224 research outputs found

    Analysis of Main Social Indicators Developments Regarding Labour Market in 2007-2009 in Romania

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    Labor markets at international level, European and equally in Romania, registered in terms of globalization, European integration and the global financial crisis, many transformations while maintaining sustainable competitiveness, new challenges and major risks for the viability of social protection systems. Thus, must be considered: the dynamics of employment rates, occurrence or loss of paid employment, more flexible occupational system, motivational payment, development of new skills for new jobs, promote a professional and geographical mobility, all having major implications for social protection functionality, now and especially in the future. Employment and human capital management in Romania, extends far beyond the actual policies of the labor market, because the employment policy of Romania must be formed in a component of national growth and development strategy, adapted to employment policies of the European Union, globalization of economies, in the context of the current financial crisis.employment, globalization, global financial crisis, unemployment, wages, pensions, employment rate, professional skills, occupational system


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    All healthcare systems in the world confront themselves with an obvious discrepancy between the need for medical services, and the available sustainable financial resources for covering this increasing need for healthcare. This has become a reality which has led to an intense preoccupation on the part of all-acting participants within the healthcare systems. This aim of this study is to find solutions to make financial resources more efficient, starting with the process of caring for patients, and ending with covering up the expenses within the system. Even if there are continuous reforms happening in most of the states in Europe and/or the world, we can surely state that there is no health system deemed perfect that can be copied or adapted to. This is due to the fact that each state confronts itself with different situations in the health issue, related to making financing efficient, optimizing, well allocated, and used as intended for healthcare

    Faculty Engagement in an Interior Design Program at a Canadian Higher Educational Institution: Toward Methodical Practice

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    There is an inherent assumption that faculty ought to know and practice sound andragogical techniques that result in quality teaching. This organizational improvement plan (OIP) develops a methodical approach to engage faculty in effective teaching practices in an interior design program at a private for-profit university in Canada. The ability to build such a group in this program is threatened by external and internal factors, the most notable of which is the small pool of qualified candidates for faculty positions. A dual theoretical lens consisting of organizational cultural theory and social cognitive theory bring the problem into sharper perspective. To inform the realization of the OIP, a distributed-transformational-servant (D-T-S) leadership model was developed. The critical organizational analysis revealed gaps that pointed to a series of possible solutions. The chosen solution for implementation is the launch a peer–faculty mentoring model. Following the implementation plan, the first goal is for current faculty to act as mentors for new faculty during their first year with the university. The second goal of the plan details the peer-mentoring initiative for faculty who teach Term 1 courses both online and on-campus. Achieving these goals will help to create a faculty who are actively engaged in practices of teaching excellence, which will also improve student achievement metrics. A fully developed monitoring and evaluation plan, as well as a communication plan, support the OIP implementation plan. This work may inspire the expansion of the peer–faculty mentoring model across the campus and within the broader university community


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    All healthcare systems in the world confront themselves with an obvious discrepancy between the need for medical services, and the available sustainable financial resources for covering this increasing need for healthcare. This has become a reality which has led to an intense preoccupation on the part of all-acting participants within the healthcare systems. This aim of this study is to find solutions to make financial resources more efficient, starting with the process of caring for patients, and ending with covering up the expenses within the system. Even if there are continuous reforms happening in most of the states in Europe and/or the world, we can surely state that there is no health system deemed perfect that can be copied or adapted to. This is due to the fact that each state confronts itself with different situations in the health issue, related to making financing efficient, optimizing, well allocated, and used as intended for healthcare

    Meme Kanseri Tanılı Kadınlarda Öz Değerlendirme ve Benlik Kavramı

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    Bu bilimsel ve teknolojik ilerleme zamanında, çeşitli zihinsel bozukluklara yol açan stresli, psiko-travmatik durumların sayısı artmaktadır ve bu aynı zamanda bir takım somatik hastalıkların nedenlerinden biridir. Bu bağlamda, kronik veya ciddi somatik hastalıklardan muzdarip olan hastalara psikoloji alanında ilgi artmıştır. Bilimdeki etkileyici gelişmeler kanser hastalarının da sorununu gündemden çıkarmıyor. Onkolojik hastalık durumunda sağlığı koruma sorunu, kanserin yüksek yaygınlığı ve belirgin büyüme eğilimi nedeniyle, pratik tıp ve psikoloji çerçevesinde talep gören acil bir modern psikolojik araştırma alanıdır

    Otoscleroza: protocol clinic naţional PCN-188

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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, IMSP Spitalul Clinic RepublicanAcest protocol a fost elaborat de grupul de lucru al Ministerului Sănătăţii al Republicii Moldova (MS RM), constituit din specialiştii Catedrei Otorinolaringologie a Universităţii de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu” şi Centrului Otorinilaringologie a IMSP SCR Protocolul naţional este elaborat în conformitate cu ghidurile internaţionale actuale privind otita medie cronică supurată şi va servi drept bază pentru elaborarea protocoalelor instituţionale. La recomandarea MS RM pentru monitorizarea protocoalelor instituţionale pot fi folosite formulare suplimentare, care nu sunt incluse în protocolul clinic naţional