29 research outputs found

    Antioxidant activity of phenolic extracts from different cultivars of Italian onion (Allium cepa) and relative human immune cell proliferative induction

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    The total antioxidant activity (TAC) may vary considerably between onion cultivars. Immunological effects of onion phenolic compounds are still underestimated.The objective of this study is to determine the total phenol content (TPC) and the relative TAC of three Allium cepa L. (Liliaceae) onion cultivars cultivated in Cannara (Italy): Rossa di Toscana, Borettana di Rovato, and Dorata di Parma, and to evaluate the phenol extracts ability to induce human immune cell proliferation.TPC was determined by the Folin-Ciocalteu method, TAC with FRAP, TEAC/ABTS, and DPPH methods. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells from healthy human donors were incubated for 24 h at 37 °C with 1 ng/mL of phenolic extract in PBS, immunostained, and then analyzed by 4-color flow cytometry for the phenotypic characterization of T helper cells (CD4+ cells), cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CD8+ cells), T regulatory cells (CD25high CD4+ cells), and natural killer cells/monocytes (CD16+ cells).Rossa di Toscana displayed the highest TPC (6.61 ± 0.87 mg GA equivalents/g onion bulb DW) and the highest TAC with the experienced methods: FRAP, 9.19 ± 2.54 μmol Trolox equivalents/g onion bulb DW; TEAC/ABTS, 21.31 ± 0.41 μmol Trolox equivalents/g onion bulb DW; DPPH, 22.90 ± 0.01 μmol Trolox equivalents/g onion bulb DW. Incubation with Rossa di Toscana extract determined an increase in the frequency of the antitumor/anti-infection NK CD16+ immune cells (23.0 ± 0.4%).Content of health-promoting phenols and the deriving antioxidant and immunostimulating activity vary considerably among the investigated cultivars. Rossa di Toscana can be considered as a potential functional food


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    Abstract In the frame of a broad multidisciplinary study aimed at enlightening the peculiarities of three onion cultivars (Dorata di Parma, Borettana and Rossa di Toscana


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    In the frame of a broad multidisciplinary study aimed at enlightening the peculiarities of three onion cultivars (Dorata di Parma, Borettana and Rossa di Toscana) when harvested in Cannara (Italy), the estimation of pungency (in terms of pyruvic acid content), total titratable acidity, pH, and ascorbic acid content was carried out. Rossa di Toscana contains the lowest pyruvic acid amount (4.24 mg/100 g fresh weight, FW), whereas no statistically significant differences emernge between the other two varieties (5.41 mg/100 g FW for Dorata di Parma and 4.99 mg/100 g FW for Borettana). The Dorata di Parma shows the highest mean pH value. Accordingly, Dorata di Parma presents the lowest mean acidity with regard to the Borettana and Rossa di Toscana cultivars. The mean ascorbic acid concentration spread between 3.92 and 4.77 mg/100 g FW with no statistically significant differences among the three cultivars

    Ketoprofen enantioseparation with a Cinchona alkaloid based stationary phase: enantiorecognition mechanism and release studies

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    With the present contribution, we demonstrate that the baseline separation of ketoprofen enantiomers can be successfully achieved (α = 1.09; R(S) = 1.60) in the reversed-phase mode of elution with a commercially available anion-exchange-based chiral stationary phase, incorporating the quinine 2,6-diisopropylphenyl carbamate derivative as the enantioresolving unit. Focused modification of the eluent composition indicated a stereoselective role of hydrophobic and π-π interactions between the selector and selectand units, besides the prime ionic intermolecular interaction. The mechanistic hypotheses based on the chromatographic data were confirmed by in silico molecular dynamic simulations, which allowed us to establish the network of selector-selectand interactions underlying the stereorecognition process at a molecular level. The validated method was successfully used to evaluate the drug content and release profile of ketoprofen-loaded polymeric film, showing drug homogeneous distribution into the film and no preferential interactions between the polymer and one of the enantiomers, with the racemate released at each time point

    The correlation between preoperative levels of albumin and tlc and mortality in patients with femoral neck fracture

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    A femoral neck fracture in an elderly patient often represents a major challenge for the orthopaedic surgeon who has to face not only the fracture, but also all the multiple issues related to age. Among others, malnutrition has been recognised as an important factor associated with severe aggravation in these patients. One-hundred-and-forty-seven patients were enrolled to investigate the use of two markers of patient nutritional status, i.e. serum albumin level and total leukocyte count (TLC), as predictors of mortality in the elderly patient suffering from proximal femur fracture. We found that low preoperative values of serum albumin and TLC proved to be directly related to worse outcomes. Therefore, these exams can be useful to identify patients with a femoral neck fracture that have higher risk of malnutrition and consequent higher mortality and that can benefit from some measures, such as albumin or protein nutritional supplement

