10 research outputs found


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    Aronija je ljekovita biljka bogata bioaktivnim tvarima, poput fenola, antocijanina, flavonoida. Lako se uzgaja jer se može prilagoditi skoro svim životnim uvjetima i otporna je na bolesti i Ŕtetnike. Aronijini pripravci se koriste u liječenju i prevenciji mnogih bolesti. Od njenih bobica se prave sirupi, tablete, kapsule, džemovi, sokovi i ostali pripravci.Aronia is medicative plant rich with bioactive supstances such as polyphenols, anthocyanins and flavonoids. Aronia is easy to cultivate because of her ability to adapt to almost every environment, and it is resistant to every desease or parasite. Aronia's preparations are used in desease curing and prevention. Sirups, pills, jams, juices are made of its berries

    Vodeno bilje Hrvatske: Podaci proizaŔli iz herbarijske zbirke ZA

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    As many as 963 herbarium sheets featuring 76 aquatic plant taxa from the ZA collection were digitised and published online through the Virtual Herbarium. Aquatic plants have been collected over a period of 176 years, with three peaks (second decade of the 20th century, in the 1940s and 1950s, and in the current decade). Most of the specimens were collected in Croatia and a smaller number in neighbouring and geographically close countries. The importance of the collection is expressed through the specimens of many rare and threatened species, because it represents the only evidence of their presence in Croatia (the regionally extinct Caldessia parnassifolia, as well as Luronium natans, Callitriche platycarpa, C. truncata, C. hermaphroditica, Potamogeton alpinus, P. compressus, P. polygonifolius, Nuphar Ɨ spenneriana and Sparganium minimum). The collection in ZA is a valuable source of data about the historical and recent distribution of aquatic plants that constitute a foundation for the estimation of distribution changes, threat assessment and conservation policies.Digitalizirana su 963 herbarijska lista 76 vodenih biljnih svojti iz zbirke ZA, te je omogućen javni pristup ovom materijalu putem online portala Virtualnog herbarija. Vodeno bilje sakupljano je u razdoblju od 176 godina, s tri maksimuma (u drugom desetljeću 20. stoljeća, tijekom 1940-ih i 1950-ih, te tijekom recentnog desetljeća). Većina biljaka je sakupljena na području Hrvatske, a manji dio u susjednim i zemljopisno bliskim državama. Važnost zbirke očituje se u značajnom broju rijetkih i ugroženih vrsta, za koje je zbirka jedini dokaz njihovog postojanja u Hrvatskoj (regionalno izumrla Caldessia parnassifolia, zatim Luronium natans, Callitriche platycarpa, C. truncata, C. hermaphroditica, Potamogeton alpinus, P. compressus, P. polygonifolius, Nuphar Ɨ spenneriana i Sparganium minimum). Zbirka vodenog bilja u ZA vrijedan je izvor podataka o povijesnoj i recentnoj rasprostranjenosti vrsta, Å”to je temelj za procjenu promjene areala vrsta, procjenu ugroženosti te njihovu zaÅ”titu

    Aquatic plants in collection Herbarium croaticum (ZA)

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    Cilj ovog rada bio je prikupiti i analizirati podatke o vodenom bilju unutar zbirke Herbarium Croaticum Botaničkog zavoda PMF-a, koja je najveća i najstarija herbarijska zbirka u Hrvatskoj. Ukupno 951 herbarijskih listova je renovirano, digitalizirano i georeferencirano te su i dostupni u dvije javne baze podataka: Flora Croatica Database i Virtualni herbarij Herbarium Croaticum. Za svaku od 72 vrste izrađena je karta rasprostranjenosti. Zbirka vodenog bilja sakupljana je tokom 165 godina, a prosječna starost herbarijskih listova iznosi 76 godina. Većina primjeraka sabrana je u Hrvatskoj, a manji dio u susjednim i geografski bliskim zemljama. Značaj ove zbirke očituje se u 11 rijetkih vrsta kojima je Herbarium Croaticum jedini dokaz da su postojale u flori Hrvatske. Istražena zbirka vodenog bilja kao izvor značajnih podataka o njihovoj povijesnoj i recentnoj rasprostranjenosti predstavlja temelj za analizu promjena njihove rasprostranjenosti, valorizaciju ugroženosti i donoÅ”enja mjera zaÅ”tite.The aim of this thesis was to collect and analyze data on aquatic plants within the Herbarium Croaticum collection, the largest and oldest herbarium collection in Croatia. In total 951 herbarium sheets representing 72 species were renovated, digitized, geo-referenced and made publically available in two databases: Flora Croatica Database and Virtual herbarium Herbarium Croaticum. For each species the distribution map was made. Aquatic plants within collection have been collected during 165 years, and avarage age of herbarium sheets is 76 years. Most of the specimens were collected in Croatia, and smaller part in neighboring and geographically close states. The importance of collection is expressed through 11 species, which only evidence of existing in Croatia is this herbarium. Collection of aquatic plants in Herbarium Croaticum is important source of data considering their historical and recent distribution, which are the basis for estimation of distribution changes, threath evaluation and protection planning


