9 research outputs found


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    This paper discusses airport operational performance issue. The focus is on research executed to find out which areas need to be improved in the airport operations in near future. Also, features of IT solutions for achieving better process control and the overall performance are briefly described. This paper is a part of project “Centre of Excellence for Air Transport”ITMS 26220120065

    COVID-19 Grounded Aircraft - Parking and Storing

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    Air transport industry is one the many sectors significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Travel restrictions and bans resulted in reduction in aircraft operation. Airlines have no option than to limit their services by grounding their fleet: as of April 2020, out of 22,000 passenger aircraft around the world, almost 14,400 were grounded [1]. Airport operators are trying to accommodate most of the grounded aircraft by utilizing their main operational space as aprons, taxiways and runways. The limited space at airports often means that aircraft have to be parked in non-standard positions, which may affect the airport daily operations. While planning aircraft parking, safety is the top priority. The effect of long-term load was not considered in the pavement design and could result in increased pavement maintenance requirements. Airport operators must also reflect aircraft maintenance needs in terms of engines, hydraulics, braking system, cabin interior and others

    Airport typology for LCC policy changes: a European perspective

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    This paper proposes a new airport typology that might arise from the expansion of airports with dominant low cost carrier traffic. In the first part of the paper, the typologies and different airport categorizations are reviewed with examples of current taxonomies used by principal international organizations. However, none of the current airport taxonomies takes into account low cost (LCC) carriers and cannot be used to create an airport market strategy with LCC operation. The paper highlights the characteristic of LCC features, the differences between the LCC airlines, and the characteristics of secondary – low cost airports. Finally, the paper proposes a new taxonomy of airports with low cost operations based on the airport data analysis and expert panel elucidation. For identification of airports with a high share of low cost carriers, Eurocontrol 2013 data on airline types and movements were used. The novel classification of low cost airports enables management to design marketing strategies to respond to LCC dominance and its implications. The main contribution of this research is to provide a novel classification for low cost airports which is relatively new phenomenon comparing with the problems of full service carriers dominance at large airports

    Expropriation and Airport Development

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    The article deals with issues, which may arise during the preparation of line infrastructure projects in the public interest such as airports, railways or highways. We focused mainly on the issue of expropriation of land in the public interest and related problems in Slovakia and Croatia but also in other states. Few case studies complement the theoretical part of the study. The paper is focused on comparison of selected national legislation especially Slovak and Croatian in this field and individual State’s approaches and tries to find the necessary changes in legislation whose could be usefully for the future. Slovakia and Croatia were chosen for comparison because not only they have a similar population and number of public airports, but they also have a common history and had common legal framework where, after the Austro-Hungarian settlement in 1867, Croatia itself belonged to Zalitavsko within Austria-Hungary together with Slovakia


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    Článok sa zoberá problematikou vysokoškolského vzdelávania v nadväznosti na potreby leteckého priemyslu ako odvetvia národného hospodárstva. V súvislosti s narastajúcou potrebou skvalitňovania a zefektívňovania procesu vzdelávania, je potrebné riešiť medzinárodnú spoluprácu pri vzdelávaní odborníkov v leteckej doprave. Odpoveďou na tento problém bolo vytvorenie znalostnej aliancie v rámci projektov ERASMUS+, ktorá analyzuje globálny trh povolaní a  kvalifikácií v leteckej doprave. Cieľom projektu bolo špecifikovať zoznam súčasných povolaní, ale aj budúcich povolaní v nadväznosti na analýzu kvalifikácií v odvetví leteckej dopravy. Na základe týchto výstupov projektu bol vytvorený nový študijný program ako aj upravené programy ďalšieho vzdelávania v letectve. Príspevok poukazuje na výstupy a prínosy takejto spolupráce.The paper is focused on the higher education system in relation to the needs of the aviation industry as a branch of the national economy. In connection with the growing need to improve and streamline the education process it is important to develop and create the international cooperation in education of professionals in aviation industry. The response on this problem was the creation of knowledge alliance supported by the ERASMUS+ project, which analysed the global market of occupations and qualifications in the air transport. Based on the results of qualification analyses a list of current occupations was specified, as well as future occupations in the aviation sector. On the project outputs a new study program was created and further lifelong learning programs were modified. The paper points to the outputs and benefits of this  cooperation