7,560 research outputs found

    Community Fisheries Management Handbook

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    This handbook is a unique product. It is the first "field guide" to community-based fisheries management focused specifically on fisheries, such as those of the Northwest Atlantic, that are already highly regulated by governmental authorities, with licensing and other requirements that limit access and effort. While a variety of resource materials are available on community-based natural resource management, almost all of these are written by practitioners working in the South (developing countries) and rely on case studies and techniques that have been tested in less industrialized tropical fisheries. Therefore, this handbook is one of the few publications about community-based management in 'Northern' fisheries.The need for this handbook was identified by participants working on an initiative on the Atlantic coast of Canada, "Turning the Tide: Communities Managing Fisheries Together" (www.turningthetide.ca). Turning the Tide works for improved fisheries management through community-based approaches, and through cooperative efforts among aboriginal and non-aboriginal communities. To that end, it has brought together fishermen and their communities to share information and ideas on community-based management, through events such as community forums and study tours. Participants recognized the need for a handbook on community-based fisheries management that is relevant to their own fisheries and that can be used as a tool to provide information and support for practitioners, as well as to document current practices and insights obtained, and to promote and raise public awareness about community-based fisheries management. The stories and insights in the handbook are those of Turning the Tide participants and their allies from around the Atlantic Region – the Atlantic coast of Canada and the north-eastern North America-United States – who shared this information during Turning the Tide activities, and in individual and group interviews, and who reviewed the materials used in producing this handbook. The various tools and ideas explored here are currently being applied in the region, and so the handbook demonstrates how community-based approaches to fisheries management are working today

    Melanocyte Production: Dark Side of the Schwann Cell

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    SummaryWe have long known that late-migrating neural crest cells generate melanocytes. A recent study, however, has found that many melanocytes are generated via a different route and are derived from Schwann cell precursors

    Elitnauristet Yuutllu Calillgutkut Elitnaurluki Elitnaurat: Yup’ik Peoples and Public-School Principals in Southwestern Alaska, A Quantitative Survey of Cultural Values

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    This dissertation explores the alignment between local school principals’ values and ideas about what should be taught in their public schools and the values of the local Yup’ik communities in which those principals serve. A review of scholarly literature served as a basis for identifying Yup’ik values and a survey which measured principals’ beliefs about the importance and priority of those values was used to collect a variety of data. Findings showed both differences and similarities between principals’ priorities and Yup’ik values and was clear that the similarities and differences were predominantly related to the number of years of a principal’s service rather than any other factor, including principal’s professional training. Future studies might focus on recruitment of administrators that are willing to stay long-term in rural Alaska by providing support and incentives to combat the hardships of rural Alaskan life, since longevity of principals’ tenure is key in terms of alignment to Yup’ik values, retention is vital, and on effective professional training to ensure administrators gain knowledge of Yup’ik culture

    Punctuation and Interpretation in Richard II

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    The Cape Town Stereotactic pointer clinical development and Applications

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    This dissertation describes the development and clinical use of a novel stereotactic neurosurgical system, the Cape Town Stereotactic Pointer (CTSP). This system has four main components; a halo containing three fiducials also serves as the platform for a tripod pointing device which is set with the aid of a 3D phantom or a printed setting diagram, and software which enables transformation of imaging space into patient space. Laboratory tests indicated an application accuracy of 1.9 +/- 0.6mm using the 3D phantom to set the tripod. From the first clinical application, the system underwent a series of iterations which could broadly be divided into four successive phases of refinement. This took place over a six year period, encompassing one hundred patients who underwent 115 stereotactic procedures. Indications for surgery included biopsy (62.6%), aspiration (15.7%) and cannulation (21.7%) and the surgical objective was realized in 101/109 cases (92.7%). Given the fact that six of the eight failures represented errors of surgical judgment that could not be ascribed to the device, and each of two system errors resulted in a significant modification to the system, the CTSP demonstrated a satisfactory level of accuracy in the clinical setting. This was accomplished at an acceptable complication rate, with one death five days after surgery attributable to a stereotactic procedure (mortality 0.9%) and major morbidity in two cases (1.7%); thirteen patients experienced minor complications, all of which proved to be transient (11.3%). A simple protocol for use of the CTSP evolved over the course of this study, making it easier for neurosurgeons from varying backgrounds to introduce stereotaxis into their practice with the help of this system. In addition to satisfactory levels of clinical reliability and safety, the system was versatile and also well tolerated by patients. It is hoped that the CTSP provides a costeffective alternative for neurosurgeons working in under-resourced settings. Sixty units of the production version of the CTSP have been sold and the system is now in use in ten countries

    identifying archaeological knowledge using multi dimensional scaling and multiple constraint satisfaction