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    Aronija je ljekovita biljka bogata bioaktivnim tvarima, poput fenola, antocijanina, flavonoida. Lako se uzgaja jer se može prilagoditi skoro svim životnim uvjetima i otporna je na bolesti i Ŕtetnike. Aronijini pripravci se koriste u liječenju i prevenciji mnogih bolesti. Od njenih bobica se prave sirupi, tablete, kapsule, džemovi, sokovi i ostali pripravci.Aronia is medicative plant rich with bioactive supstances such as polyphenols, anthocyanins and flavonoids. Aronia is easy to cultivate because of her ability to adapt to almost every environment, and it is resistant to every desease or parasite. Aronia's preparations are used in desease curing and prevention. Sirups, pills, jams, juices are made of its berries

    Effect of high power ultrasound on the anthocyanins content and nonenzymatic browning in blueberry fruit nectre

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    Svrha ovog rada je utvrditi djelovanje ultrazvuka visoke snage (amplitude, vremena i temperature) na udio antocijana, ukupnih fenolnih spojeva, te na neenzimatsko posmeđivanje i promjene boje nektra od borovnice. Primijenjen je tretman ultrazvučnom sondom promjera 12,7 mm. Eksperiment je dizajniran pomoću računalnog programa STATGRAPHICS Centurion, faktorijalnim planom eksperimenta, te su koriÅ”tene tri amplitude (60, 90 i 120 Ī¼m tj. 50, 75 i 100 % snage) i različita vremena tretiranja (3, 6 i 9 min). Rezultati su statistički obrađeni metodom odzivne povrÅ”ine. Rezultati HPLC analize pokazuju da su najzastupljeniji antocijani cijanidin-3-glukozid, cijanidin-3- glukozilrutinozid, cijanidin-3-rutinozid i cijanidin-3-soforozid od kojih se kvantitativno najviÅ”e ističe cijanidin-3- soforozid. Iz rezultata je vidljivo da je najsvjetliji uzorak BO2 tj. najsličniji netretiranom uzorku. Najveći stupanj neenzimatskog posmeđivanja ima uzorak BO5 koji je tretiran najviÅ”om amplitudom i najduljim vremenom tretiranja. Kod ukupnih fenola najveću koncentraciju također ima uzorak BO5 a najmanju uzorak BO8 tretiran 3 minute pri amplitudi 50 %.The aim of this work was to determine the effect of high power ultrasound (amplitude, time and temperature) on the content of anthocyanins, total phenolic compounds, as well as nonenzymatic browning and color of the nectar of blueberries. Experiment has been designed in STATGRAPHICS Centurion software using factorial design. The treatment was performed using ultrasonic probe diameter of 12,7 mm, at three amplitudes (of 60, 90 and 120 Ī¼m, equivalent to 50, 75 and 100% of power) and different times of treatment (3, 6 and 9 min). The results were statistically analyzed by a computer program using response surface methodology. HPLC results showed that cyanidin-3-glucoside, cyanidin-3-glucosylrutinoside, cyanidin-3-rutinoside and cyanidin-3-sophoriside were the major anthocyanins of which are quantitatively the most notable cyanidin-3-soforozid. The results show that the brightest sample is BO2 and untreated sample was immediately followed by the brightness. The greatest degree of nonenzymatic browning has a sample BO5 which was treated with highest amplitude and the longest treatment. The highest concentration of total phenolic has sample BO5 treated 9 minutes at amplitude 100 % while the sample BO8 has minimum treated 3 minutes at amplitude 50 %

    Effect of high power ultrasound on the anthocyanins content and nonenzymatic browning in blueberry fruit nectre

