80 research outputs found

    The rule of nutrition counseling media to students’ snacking behavior

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    ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Banyaknya berbagai jenis jajan saat ini yang beredar tidak aman dikonsumsi anak usia sekolah dasar di lingkungan sekolah maupun dirumah. Makanan jajanan yang ditawarkan penjual belum tentu menyehatkan dan hal yang disukai anak-anak sekolah dasar tetapi sayangnya tidak semuanya aman dikonsumsi oleh anak.Tujuan : Untuk menilai pengaruh media penyuluhan gizi terhadap perilaku jajan siswa di SD Negeri 107422 Pagar Jati Kabupaten Deli Serdang.Metode: Penelitian ini adalah quasi experiment dengan desain pretest-posttest group. Penelitian dilaksanakan di SD Negeri 107422 Pagar Jati dan dilakukan pada bulan September dan Oktober 2019. Populasi sebanyak 60 siswa dan sampel terbagi menjadi 2 kelompok dengan jumlah masing-masing sebanyak 30 siswa dan pengambilan sampel secara proportional random sampling. Analisis data dengan menggunakan uji paired sample t-test.Hasil: Ada pengaruh media penyuluhan gizi terhadap sikap dan tindakan konsumsi makanan jajanan pada siswa sekolah dasar baik dengan menggunakan powerpoint (p=0,000) maupun leaflet (p=0,000). Skor rata-rata sikap dan tindakan siswa meningkat dari pretest ke posttest dan lebih tinggi peningkatannya pada penggunaan media powerpoint.Kesimpulan: Terdapat pengaruh positif media penyuluhan gizi terhadap sikap dan tindakan siswa dengan perilaku jajan siswa. Bagi siswa diharapkan selalu memilih makanan sehat dan tidak memilih jajanan yang kurang sehat.KATA KUNCI: media penyuluhan gizi; perilaku ngemil sehat ABSTRACTBackground: Various types of snacks currently existed in the market are not safe for consumption by elementary school-aged children at school or home environment. Snack food offered by the seller is not necessarily healthy yet the children like. But unfortunately there are several snacks that are not safe for children consumption.Objectives: This study aims to assess the effect of nutrition counseling media on student snack behavior in SD Negeri 107422 Pagar Jati, Deli Serdang Regency.Methods: This study was a quasi-experimental approach using pretest and post-test group design. The study was conducted at SD Negeri 107422 Pagar Jati, Deli Serdang Regency in September to October 2019. The population were 60 students. Samples were then divided into 2 groups with a total of 30 students using proportional random sampling. Data analysis used was paired sample t-test.Results: There was an influence of nutrition counseling media on the attitudes and actions of snacking behavior for elementary school students using either powerpoint (p = 0.000) or leaflets (p = 0.000).Conclusion: The average score of students' snacking attitudes and actions increases from pretest to post-test and higher increases in the use of powerpoint media. Students are expected to always choose healthy foods and not to choose snacks that are less healthy.KEYWORDS: nutrition counseling media; healthy sacking behavio

    Hubungan Sosial Budaya Dengan Upaya Pencegahan TBC di Puskesmas Makale Kabupaten Tana Toraja

