17 research outputs found

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    À propos du système temporel du vieux slave

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    Dostál Antonín. À propos du système temporel du vieux slave. In: Revue des études slaves, tome 40, 1964. Mélanges André Vaillant. pp. 78-84

    Modernizing of physical protection firehouse caregory sizes P1

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    Tato bakalářská práce pojednává o modernizace fyzické ochrany požární stanice kategorie velikosti P1 před neoprávněným vniknutím a její následné využití v praxi. Cílem práce je posouzení rizik, zjistit nedostatky v opatření fyzické bezpečnosti a navrhnout účinná opatření fyzické bezpečnosti za účelem její modernizace. Práce je rozdělena na část teoretickou a praktickou. Úvod se zabývá současnou situací požární stanice v oblasti bezpečnosti a je zde stanoven cíl práce. V teoretické části jsou řešeny právní předpisy a normy, které se zabírají oblastí ochrany osob a majetku v souvislosti s fyzickou bezpečností. Součástí teoretické části je vysvětlení základního členění fyzické bezpečnosti, popis požární stanice a její stávající fyzická bezpečnost. Dále se zde řeší možné využití jednotlivých prvků ochrany v rámci perimetrické, plášťové, prostorové, předmětové a režimové ochrany. V další části práce je uveden dílčí závěr na současný stav zabezpečení, který poukazuje na klady a nedostatky v této oblasti. V následující části se práce zabývá analýzou a hodnocením rizik. V rámci analýzy za pomocí Išikavova digramu poukazuje na možná rizika, která by měly za následek neoprávněné vniknutí. Za pomocí analýzy SWOT (přednosti, nedostatky, příležitosti, hrozby) nám ukáže možnost, jak je možné pomocí silných stránek a příležitostí minimalizovat identifikované hrozby v souvislosti se zjištěnými nedostatky. A pomocí analýzy stromem událostí (ETA) je zde poukázáno na možný vývoj událostí. Následně je vypracován inovativní návrh, který za použití vhodných mechanických a technických prvků ochrany eliminuje jednotlivá rizika, která jsme zjistili z provedených analýz. Na konci inovativního návrhu je uvedena finanční náročnost návrhu a jeho zdůvodnění dle principu ALARA. V závěru bakalářské práce jsou popsány kroky, které vedly k zjištění nejzávažnějších rizik a jejich vyhodnocení pomocí analýzy. Následně jsou uvedeny použité prvky ochrany a opatření, která mají sloužit k eliminaci zjištěných rizik. Na závěr bakalářské práce je konstatováno to, jestli bylo dosaženo hlavní myšlenky.This bachelor thesis deals with modernising the physical protection of a fire station P1 category size from intrusion and its subsequent use in practice. The objective of this work is to risk assessment, to identify weaknesses in physical security measures and propose effective measures of physical security for the purpose of its modernization. The work is divided into theoretical and practical. Introduction deals with the current situation of the fire station in the area of safety and establishes an objective work. The theoretical part dealt with the laws and standards that will occupy the area of protection of persons and property in connection with physical security. The theoretical part explain the basic division of physical security, fire station and a description of the existing physical security. Furthermore, there can be solved using individual elements of protection within the perimeter, shell, space, object and regime protection. The next section is given a partial conclusion to the current state of security, which highlights the strengths and weaknesses in this area. The next part deals with the analysis and risk assessment. In an analysis using diagrams Išikavov highlights the potential risks that would result in the intrusion. Using SWOT analysis (strengths, weakn, esses, opportunities, threats) will show us the way you can use the strengths and opportunities to minimize identified threats in connection with the identified deficiencies. And analyze the event trees (ETA) is made to the possible developments. Subsequently developed an innovative proposal using appropriate mechanical and technical elements of individual protection eliminates the risk that we found from the analyzes. At the end innovative design is given the financial demands of the proposal and its rationale, according to the ALARA principle. In conclusion, the thesis describes the steps that led to the detection of the most serious risks and their evaluation by analysis. The following are used elements of protection and the measures that are intended to eliminate the identified risks. In conclusion, the thesis is stated that if it reached the main ideas.060 - Katedra bezpečnostních služebvelmi dobř

    Innovative proposal to secure a selected elementary school

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá inovativním návrhem technického zabezpečení objektu vybrané základní školy s cílem zajištění fyzické bezpečnosti. V první části práce je popsána současnost a historie základní školy, dále zvolený areál školy, včetně jeho okolí a stávajícího systému bezpečnosti objektu. Následující část informuje o kriminalitě v okolí školy a o provedeném penetračním testu. V další části této práce jsou popsány jednotlivé analýzy rizik, které na základě stávajícího stavu zabezpečení ukázaly na možné nedostatky v systému zabezpečení fyzické bezpečnosti základní školy. Na základě zjištěných nedostatků a s ohledem na doporučení normy ČSN 73 4400 byla navržena inovace opatření fyzické bezpečnosti. V závěru práce bylo provedeno ekonomické zhodnocení tohoto inovativního zabezpečení.The diploma thesis deals with the innovative design of the technical security of the selected primary school in order to ensure physical security. The first part of the thesis describes the present and history of the primary school, the selected area of the school, including its surroundings and the current security system of the building. The following section informs about the crime around the school and about the penetration test. In the next part of this work are described individual analyzes of risks, which based on the current state of security showed possible deficiencies in the physical security system of primary school. Based on the identified shortcomings and taking into account the recommendations of the standard ČSN 73 4400, an innovation of physical security measures was proposed. At the end of the work was made economic evaluation of this innovative security.060 - Katedra bezpečnostních služebdobř