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    Svrha ovog rada je utvrditi djelovanje ultrazvuka visoke snage (amplitude, vremena i temperature) na udio antocijana, ukupnih fenolnih spojeva, te na neenzimatsko posmeđivanje i promjene boje nektra od borovnice. Primijenjen je tretman ultrazvučnom sondom promjera 12,7 mm. Eksperiment je dizajniran pomoću računalnog programa STATGRAPHICS Centurion, faktorijalnim planom eksperimenta, te su koriÅ”tene tri amplitude (60, 90 i 120 Ī¼m tj. 50, 75 i 100 % snage) i različita vremena tretiranja (3, 6 i 9 min). Rezultati su statistički obrađeni metodom odzivne povrÅ”ine. Rezultati HPLC analize pokazuju da su najzastupljeniji antocijani cijanidin-3-glukozid, cijanidin-3- glukozilrutinozid, cijanidin-3-rutinozid i cijanidin-3-soforozid od kojih se kvantitativno najviÅ”e ističe cijanidin-3- soforozid. Iz rezultata je vidljivo da je najsvjetliji uzorak BO2 tj. najsličniji netretiranom uzorku. Najveći stupanj neenzimatskog posmeđivanja ima uzorak BO5 koji je tretiran najviÅ”om amplitudom i najduljim vremenom tretiranja. Kod ukupnih fenola najveću koncentraciju također ima uzorak BO5 a najmanju uzorak BO8 tretiran 3 minute pri amplitudi 50 %.The aim of this work was to determine the effect of high power ultrasound (amplitude, time and temperature) on the content of anthocyanins, total phenolic compounds, as well as nonenzymatic browning and color of the nectar of blueberries. Experiment has been designed in STATGRAPHICS Centurion software using factorial design. The treatment was performed using ultrasonic probe diameter of 12,7 mm, at three amplitudes (of 60, 90 and 120 Ī¼m, equivalent to 50, 75 and 100% of power) and different times of treatment (3, 6 and 9 min). The results were statistically analyzed by a computer program using response surface methodology. HPLC results showed that cyanidin-3-glucoside, cyanidin-3-glucosylrutinoside, cyanidin-3-rutinoside and cyanidin-3-sophoriside were the major anthocyanins of which are quantitatively the most notable cyanidin-3-soforozid. The results show that the brightest sample is BO2 and untreated sample was immediately followed by the brightness. The greatest degree of nonenzymatic browning has a sample BO5 which was treated with highest amplitude and the longest treatment. The highest concentration of total phenolic has sample BO5 treated 9 minutes at amplitude 100 % while the sample BO8 has minimum treated 3 minutes at amplitude 50 %

    ELISA in food analytics

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    ELISA (eng. enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) kombinira specifičnost reakcije antigen-antitijelo i osjetljivost jednostavne enzimske reakcije. Osnovni princip metode je reakcija antigen-antitijelo, a koncentracija analita se određuje promjenom boje kromogena koja se mjeri golim okom ili spektrofotometrijski. Osnovni tipovi ELISA tehnike uključuju: kompetitivnu, indirektnu, ā€žsendvičā€œ te obrnutu ELISA tehniku. ELISA tehnika koristi se za određivanje različitih sastojaka hrane kao Å”to su alergeni, antibiotici, pesticidi, mikotoksini. U prehrambenoj industriji ELISA tehnika koristi se i za određivanje sastava hrane. Svrha ovog rada bila je, temeljem znanstvene literature, iznijeti spoznaje o primjeni ELISA tehnike u određivanju različitih sastojaka i sastava hrane.ELISA ( engl. enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) combines the specificity of antigen-antibody reaction and the sensitivity of simple enzyme reaction. The basic principle of the method is antigen-antibody reaction and the concentracion of the analyte is determined by changing the color chromogen which is measured by the naked eye or spectrophotometrically. The basic types of ELISA techniques include: a competitive, indirect, "sandwichā€œ and inverse ELISA technique. ELISA method used for the detection of various food ingredients such as allergens, antibiotics, pesticides, micotoxines. In the food industry ELISA technique used for determining the composition of food. The purpose of this work was, based on scientific literature, to present findings on the application of ELISA techniques to determine the composition of various ingredients and foods

