1,088 research outputs found

    Green Base Station Placement for Microwave Backhaul Links

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    Wireless mobile backhaul networks have been proposed as a substitute in cases in which wired alternatives are not available due to economical or geographical reasons. In this work, we study the location problem of base stations in a given region where mobile terminals are distributed according to a certain probability density function and the base stations communicate through microwave backhaul links. Using results of optimal transport theory, we provide the optimal asymptotic distribution of base stations in the considered setting by minimizing the total power over the whole network.Comment: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Ubiquitous Networking (UNet'17), May 2017, Casablanca, Morocc

    Information Spreading on Almost Torus Networks

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    Epidemic modeling has been extensively used in the last years in the field of telecommunications and computer networks. We consider the popular Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible spreading model as the metric for information spreading. In this work, we analyze information spreading on a particular class of networks denoted almost torus networks and over the lattice which can be considered as the limit when the torus length goes to infinity. Almost torus networks consist on the torus network topology where some nodes or edges have been removed. We find explicit expressions for the characteristic polynomial of these graphs and tight lower bounds for its computation. These expressions allow us to estimate their spectral radius and thus how the information spreads on these networks

    Defensive Resource Allocation in Social Networks

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    In this work, we are interested on the analysis of competing marketing campaigns between an incumbent who dominates the market and a challenger who wants to enter the market. We are interested in (a) the simultaneous decision of how many resources to allocate to their potential customers to advertise their products for both marketing campaigns, and (b) the optimal allocation on the situation in which the incumbent knows the entrance of the challenger and thus can predict its response. Applying results from game theory, we characterize these optimal strategic resource allocations for the voter model of social networks.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1402.538

    El acoso en el ámbito de las relaciones laborales

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    En el presente estudio se trata de poner de manifiesto la importante lacra social que existen en todas las culturas en torno a la violencia sobre otro, también denominada acoso. Esta violencia si se da en el ámbito laboral, se denomina “acoso laboral”. Son múltiples las razones que pueden generar acoso, desde los celos, la envidia, la agresividad, la traición, la desconfianza, la venganza, la hostilidad, la ambición, pero quizás, en muchas ocasiones, provienen, de rasgos dominantes del propio acosador. El acoso está basado en el poder. El poder se refiere a la posibilidad de forzar a otro mediante la coerción para la obtención de los objetivos deseados. Estas conductas pueden atentar contra derechos fundamentales como el derecho a la integridad, a la dignidad.In the present study it is a question of revealing the important social blight that they exist in all the cultures concerning the violence on other one, also named harassment. This violence if it is given in the labor area, is named a “labor harassment”. There are multiple the reasons that can generate harassment, from the jealousies, the envy, the aggressiveness, the perfidy, the distrust, the revenge, the hostility, the ambition, but probably, in many occasions, come, of dominant features of the own harassing one. The harassment is based on the power. The power refers to the possibility of forcing to other one by means of the restriction for the obtaining of the wished aims These conducts they can commit an outrage against fundamental rights as the right against the integrity, against the dignity

    Single energy measurement Integral Fluctuation theorem and non-projective measurements

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    We study a Jarzysnki type equality for work in systems that are monitored using non-projective unsharp measurements. The information acquired by the observer from the outcome ff of an energy measurement, and the subsequent conditioned normalized state ρ^(t,f)\hat \rho(t,f) evolved up to a final time tt are used to define work, as the difference between the final expectation value of the energy and the result ff of the measurement. The Jarzynski equality obtained depends on the coherences that the state develops during the process, the characteristics of the meter used to measure the energy, and the noise it induces into the system. We analyze those contributions in some detail to unveil their role. We show that in very particular cases, but not in general, the effect of such noise gives a factor multiplying the result that would be obtained if projective measurements were used instead of non-projective ones. The unsharp character of the measurements used to monitor the energy of the system, which defines the resolution of the meter, leads to different scenarios of interest. In particular, if the distance between neighboring elements in the energy spectrum is much larger than the resolution of the meter, then a similar result to the projective measurement case is obtained, up to a multiplicative factor that depends on the meter. A more subtle situation arises in the opposite case in which measurements may be non-informative, i.e. they may not contribute to update the information about the system. In this case, a correction to the relation obtained in the non-overlapping case appears. We analyze the conditions in which such a correction becomes negligible. We also study the coherences, in terms of the relative entropy of coherence developed by the evolved post-measurement state. We illustrate the results by analyzing a two-level system monitored by a simple meter.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    Retracción de morteros con cementos ternarios en distintas etapas de hidratación y envejecimiento

