600 research outputs found


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    Leukemia is closely linked with the blood or bone marrow. Leukemia is regard as cancer of the blood cells (usually white blood cells). The abnormal white blood cells formed in leukemia also accumulate in the organs of the body such as the spleen, liver, lymph nodes, testes, and brain, and interfere with normal functioning of the organ. Leukemia is of four common type; Acute lymphocytic leukemia, acute myelogenous leukemia, chronic lymphocytic leukemia and chronic myelogenous leukemia. Leukemia symptoms are predominantly paleness, fatigue, bone pain, asthemia, palpitation, frequent infection, nose bleeding and thrombocytopenia. Neuro-Fuzzy Logic explores approximation techniques from neural networks to finds the parameter of a fuzzy system. In this paper, the traditional procedure for the medical diagnosis of leukemia employed by physician is analyzed using neuro-fuzzy inference procedure. From the system designed if the patient is having five or more of the enlisted symptoms, the patient is experiencing “severe Leukemia” and should go for treatment urgently. If it is approximately four of the symptoms the patient is experiencing, the patient “might be suffering from Leukemia” and hence should see a physician right away, but if it is three or less of the enlisted symptoms, the patient is not “suffering from Leukemia”. The system which demonstrates the practical application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the health sector is interactive and tells the patient his current condition as regards Leukemia

    From high-level languages to dataflow circuits

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    La manera tradicional de computar alguna cosa és creant software que es pot executar en la unitat de processament central (CPU) d'un processador. El problema és que una CPU no té la capacitat de còmput suficient per executar correctament aplicacions pertanyents a certs àmbits, com per exemple l'aprenentatge profund o la mineria de cripto-monedes. Amb el pas del temps, les unitats de processament gràfic (GPUs) es van començar a utilitzar en altres camps més enllà dels ideats inicialment (p.e. videojocs), permetent l'execució d'aquelles aplicacions que les CPU no podien. No obstant, existeix una altra manera per executar programes o algorismes, la qual és molt més eficient en el consum de temps i energia que executar software en CPUs i GPUs. Aquesta altra manera consisteix a dissenyar i implementar directament un circuit hardware per executar alguna cosa en particular, en lloc d'utilitzar un circuit de propòsit general que permet executar qualsevol cosa. Per aquesta raó, l'objectiu d'aquest projecte és el de desenvolupar una eina de síntesis que generi circuits de data flow a partir de llenguatges de programació d'alt nivell. Aquests circuits es poden implementar en tecnologies com les matrius de portes programables (FPGAs). Aquest projecte crearà el back end d'un compilador, amb l'ajuda d'algun front end d'un compilador que permeti la traducció de codi d'alt nivell en una representació intermèdia, com per exemple LLVM. La idea és tenir un únic codi intermedi per múltiples llenguatges d'alt nivell. Aleshores, aquesta representació intermèdia es passarà al nostre back end, i aquest generarà un conjunt de mòduls amb diferents funcionalitats, i canals per transmetre dades entre mòduls, en la forma d'un graf dirigit. Finalment, aquests grafs s'implementaran en les mencionades FGPAs, creant el circuit hardware final que s'executarà. El funcionament d'aquests circuits seguirà el paradigma del data flow, proposat en el MIT a mitjans dels anys 70.The traditional way to compute something is writing software that can be executed in the processor's central processing unit (CPU). However, a CPU does not have the computing capacity to properly run applications belonging to certain fields like for example, deep learning and cryptocurrency mining. With the passage of time, graphic processing units (GPUs) began to be used in other fields besides the initially intended ones (e.g. video games), permitting the execution of those applications that CPUs could not. Nevertheless, exists a different way to execute programs or algorithms, that is much more efficient in time and power consumption than executing software in CPUs and GPUs. This other way consists in directly designing and implementing a hardware circuit to particularly execute something, instead of using a general-purpose circuitry that can compute anything. For this reason, the goal of this project is the development of a synthesis tool that generates data flow circuits from high-level languages. These circuits can be later be implemented in technologies such as field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). This project will create a compiler back end, with the help of some existing compiler front end that can translate the initial high-level code into some intermediate representation, such as LLVM. The idea is to have a unique intermediate code for multiple high-level languages. Then, this intermediate representation will be fed to our back end, and it will generate a set of modules with different functions, and channels to transmit data between modules, in the form of directed graphs. Finally, these graphs will be implemented in the mentioned FPGAs, creating the final hardware circuit that will be run. The functioning of these circuits, will follow the data flow paradigm proposed at the MIT in the mid 70's

