147 research outputs found

    Twofold co-ordinated Ge defects induced by gamma-ray irradiation in Ge-doped SiO2.

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    We report an experimental study by photoluminescence, optical absorption and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance measurements on the effects of exposure of Ge-doped amorphous SiO2 to gamma ray radiation at room temperature. We have evidenced that irradiation at doses of the order of 1 MGy is able to generate Ge-related defects, recognizable from their optical properties as twofold coordinated Ge centers. Until now, such centers, responsible for photosensitivity of Ge-doped SiO2, have been induced only in synthesis procedures of materials. The found result evidences a role played by gamma radiation in generating photosensitive defects and could furnish a novel basis for photosensitive pattern writing through ionizing radiation

    Properties of HO2• radicals induced by γ-ray irradiation in silica nanoparticles

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    We report an experimental investigation on the effects of γ-ray irradiation in several types of silica nanoparticles previously loaded with O2 molecules. They differ in specific surface and average diameter. By electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) measurements we observe the generation of about 1018 HO2•/cm3 interstitial radicals. These radicals are induced by reaction of interstitial O2 molecules with radiolytic H atoms, as previously suggested for O2-loaded bulk a-SiO2 samples. However, at variance with respect to bulk materials, our experimental evidences suggest a different generation process of HO2• radical. In fact, by a detailed study of samples exposed to D2O, our results prove that radiolytic hydrogen atoms reacting with O2 to produce HO2• mainly arise from a radiation induced breaking of H2O molecules in the layers surrounding the nanoparticles or in the interstices. Also, by the correlation of HO2• paramagnetic centers concentration, determined by EPR measurements, and O2 Raman/PL signal we further considered the issue of the direct estimation of the O2 concentration in silica nanoparticles from Raman/PL spectra giving an independent conversion factor (the ratio between these latter two quantities), which is in good agreement with those previously proposed by other authors basing on optical measurements

    Comparison between local and regional anesthesia in arteriovenous fistula creation.

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    PURPOSE: Assessment of the effectiveness of Brachial Plexus Block (BPB) via axillary approach compared to regional anesthesia for arteriovenous fistula surgery in patients affected by end-stage renal disease. METHODS: We compared forty patients randomly divided into two groups. Group A underwent BPB procedure with 15 mL ropivacaine 1% and 10 mL of saline (0.9% NaCl) via axillary approach. Group B received local anesthesia with lidocaine 2%. The forearm blood vessels were assessed by Doppler ultrasonography before and after the intervention. RESULTS: BPB performed on Group A was associated with a considerable venous dilation and a significant decrease (48.7%, P<.05) in pulsatility index (PI) measured by Doppler ultrasound. In Group B, PI and venous dilation remained unaltered in the postoperative phase. No complications such as thrombosis or occlusion were encountered among patients who underwent BPB. CONCLUSIONS: The axillary-approached BPB was more advantageous than local anesthesia. Its effectiveness was because of venous dilation and the decrease in the PI, consequent to the reduction in peripheral resistances and the increase in local blood flow, thus offering an ideal background for fistula creation and short-term patency

    Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of the Adolescents and Surveillance System for the Obesity Prevention Project

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    The Adolescents Surveillance System for Obesity prevention (ASSO) Project aimed at developing standardized and web-based tools for collecting data on adolescents’ obesity and its potential determinants. This has been implemented and piloted in the local area of Palermo city, Italy. The aim of the present study is to provide an overview of the Project’s design, implementation, and evaluation, highlighting all the aspects for a potential scale-up of the surveillance system on the whole national territory and abroad, as a sustainable and effective source of data. The overall structure and management, the ASSO-toolkit, the ASSO-NutFit software, and all developed and used procedures for recruiting, training, and data collecting/analyzing are addressed. An interim evaluation has been performed through a feasibility study; a final Project evaluation has been performed reporting the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) and the attributes that a surveillance system should have. This article provides a detailed overview of the Project and highlights that ASSO can be considered a valid, logical, coherent, efficient, and sustainable surveillance system that is consistent with countries’ needs and priorities. The system developed by the ASSO Project provides high-quality data and complies with several characteristics typical of a suitable surveillance system. It has a potential of being adopted within the National Health Service and other countries’ Health Services for monitoring adolescents’ obesity and its determinants, such as food intakes, behaviors, physical activity, and fitness profiles

    Radiation Hardened Architecture of a Single-Ended Raman-Based Distributed Temperature Sensor

