58 research outputs found

    Des saints, des animaux et des étrangers

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    L'auteure montre que les fêtes et rituels des Karipuna, qui vivent à la frontière de la Guyane française au Brésil, relèvent d'une stratégie de structuration des réseaux de réciprocité, lesquels impliquent d'autres peuples autochtones de la région (Palikur, Galibi-Kaliña, Galibi-Marworno), des non-autochtones (habitants des villes voisines, autorités municipales et régionales) mais aussi des saints catholiques et des animaux chamaniques. Basé sur un équilibre entre l'ouverture à l'extériorité (« mélanger le sang ») et la fermeture par le mariage endogame (« ne pas éparpiller le sang »), le modèle d'alliance karipuna permet un rapport contrôlé avec l'altérité. L'anthropologue montre également en quoi sa recherche ethnographique constitue, pour les Karipuna, un enjeu de reconnaissance identitaire au niveau régional et national.The author shows that celebrations and rituals of the Karipuna, who live at the border between French Guyana and Brazil originate from a strategy of structuration of reciprocal networks. These involve other indigenous peoples from the region (Palikur, Galibi-Kaliña, Galibi-Marworno) and non-indigenous (the inhabitants of neighbouring towns, along with municipal and regional authorities) as well as Catholic saints and shamanic animals. Based on an balance between opening to the outside (“mixing the blood”) and closing through endogamous marriage (“not to spread out the blood”) the model of alliance for the Karipuna makes possible a controlled relationship that includes alterity. The anthropologist also shows the way that her ethnographic research represents an issue of identitary recognition for the Karipuna on the national and regional levels

    Produzindo corpos ativos

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    Este artigo analisa os processos de ensino e aprendizagem em dois contextos sociais diversos vivenciados por famílias agricultoras, no Paraná, e por famílias indígenas galibi-marworno, no Amapá. Embora a educação escolar seja valorizada pelas famílias e ocupe um tempo e investimento considerável das crianças, esses contextos são aqui considerados “não escolarizados” porque a escola não constitui uma fonte hegemônica de conhecimento para essas crianças, que também aprendem através de outras situações vivenciadas por elas, especialmente através da participação nas atividades produtivas familiares. Ao reconhecer alguns aspectos comuns dos processos de aprendizagem nesses dois contextos, como a centralidade da experiência e da corporalidade, a atenção aos esforços de imitação, a ênfase na iniciativa dos aprendizes e a atribuição progressiva de responsabilidades, o artigo procura contribuir para os debates antropológicos contemporâneos sobre cognição e aprendizagem.This article analyzes the processes of teaching and learning in two different social contexts experienced by farming families in the state of Paraná, and indigenous families Galibi-Marworno in the state of Amapá. Although schooling is considered important by these families and occupy a considerable time and investment of children, these contexts are here considered “deschooled” because the school is not a hegemonic source of knowledge for these children, who also learn from other situations experienced by them, mainly through participation in family production activities. Recognizing some common aspects of these learning processes, as the centrality of experience and corporeality, the attention to imitation efforts, the emphasis on learners’ agency and the progressive attribution of responsibilities, the article aims to contribute to contemporary anthropological debates about cognition and learning

    Maria Aracy de Pádua Lopes da Silva (1949-2001)

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    Medusa's Hair. An Essay on Personal Symbols and Religious Experience

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    Políticas públicas e educação para indígenas e sobre indígenas

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    In Brazil the education system underwent broad reformulation as a result of the promulgation of the National Constitution in 1988 and the subsequent approval, in 1996, of the new Law of National Education Directives and Bases. Brazilian laws regognize indigenous knowledge and propose their inclusion in public schools curricula. They also recognize that indigenous people have their own teaching and learning process which each school needs to take into account and propose the formulation of diferenciated curricula. This presentation will attempt to assess the consequences and challenges brought about by these changes, with respect to the treatment of indigenous knowledges in the regular schools as well as in the indigenous schools, focusing the gaps between the law and the practice in the schools.No Brasil, o sistema de ensino passou por uma ampla reformulação decorrente da promulgação da Constituição Federal, em 1988, e da conseqüente aprovação da nova Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional, em 1996. A legislação brasileira reconhece os saberes indígenas e prevê sua inclusão nos currículos do ensino público e privado, como forma de valorizar a diversidade cultural. Em relação às escolas indígenas, estabelece que devem utilizar as línguas maternas e os processos nativos de aprendizagem e propõe a formulação de currículos diferenciados. Este artigo traz um balanço das conseqüências e desafios das mudanças ocorridas na legislação brasileira no que se refere ao tratamento dos conhecimentos indígenas nas escolas indígenas e não-indígenas, evidenciando os principais descompassos entre o que postula a legislação e o que vem sendo colocado em prática. Palavras-chave: Políticas públicas. Educação escolar indígena. Saberes indígenas

