230 research outputs found

    Stress factors of teachers from secondary school in Ipoh

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    The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship of the independent variables such as work hour, work load, financial problems, and family conflicts and work location on the stress that the teachers of secondary school in Ipoh experienced. The sampling size that was employed for this study was 120 teachers’ from schools namely SMK Anderson, SMK S.T Michael, SMK Buntong and SMK Methodist ACS in the district of Ipoh. The data was collected through the distribution of questionnaires to the teachers. A pilot test was done to 30 teachers around Ipoh. The findings of the research were derived with the use of statistical tool SPSS version 22. The findings of the research showed that there were significant relationship between financial problem, family conflicts and the stress level experienced by teachers of the secondary school in Ipoh. The research also indicates that the variables have significant impact on the teachers stress. The regression analysis showed that there is no significant impact between job stressors and stres

    Factors Affecting Browning of Sago (Metroxylon Sagu Rottb.) Pith and Their Effects on Sago Starch

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    The effect of four parameters on the browning of sago pith was evaluated i.e. maturity of the sago palm, and holding time, pH and temperature of the sago pith slurry. The effect of sago palm maturity on the browning of sago pith was determined using sago pith slurries from three maturity stages i.e. young, premature and mature. The sago palms were sectioned into top and bottom to examine the effect of trunk growth on the concentrations of soluble phenolic compounds. Two soluble phenolic compounds were found to be present in the sago pith i.e. (+)-catechin and (-)-epicatechin. Concentrations of (+)-catechin and (-)-epicatechin were higher in mature sago palms while distribution of these compounds with trunk gowth did not show a clear correlation. Soluble polyphenol oxidase (SPPO) activity increased while latent polyphenol oxidase (LPPO) activity decreased with increase in maturity of the sago palms. Colour development in the slurry monitored in terms of lightness (L) and redness (a) using the HunterLab Ultrascan Spectrocolorimeter was more intense (darker and redder) in mature sago palms.The effect of holding time, pH and temperature of the sago pith slurry was studied using a mature sago palm. Browning was evaluated based on concentrations of (+)-catechin and (-)-epicatechin and colour development in the sago pith slurry. The effect of holding time (duration for which sago pith slurries were held) on the browni ng of sago pith slurry was studied for 1, 6, 12 and 24 hours. An increase in holding time resulted in significant (P<0.05) decreases of (+)-catechin and (-)-epicatechin. Colour development in the slurry was significantly (P<0.05) more intense with increased holding time but was not significant (P<0.05) after six hours. The effect of pH on the browning of sago pith was studied using sago pith slurries with pH from 3.5 to 7.0 with a holding time of 24 hours. Concentrations of (+)-catechin and (-)-epicatechin decreased significantly (P<0.05) with an increase in pH particularly between pH 5.0 and 6.5 which resulted in significant (P<0.05) colour development. The effect of temperature on the browning of sago pith was investigated using sago pith slurries with temperatures from 10°C to 50°C with a holding time of 24 hours . The amount of (+)-catechin and (-)-epicatechin decreased significantly (P<0.05) with the increase in temperature while colour development increased significantly (P<0.05) with temperatures particularly above 40°C. The quality of sago starch extracted from slurries with different pH and temperatures and held for 24 hours was determined. Starch quality was determined in terms of colour development, granule morphology and pasting profile. Significant (P<0.05) colour development was noted in starches extracted from slurries of different pH and temperatures though they were washed twice during extraction. Granule morphology of the starches was observed using the Scanning Electron Microscope. Starches from slurries of strong acidic (pH 3.5 to 4.5) conditions exhibited fissures on the surface of granules while those from weaker acidic (pH 5.0 to 7.0) conditions had minor protrusions. Starches from slurries at different temperatures had only minor modifications on the surface of the granules. The pasting profile of the starches was examined using the Brabender Viskograph. Starches from strong acidic conditions showed lower viscosities while starches from high temperatures (30°C to 50°C) were not greatly affected

    Software engineering for privacy in-the-large

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    There will be an estimated 35 zettabytes (35timestimes10textsuperscript{21}) of digital records worldwide by the year 2020. This effectively amounts to privacy management on an ultra-large-scale. In this briefing, we discuss the privacy challenges posed by such an ultra-large-scale ecosystem - we term this ``Privacy in the Large''. We will contrast existing approaches to privacy management, reflect on their strengths and limitations in this regard and outline key software engineering research and practice challenges to be addressed in the future

    Air pollution modelling to predict maximum ground level concentration for dust from a palm oil mill stack

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    The study is to model emission from a stack to estimate ground level concentration from a palm oil mill. The case study is a mill located in Kuala Langat, Selangor. Emission source is from boilers stacks. The exercise determines the estimate the ground level concentrations for dust to the surrounding areas through the utilization of modelling software. The surround area is relatively flat, an industrial area surrounded by factories and with palm oil plantations in the outskirts. The model utilized in the study was to gauge the worst-case scenario. Ambient air concentrations were garnered calculate the increase to localized conditions

    A huntsman’s bite: envenoming from the Malaysian ‘Black & Gold’, Thelcticopis sp. spider (Arachnida: Araneae: Sparassidae: Sparianthinae)