    ELISA in food analytics

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    ELISA (eng. enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) kombinira specifičnost reakcije antigen-antitijelo i osjetljivost jednostavne enzimske reakcije. Osnovni princip metode je reakcija antigen-antitijelo, a koncentracija analita se određuje promjenom boje kromogena koja se mjeri golim okom ili spektrofotometrijski. Osnovni tipovi ELISA tehnike uključuju: kompetitivnu, indirektnu, ā€žsendvičā€œ te obrnutu ELISA tehniku. ELISA tehnika koristi se za određivanje različitih sastojaka hrane kao Å”to su alergeni, antibiotici, pesticidi, mikotoksini. U prehrambenoj industriji ELISA tehnika koristi se i za određivanje sastava hrane. Svrha ovog rada bila je, temeljem znanstvene literature, iznijeti spoznaje o primjeni ELISA tehnike u određivanju različitih sastojaka i sastava hrane.ELISA ( engl. enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) combines the specificity of antigen-antibody reaction and the sensitivity of simple enzyme reaction. The basic principle of the method is antigen-antibody reaction and the concentracion of the analyte is determined by changing the color chromogen which is measured by the naked eye or spectrophotometrically. The basic types of ELISA techniques include: a competitive, indirect, "sandwichā€œ and inverse ELISA technique. ELISA method used for the detection of various food ingredients such as allergens, antibiotics, pesticides, micotoxines. In the food industry ELISA technique used for determining the composition of food. The purpose of this work was, based on scientific literature, to present findings on the application of ELISA techniques to determine the composition of various ingredients and foods

    Frequency of mental disorders among pregnant women and mothers in the city of Velika Gorica during 2018 and 2019

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    Uvod: Psihičko zdravlje nije samo odsustvo psihičke bolesti već je usko povezano sa tjelesnim zdravljem i socijalnim blagostanjem. Trudnoća i porod utječu na različite fizičke i psihičke promjene kod žena. Od psihičkih poremećaja kod trudnica i rodilja najčeŔće se spominju anksioznost i depresija. Anksioznost se opisuje kao prenatalna ili postnatalna tuga dok je za liječenje simptoma depresije potrebna pojačana skrb trudnice i rodilje. Cilj: Cilj istraživanja je prikazati relevantne podatke o učestalosti pojave psihičkih poremećaja kod trudnica i rodilja koji se odnose na grad Veliku Goricu kroz 2018. i 2019. godinu. Nadalje, cilj je utvrditi moguće razlike u pojavi psihičkih poremećaja kod trudnica i rodilja na području grada Velike Gorice u odnosu na dostupne podatke iz istraživanja u Europi i svijetu. Metode: U istraživanje je uključeno ukupno 203 ispitanica. U skupini rodilja ispitano je 118 žena, a u skupini trudnica njih 85. Sve ispitanice su s područja grada Velike Gorice te ih nadzire patronažna služba Doma zdravlja zagrebačke županije. Uvjet za sudjelovanje u istraživanju bilo je upoznavanje sa materijom istraživanja te potpisivanje informiranog pristanka, te odsutnost ranije utvrđenog psihički poremećenog zdravlja. Rezultati: Istraživanjem dobiveni podaci pokazuju kako postoji statistički značajna razlika u pojavi psihičkih poremećaja kod trudnica i rodilja iz grada Velike Gorice te ostalim zemljama Europe i svijeta. Time je odbačena hipoteza kako nema značajne razlike učestalosti pojave psihičkih poremećaja kod trudnica i rodilja u gradu Velika Gorica u odnosu na iste parametre u Europi i svijetu. Zaključak: Psihički poremećaji kod trudnica i rodilja postaju sve veći javnozdravstveni problem. Kako bi se postiglo smanjenje pojavnosti anksioznosti i depresije kod trudnica i rodilja važno je educirati zdravstveni kadar uključujući patronažne sestre, te skrenuti pozornost na prevenciju i pravovremeno liječenje ovih poremećaja.Introduction: Mental health is not just the absence of mental illness but is closely related to physical health and social well-being. Pregnancy and childbirth affect various physical and mental changes in women. Anxiety and depression are the most frequently mentioned mental disorders among pregnant women and mothers. Anxiety is described as prenatal or postnatal sadness while treating the symptoms of depression requires increased care for the pregnant woman and the mother. Aim: This research aims to present relevant data on the frequency of mental disorders among pregnant women and mothers who relate to the city of Velika Gorica in the years 2018. and in 2019. Furthermore, the aim is to determine possible differences in the occurrence of mental disorders among pregnant women and mothers in the area of the city of Velika Gorica compared to the available data from researches that refer to the rest of Europe and the world. Methods: A total of 203 respondents were included in the study. 118 women were examined within a group of mothers, while 85 were examined as a part of the group of pregnant women. All respondents are from the area of the city of Velika Gorica and are supervised by the patronage service of the Zagreb County Health Center. The condition for participation in the research was getting acquainted with the subject of the research and signing informed consent, as well as the absence of previously established mentally disturbed health. Results: The research data shows that there is a statistically significant difference in the occurrence of mental disorders among pregnant women and mothers from the city of Velika Gorica in comparison to the other countries in Europe and the world. This disproved the hypothesis that there is no significant difference in the frequency of mental disorders in pregnant women and mothers in the city of Velika Gorica compared to the same parameters in Europe and the world. Conclusion: Mental disorders among pregnant women and mothers are becoming an increasing public health problem. To reduce the incidence of anxiety and depression among pregnant women and mothers, it is important to educate health care professionals, including community nurses, and to draw attention to the prevention and timely treatment of these disorders