    L’artrodesi della tibio-astragalica. Nostra esperienza e revisione della letteratura [Tibio-Tarsal Arthrodesis. Our experience and literature review]

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    L’artrosi post-traumatica di caviglia rappresenta la maggior parte delle cause di artropatia degene- rativa della tibio-tarsica (ADTT). A fronte di una patologia che spesso si manifesta come altamente disabilitante per il paziente che ne è affetto, rimane una delle sfide più difficili da affrontare per il Chirurgo Ortopedico. La sostituzione protesica dell’articolazione tibiotarsica (Total Ankle Arthroplasty, TAA), benché in rapi- do sviluppo e con risultati sempre più incoraggianti risulta ancora gravata da limitazioni di indicazio- ne e risultati a lungo termine non pienamente soddisfacenti. L’artrodesi di caviglia (AnkleArthrodesis, AA) viene descritta ancora oggi come il gold-standard terapeutico di un quadro avanzato di ADTT. Riportiamo in questo articolo l’esperienza della I Clinica Universitaria di Ortopedia e Traumatologia di Pisa nel trattamento di 20 pazienti affetti da grave ADTT (grado 3-4) secondaria a trauma. Tutti i pazienti sono stati sottoposti ad intervento di artrodesi tibio-astragalica secondo medesima tecnica. Sono stati così sottoposti a controllo radiografici seriati e a valutazione clinica a 1 anno dall’intervento con AOFAS score e NRS score. Studio a medio termine con follow-up di 1 anno. I risultati ottenuti, in accordo con la Letteratura, si sono dimostrati positivi nell’80% dei casi e con- fermano come l’artrodesi della tibio-tarsica benché spesso percepita dal paziente e dal Chirurgo come un fallimento dei precedenti trattamenti, sia una soluzione terapeutica che può garantire la risoluzione di un quadro clinico altrimenti altamente disabilitant


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    Introduzione: L’impianto di una protesi determina un’alterazione della biomeccanica e della fisiologica distribuzione dei carichi a livello articolare, con conseguente adattamento dell’osso, che sarà sottoposto dapprima ad una perdita intraoperatoria acuta e tardivamente ad una perdita cronica, come adattamento morfostrutturale alla nuova biomeccanica. Il riassorbimento osseo periprotesico che si realizza a medio-lungo termine, principalmente concentrato nella porzione prossimale metafisaria del femore, dopo impianto di protesi totale d’anca sembra rappresentare uno dei rischi principali per la sicurezza e la longevità dell’impianto stesso. Scopo di questo studio è valutare gli effetti esercitati dallo stelo a presa metafisaria Accolade I® TMZF® sulla densità ossea periprotesica in tutte e 7 le aree di Gruen, in modo da definire il trend di riassorbimento osseo correlati al design di questo impianto, mediante acquisizione dei dati di rimodellamento osseo periprotesico con metodica DEXA. la Moc DEXA viene descritta, infatti, in letteratura come la metodica più sensibile nel rilevare anche le minime variazioni di densità ossea già in fase precoce (>3-4%), al contrario della RX che rileva variazioni di densità solo se >del 30-40%. Lo scopo secondario è, quindi, predire, sulla base dei risultati ottenuti, la longevità e la stabilità dell’impianto a lungo termine, in quanto direttamente correlate al fenomeno del riassorbimento osseo periprotesico. Materiali e Metodi: In accordo con i criteri di inclusione e di esclusione prestabiliti, sono stati reclutati in questo studio prospettico 25 pazienti (11 uomini e 14 donne), sottoposti ad artroprotesi totale d’anca con impianto di stelo Accolade I® TMZF® (età media di 66 anni). Tutti i pazienti sono stati valutati clinicamente (Harris Hip e Womac score) e radiograficamente in fase pre-operatoria. Sono stati poi rivalutati clinicamente, radiograficamente e con esame densitometrico entro sei mesi(T0) e dopo 12 (T12), 24 (T24) e 36 (T36) mesi dall’impianto. Risultati: I risultati a 36 mesi indicano un aumento un aumento statisticamente significativo (p< 0.001) dei punteggi dell’HHS, che è passato da 64 punti nel preoperatorio a 93 punti al T36. Nessun paziente ha subito reimpianto chirurgico ed in nessun controllo radiografico abbiamo evidenziato aree di radiolucenza. All’analisi DEXA le variazioni del BMD nelle 7 aree di Gruen hanno evidenziato un decremento esclusivamente nella zona del Calcar (R7) con valore del 2,9%(da 1,03 g/cm2 al T0 ad 1,00 al T36), un modesto aumento in R1, R2 e R3 ed un incremento del BMD statisticamente significativo (p<0,05) a 24 e 36 mesi dall’impianto in R4 (+6,2%, passando da un valore di 1,61 al T0 ad 1,71 al T36), R5 (+7,2%, passando da 1,52 al T0 a 1,63 al T 36) e R6(+8,15%, passando da 1,35 al T0 ad 1,36 al T36). Discussione: Dal nostro studio è emerso che lo stelo non cementato Accolade I® TMZF® garantisce, dopo un follow-up a medio-lungo termine di 36 mesi, una sicurezza in termini di riassorbimento osseo periprotesico, in quanto mostra un trend del BMD decisamente positivo in tutte le aree di Gruen ed in particolar modo nel distretto mediale (R5,R6), ad eccezione della R7 dove mostra un lieve decremento del BMD. Tale decremento è probabilmente correlato ad una maggior distribuzione dei carichi ad un livello inferiore (R6) rispetto alla condizione fisiologica. Conclusioni: L’analisi dexa mostra quindi un trasferimento dei carichi prevalentemente sul comparto meta-diafisario mediale, che risulta essere un paramentro essenziale nel garantire la sopravvivenza degli impianti a lungo termine. Dal confronto con la letteratura inoltre abbiamo evidenziato che il pattern di riassorbimento determinato dal design di questo stelo risulta essere un parametro stabile, rendendolo quindi un dispositivo meno operatore-dipendente a confronto con altri tipi di stelo che in letteratura hanno mostrato variabilità del pattern in relazione all’orientamento (varo-valgo)