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    Most spider species in Malaysia are considered harmless and spider bites are rarely reported. This is partly due to the mild effects from the bite and victims do not seek medical treatment in the hospital. To date, there are few well-documented cases of medically significant bites from indigenous spider species in Malaysia. Here, we report the presentation, clinical management and outcome of two patients following a bite by the yet to be described ‘Black & Gold’ Huntsman spider from the genus Thelcticopis in Malaysia. The first case involved a 42-year-old man who was bitten on the tip of the distal phalanx of his right middle finger and presented with severe pain and local swelling. He was treated symptomatically and was discharged well. The second case involved a 57-year-old woman, who was bitten on the proximal phalanx of her right little finger and presented with severe throbbing pain and progressive swelling. She was treated symptomatically and was discharged after 24 hours observation in the medical ward. However, she noted moderate neck and generalized joints pains especially affecting the hips and knees, one day prior to discharge. She was treated with oral analgesia and symptoms resolved within two days

    The effectiveness of combining rolling deformation with wire-arc additive manufacture on β-Grain refinement and texture modification in Ti-6Al-4V

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    In Additive Manufacture (AM), with the widely used titanium alloy Ti–6Al–4V, the solidification conditions typically result in undesirable, coarse-columnar, primary β grain structures. This can result in a strong texture and mechanical anisotropy in AM components. Here, we have investigated the efficacy of a new approach to promote β grain refinement in Wire–Arc Additive Manufacture (WAAM) of large scale parts, which combines a rolling step sequentially with layer deposition. It has been found that when applied in-process, to each added layer, only a surprisingly low level of deformation is required to greatly reduce the β grain size. From EBSD analysis of the rolling strain distribution in each layer and reconstruction of the prior β grain structure, it has been demonstrated that the normally coarse centimetre scale columnar β grain structure could be refined down to < 100 μm. Moreover, in the process both the β and α phase textures were substantially weakened to close to random. It is postulated that the deformation step causes new β orientations to develop, through local heterogeneities in the deformation structure, which act as nuclei during the α → β transformation that occurs as each layer is re-heated by the subsequent deposition pass

    Continuance intention of IT professionals to telecommute post pandemic: A modified expectation confirmation model perspective

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    This study investigates employees’ intentions to telecommute post-pandemic based on IT employees’ present work experiences. Perceived utility, contentment, and confirmation of expectations are proposed as factors of continuing intention to telecommute, according to the expectation-confirmation theory. The integration of work-life balance into the expectation confirmation theory was investigated to see if work-life balance influences employees’ continued intention to telecommute. Data from 131 Malaysian IT workers was used to test the hypothesised model. The findings backed up the theory that perceived usefulness, satisfaction, confirmation of expectations, and work-life balance all play a role in employees’ desire to continue telecommuting post-pandemic. Work-life balance was also found to be a significant mediator of the effect of expectation confirmation on job satisfaction. As a result, this research adds to the idea by including work-life balance literature to demonstrate that the behaviour of IT professionals is associated with their quality of work-life harmony. This study can assist businesses that plan to transition to hybrid work environments. With the needs of the emerging workplace still being uncharted territory for everyone, hybrid work models can be built and customized based on the findings of this study. This is imperative to fit the needs of employees and help organisations sustain their businesses

    Feeding Time and Botanical Composition of Diets Selected by Indigenous Goats on Native Pastures in Malaysia

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    The feeding time, grazing behaviour and botanical composition of diets selected by the indigenous Kambing Kacang on different native pastures of Selangor State, West Malaysia, were determined by direct observation during Nov - Dec 1993. Four herds were selected according to their grazing area (abandoned ricejield, roadside verges, waste ground and orchard) and monitored. Grazing animals travelled from 0.6 to 5.6 km daily. Depending on the locality of the grazing area and the forage available, time spent feeding ranged from 79.2 to 152.7 min. The herds were observed to first select the most juvenile plant parts which Provided the highest quality of diet. In terms of time spent on each species, the main species selected in descending order of importance were: Mimosa pudica, Ottochloa nodosa, Asystasia intrusa, Mikania cordata, Paspalum conjugatum, Axonopus compressus and Ischaemum timorense. The vegetation composition of the four grazing areas was assessed by means of representative plots. Vegetation covered 100% of the total sample area except on the waste ground (51 %). From records offeed selection and vegetation available, Preference indices were calculated for groups and individual plant species. Herbs appeared to be very palatable, with Mimosa pudica among legumes by far the most palatable. Judging by the feeding tirne., it would app'ear that the goats could not adequately meet their dry matter demands. Supplementation strategies based on diet selectivity and available resources may have to be developed to increase their productivity

    Big Data Analytics and Auditing: A Review and Synthesis of Literature

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    The use of data analytics in auditing is increasingly growing. The application of common data analytics to audit engagements appears to be lagging behind other areas of practice, even though data analytics is thought to represent the future of audit, and there are still few publications that have examined this influence. This article reviews data analytics in audits and its potential for future audit engagements to describe the evolution of this research trend and picture its future growth directions. Future audit research potential and difficulties are also discussed. Data analytics application in auditing has enormous potential for refining audit quality, decreasing errors, increasing process transparency, and enhancing stakeholders’ confidence. We conducted a systematic literature review using the PRISMA approach. A total of 100 articles published in English from January 2011 to November 2021 were identified through a systematic search of reputed databases, including Web of Science and Scopus and many others. Our analysis reveals that data analytics is a promising domain for the auditing practice as it improves audit efficiency and promotes audit work digital transformation. While reviewing the most pertinent literature in the context of data analytics in auditing, this study offers insights on potential new directions and waning views on big data analytics in auditing. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2023-07-02-023 Full Text: PD