1,306 research outputs found

    Leguminose da pascolo di seconda generazione: una opportunità per i sistemi foraggero-zootecnici mediterranei?

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    Nell’ultima decade, diverse varietà di leguminose da pascolo di seconda generazione (Loi et al., 2005) selezionate in Australia vengono distribuite nel mercato sementiero europeo, ampliando di fatto la possibilità di scelta dei nostri agricoltori (Sulas, 2005; Porqueddu & González, 2006). Pertanto, è importante valutare i benefici derivanti dalla loro introduzione in sistemi foraggero-zootecnici mediterranei. In questo lavoro condotto in Sardegna si riferisce sull’adattamento e la persistenza di alcune leguminose di seconda generazione

    Improvisação e aprendizagem nas organizações: reflexões a partir da metáfora da improvisação no teatro e na música

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    There are moments in organizations when immediate answers are required, involving improvisation. These occasions do not provide enough time for items such as planning, standardization and control. Thus, there is a demand for new theoretical models and practices to meet these organizational needs. This essay aims to identify and propose, starting from the metaphor of the arts, some ideas to help to understand the role of improvisation in learning processes in organizations. Thus, the following proposals are discussed: (a) time influences the process ofimprovisation; (b) improvisation works with bricolage; (c) improvisation starts from minimal structures; (d) pause and silence are also part of the process of improvisation; (e) improvisation may be individual or collective; (f) improvisation may be based on clichés and repetition or variation of themes; (g) error is part of improvisation; (h) improvisation in a group requires continuous dialogue and negotiation; (i) performance is essential in the act of improvisation.Key words: improvisation, organizational learning, bricolage, metaphor.Nas organizações existem momentos em que são exigidas respostas imediatas que implicam improvisação. Estas ocasiões, por sua vez, fornecem pouca margem para elementos como planejamento, padronização e controle. Surge, então, a necessidade de novos modelos teóricos e práticas que abarquem estas necessidades organizacionais. Este ensaio teórico tem por objetivo apresentar, a partir da metáfora das artes, algumas proposições que auxiliem nos estudos e compreensão do papel da improvisação nos processos de aprendizagem nas organizações. Assim, são apresentadas e discutidas as seguintes proposições: (a) o tempo influencia o processo de improvisação; (b) a improvisação trabalha com a bricolagem; (c) a improvisação parte de estruturas mínimas; (d) as pausas e o silêncio também fazem parte do processo de improvisação; (e) a improvisação pode ser individual ou coletiva; (f) a improvisação pode estar baseada em clichês e em repetição ou variação de temas; (g) o erro é considerado parte da improvisação; (h) a improvisação em conjunto exige negociação e diálogos contínuos; (i) a performance é essencial no ato de improvisação.Palavras-chave: improvisação, aprendizagem organizacional, bricolagem, metáfora

    Improvisação e aprendizagem nas organizações: reflexões a partir da metáfora da improvisação no teatro e na música

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    There are moments in organizations when immediate answers are required, involving improvisation. These occasions do not provide enough time for items such as planning, standardization and control. Thus, there is a demand for new theoretical models and practices to meet these organizational needs. This essay aims to identify and propose, starting from the metaphor of the arts, some ideas to help to understand the role of improvisation in learning processes in organizations. Thus, the following proposals are discussed: (a) time influences the process ofimprovisation; (b) improvisation works with bricolage; (c) improvisation starts from minimal structures; (d) pause and silence are also part of the process of improvisation; (e) improvisation may be individual or collective; (f) improvisation may be based on clichés and repetition or variation of themes; (g) error is part of improvisation; (h) improvisation in a group requires continuous dialogue and negotiation; (i) performance is essential in the act of improvisation.Key words: improvisation, organizational learning, bricolage, metaphor.Nas organizações existem momentos em que são exigidas respostas imediatas que implicam improvisação. Estas ocasiões, por sua vez, fornecem pouca margem para elementos como planejamento, padronização e controle. Surge, então, a necessidade de novos modelos teóricos e práticas que abarquem estas necessidades organizacionais. Este ensaio teórico tem por objetivo apresentar, a partir da metáfora das artes, algumas proposições que auxiliem nos estudos e compreensão do papel da improvisação nos processos de aprendizagem nas organizações. Assim, são apresentadas e discutidas as seguintes proposições: (a) o tempo influencia o processo de improvisação; (b) a improvisação trabalha com a bricolagem; (c) a improvisação parte de estruturas mínimas; (d) as pausas e o silêncio também fazem parte do processo de improvisação; (e) a improvisação pode ser individual ou coletiva; (f) a improvisação pode estar baseada em clichês e em repetição ou variação de temas; (g) o erro é considerado parte da improvisação; (h) a improvisação em conjunto exige negociação e diálogos contínuos; (i) a performance é essencial no ato de improvisação.Palavras-chave: improvisação, aprendizagem organizacional, bricolagem, metáfora

