786 research outputs found

    Evidence for a meteoritic origin of the September 15, 2007, Carancas crater

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    On September 15th, 2007, around 11:45 local time in Peru, near the Bolivian border, the atmospheric entry of a meteoroid produced bright lights in the sky and intense detonations. Soon after, a crater was discovered south of Lake Titicaca. These events have been detected by the Bolivian seismic network and two infrasound arrays operating for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization, situated at about 80 and 1620 km from the crater. The localization and origin time computed with the seismic records are consistent with the reported impact. The entry elevation and azimuthal angles of the trajectory are estimated from the observed signal time sequences and backazimuths. From the crater diameter and the airwave amplitudes, the kinetic energy, mass and explosive energy are calculated. Using the estimated velocity of the meteoroid and similarity criteria between orbital elements, an association with possible parent asteroids is attempted. The favorable setting of this event provides a unique opportunity to evaluate physical and kinematic parameters of the object that generated the first actual terrestrial meteorite impact seismically recorded

    Detection of gamma-ray transients with wild binary segmentation

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    In the context of time domain astronomy, we present an offline detection search of gammaray transients using a wild binary segmentation analysis called F-WBSB targeting both short and long gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) and covering the soft and hard gamma-ray bands. We use NASA Fermi/GBM archival data as a training and testing data set. This paper describes the analysis applied to the 12 NaI detectors of the Fermi/GBM instrument. This includes background removal, change-point detection that brackets the peaks of gamma-ray flares, the evaluation of significance for each individual GBM detector, and the combination of the results among the detectors. We also explain the calibration of the ~10 parameters present in the method using one week of archival data. Finally, we present our detection performance result for 60 d of a blind search analysis with F-WBSB by comparing to both the onboard and offline GBM search as well as external events found by others surveys such as Swift-BAT. We detect 42/44 onboard GBM events but also other gamma-ray flares at a rate of 1 per hour in the 4-50 keV band. Our results show that F-WBSB is capable of recovering gamma-ray flares, including the detection of soft X-ray long transients. FWBSB offers an independent identification of GRBs in combination with methods for determining spectral and temporal properties of the transient as well as localization. This is particularly useful for increasing the GRB rate and that will help the joint detection with gravitational-wave events

    First low-frequency Einstein@Home all-sky search for continuous gravitational waves in Advanced LIGO data

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    We report results of a deep all-sky search for periodic gravitational waves from isolated neutron stars in data from the first Advanced LIGO observing run. This search investigates the low frequency range of Advanced LIGO data, between 20 and 100 Hz, much of which was not explored in initial LIGO. The search was made possible by the computing power provided by the volunteers of the Einstein@Home project. We find no significant signal candidate and set the most stringent upper limits to date on the amplitude of gravitational wave signals from the target population, corresponding to a sensitivity depth of 48.7 [1/Hz]. At the frequency of best strain sensitivity, near 100 Hz, we set 90% confidence upper limits of 1.8×10-25. At the low end of our frequency range, 20 Hz, we achieve upper limits of 3.9×10-24. At 55 Hz we can exclude sources with ellipticities greater than 10-5 within 100 pc of Earth with fiducial value of the principal moment of inertia of 1038 kg m2
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