880 research outputs found

    Size constrained unequal probability sampling with a non-integer sum of inclusion probabilities

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    More than 50 methods have been developed to draw unequal probability samples with fixed sample size. All these methods require the sum of the inclusion probabilities to be an integer number. There are cases, however, where the sum of desired inclusion probabilities is not an integer. Then, classical algorithms for drawing samples cannot be directly applied. We present two methods to overcome the problem of sample selection with unequal inclusion probabilities when their sum is not an integer and the sample size cannot be fixed. The first one consists in splitting the inclusion probability vector. The second method is based on extending the population with a phantom unit. For both methods the sample size is almost fixed, and equal to the integer part of the sum of the inclusion probabilities or this integer plus one

    Monitoring the neonatal period in calves

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    Recommended targets for the neonatal period are ”S.M.A.R.T.” (farm-specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-based) and these will need adjusting for individual herds over time. The indices to monitor neonatal calf health are focused primarily on colostrum management and survival rates in the first 24 hours of life. The two main disease implicated with morbidity and mortality in young stock are diarrhea and pneumonia. Mortality rates and disease incidence in young stock are extremely variable between farms, and this is an area in which the herd health advisor can have an influence on cow welfare and herd productivity. If the rate of perinatal calf mortality is above target, calving management should be reviewed and discussed with farm staff. Vaccination of cows in the last trimester of pregnancy can be useful in providing immunoglobulins in colostrum against certain diseases, but cannot replace excellent hygiene and husbandry in the neonatal period. The cost of disease are difficult to quantify but are linked to a reduced growth rate and increased mortality rate. Initial value of the calf is around 200-250 EUR, but total cost from birth to 12 weeks age is about 350-400 EUR. For this reason prevention and control of diarrhea and pneumonia needs to be a primary focus during the pre-weaned period as well as the provision of adequate nutrition

    Monitoring lameness in a dairy cows farm

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    Lameness has an important impact on milk production, welfare and farm profitability. Monitoring cattle was done in a farm A with 1000 Holstein from Bacău County, in the east of Romania. The indices used to evaluate the herd lameness were: incidence rate of lameness for treated cases, recurrence rate of lameness for treated cases, lameness index, monthly incidence rate and monthly recovery rate of lameness. Data collected from each lame cow included its unique identification, a locomotion (mobility) score, the identity of the lame leg(s) and any other pertinent information. We were focused on four most common lesions associated with lameness: sole ulcers, white line disease, digital dermatitis and interdigital necrobacillosis. In the farm A, percentage of lame cow with score 2 was 25, and the percentage of severely lame (score 3) was 5, much higher comparing to the targets. All other lameness indices were much higher comparing to the targets of a normal farm, which may explain the fertility problems and a decreased milk production during the last 2 years. Once lame cows have been identified, they should be examined, diagnosed and treated as soon as possible. A combination of early detection and effective treatment may have a number of benefits to the cow, herd and farm

    Managementul riscului apelor reziduale și fenomenul de antibioticorezistență

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    Background. One of the challenges in achieving goal N6 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development “Ensuring the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all” is to reduce twice the amount of untreated wastewater discharged into the environment. Objective of the study is to assess the quantitative and qualitative features of wastewater management in the Republic of Moldova by determining the directions for reducing the untreated water discharge. Materials and methods. A descriptive study was performed. The object of the study was quantitative and qualitative indications of wastewater and data on sewerage networks and treatment plants in terms of antibiotic resistance. Results. The impact of wastewater on population health is determined by environmental pollution with pathogens, heavy metals, petroleum products, detergents, pharmaceuticals, as a result of the lack of centralized wastewater collection systems and treatment plants, the use of inefficient treatment technologies. In the republic, only 8.7% of the localities have access to public sewerage systems (94.5% - urban and 5.5% - rural), which collect on average 70.1 million m3 of wastewater annually, of which 96.9% are treated. The share of non-compliant treated wastewater samples at discharge was 37.5% - microbiological parameters and 78.1% - chemical in 2021. Conclusion. In order to ensure the harmlessness of wastewater on the environment and the population health, an intersectoral involvement is necessary through development of sewerage networks, implementation of cost-effective treatment technologies and strengthening the phenomenon of antibiotic resistance.Introducere. Una din provocările țintă în realizarea obiectivului 6 al Agendei de Dezvoltare Durabilă 2030 ”Asigurarea disponibilității și gestionării durabile a apei și salubrității pentru toți” constă în micșorarea de două ori a cantității de ape reziduale neepurate deversate în mediu. Scopul studiului prevede evaluarea particularităților cantitative și calitative de gestionare a apelor reziduale cu determinarea direcțiilor de diminuare a deversării apelor neepurate. Materiale și metode. A fost efectuat un studiu descriptiv. Obiectul studiului au fost datele privind indicii cantitativi și calitativi ale apelor reziduale și datele privind rețelele de canalizare și stațiile de epurare prin prisma fenomenului de antibiotico-rezistență. Rezultate. Impactul apelor reziduale asupra stării de sănătate a populației este determinat de poluarea mediului cu agenți patogeni, metale grele, produse petroliere, detergenți, produse farmaceutice, în rezultatul lipsei sistemelor centralizate de colectare a apelor reziduale și stațiilor de epurare, utilizarea tehnologiilor de epurare neeficiente. În republică, au acces la sistemele publice de canalizare doar 8,7% dintre localități (94,5%- urban și 5,5% - rural), care colectează în mediu anual 70,1 mil. m3 de ape uzate, dintre care sunt epurate 96,9%. Ponderea probelor de ape reziduale epurate neconforme la deversare a constituit 37,5% - parametrii microbiologici și 78,1%-chimici în 2021. Concluzii. Pentru asigurarea inofensivități apei reziduale asupra mediului și stării de sănătate a populației este necesară o implicare intersectorială, prin dezvoltarea rețelelor de canalizare, implementarea tehnologiilor cost– eficiente de epurare și consolidarea fenomenului de antibiotico-rezistență

