17 research outputs found

    Data-driven clustering of combined Functional Motor Disorders based on the Italian registry

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    Functional Motor Disorders (FMDs) represent nosological entities with no clear phenotypic characterization, especially in patients with multiple (combined FMDs) motor manifestations. A data-driven approach using cluster analysis of clinical data has been proposed as an analytic method to obtain non-hierarchical unbiased classifications. The study aimed to identify clinical subtypes of combined FMDs using a data-driven approach to overcome possible limits related to "a priori" classifications and clinical overlapping

    Understanding Factors Associated With Psychomotor Subtypes of Delirium in Older Inpatients With Dementia

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    Update on the Classification and Pathophysiological Mechanisms of Pediatric Cardiorenal Syndromes

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    Cardiorenal syndrome (CRS) is defined as a disorder resulting from the abnormal interaction between the heart and kidney, in which acute or chronic dysfunction of one organ may lead to acute and/or chronic dysfunction of the other. The functional interplay between the heart and kidney is characterized by a complex bidirectional symbiotic interaction, regulated by a wide array of both genetic and environmental mechanisms. There are at least five known subtypes of CRS, based on the severity of clinical features and the degree of heart/renal failure. The fourth subtype (cardiorenal syndrome type 4 (CRS4)) is characterized by a primary chronic kidney disease (CKD), which in turn leads to a decreased cardiac function. Impairment of renal function is among the most important pathophysiological factors contributing to heart failure (HF) in the pediatric age group, and cardiovascular complications could be one of the most important causes of mortality in pediatric patients with advanced CKD. In this context, a loss of glomerular filtration rate directly correlates with both the progression of cardiovascular complications in CRS and the risk of HF. This review describes the interaction pathways between the heart and kidney and the recently identified pathophysiological mechanisms underlying pediatric CRS, with a special focus on CRS4, which encompasses both primary CKD and cardiovascular disease (CVD)

    Diagnostic and therapeutic recommendations in adult dystonia: a joint document by the Italian Society of Neurology, the Italian Academy for the Study of Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders, and the Italian Network on Botulinum Toxin

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    The diagnostic framework and the therapeutic management of patients with adult dystonia can represent a challenge for clinical neurologists. The objective of the present paper is to delineate diagnostic and therapeutic recommendations for dystonia provided by a panel of Italian experts afferent to the Italian Society of Neurology, the Italian Academy for the Study of Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders, and the Italian Network on Botulinum Toxin. We first discuss the clinical approach and the instrumental assessment useful for diagnostic purpose. Then, we analyze the pharmacological, surgical, and rehabilitative therapeutic options for adult dystonia. Finally, we propose a hospital-territory network model for adult dystonia management

    Data-driven clustering of combined Functional Motor Disorders based on the Italian registry

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    Introduction: Functional Motor Disorders (FMDs) represent nosological entities with no clear phenotypic characterization, especially in patients with multiple (combined FMDs) motor manifestations. A data-driven approach using cluster analysis of clinical data has been proposed as an analytic method to obtain non-hierarchical unbiased classifications. The study aimed to identify clinical subtypes of combined FMDs using a data-driven approach to overcome possible limits related to "a priori" classifications and clinical overlapping. Methods: Data were obtained by the Italian Registry of Functional Motor Disorders. Patients identified with multiple or "combined" FMDs by standardized clinical assessments were selected to be analyzed. Non-hierarchical cluster analysis was performed based on FMDs phenomenology. Multivariate analysis was then performed after adjustment for principal confounding variables. Results: From a study population of n = 410 subjects with FMDs, we selected n = 188 subjects [women: 133 (70.7%); age: 47.9 ± 14.4 years; disease duration: 6.4 ± 7.7 years] presenting combined FMDs to be analyzed. Based on motor phenotype, two independent clusters were identified: Cluster C1 (n = 82; 43.6%) and Cluster C2 (n = 106; 56.4%). Cluster C1 was characterized by functional tremor plus parkinsonism as the main clinical phenotype. Cluster C2 mainly included subjects with functional weakness. Cluster C1 included older subjects suffering from anxiety who were more treated with botulinum toxin and antiepileptics. Cluster C2 included younger subjects referring to different associated symptoms, such as pain, headache, and visual disturbances, who were more treated with antidepressants. Conclusion: Using a data-driven approach of clinical data from the Italian registry, we differentiated clinical subtypes among combined FMDs to be validated by prospective studies

    Does thyroid diseases contribute to the natural history of idiopathic adult-onset dystonia? Data from the Italian Dystonia Registry

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    A few earlier observations and recent controlled studies pointed to the possible contribution of thyroid diseases in idiopathic adult-onset dystonia (IAOD). The aim of this study was to investigate the association between thyroid status and clinical characteristics of IAOD, focusing on dystonia localization, spread, and associated features such as tremors and sensory tricks. Patients were identified from those included in the Italian Dystonia Registry, a multicentre dataset of patients with adult-onset dystonia. The study population included 1518 IAOD patients. Patients with hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism were compared with those without any thyroid disease. In the 1518 IAOD patients, 167 patients (11%; 95% CI 9.5-12.6%) were diagnosed with hypothyroidism and 42 (2.8%; 95% CI 1.99-3.74) with hyperthyroidism. The three groups were comparable in age at dystonia onset, but there were more women than men in the groups with thyroid disease. Analysing the anatomical distribution of dystonia, more patients with blepharospasm were present in the hyperthyroidism group, but the difference did not reach statistical significance after the Bonferroni correction. The remaining dystonia-affected body sites were similarly distributed in the three groups, as did dystonia-associated features and spread. Our findings provided novel information indicating that the high rate of thyroid diseases is not specific for any specific dystonia subpopulation and does not appear to influence the natural history of the disease