524 research outputs found

    "A közös ellenség mégiscsak a patriarchátus" : interjú Dr. Barát Erzsébettel

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    „A közös ellenség mégiscsak a patriarchátus” – interjú Dr. Barát Erzsébettel

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    "A romantikának nincs vége, elvágyódok mindig lesznek" : a szubkultúra-kutatás új útjai és a mai magyar goth színtér

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    Tanulmányunkban a magyarországi goth(ic) szubkultúra jellemző vonásait mutatjuk be egy 2009 nyarán történt kérdőíves lekérdezés alapján. A vizsgálatban olyan fiatalokat kérdeztünk identitásukról, a szubkultúrához való viszonyukról, a goth szubkultúra sajátos tartalmáról és értékeiről, akik vagy a szubkultúra tagjaiként határozzák meg magukat, vagy egyéb módon kötődnek a színtérhez. Kérdésfeltevéseinkben és kutatási módszerünkben egy olyan (fenomenológiai) kutatási hagyományra támaszkodunk, amely a szubkultúrákkal kapcsolatos kulturális tényezőket vizsgálja, és amelyben nagy hangsúlyt kapnak a tagok személyes (szabad) megnyilatkozásai

    Use of Rapeseed Straight Vegetable Oil as Fuel Produced in Small-Scale Exploitations

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    This chapter presents a method to produce rapeseed and process it to obtain rapeseed oil and rapeseed cake meal from a small-scale point of view. It also shows how rapeseed oil can be used as fuel in diesel engines for agriculture self-consumption. A production, processing and use-as-fuel model for rapeseed oil is also presented, analysing environmentally and economically the use of rapeseed oil as fuel compared to other agricultural production alternatives. The results are evaluated for dry Mediterranean area conditionsPostprint (published version

    Optimal sizing of a hybrid grid-connected photovoltaic and wind power system

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    Hybrid renewable energy systems (HRES) have been widely identified as an efficient mechanism to generate electrical power based on renewable energy sources (RES). This kind of energy generation systems are based on the combination of one or more RES allowing to complement the weaknesses of one with strengths of another and, therefore, reducing installation costs with an optimized installation. To do so, optimization methodologies are a trendy mechanism because they allow attaining optimal solutions given a certain set of input parameters and variables. This work is focused on the optimal sizing of hybrid grid-connected photovoltaic-wind power systems from real hourly wind and solar irradiation data and electricity demand from a certain location. The proposed methodology is capable of finding the sizing that leads to a minimum life cycle cost of the system while matching the electricity supply with the local demand. In the present article, the methodology is tested by means of a case study in which the actual hourly electricity retail and market prices have been implemented to obtain realistic estimations of life cycle costs and benefits. A sensitivity analysis that allows detecting to which variables the system is more sensitive has also been performed. Results presented show that the model responds well to changes in the input parameters and variables while providing trustworthy sizing solutions. According to these results, a grid-connected HRES consisting of photovoltaic (PV) and wind power technologies would be economically profitable in the studied rural township in the Mediterranean climate region of central Catalonia (Spain), being the system paid off after 18 years of operation out of 25 years of system lifetime. Although the annual costs of the system are notably lower compared with the cost of electricity purchase, which is the current alternative, a significant upfront investment of over $10 M - roughly two thirds of total system lifetime cost - would be required to install such system. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Postprint (author's final draft

    Tobacco Smoking during Pregnancy: Women’s Perception about the Usefulness of Smoking Cessation Interventions