    Executing circular economy strategies in practice in Finland. Results and experiences from Circwaste project

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    A Europe-wide circular economy policy was launched in 2014 when the European Commission published the first strategic policy programme for circular economy. It was compiled to provide very comprehensive impacts and dimensions of sustainable development: sustainable growth and a climate neutral, resource efficient and competitive economy. The targets of a circular economy are that the value of products, materials and resources is maintained in the economy for as long as possible, economic growth is decoupled from resource use, generation of waste and environmental loads are minimised, and pressure on the Earth’s resources and biodiversity is minimised. The European Union is supporting the sustainability transition with research and development funding. In Finland, Circwaste – Towards Circular Economy is one of the biggest development projects accelerating the transition to a circular economy. During the period 2016–2020, the project has produced monitoring data on the development of circular economy and the sustainability of waste management, highlighted the circular economy concept, promoted stakeholder collaboration, supported strategic national processes, strengthened know-how and mainstreamed and concretised circular economy thinking. This interim report presents all the relevant results so far. It is crucial that data is produced from different angles on implementing the circular economy. More information is needed both to support decision making and on connections between and reflections on different factors. The key figures for Finland show quite clear coupling of the use of natural resources, waste amounts and economic growth. The circular material use rate is ca. 7%, which can be considered quite modest. Quantitative national targets for decreasing the use of natural resources are needed. Instead of country comparisons, the focus should be on trends in order to learn from the past and to identify the policy instruments needed to achieve the level aspired to. One of the key findings is the need for regional indicators and data for decisionmaking. The work done within Circwaste is the first effort towards a systematic monitoring scheme for monitoring circular economy regionally. The study showed that the production of regional waste data is challenging, that the estimated recycling rates have not increased adequately to reach the EU targets and that there could therefore be a need for municipallevel recycling targets. The transition to a circular economy also causes fundamental social changes in society. In the project, new indicators were developed for measuring social impacts: circular economy employment, education and employment for vulnerable groups, publicly shared resources, accessibility of recycling services and sustainable vehicle fuels. The first baseline data show advances towards the circular economy: the accessibility of waste management services has improved, the Finnish educational system has been able to respond quickly to the need for circular economy education, circular economy activities have potential for the employment of vulnerable groups and economic activities related to recycling, repair and reuse have grown. The regions and municipalities emerge as key actors in facilitating a socially just transition towards a circular economy. The study on innovative material processing technologies gathered data on technologies for elemental recycling, especially for plastic waste but also for making new fibres from textiles waste. Financial issues are key to the survival of these technologies and there is a need for governmental financial support. Public procurers can be considered key players in the circular economy, creating demand for more sustainable products and services. Implementing circular economy in municipalities requires commitment, financial planning, interaction with regional actors and inclusion of circular economy in financial rules. The construction sector is a major consumer of natural resources, but the municipalities can make construction more sustainable through public procurements and planning. As buyers, they can require the use of recycled raw materials and soils in construction projects. Obligations for ecological compensation and goals of no net loss of biodiversity would decrease the pressure on natural resources. To support municipalities in their work, a national organisation for providing municipal auditing, development, education and business support services could be established. Employing circular economy experts in each municipality to work as crossadministrative coordinators could enhance the transition. The project has created a lot of political, theoretical and practical content on the concept and field of circular economy. The next steps are to further develop and widen, as well as deepen, the results and to provide national support in searching for answers and solutions for decreasing the use of natural resources, achieving the MSW recycling targets and creating a more sustainable society

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