    Frequency of mental disorders among pregnant women and mothers in the city of Velika Gorica during 2018 and 2019

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    Uvod: Psihičko zdravlje nije samo odsustvo psihičke bolesti već je usko povezano sa tjelesnim zdravljem i socijalnim blagostanjem. Trudnoća i porod utječu na različite fizičke i psihičke promjene kod žena. Od psihičkih poremećaja kod trudnica i rodilja najčeŔće se spominju anksioznost i depresija. Anksioznost se opisuje kao prenatalna ili postnatalna tuga dok je za liječenje simptoma depresije potrebna pojačana skrb trudnice i rodilje. Cilj: Cilj istraživanja je prikazati relevantne podatke o učestalosti pojave psihičkih poremećaja kod trudnica i rodilja koji se odnose na grad Veliku Goricu kroz 2018. i 2019. godinu. Nadalje, cilj je utvrditi moguće razlike u pojavi psihičkih poremećaja kod trudnica i rodilja na području grada Velike Gorice u odnosu na dostupne podatke iz istraživanja u Europi i svijetu. Metode: U istraživanje je uključeno ukupno 203 ispitanica. U skupini rodilja ispitano je 118 žena, a u skupini trudnica njih 85. Sve ispitanice su s područja grada Velike Gorice te ih nadzire patronažna služba Doma zdravlja zagrebačke županije. Uvjet za sudjelovanje u istraživanju bilo je upoznavanje sa materijom istraživanja te potpisivanje informiranog pristanka, te odsutnost ranije utvrđenog psihički poremećenog zdravlja. Rezultati: Istraživanjem dobiveni podaci pokazuju kako postoji statistički značajna razlika u pojavi psihičkih poremećaja kod trudnica i rodilja iz grada Velike Gorice te ostalim zemljama Europe i svijeta. Time je odbačena hipoteza kako nema značajne razlike učestalosti pojave psihičkih poremećaja kod trudnica i rodilja u gradu Velika Gorica u odnosu na iste parametre u Europi i svijetu. Zaključak: Psihički poremećaji kod trudnica i rodilja postaju sve veći javnozdravstveni problem. Kako bi se postiglo smanjenje pojavnosti anksioznosti i depresije kod trudnica i rodilja važno je educirati zdravstveni kadar uključujući patronažne sestre, te skrenuti pozornost na prevenciju i pravovremeno liječenje ovih poremećaja.Introduction: Mental health is not just the absence of mental illness but is closely related to physical health and social well-being. Pregnancy and childbirth affect various physical and mental changes in women. Anxiety and depression are the most frequently mentioned mental disorders among pregnant women and mothers. Anxiety is described as prenatal or postnatal sadness while treating the symptoms of depression requires increased care for the pregnant woman and the mother. Aim: This research aims to present relevant data on the frequency of mental disorders among pregnant women and mothers who relate to the city of Velika Gorica in the years 2018. and in 2019. Furthermore, the aim is to determine possible differences in the occurrence of mental disorders among pregnant women and mothers in the area of the city of Velika Gorica compared to the available data from researches that refer to the rest of Europe and the world. Methods: A total of 203 respondents were included in the study. 118 women were examined within a group of mothers, while 85 were examined as a part of the group of pregnant women. All respondents are from the area of the city of Velika Gorica and are supervised by the patronage service of the Zagreb County Health Center. The condition for participation in the research was getting acquainted with the subject of the research and signing informed consent, as well as the absence of previously established mentally disturbed health. Results: The research data shows that there is a statistically significant difference in the occurrence of mental disorders among pregnant women and mothers from the city of Velika Gorica in comparison to the other countries in Europe and the world. This disproved the hypothesis that there is no significant difference in the frequency of mental disorders in pregnant women and mothers in the city of Velika Gorica compared to the same parameters in Europe and the world. Conclusion: Mental disorders among pregnant women and mothers are becoming an increasing public health problem. To reduce the incidence of anxiety and depression among pregnant women and mothers, it is important to educate health care professionals, including community nurses, and to draw attention to the prevention and timely treatment of these disorders