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    Una de las propiedades que resultarán relevantes para dar viabilidad al empleo de cementos ternarios es su influencia en la fisuración a edades tempranas asociada a las deformaciones por retracción endógena. Para ello es necesario definir las condiciones de ensayo para evaluar correctamente los diferentes mecanismos que intervienen solapados en el proceso y sobre los que todavía existen importantes lagunas en el conocimiento. En este artículo se profundizará en el desarrollo de la retracción endógena principalmente, a escala macro y micro, en probetas de mortero referencia y morteros con sustitución de cemento de un 26% de escoria y 10% de ceniza volante. El presente trabajo se centra en estudiar el desarrollo de prestaciones físico-mecánicas en estado fresco y endurecido de las mezclas propuestas y en profundizar en los aspectos concretos de la influencia en la retracción endógena y por secado

    Juegos para enseñar la naturaleza del conocimiento científico y tecnológico

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    La naturaleza del conocimiento científico y tecnológico constituye un componente esencial de la alfabetización en ciencias o de la competencia científica, y por eso sus contenidos innovadores se están incorporando a los currículos de ciencias actuales. La enseñanza de esos contenidos afronta importantes dificultades, la más notoria de las cuales es la carencia de materiales educativos apropiados para el aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Este artículo presenta materiales didácticos actuales diseñados con el formato de juegos para la enseñanza de la naturaleza del conocimiento científico en las aulas. Los juegos se presentan sistematizados en grupos (rompecabezas, cubos, juegos de cartas, cajas negras y escenarios), con algunas directrices generales y un resumen de orientaciones acerca de cada juego ejemplar. Los diversos juegos ofrecen una analogía auténtica de las prácticas científicas y a través de la participación, sin requisitos previos, los estudiantes comprenden algunos aspectos complejos acerca del funcionamiento de la ciencia y la tecnología según el tipo de juego practicado. Finalmente, se reflexiona sobre la eficacia de los juegos para la enseñanza de la naturaleza del conocimiento científico a partir de las recomendaciones de la investigación didáctica y los tradicionales factores que se oponen a las innovaciones educativas.La naturalesa del coneixement científic i tecnològic constitueix un component essencial de l'alfabetització en ciències o de la competència científica, i per això els seus continguts innovadors s'estan incorporant als currículums de ciències actuals. L'ensenyament d'aquests continguts afronta importants dificultats, la més notòria de les quals és la manca de materials educatius apropiats per a l'aprenentatge dels estudiants. Aquest article presenta materials didàctics actuals dissenyats amb el format de jocs per a l'ensenyament de la naturalesa del coneixement científic a les aules. Els jocs es presenten sistematitzats en grups (trencaclosques, cubs, jocs de cartes, caixes negres i escenaris), amb algunes directrius generals i un resum d'orientacions sobre un joc exemplar. Els diversos jocs ofereixen una analogia autèntica de les pràctiques científiques i a través de la participació, sense requisits previs, els estudiants comprenen diversos aspectes complexos sobre el funcionament de la ciència i la tecnologia segons el tipus de joc practicat. Finalment, es reflexiona sobre l'eficàcia dels jocs per a l'ensenyament de la naturalesa del coneixement científic a partir de les recomanacions de la investigació didàctica i els tradicionals factors que s'oposen a les innovacions educatives.The nature of scientific and technological knowledge is an essential component of scientific literacy or science competence and form part of the current science curricula as innovative content. Due to the lack of appropriate educational materials, however, teaching such concepts in the classroom is a major challenge. This paper presents up-to-date materials that are designed using a game format for teaching the nature of scientific knowledge within the classroom. Examples of different types of games are presented (jigsaw puzzles, cubes, card games, black boxes and scenarios) along with guidelines and orientations for their use. The games offer an authentic analogy of scientific practices and through participation, without prerequisites, the students are able to understand some complex aspects about the working of science and technology depending on the type of game at play. Finally, some reflections are made regarding the effectiveness of the materials for teaching the nature of scientific knowledge based on proposals in science education research and the traditional factors opposing educational innovations