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    Tuberkulosis merupakan salah satu penyakit menular yang masih menjadi masalah kesehatan utama di Indonesia. Meskipun telah ada upaya pencegahan dan pengobatan yang signifikan, TBC tetap menjadi penyebab utama kematian di banyak negara, termasuk di Indonesia khususnya Kabupaten Tana Toraja, Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan.  Faktor-faktor sosial budaya ini memainkan peran penting dalam penyebaran penyakit dan upaya pencegahannya. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk memahami hubungan antara faktor sosial budaya dan pencegahan TBC di Puskesmas Makale, Kabupaten Tana Toraja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur hubungan antara faktor sosial budaya dengan upaya pencegahan TBC di Puskesmas Makale, Kabupaten Tana Toraja. Jenis dan desain penelitian kuantitatif dengan rancanga cross sectional study yang dilakukan di Puskesmas Makale Kabupaten Tana Toraja pada Mei 2023. Populasi dan sampel penelitian ini terdiri dari masyarakat yang tinggal di Kabupaten Tana Toraja, khususnya mereka yang mendapatkan layanan kesehatan di Puskesmas Makale sebanyak 217 yang dipilih menggunakan metode total sampel. Pengumpulan dan pengolahan data yang digunakan merupakan data primer dan sekunder menggunakan kuesioner, serta analisis statistik dengan uji chi-square dan regresi logistik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pendidikan (p=0,001), kesadaran masyarakat (p=0,002), peran kebudayaan lokal (p=0,001) dan akses pelayanan kesehatan (p=0,001) berhubungan dengan upaya pencegahan TBC dan variabel yang paling berhubungan adalah akses pelayanan kesehatan dengan nilai Exp (B)= 25,715. Kesimpulan diperoleh bahwa pendidikan, kesadaran masyarakat, peran kebudayaan lokal dan akses pelayanan kesehatan merupakan upaya pencegahan TBC. Dengan memahami faktor-faktor sosial budaya yang mempengaruhi pencegahan TBC, dan Puskesmas Makale dapat merancang strategi yang lebih efektif dan terintegrasi untuk mengatasi masalah ini. Penelitian ini dapat memberikan wawasan yang berharga tentang pendekatan yang tepat dalam mempromosikan pencegahan TBC yang efektif dengan memperhatikan aspek sosial budaya masyarakat Tana Toraja

    Pengaruh Agama bagi Penderita Diabetes Mellitus dalam Menjalani Kehidupan

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    Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a non-communicable disease that is targeted for action by world leaders. DM is part of a hyperglycaemia syndrome that can cause various complaints. Spiritual and religious beliefs (Religion) can help in providing support, confidence, and hope in overcoming chronic diseases. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of religion on Diabetes Mellitus Patients related to the patient's relationship with God. The type of research is qualitative with Phenomenological study research design.Participants numbered 6 people, the sampling technique of this study was purposive sampling.The results obtained in the form of themes discussed linking theory and previous research.In this study all respondents have different perspectives and backgrounds so that they have different responses. The themes determined based on the results of the interview are 3 themes that describe the Religious Experience of Diabetes Mellitus Patients. These themes are (1) Sources of strength in dealing with DM disease, (2) Obstacles in carrying out worship, (3) Hope in undergoing DM. The conclusion of this study is that Diabetes mellitus patients have a close relationship with religiosity as a source of strength and hope for the desire for healing from diabetes mellitus they suffer from to continue living

    Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Budaya Pemberian ASI Eksklusif di Puskesmas Makale Selatan Kabupaten Tana Toraja

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    Tana Toraja Regency is experiencing cultural changes and modernization that can affect the practice of exclusive breastfeeding. Technological developments and outside cultural influences can cause shifts in traditional values ??and practices. The Tana Toraja culture has conflicting values ??related to the practice of exclusive breastfeeding. For example, traditional values ??that respect and prioritize family ties can go hand in hand with the practice of exclusive breastfeeding. However, other cultural factors such as customs involving supplementary feeding of infants may conflict with this practice. Cultural factors that involve the role of the family and society can be an obstacle in the practice of exclusive breastfeeding. This study aims to identify cultural factors that support exclusive breastfeeding. Type and design of a quantitative study using a cross-sectional study design conducted at the Makale Selatan Public Health Center, Tana Toraja Regency from May to June 2023. The population and sample were all 108 breastfeeding mothers with accidental sampling as the sample. The collection and processing of the data used were primary and secondary data using a questionnaire, as well as statistical analysis using the chi-square test and logistic regression. The results showed that the role of the elderly (p=0.017), the role of the family (p=0.001), religious and belief factors (p=0.014), traditions and cultural heritage (p=0.001) were related to the culture of exclusive breastfeeding, and the role of the elderly was the variable most related to Exp (B) = 12.320. The conclusion is that the role of the elderly, the role of the family, religious and belief factors and traditions and cultural heritage are factors that cause a culture of exclusive breastfeeding, so that programmed education efforts are needed regarding sustainable prenatal classes. By knowing these factors, appropriate strategies and interventions can be developed to promote the practice of exclusive breastfeeding in Tana Toraja District