    Application of the selected physical methods in biological research

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    This paper deals with the application of acoustic emission (AE), which is a part of the non-destructive methods, currently having an extensive application. This method is used for measuring the internal defects of materials. AE has a high potential in further research and development to extend the application of this method even in the field of process engineering. For that matter, it is the most elaborate acoustic emission monitoring in laboratory conditions with regard to external stimuli. The aim of the project is to apply the acoustic emission recording the activity of bees in different seasons. The mission is to apply a new perspective on the behavior of colonies by means of acoustic emission, which collects a sound propagation in the material. Vibration is one of the integral part of communication in the community. Sensing colonies with the support of this method is used for understanding of colonies biological behavior to stimuli clutches, colony development etc. Simulating conditions supported by acoustic emission monitoring system the illustrate colonies activity. Collected information will be used to represent a comprehensive view of the life cycle and behavior of honey bees (Apis mellifera). Use of information about the activities of bees gives a comprehensive perspective on using of acoustic emission in the field of biological research

    Monitoring of Basic Parameters for Selective Catalytic Reduction System Used in an Agricultural Tractor

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    Presented paper describes monitoring of basic parameters for selective catalytic reduction (SCR) system used in an agricultural tractor. SCR systems are used to reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) produced by combustion of fuel. The usage of SCR catalytic converters entails certain disadvantages in the use of reducing agent and the necessity of suitable operating conditions to achieve optimum efficiency of the catalytic converter. This paper aims to predict consumption of AdBlue depending on the temperature of SCR catalytic converter, which reflects the engine load and monitoring the effectiveness of SCR catalytic converter when operating a tractor engine with a maximum dose of fuel. To fulfill those aims, the measurements have been performed on the Case Puma 185 CVX agricultural tractor. As the measurement results indicate, the lowest NOx emissions correspond to high consumption of AdBlue. Other studies imply that the catalytic converter operates at optimal operating temperature and with the highest efficiency of NOx emission reduction. The effectiveness of NOx emission reduction is thus affected not only by quantity of injected reagent but also by catalytic converter thermal load. Further measurement results indicate that the lowest amount of emissions of NOx (and the highest efficiency rate) is achieved by catalytic converter in a range in which the engine operates with the highest engine efficiency

    The Acoustic Emission in the Nest of the Honey Bee Depending on the Extreme Weather Conditions

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    The vibroacoustic signals are an important part of communication in the honey bees (Apis mellifera L.). The aim of this study was to observe the acoustic emission that varies in a bee colony during different weather phenomena (strong winds and hailstorms) and to estimate the nature and the extent of the reactions of the colony by the analysis of the obtained data. Experiments were carried out in the volume-reduced hives. The specific weather phenomena were followed by significant (P < 0.0001) increasing of the intensity of the acoustic emission in the colony in comparison with acoustic emission before or after the phenomena. Close linear positive relationship was confirmed between the intensity of wind gusts and intensity of acoustic emission (r = 0.72; P < 0.001). With the increase in the maximum gust of 1 km·h−1, the intensity of acoustic emission increased by 0.1466 mV. The character and degree of reaction of the colony can be estimated with analysis of the measured data. Permeability of vibration signals directly induced weather phenomena through the construction of the experimental hive and the stress in the colony are discussed. Observation of the acoustic emission distributed within the colony is one of the methodical alternatives for research of the vibroacoustic communication in the colony

    Lewis Superacidic Tellurenyl Cation-Induced Electrophilic Activation of an Inert Carborane

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    The aryltellurenyl cation [2-(tBuNCH)C6H4Te](+), a Lewis super acid, and the weakly coordinating carborane anion [CB11H12](-), an extremely weak Brønsted acid (pK(a)=131.0 in MeCN), form an isolable ion pair complex [2-(tBuNCH)C6H4Te][CB11H12], in which the Brønsted acidity (pK(a) 7.4 in MeCN) of the formally hydridic B-H bonds is dramatically increased by more than 120 orders of magnitude. The electrophilic activation of B-H bonds in the carborane moiety gives rise to a proton transfer from boron to nitrogen at slightly elevated temperatures, as rationalized by the isolation of a mixture of the zwitterionic isomers 12- and 7-[2-(tBuN{H}CH)C6H4Te(CB11H11)] in ratios ranging from 62 : 38 to 80 : 20