    Improvisation and Learning Processes in Organizations: a metaphor applying the Brazilian rhythm choro

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    Whereas improvisation has been discussed in international literature mainly from the metaphor of jazz and theater, this essay discusses how the phenomenon of improvisation can contribute to new interpretations of Organizational Learning. We use the metaphor of improvisation in the Brazilian rhythm ‘Choro’ in order to understand the process of improvisation in organizations. Thus, the main objective of the study is to discuss and analyze the role of improvisation in the Organizational Learning process. In the fi nal considerations, we conclude that improvisation plays a signifi cant role in the processes of Organizational Learning. Thus, we argue that the socio-cultural approach in Organizational Learning can help to understand the process of improvisation, with the role of communities of practice, culture, social practices and sensemaking in this phenomenon

    Dense soft tissue 3D reconstruction refined with super-pixel segmentation for robotic abdominal surgery

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    Purpose: Single-incision laparoscopic surgery decreases postoperative infections, but introduces limitations in the surgeon’s maneuverability and in the surgical field of view. This work aims at enhancing intra-operative surgical visualization by exploiting the 3D information about the surgical site. An interactive guidance system is proposed wherein the pose of preoperative tissue models is updated online. A critical process involves the intra-operative acquisition of tissue surfaces. It can be achieved using stereoscopic imaging and 3D reconstruction techniques. This work contributes to this process by proposing new methods for improved dense 3D reconstruction of soft tissues, which allows a more accurate deformation identification and facilitates the registration process. Methods: Two methods for soft tissue 3D reconstruction are proposed: Method 1 follows the traditional approach of the block matching algorithm. Method 2 performs a nonparametric modified census transform to be more robust to illumination variation. The simple linear iterative clustering (SLIC) super-pixel algorithm is exploited for disparity refinement by filling holes in the disparity images. Results: The methods were validated using two video datasets from the Hamlyn Centre, achieving an accuracy of 2.95 and 1.66 mm, respectively. A comparison with ground-truth data demonstrated the disparity refinement procedure: (1) increases the number of reconstructed points by up to 43% and (2) does not affect the accuracy of the 3D reconstructions significantly. Conclusion: Both methods give results that compare favorably with the state-of-the-art methods. The computational time constraints their applicability in real time, but can be greatly improved by using a GPU implementation

    Pattern of Hard Seed Breakdown in Some Annual Self-Reseeding Legumes under Mediterranean Field Conditions

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    In the last decade a new generation of annual pasture legumes was released and introduced in the seed market for the Australian ley systems. In Sardinia (Italy), despite good agronomic performances in the first year, several of these new varieties showed low autumn re-establishment, reducing their competitiveness against native species and depressing any attempt for a long term pasture improvement (Porqueddu et al. 2010). Hardseedness may influence legume persistence. A study on the pattern of hard seed breakdown on some self-reseeding annual pasture legumes was carried out

    Long Term Safety Area Tracking (LT-SAT) with online failure detection and recovery for robotic minimally invasive surgery

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    partially_open6Despite the benefits introduced by robotic systems in abdominal Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS), major complications can still affect the outcome of the procedure, such as intra-operative bleeding. One of the causes is attributed to accidental damages to arteries or veins by the surgical tools, and some of the possible risk factors are related to the lack of sub-surface visibilty. Assistive tools guiding the surgical gestures to prevent these kind of injuries would represent a relevant step towards safer clinical procedures. However, it is still challenging to develop computer vision systems able to fulfill the main requirements: (i) long term robustness, (ii) adaptation to environment/object variation and (iii) real time processing. The purpose of this paper is to develop computer vision algorithms to robustly track soft tissue areas (Safety Area, SA), defined intra-operatively by the surgeon based on the real-time endoscopic images, or registered from a pre-operative surgical plan. We propose a framework to combine an optical flow algorithm with a tracking-by-detection approach in order to be robust against failures caused by: (i) partial occlusion, (ii) total occlusion, (iii) SA out of the field of view, (iv) deformation, (v) illumination changes, (vi) abrupt camera motion, (vii), blur and (viii) smoke. A Bayesian inference-based approach is used to detect the failure of the tracker, based on online context information. A Model Update Strategy (MUpS) is also proposed to improve the SA re-detection after failures, taking into account the changes of appearance of the SA model due to contact with instruments or image noise. The performance of the algorithm was assessed on two datasets, representing ex-vivo organs and in-vivo surgical scenarios. Results show that the proposed framework, enhanced with MUpS, is capable of maintain high tracking performance for extended periods of time ( ≃ 4 min - containing the aforementioned events) with high precision (0.7) and recall (0.8) values, and with a recovery time after a failure between 1 and 8 frames in the worst case.openPenza, Veronica; Du, Xiaofei; Stoyanov, Danail; Forgione, Antonello; Mattos, Leonardo S; De Momi, ElenaPenza, Veronica; Du, Xiaofei; Stoyanov, DANAIL VALENTINOV; Forgione, Antonello; Mattos, Leonardo S; De Momi, Elen