    Diet Behavior During Covid-19 Period the Enforcement of Community Activity Restrictions

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    Dampak Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) telah mempengaruhi gaya hidup seluruh masyarakat dunia terutama pola konsumsi makanan berbagai kelompok umur. Namun dalam berlarut-larut pandemi covid-19 ini sehingga diterapkan Pemberlakuan Pembatasan Kegiatan Masyarakat (PPKM) yang berakibat pada perubahan perilaku diet tertentu untuk mengatasi covid-19. Studi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perilaku diet selama covid-19 di masa PPKM. Jenis Penelitian ini adalah survey analitik desain cross sectional study. Responden usia 18 tahun keatas sebagai populasi dan sampel dengan pengambilan sampel secara accidental sampling sebanyak 493 peserta. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan kuesioner serta teknik analisis data dengan uji-t independen atau analisis ANOVA. Hasil diperoleh sebagian besar peserta melaporkan sendiri bahwa mereka baru-baru ini mengurangi makan di luar serta proporsi orang yang memilih untuk menggunakan suplemen untuk mencegah covid-19 telah meningkat secara substansial selama PPKM sebanyak 275 (55,8%), kurang dari setengah peserta mengikuti perilaku diet yang direkomendasikan, termasuk porsi makanan individu serta peserta yang mengikuti perilaku ini memiliki keragaman makanan yang lebih baik. Kesimpulannya, selama periode PPKM peserta masih mengikuti perilaku diet tertentu untuk mengatasi covid-19. Sementara beberapa perilaku diet diadopsi untuk membantu mencegah penularan seperti menghindari makan bersama serta mengonsumsi multivitamin

    The Effectivity of Peer Education Module on Knowledge, Attitude, and Fast Food Consumption in Adolescents

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    Background: Increasing obesity sufferers every year, in a few decades becomes an impor­tant problem. Increased obesity can lead to an increa­s­­ed risk of degenerative diseases which can cause death. Several attempts have been made to prevent and treat obesity. The pur­­­pose of this study is to determine the effective­­ness of peer edu­­ca­tion on knowledge, attitudes, and con­sump­­tion of fast food in adolescents.Subjects and Method: This study is a ran­do­m­ized controlled trial conducted at a Junior High School (SMP Ne­geri 6 Medan), North Su­matera. Samples taken were 60 stu­dents chosen random­ly. The sample was divided into 2 groups: a peer game edu­cation leaf­let group and a peer edu­cation modu­le group. The depen­dent va­r­i­­­able is know­ledge, attitudes, and habits of fast fo­od con­sumption. The indepen­dent vari­able is the pro­vision of leaflets and peer edu­ca­tion mo­du­­les. The data were obtained through in­­­ter­­­­­view, Food Frequency Question­naire (FFQ), and Food Re­call 24 hours. Data were analy­z­ed using t-test.Results: The results showed that the value of nut­ritional knowledge and obesity in the control group (Mean= 12.07; SD= 1.44) was lower com­pared to the intervention group (Mean= 13.50; SD= 1.99), but not statistically significant (p= 0.523). Attitudes toward nutrition and obesity in the control group (Mean= 11.50; SD= 1.22) were low­er than those in the intervention group (Mean = 13.00; SD= 1.78) and were statistically proven sig­nifi­cant (p= 0.008). The score of fast food con­­sumption habits in the control group (Mean= 8.17; SD= 1.23) is lower than that of the inter­vention group (Mean= 9.50; SD= 1.17) and is statis­tically proven significant (p <0.001).Conclusion: The nutrition peer education mo­dule has been shown to be effective in increas­­ing attitudes about nutrition and obesity and redu­cing fast food consumption habits and this has been statistically significant. The nutri­tion peer education module increases know­ledge scores, but is not statistically significant.Keywords: obesity, consumption of fast food, peer educationCorrespondence: Saskiyanto Manggabarani, Helvetia Health Ins­ti­tute, Jl. Kapten Sumarsono No. 107 Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia. Email: zhakymang­[email protected] of Health Promotion and Behavior (2020), 5(1): 35-42https://doi.org/10.26911/thejhpb.2020.05.01.0