    Combined monodimensional chromatographic approaches to monitor the 1 presence of D-amino acids in cheese

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    Abstract 30 The presence of D-amino acids (D-AAs) as a consequence of natural or artificial interventions such 31 as ageing, microorganism action, preservative and conservative processes (alkali or heat treatment), 32 is a scarcely treated aspect from the scientific community. It is also fully documented that even a 33 minor degree of racemisation on the proteins&apos; AAs is the cause of a reduced digestion of such 34 The optimized CLEC conditions were then applied to the previously identified Ala, Asp and Glu 50 containing fractions as well as to those including all the remaining species. For all the three 51 compounds the enantiomeric excess (ee) was found to decrease passing from the ripened to the 52 fresh cheese. As expected, the largest difference was found for Ala (ee value from 83.0% down to 53 20.5%), followed progressively by Asp (ee value from 90.5 to 75.0%) and Glu (ee value from 99.0 54 to 91.8%)

    Hydrophobic Amino Acid Content in Onions as Potential Fingerprints of Geographical Origin: The Case of Rossa da Inverno sel. Rojo Duro

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    In this study, we were interested in comparing the amino acid profile in a specific variety of onion, Rossa da inverno sel. Rojo Duro, produced in two different Italian sites: the Cannara (Umbria region) and Imola (Emilia Romagna region) sites. Onions were cultivated in a comparable manner, mostly in terms of the mineral fertilization, seeding, and harvesting stages, as well as good weed control. Furthermore, in both regions, the plants were irrigated by the water sprinkler method and subjected to similar temperature and weather conditions. A further group of Cannara onions that were grown by micro-irrigation was also evaluated. After the extraction of the free amino acid mixture, an ion-pairing reversed-phase (IP-RP) HPLC method allowed for the separation and the evaporative light scattering detection of almost all the standard proteinogenic amino acids. However, only the peaks corresponding to leucine (Leu), phenylalanine (Phe), and tryptophan (Trp), were present in all the investigated samples and they were unaffected from the matrix interfering peaks. The use of the beeswarm/box plots revealed that the content of Leu and Phe were markedly influenced by the geographical origin of the onions (with *** p &lt;&lt; 0.001 for Phe), but not by the irrigation procedure. The applied HPLC method was validated in terms of the specificity, the linearity (a logarithm transformation was applied for the method linearization), the limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ), the accuracy (&ge;90% for inter-day Recovery percentage), and the precision (&le;10.51 for the inter-day RSD percentage), before the quantitative assay of Leu, Phe, and Trp in the onion samples. These preliminary findings are a good starting point for considering the quantity of the specific amino acids in the Rossa da inverno sel. Rojo Duro variety as a fingerprint of its geographical origin

    Biomechanics of Interspinous Devices

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    A number of interspinous devices (ISD) have been introduced in the lumbar spine implant market. Unfortunately, the use of these devices often is not associated with real comprehension of their biomechanical role. The aim of this paper is to review the biomechanical studies about interspinous devices available in the literature to allow the reader a better comprehension of the effects of these devices on the treated segment and on the adjacent segments of the spine. For this reason, our analysis will be limited to the interspinous devices that have biomechanical studies published in the literature