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    Raman-based Distributed Temperature Sensors (RDTS) allow performing spatially resolved (1 m) reliable temperature measurements over several km long Optical Fibers (OFs). These systems are based on the temperature dependence of the intensities of both the Stokes and anti-Stokes components of the Raman back-scattered signal. One of the specific issues associated with RDTS technology in radiation environments is the differential Radiation Induced Attenuation (RIA) between the two components that induces huge errors in the temperature evaluation. Such problem is particularly evident for commercially available single-ended DTS using one laser source. Double-ended configuration could be used to correct for the differential attenuation but are limited by RIA in terms of sensing range. In the present work, we show how a Radiation-Hardened-by-Design DTS (RHD-DTS) overcomes the observed radiation issues keeping the single-ended interrogation scheme. In the tested RHD-DTS two infrared excitation laser sources (~1550 nm and ~1650 nm) are employed: the wavelength of the Stokes component due to the first excitation source coincides with the wavelength of the second excitation; vice versa, the wavelength of the anti-Stokes component due to the second excitation source coincides with the wavelength of the first excitation. The overall result is that the two signal intensities are automatically corrected for the differential RIA all along the OF sensor length and the temperature measurements becomes robust against radiation effects. This study demonstrates the potential of such a sensor by reporting preliminary experimental results obtained with a prototype developed by Viavi Solutions exploiting radiation-sensitive or radiation-hardened optical fibers

    Minimal lambda-theories by ultraproducts

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    A longstanding open problem in lambda calculus is whether there exist continuous models of the untyped lambda calculus whose theory is exactly the least lambda-theory lambda-beta or the least sensible lambda-theory H (generated by equating all the unsolvable terms). A related question is whether, given a class of lambda models, there is a minimal lambda-theory represented by it. In this paper, we give a general tool to answer positively to this question and we apply it to a wide class of webbed models: the i-models. The method then applies also to graph models, Krivine models, coherent models and filter models. In particular, we build an i-model whose theory is the set of equations satisfied in all i-models.Comment: In Proceedings LSFA 2012, arXiv:1303.713

    The power of video in science communication: the EDUlab media production

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    Avvicinare la scienza e la ricerca alle persone, in ogni aspetto, significa avvicinare il pubblico a temi complicati, inspirando buone norme comportamentali di rispetto e tutela ambientale ma anche avvicinare la scienza a chi ogni giorno è in grado di decidere, attraverso i finanziamenti, quali lavori scientifici supportare. Proprio in coscienza di questo, negli ultimi decenni la scienza ha smesso di essere autoreferenziale, comprendendo che divulgare contenuti altamente scientifici a ad un pubblico non specialistico è fondamentale. Divulgare vuol dire creare quell’anello di congiunzione tra la ricerca scientifica più avanzata e il pubblico, significa saper capire il linguaggio spesso criptico dei ricercatori e di adattarlo senza stravolgimenti in qualcosa di comprensibile alle persone comuni. Con questa mission, nel 2015 nasce ufficialmente il gruppo “EDULab dell’IAS-CNR di Capo Granitola”, ovvero un laboratorio creativo di divulgazione scientifica in cui ricercatori, tecnologi e tecnici di varie discipline che condividono la passione di divulgare la scienza e i risultati da essa prodotti nei propri ambiti di competenza. Nel tempo, l’attività del gruppo si è consolidata, portando a numerosi risultati e ad un numero ragguardevole di progetti e programmi. Tra gli innumerevoli prodotti divulgativi sviluppati, l’uso dei media, ed in particolare dei video, si è rivelato uno strumento eccezionale di “comunicazione empatica” attraverso cui il pubblico riesce ad “immergersi” letteralmente nei contenuti proposti, recependo e facendo propri contenuti anche molto complessi. Nell’era del web e dei social-media, infatti, i video sono ormai lo strumento più veloce ed efficace per veicolare informazioni ad un’ampia fetta di popolazione

    The imaging for the the successful bio-communication: ORBS Brand

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    Producing accessible communication based on scientific research usually involves a great deal of effort in translating complex concepts into a non professional oriented information, but it is only through widely accessible data that knowledge dissemination have stronger repercussions in society. In concordance to this statement, the CNR IAMC and the “Accademia di Belle Arti di Palermo” collaborated in the work frame of the "Information, dissemination and communication system of the Biodiversity Observatory of Sicily” project, a synergistic interaction between science and art. The researchers held biodiversity seminars to the Academy students, involving 19 professorships, aiming to increase the knowledge degree and awareness on the biodiversity, thus stimulating their creativity. One of the main activities carried out during this collaboration was the conceptualization and designing of the Biodiversity Observatory brand, with the representation of biodiversity as the main briefing. The winning proposal was chosen between 13 projects by popular vote, with the participation of more than 800 students and CNR researchers. The branding is a representation of the environment with the use of different animal silhouettes as a symbol of biodiversity. The elements are arranged on a spiral grid suggesting movement, a current that raises deep, nutrient-rich waters to the ocean surface. Extremely evocative and appealing, the logotype has become an integral part of the Observatory's identity, and it's been profusely applied over the years on communication and divulgative materials, website, exhibitions, and memorabilia. Involving such a large number of students and their social groups (family, friends, and etcetera) meant giving the citizens a leading role in an important activity. Participation of the public in the creation of the graphic identity of a key structure in their territory resulted in a dramatic increase of sensitization on the biodiversity and environmental cause and participation in divulgation activities in the following years