    The Effectivity of Nutrition Education Booklet on Knowledge, Fast-food Consumption, Calorie Intake, and Body Mass Index in Adolescents

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    Background: The prevalence of adolescent obesity is increasing worldwide with proportions varying from country to country or between geo­graphical regions within a country. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of nutri­tion education with booklet media on know­ledge, fast food consumption, calorie intake, and body mass index (BMI) in adolescents.Subjects and Method: This was a quasy experiment with no control group. The study was conducted in Junior high school in Medan, North Sumatera. A sample of 31 adoles­cents was selec­ted by purpo­sive sampling. The depen­­dent vari­ables were know­l­edge, fast-food consumption, ca­lorie intake, and BMI. The independent vari­ables were booklet media. Means of knowledge, fast food consumption, calorie intake, and BMI before and after intervention was examined by t-test.Results: Mean of knowledge after intervention (Mean= 12.90; SD= 2.71) was higher than before (Mean= 8.77; SD= 1.54) and it was statisticaly significant (p<0.001). Mean of fast food con­sump­tion after intervention (Mean= 9.48; SD= 1.38) was lower than before (Mean= 10.03; SD= 1.16) and it was statistically significant (p= 0.007). Mean of calorie intake after intervention (Mean= 2735.12; SD= 1999.9) was lower than before (Mean= 2821.09; SD= 216.13) and it was statistically significant (p= 0.003). BMI after intervention (Mean= 26.58; SD= 2.49) was equal with before intervention (Mean= 26.81; SD= 2.49).Conclusion: Nutrition education with booklet improves knowledge, reduces fast food con­sump­tion, and reduce calorie intake.Keywords: nutrition education, booklets, know­ledge, fast food, calorie, body mass indexCorrespondence: Irfan Said. Study Program in Nutrition, Health Ins­­titute Helvetia. Jl. Kapten Sumarsono 107 Me­dan, North Sumatera, Indonesia. Email: Irfan­[email protected]. Mobile: 085256­780839.Journal of Health Promotion and Behavior (2020), 5(1): 11-17https://doi.org/10.26911/thejhpb.2020.05.01.0

    Faktor Determinan Kesiapsiagaan Perawat Terhadap Bencana Gunung Meletus (Gamalama) di Puskesmas Wilayah Kerja Dinas Kesehatan Kota Ternate

