-06583/DPI and in part by “Vicerrectorado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación of the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia” through the Programa de Apoyo a la Investigación y Desarrollo under Contract PAID-06-07.Antonino-Daviu, J.; Riera-Guasp, M.; Pineda-Sanchez, M.; Pérez, RB. (2009). A critical comparison between DWT and Hilbert-Huang-based methods for the diagnosis of rotor bar failures in induction machines. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. 45(5):1794-1803. https://doi.org/10.1109/TIA.2009.2027558S1794180345

    Feature Extraction for the Prognosis of Electromechanical Faults in Electrical Machines through the DWT

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    [EN] Recognition of characteristic patterns is proposed in this paper in order to diagnose the presence of electromechanical faults in induction electrical machines. Two common faults are considered; broken rotor bars and mixed eccentricities. The presence of these faults leads to the appearance of frequency components following a very characteristic evolution during the startup transient. The identification and extraction of these characteristic patterns through the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) have been proven to be a reliable methodology for diagnosing the presence of these faults, showing certain advantages in comparison with the classical FFT analysis of the steady-state current. In the paper, a compilation of healthy and faulty cases are presented; they confirm the validity of the approach for the correct diagnosis of a wide range of electromechanical faults.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013 under Grant Agreement n° 224233 (Research Project PRODI “Power plant Robustification based on fault Detection and Isolation algorithms”). The authors also thank ‘Vicerrectorado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación of Universidad Politécnica de Valencia’ for financing a part of this research through the program ‘Programa de Apoyo a la Investigación y Desarrollo (PAID-06-07).Antonino-Daviu, J.; Riera-Guasp, M.; Pineda-Sanchez, M.; Pons Llinares, J.; Puche-Panadero, R.; Pérez-Cruz, J. (2009). Feature Extraction for the Prognosis of Electromechanical Faults in Electrical Machines through the DWT. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems. 2(2):158-167. https://doi.org/10.2991/ijcis.2009.2.2.71581672

    Diagnosis of Induction Motor Faults in Time-Varying Conditions Using the Polynomial-Phase Transform of the Current

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    © 2011 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permissíon from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertisíng or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.[EN] Transient motor current signature analysis is a recently developed technique for motor diagnostics using speed transients. The whole speed range is used to create a unique stamp of each fault harmonic in the time-frequency plane. This greatly increases diagnostic reliability when compared with non-transient analysis, which is based on the detection of fault harmonics at a single speed. But this added functionality comes at a price: well-established signal analysis tools used in the permanent regime, mainly the Fourier transform, cannot be applied to the nonstationary currents of a speed transient. In this paper, a new method is proposed to fill this gap. By applying a polynomial-phase transform to the transient current, a new, stationary signal is generated. This signal contains information regarding the fault components along the different regimes covered by the transient, and can be analyzed using the Fourier transform. The polynomial-phase transform is used in radar, sonar, communications, and power systems fields, but this is the first time, to the best knowledge of the authors, that it has been applied to the diagnosis of induction motor faults. Experimental results obtained with two different commercial motors with broken bars are presented to validate the proposed method.This work was supported by the Spanish "Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia" in the framework of the "Programa Nacional de Proyectos de Investigacion Fundamental," project reference DPI2008-06583/DPI.Pineda-Sanchez, M.; Riera-Guasp, M.; Roger-Folch, J.; Antonino-Daviu, J.; Pérez-Cruz, J.; Puche-Panadero, R. (2011). Diagnosis of Induction Motor Faults in Time-Varying Conditions Using the Polynomial-Phase Transform of the Current. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 58(4):1428-1439. https://doi.org/10.1109/TIE.2010.2050755S1428143958

    Biogas Power Energy Production from a Life Cycle Thinking

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    The purpose of this chapter is to present a generalized model for the construction of inventories for the production of electricity through biogas. This general framework can be adjusted to any power plant that uses biogas, since it complies with the main material and energy balances. This chapter describes the main technologies used in biogas power energy production, separating them into five main subsystems that integrate the general life cycle inventory, as well as the inputs and outputs considered in the development of the inventories. The life cycle assessment (LCA) of two types of plants is presented as study cases: (i) the biogas power energy generation with organic waste in landfills as substrate and (ii) the biogas power energy generation using dairy cattle manure as substrate. Both systems, in addition to using different types of substrate, present differences in their substages. It is concluded that the generation of studies of life cycle analysis of technologies facilitates decision makers, producers, and government agencies to develop and identify areas of opportunity from life cycle thinking

    Diagnosis of induction motor faults via gabor analysis of the current in transient regime

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    © 2011 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permissíon from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertisíng or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.[EN] Time-frequency analysis of the transient current in induction motors (IMs) is the basis of the transient motor current signature analysis diagnosis method. IM faults can be accurately identified by detecting the characteristic pattern that each type of fault produces in the time-frequency plane during a speed transient. Diverse transforms have been proposed to generate a 2-D time-frequency representation of the current, such as the short time Fourier transform (FT), the wavelet transform, or the Wigner-Ville distribution. However, a fine tuning of their parameters is needed in order to obtain a high-resolution image of the fault in the time-frequency domain, and they also require a much higher processing effort than traditional diagnosis techniques, such as the FT. The new method proposed in this paper addresses both problems using the Gabor analysis of the current via the chirp z-transform, which can be easily adapted to generate high-resolution time-frequency stamps of different types of faults. In this paper, it is used to diagnose broken bars and mixed eccentricity faults of an IM using the current during a startup transient. This new approach is theoretically introduced and experimentally validated with a 1.1-kW commercial motor in faulty and healthy conditions. © 2012 IEEE.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (MICINN) in the framework of the VI Plan Nacional de Investigacion Cientifica, Desarrollo e Innovacion Tecnologica 2008-2011. (Programa Nacional de proyectos de Investigacion Fundamental, project reference DPI2011-23740). The Associate Editor coordinating the review process for this paper was Dr. Subhas Mukhopadhyay.Riera-Guasp, M.; Pineda-Sanchez, M.; Pérez-Cruz, J.; Puche-Panadero, R.; Roger-Folch, J.; Antonino-Daviu, J. (2012). Diagnosis of induction motor faults via gabor analysis of the current in transient regime. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 61(6):1583-1596. doi:10.1109/TIM.2012.2186650S1583159661