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    Tobacco consumption during pregnancy is a serious public health problem due to its negative effects on fetal development and on pregnant women's health and well-being. Thus, it is of utmost importance to plan and implement smoking cessation interventions, to prevent the negative impact of this risk factor, namely on children's health and development. This cross-sectional study aimed at exploring the perceptions and beliefs about the usefulness of smoking cessation interventions during pregnancy, in a sample of pregnant Portuguese women. The smoking use by pregnant women, as well as the risk factors associated with tobacco smoking during pregnancy, were also analyzed. The sample included 247 pregnant Portuguese women aged between 18-43-years-old (M = 30.30, SD = 5.02): 42.5% never smoked, 18.3% quit smoking before pregnancy, 19.0% quit smoking after getting pregnant and 20.2% were current smokers. The pregnant Portuguese women who smoked during pregnancy (current smokers or who quit smoking after getting pregnant) were mostly single or divorced, with lower education levels, showed a higher prevalence of clinically significant anxiety symptoms, and perceived smoking cessation interventions during pregnancy as less useful when compared to women who never smoked or quit smoking prior pregnancy. Daily or weekly smoking cessation interventions, implemented by health professionals such as doctors, nurses, or psychologists are the ones perceived as the most useful for pregnant women. These findings provide important clues for the planning of smoking cessation interventions during pregnancy, highlighting the domains that should be carefully monitored by health professionals. Specific strategies should also be used by health professionals to promote smoking cessation considering the demands of pregnancy and postpartum

    CaracterizaciĂłn de las propiedades fĂ­sicas de aceites vegetales para ser utilizados como carburante en motores diesel

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    La densidad y la viscosidad de los aceites vegetales tienen valores más elevados que los del gasoleo de automoción para una misma temperatura. Ya que dichos parametros dependen mucho de la temperatura, con un precalentamiento apropiado pueden alcanzar valores similares a los del gasóleo de automoción a temperatura ambiente. Por lo tanto es posible usar de modo eficiente aceites vegetales puros en motores diesel. Este estudio está enfocado a analizar sistemáticamente la dependencia con la temperatura de la densidad y la viscosidad de diversos aceites vegetales para así determinar la temperatura óptima de precalentamiento para poder usarlos como combustible en motores diesel. Los datos obtenidos en este estudio también son importantes para otros sectores industriales, incluyendo el transporte, alimentacin o las industrias de jabones, cosméticos y farmaceutica. En estos sectores industriales la estimación de la densidad y la viscosidad de los aceites vegetales puros es esencial para el cálculo y diseño de unidades de proceso como la columna de destilacion, intercambiadores de calor, conducciones, unidades de bombeo y reactores

    Burnout in Healthcare Professionals in Oncology

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    Healthcare professionals working with cancer patients have considerable risk for burnout. Nevertheless we know not enough about the burnout prevalence in oncological healthcare in Spain. This study aimed at estimating burnout levels of oncology professionals and at assessing satisfaction and work difficulties. 115 professionals answered the Maslach Burnout Inventory, a satisfaction questionnaire, and questions about difficulties and improvements. Results revealed a considerable number of professionals with burnout showing physicians a higher level than nurses. Burnout was negatively related to aspects of work satisfaction. Difficulties were work overload, communication and emotional aspects with patients and colleagues. Improvements dealt with organizational and individual aspects. Results are useful for prevention and intervention programs. Future research should analyze the work situation and personal factors

    Ecologia industrial aplicada al sector paperer de Catalunya

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    L’objectiu del projecte presentat aquí (que forma part delprojecte CICLE), és conèixer la situació actual d’aprofitamenti reciclatge de residus del sector paperer català i ferpropostes de millora seguint els principis de l’ecologiaindustrial. Per això s’ha fet una diagnosi identificant i quantificant els diferents residus produïts per aquesta indústriaa Catalunya i el seu destí. Els residus de depuració grollera van actualment a abocador i els fangs de depuració, en una proporció elevada, tampoc no s’aprofiten. Les principals millores proposades són, per tant: la utilitzacióde la tecnologia Rofire® per a l’aprofitament energètic del residu de depuració grollera, que reduiria en un 85,8 % les emissions de CO2 i que seria econòmicament viable quan el cost de l’abocador sigui d’uns 50,88 e/t de residu i la cogeneració utilitzant fangs de depuració com a combustible. Aquesta darrera opció s’hauria d’estudiar a fons per a cada empresa en particular
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