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    Puskesmas is part of the government and is obliged to perform its functions in disaster preparedness. This study aimed to determine the description and the relationship of determinant factors of nurse preparedness to the eruption of Mountain Gamalama at the working area of the Health Center in ​​Ternate City Health Office. The research used the combined research method (Mixed Method), which was the combination between the quantitative method and the qualitative method. The research samples included all the nurses in the Health Center of the working area of the Health office of Ternate City comprising 41 people. The data analysis was conducted using the Chi-square test for quantitative research. The Knowledge variable was p=0,05, and the skill variable was p= 0,171. The related to the preparedness. Meanwhile, the qualitative research was in the form narration of the interviews with the respondents who had low skills because of the little training and stimulation about the calamity.Puskesmas merupakan bagian dari pemerintah daerah wajib melaksanakan fungsinya dalam kesiapsiagaan penanggulangan bencana. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahuai gambaran dan hubungan faktor determinan kesiapsiagaan Perawat terhadap bencana gunung meletus (Gamalama) di Puskesmas wilayah kerja Dinas kesehatan Kota Ternate. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kombinasi (Mixed Methods) yaitu suatu metode penelitian yang mengkombinasikan atau menggabungkan antara metode kuantitatif dan metode kualitatif. Sampel penelitian ini adalah seluruh perawat di Puskesmas wilayah kerja Dinas Kesehatan Kota Ternate sebanyak 41 orang. Analisis data dilakukan dengan uji Chi Square untuk jenis penelitian kuantitatif. Variable pengetahuan p=0,015, dan variable keterampilan p=0,171. variabel pengetahuan merupakan variabel yang paling dominan berhubungan dengan kesiapsiagaan. Sedangkan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan bentuk narasi dari hasil wawancara dengan responden yang keterampilan rendah karena kurangnya pelatihan dan simulasi bencana bagi perawat

    Hubungan Faktor Pemilihan Makanan Jajanan Siswa Di Sekolah Dasar Inpres Maccini Sombala Kota Makassar

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    ABSTRACT &nbsp; Included schooled child agglomerate vulnerable nutrient. Consumption wont food on schooled child, particularly on schooled rest hour interval. But consumption wont food healthy still haven't a lot of proprietary by school child.&nbsp; This research is executed at Inpres Maccini Sombala Elementary School Makassar. Observational type that is utilized is observasional with approaching cross sectional study which is to analysis associated factor alimentary election on student at Inpres Maccini Sombala Elementary School Makassar 2017. This observational sample is Elementary School student with taking sample purphosive sampling &nbsp;with amount 146 samples. Acquired observational result that science concerning alimentary election on student with value p (0,000) &lt; 0,05, pocket money concerning alimentary election on student with value p (0,003) &lt; 0,05, alimentary type concerning alimentary election on student with value p (0,009) &lt; 0,05 and eating frequency concerning alimentary election on student with value p (0,025) &lt; 0,05.&nbsp; This observational conclusion is gnostic, pocket money, alimentary type, frequency eats to communicate wont food election on student. &nbsp;To side school shall make a abode to notice wont food existence school child and needs to get special interest.ABSTRAK Anak sekolah termasuk kelompok rentan gizi. Kebiasaan mengonsumsi makanan jajanan pada anak sekolah, terutama pada jeda jam istirahat sekolah. Namun kebiasaan mengonsumsi makanan jajanan sehat masih belum banyak dimiliki oleh anak sekolah. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Sekolah Dasar Inpres Maccini Sombala Kota Makassar. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah observasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional study yaitu untuk menganalisis faktor yang berkontribusi terhadap pemilihan makanan jajanan siswa di Sekolah Dasar Inpres Maccini Sombala Kota Makassar Tahun 2017. Sampel penelitian ini adalah siswa SD dengan pengambilan sampel secara purphosive sampling dengan jumlah 146 sampel. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa pengetahuan berhubungan dengan pemilihan makanan jajanan pada siswa dengan nilai p (0,000) &lt; 0,05, uang saku berhubungan dengan pemilihan makanan jajanan pada siswa dengan nilai p (0,003) &lt; 0,05, jenis makanan berhubungan dengan pemilihan makanan jajanan pada siswa dengan nilai p (0,009) &lt; 0,05 dan frekuensi makan berhubungan dengan pemilihan makanan jajanan pada siswa dengan nilai p (0,025) &lt; 0,05. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah pengetahuan, uang saku, jenis makanan, frekuensi makan merupakan faktor yang berkontribusi terhadap pemilihan makanan jajanan siswa. Bagi pihak sekolah harus tetap memperhatikan keberadaan makanan jajanan anak sekolah dan perlu mendapat perhatian khusus