    Towards an Integrated Management and Planning in the Romanian Black Sea Coastal Zones

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    The socio-economic and 'natural' systems are, to a variable extent, now locked in a co-evolutionary path, characterized by a joint determinism and complex feedback effects. The management of the coastal zones, including also modeling and assessment measures, should, be reoriented over time to properly capture the causes and consequences of the joint system changes as manifested in the coastal areas. This will require a collaborative work among a range of economical, environmental and social science disciplines. The pressures and the high instability are similar between the coast and the sea, in both senses (from the land to the sea and also from the sea to the land), being given by various factors as the strong winds, waves, storms, open sea, currents, as well well also the variability of temperatures, salinity, density, due to the Danube impact, etc. The influence of the rivers discharging into the Black Sea is important, while the coastal erosion, flooding, urbanization, tourism, naval industry have an impact on the coast and the sea environment. The Marine Spatial Planning Directive is appropriate in Romania to put in practice the similar tools, and practical approach from the coast to the maritime space.   This paper aims to represent an useful starting point in the management of the coastal zones for both natural and social science research that would be seeked (by a more integrated modelling and assessment process) to better describe and understand the functioning of the ecosystems, that form the coastal interface, and in particular the filter effect is exerted on nutrients in response to the environmental pressures, both anthropogenic and non-anthropogenic - the climate change, land use/cover change, urbanization and effluent treatment from both point and non-point sources. For this it is necessary a broad analytical framework (rather than a specific model) in which to set a more detailed analysis.&nbsp

    Strangulation obstruction of the small intestine in horse

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    Equine colic is a relatively common disorder of the digestive system and should be treated as an emergency. A twist in the small intestine of a horse cause the blood supply to be cut off, resulting in necrotic tissue. The aim of the study was to describe associations between prognostic indicators and diagnoses in equine colic caused by strangulation obstruction of the small intestine. Signs of abdominal pain included: agitation, excessive sweating, flank watching, pawing, frequent lying down, kicking at the abdomen, rolling, tachycardia, absence gut sounds, presence tympanic sounds, abdominal distension, lack of defecation, playing in the water bucket but not drinking and abnormalities at rectal examination. Flunixin meglumine and xylazine were used in every colic case to help control the abdominal pain. Volvulus/torsion of the small intestine resulted in severe pain was difficult to relieve with analgesics. A nasogastric tube was used to relieve the amount of gas pressure in the gut, giving gas and fluids an avenue to travel away from the gut. IV fluids were necessary for dehydrated or in shock horses. Progressive pain with poor response to medical intervention, lack of fever and serosanguineous peritoneal fluid were clinical features that helped distinguish strangulating lesions of the small intestine from simple obstructions and enteritis. Finally horses were euthanized due to grave or poor prognosis. Strangulating obstruction of the small intestine is one of the most lethal forms of equine colic. Minimization of colic episodes depends on management factors, including feeding large quantities of forage, minimizing the amount of concentrate fed and ensuring adequate parasite control