    Potenzialità di specie erbacee autoctone non convenzionali per usi produttivi e multipli

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    During the last twenty years, a main research topic of CNR-ISPAAM in Sassari has been the identification of native species from natural pasturelands that could be useful as forages and their characterization for introduction into cropping systems. More recent1y, our interest was focused on native species evaluation for multi purpose utilizations, considering the environmental aspects, related to the rehabilitaion and conservation issues deriving from such aspects as overgrazing, fires, environmental impacts due to human activities, land desertion in marginal areas. A series of species, belonging to the more traditional Leguminosae and Graminaceae, and also more unusual species such as Compositae and Geraniaceae have been isolated from the local flora and characterised for bioagronomic traits useful for fodder and multipurpose uses in Mediterranean environment. A few of such species are reported here

    \u3cem\u3ePiptatherum miliaceum (L.)\u3c/em\u3e Coss: A Mediterranean Native Perennial Grass with Potential Use for Bioenergy

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    In Mediterranean regions, the development of a bioenergy sector is restricted by the scarce availability of species and varieties suitable to cultivation in rainfed environments, where summer drought affects plant survival (Scordia et al., 2014). Native perennial grasses that survive summer drought in a dormant or semi-dormant state may represent potential bioenergy crops. Nevertheless, the native germplasm of Mediterranean perennial grasses is unexplored for bioenergy production, except for giant reed, and little investigated also for other uses, as forage production. Smilo grass (Piptatherum miliaceum (L.) Coss) is a native species growing in marginal environments and it is palatable up to flowering stage. Its high aboveground biomass production suggests the alternative use as bioenergy plant when its palatability decreases. The aim of this study was to evaluate the degree of variability in dry matter yield, biomass partitioning among organs and feedstock quality for bioenergy uses in Sardinian native smilo grass populations


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    Enquanto a indústria avança, nos mais diferentes setores que a compreendem, verifica-se a necessidade de equipamentos que auxiliem nos processos de limpeza, os quais, muitas vezes, devem prover melhores condições de operação. Desse modo, o principal objetivo do presente projeto de pesquisa foi o desenvolvimento de um projeto para automatizar o processo de higienização de esteiras frigoríficas, de forma a reduzir a utilização de mão de obra humana, aumentando a qualidade do processo e reduzindo a rotatividade e afastamentos nessa atividade. Para atingir aos objetivos propostos, efetuou-se uma revisão bibliográfica sobre a metodologia para o desenvolvimento de projeto de produto e dos procedimentos realizados na higienização das esteiras, sendo de vital importância no desenvolvimento do projeto. O presente trabalho envolveu a realização das etapas de Planejamento do Produto, de Planejamento do Projeto, de Projeto Informacional, Projeto Conceitual, Projeto Preliminar e Projeto Detalhado de um Sistema de Higienização de Esteiras Frigoríficas. Vale ressaltar que essas etapas buscam coletar e identificar o máximo de informações, definidas como requisitos dos clientes, e, posteriormente, transformar em requisitos de projeto. A partir dessas informações, pôde-se chegar à concepção de um equipamento específico que atendesse às necessidades impostas. Como resultado do desenvolvimento deste trabalho, obteve-se o projeto de uma máquina para higienização de esteiras frigoríficas, o qual levou a concepção dele, formado por elementos essenciais para resolver as necessidades do cliente. Mediante os resultados obtidos, pôde-se constatar a importância da metodologia de desenvolvimento de projeto de um produto destacando que se seguidas rigorosamente suas etapas aumenta-se a relação de confiança do projeto e o cumprimento dos objetivos propostos.Palavras-chave: Higienização. Esteira. Projeto