    ENSINO DE ANTROPOLOGIA NO BRASIL: Formação, práticas disciplinares e além-fronteiras

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    Trazemos, neste livro, as principais reflexões e debates sobre Ensino de Antropologia feitos no Brasil nas duas últimas décadas. Esta temática tem sido tema regular de mesasredondas, de simpósios temáticos e de grupos de trabalho nos cinqüenta anos da ABA, sendo que já estava presente nas primeiras reuniões brasileiras de Antropologia realizadas a partir de 1953


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    Drivers of diversity of arable plant communities in one of their european conservation hotspots

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    The changes of agriculture led to deep transformations of arable plant diversity. The features of arable plant communities are determined by many anthropic, environmental, and geographic drivers. Understanding the relative importance of such drivers is essential for conservation and restoration purposes. In this work, we assessed the effects of agronomic, climatic, geographic, and landscape features on α-diversity, β-diversity, and composition of winter arable plant communities across continental Italy, a European hotspot of arable plant diversity. Using redundancy analysis and variation partitioning, we observe that the selected groups of variables explained a restrained to moderate proportion of the variation in diversity and composition, depending on the response (5.5–23.5%). We confirm previous evidence that climate and geographic location stand out in determining the features of arable plant communities in the country, followed by the type of rural area. The surrounding landscape has a subordinate influence but affects both α and β-diversity. The α-diversity is higher in traditional agricultural areas and in landscapes rich in woody vegetation, while it is lower in warmer areas. Species composition is determined by climate, latitude, and the type of rural area, but not by landscape. Total β-diversity is mainly explained by climate and latitude, and subordinately by the agricultural context and landscape. Its components are explained by latitude and climate (replacement) and agricultural context and climate (richness difference). The local contribution to β-diversity of single sites suggested a good conservation status of the studied communities. We discuss the implications of our findings in the light of conservation and restoration of vanishing arable plant communities

    A presença de estudantes indígenas na Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina: um panorama a partir do Programa de Ações Afirmativas – PAA/UFSC.

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    O artigo aborda uma avaliação do Programa de Ações Afirmativas (PAA) da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), no que tange à situação de ingresso e permanência de estudantes pertencentes a povos indígenas. Para tanto, utiliza-se de levantamento bibliográfico acerca da legislação sobre ações afirmativas; de informações institucionais coletadas junto à Comissão Permanente do Vestibular (COPERVE) e ao Departamento de Administração Escolar (DAE); e de relatos feitos pelos estudantes indígenas em consultas realizadas em 2010, 2011 e 2012 por bolsistas Capes/ REUNI do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social da UFSC. Esse conjunto de informações permitiu traçar um panorama acerca da relação dos indígenas com a Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina e viabilizou a elaboração de sugestões, levadas à Comissão de Acompanhamento e Avaliação do Programa de Ações Afirmativas, como parte do processo de avaliação institucional do PAA. Tais elementos, também expressos neste artigo, visam ainda contribuir com as discussões presentes no cenário atual das instituições de ensino superior brasileiras e suas adequações à recente Lei 12.711 de 29 de agosto de 2012, também conhecida como “Lei de Cotas”. http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/223667251122

    Burden and prevention of HPV. Knowledge, Practices and Attitude Assessment Among Pre-adolescents and their Parents in Italy

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    Despite infections due to HPV nowadays represent the most common sexually transmitted diseases worldwide with recognized effective and safe preventive strategies, knowledge, attitudes; however, awareness on HPV is considerably low. The present study has two main objectives: 1. To conduct a literature review to analyze the evolution of preventive tools, the complexity of the vaccine choice process, and the challenges posed by HPV vaccine hesitancy and refusal among pre-adolescents and their parents; 2. To assess knowledge, practices and attitudes toward HPV infection and vaccination in a sample of Italian pre-adolescents and their parents. The observational study was carried out through the use of two anonymous and self-administered pre- and post-intervention questionnaires dedicated to the target populations. Between the administrations of the pre- and post-intervention questionnaires, an educational intervention on ITV infection and related diseases, and prevention strategies was conducted. All participants demonstrated suboptimal knowledge and positive attitudes in the pre-intervention questionnaire. Higher levels of knowledge and attitudes were observed among pre-adolescents thatused social networks and had heard of sexually transmitted diseases at home/school/physician and from parents and also who had heard of HPV from General Practitioners, Gynecologists, family members and newspapers. A significant increase in HPV vaccination awareness was observed among pre-adolescents after the educational sessions. Health education programs aimed at increasing knowledge, attitudes and awareness on HPV are needed to implement the outcomes of HPV immunization programs, especially if supported by the physicians involved in counselling and recommendation processes