    An NGQD Based Diagnostic Tool for Pancreatic Cancer

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    Background: Pancreatic cancer remains difficult to detect at early stages which contributes to a poor five-yearsurvival rate. Therefore, early detection approaches based on novel technologies should be explored to address this critical health issue. Nanomaterials have recently emerged as frontrunners for diagnostic applications due to their small size in the 1-100 nm range, which facilitates one-on-one interactions with a variety of biomolecules like oligonucleotides and makes them suitable for a plethora of detection and delivery applications. In this work, the presence of specific pancreatic cancer miRNA (pre-miR-132) is detected utilizing the fluorescence properties of highly biocompatible nitrogen-doped graphene quantum dots (NGQDs). Methods: NGQDs were synthesized from Glucosamine HCl and deionized H2O. Cuvettes were filled with a mixture of bait ssDNA (13.7μM) and NGQDs (0.5 mg/ml) in deionized H2O that was vortexed for 5s before adding target strands. Samples were again vortexed for 5s and incubated at 4 ºC for 2hrs before excitation at 400 nm with an emission wavelength measured from 420 nm to 780 nm using a spectrofluorometer. Data analysis was performed using Origin software. Results: From the Zeta potential measurements, this platform is comprised of positively charged (1.14±0.36 mV) NGQDs binding with negatively charged (-22.4±6.00 mV) ssDNA electrostatically and/or via − stacking to form an NGQDs/ssDNA complex with an estimated size of 20 nm verified with TEM. Observing variations in fluorescence spectra of NGQDs/ssDNA complexes allows for the distinguishing of single-stranded and double-stranded DNA, as well as specific single-stranded DNA sequences due to bait-target complementarity. Furthermore, this enables detection of the loop of pre-miRNA of interest and can identify target miRNA from random controls with sensitivity in the nanomolar range. Conclusions: This approach allows for pancreatic cancer-specific miRNA sensing to facilitate pancreatic cancer detection at the early stages. Such early diagnosis is ultimately aimed to increase cancer patient survival rates

    Analysis of the Mamaia Bay shoreline Retreat with Hard and Soft Protection Works

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    Integrated Coastal Zone Management is a complex concept that involves various economic, social and environmental factors. There are often conflicting approaches to these factors. Furthermore, when it is decided to implement structural works in the coastal area, it must be taken into account the particularity of the area, the way in which it is developed and the type of work to be done. The Gulf of Mamaia in the Romanian Black Sea coast is the target of structural changes through the implementation of an extensive coastal rehabilitation program. The works made are of “hard” type and aim to change the shore line configuration. From this perspective, the target of the present paper is to make an analysis between the type of work that is being carried out and another kind of "soft" work aiming especially to favor the ecological reconstruction of the area and the approach of an environmentally friendly concept. Thus, we propose to analyze the two types of works with a view to apply the Bruun rule in order to mitigate the effect of the increase of the sea level and to prevent the shoreline retreat

    Main trends in development of migration policy in Ukraine

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    This Article is devoted to the interdisciplinary research of Migration Policy and determination of Main Trends of its realization in Ukraine at the current stage. The Basic Steps of Migration Policy-making have been defined. We have also identified that the efficiency of migration policy is determined by degree of consideration of the factors of political, economic, social and demographic origin, as well as by the trends of international labor migration. On the basis of the study results, the main trends of implementation of Migration Policy in Ukraine have been identified: lack of system of collecting and analyzing the statistical information; low level of protection of rights and economic well-being of the employees; absence of any bilateral agreements with those countries where a large number of Ukrainian migrants have been located; significant volume of educational migration; impact of the military and political situation upon the situation with migration. Nowadays, migration processes are one of the key factors in formation of well-being and level of social and economic development of the countries. The global trend of decreasing population, in particular, due to the demographic crisis, push many countries to implement the related migration policy, in order to compensate the loss of labor resources by means of its substitution with the migrant workers. While analyzing the main trends of labor migration in Ukraine, we should underline that nowadays the labor outflow is extremely problematic within the country. The learning of Migration Policy has been realized from the point of view of the principles of historicist tradition, objectivity, complementarity and reasonability, those aspects related to the methodological basis for comprehensive analysis of the subject under study. Researching of Migration Policy in Ukraine was performed with analysis of historical, demographic, economic, social and legal aspects of development. Nowadays, educational migration has a strong influence on migration policy in the country, that’s why it’s needed to be studied deeply. The holistic approach to the problem exploration led to the conclusion that due to the increasing volume of international labor migration, which is closely inter-related with the processes of European integration, there is an increasing need to stipulate and implement the effective migration policy, in particular, in order to reduce the emigration losses for Ukraine and provide conditions for coming of the migrants back to their country