    Visita all'Osservatorio della BiodiversitĂ  marina e terrestre della Regione Sicilia - ORBS

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    Con il taglio inaugurale del nastro il 16 dicembre 2015, prende vita la struttura museale permanente dell'Osservatorio della Biodiversità marina e terrestre della Regione Sicilia che porta lo stesso nome del Progetto di Ricerca "ORBS – Sistema di comunicazione, informazione e diffusione dell'Osservatorio Regionale della Sicilia", intitolata il 21 dicembre 2018 al Dott. Sandro Fiorelli. Ad oggi, la struttura, è operativa presso la Sede Secondaria dell'Istituto per lo studio degli impatti Antropici e Sostenibilità in ambiente marino del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (IAS – CNR) di Capo Granitola. Il progetto ORBS, finanziato da Regione Siciliana - Assessorato alla Cooperazione, Commercio, Artigianato e Pesca - Dipartimento Pesca, con periodo di attività 2013 - 2015, si è concluso proprio con la realizzazione della struttura museale; l'Osservatorio è stato istituito dall'Assessorato del Territorio e dell'Ambiente della Regione Siciliana nell'ambito di un accordo quadro con ARPA, ISPRA e CNR. Grazie al progetto ORBS, docenti e allievi dell'Accademia di Belle Arti di Palermo e il personale CNR – IAS (ex IAMC) S. S. di Capo Granitola, hanno collaborato sinergicamente permettendo di realizzare delle azioni didattiche e creative di valore scientifico espresse con straordinaria forza e bellezza. Ricercatori e professori si sono confrontati al fine di combinare le proprie competenze riuscendo nel progetto ambizioso di coinvolgere e fondere i diversi ambiti scientifici sensibilizzando gli artisti ai temi della Biodiversità. Le opere prodotte, corredate da schede scientifiche, hanno oltre al valore artistico un aggiunto valore didattico. L'apertura della sezione espositiva dedicata alla diffusione e alla comunicazione della biodiversità rappresenta da un lato l'importante tappa conclusiva del progetto, dall'altro l'inizio di un percorso mirato alla diffusione della biodiversità verso il mondo giovanile, le scuole e per tutto il territorio. Questa strepitosa collaborazione "CNR – Accademia di Belle Arti di Palermo" conferma l'importanza e l'opportunità di unire arte e scienza per esaltare la percezione della ricerca scientifica da parte della comunità. La divulgazione della scienza è un'attività complessa e sicuramente necessita di competenze e attitudini multidisciplinari oltreché di motivazione ed entusiasmo. La comunicazione delle tematiche scientifiche, di per sé ardua nella traduzione al grande pubblico, grazie alla forza esplicativa dell'arte, diviene opportunità di riflessione, osservazione, confronto per le comunità di visitatori. Il coordinamento delle visite delle scuole di ogni ordine e grado, Enti Pubblici, Comunità Scientifica, Cariche Istituzionali, Delegazioni di Politici Italiani e Stranieri, Associazioni Culturali, Associazioni No-Profit di Volontariato, Associazioni di Promozione Sociale, Organizzazioni di Volontariato, Onlus, pubblico in generale, presso ORBS, è affidato al qualificato personale (tecnici, tecnologi e ricercatori) dell'IAS – CNR S. S. di Capo Granitola, che gestisce in prima persona i visitatori nel percorso didattico e promuove il valore della divulgazione scientifica perseguendo la terza missione degli Enti di Ricerca, attraverso l'applicazione diretta, la valorizzazione e l'impiego della conoscenza

    Il ruolo dell’anestesista nell’iperparatiroidismo secondario

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    L’incremento di patologie come il diabete mellito e l’ipertensione arteriosa ha determinato, negli ultimi anni, un notevole aumento di pazienti affetti da insufficienza renale cronica (IRC); l’iperparatiroidismo secondario rappresenta la maggiore complicanza. L’exeresi chirurgica del tessuto paratiroideo iperfunzionante è l’elemento fondamentale dell’iter diagnostico-terapeutico. Punto di partenza è la visita anestesiologica. L’anestesista deve programmare un adeguato trattamento emodialitico, correggere gli squilibri idro-elettrolitici e l’anemia. In sala operatoria deve ben ponderare l’infusione di liquidi e la tecnica anestesiologica. Avere a disposizione il dosaggio del paratormone (PTH) è importante dal momento che l’intubazione orotracheale determina un incremento delle catecolamine e di conseguenza anche del PTH, mentre l’utilizzo di propofol può interferire con il dosaggio del paratormone determinandone un’artificiale riduzione. Questo lavoro vuole sottolineare le difficoltà e le preoccupazioni nell’applicazione di un protocollo anestesiologico al paziente uremico con iperparatiroidismo secondario
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