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    In this thesis, I look at the current state of research in two fields: the cognitive psychology of learning and expertise & the development of Intelligent Tutoring Systems, especially their methods of modelling the users knowledge state. Within these areas I proceed to examine the way that these theories have overlapped in the past and consider their recent divergence, suggesting that this parting of the ways is premature. I then consider other relevent research so as to suggest a hypothesis where a symbolic connectionist approach to the modelling of knowledge states could be a solution to previous difficulties in the field of Intelligent Tutoring. This hypothesis is then used to construct a method for its examination and also a computer program to analyse the collected data. I then undertake experimental work to validate my hypothesis, and compare my results and methods with a pre-established technique for interpreting the data, that of multi-dimensional scaling. Finally the method now shown to be feasible is discussed to indicate the its success and highlight its shortcomings. Further suggestions are also made as to further research avenues

    Graph Algorithms and Complexity Aspects on Special Graph Classes

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    Graphs are a very flexible tool within mathematics, as such, numerous problems can be solved by formulating them as an instance of a graph. As a result, however, some of the structures found in real world problems may be lost in a more general graph. An example of this is the 4-Colouring problem which, as a graph problem, is NP-complete. However, when a map is converted into a graph, we observe that this graph has structural properties, namely being (K_5, K_{3,3})-minor-free which can be exploited and as such there exist algorithms which can find 4-colourings of maps in polynomial time. This thesis looks at problems which are NP-complete in general and determines the complexity of the problem when various restrictions are placed on the input, both for the purpose of finding tractable solutions for inputs which have certain structures, and to increase our understanding of the point at which a problem becomes NP-complete. This thesis looks at four problems over four chapters, the first being Parallel Knock-Out. This chapter will show that Parallel Knock-Out can be solved in O(n+m) time on P_4-free graphs, also known as cographs, however, remains hard on split graphs, a subclass of P_5-free graphs. From this a dichotomy is shown on PkP_k-free graphs for any fixed integer kk. The second chapter looks at Minimal Disconnected Cut. Along with some smaller results, the main result in this chapter is another dichotomy theorem which states that Minimal Disconnected Cut is polynomial time solvable for 3-connected planar graphs but NP-hard for 2-connected planar graphs. The third chapter looks at Square Root. Whilst a number of results were found, the work in this thesis focuses on the Square Root problem when restricted to some classes of graphs with low clique number. The final chapter looks at Surjective H-Colouring. This chapter shows that Surjective H-Colouring is NP-complete, for any fixed, non-loop connected graph H with two reflexive vertices and for any fixed graph H’ which can be obtained from H by replacing vertices with true twins. This result enabled us to determine the complexity of Surjective H-Colouring on all fixed graphs H of size at most 4

    Personality And Experimental Variables Affecting Size Estimation

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    Synthesis and properties of charge transfer salts of BEDT-TTF

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    This research project has investigated the interplay of superconductivity and magnetism in organic systems, with the ultimate aim of observing their co-existence. In order to pursue this study, a series of charge transfer salts of BEDT-TTF (BEDT- TTF = bis ethylenedithio tetrathiafulvalene) have been successfully prepared with M(C2O4)33- anions (M = Fe, Cr and Co). The anion has been varied to systematically monitor the effect of localised moments on the conducting properties. Crystals with the general formula (BEDT -TTF)4AFe(C2O4)3.C6H5CN (A = K, NH4 or H2O) have been electrocrystallised and identified by X - ray crystallography. In the salts where A = K or NH4 a novel packing arrangement of the BEDT-TTF moiety is observed which involves the formation of monopositive BEDT-TTF units dimerising. These dimers are surrounded by six neutral BEDT-TTF molecules. Both of these materials are semiconductors with an activation energy of 0.14eV. Susceptibility measurements indicate that the dimers are spin paired and therefore the magnetic properties are dominated by the high spin Fe3+ complex. These results are reported in Chapter 3. The A = H2O salt is reported in Chapter 4. It is the first molecular superconductor containing localised magnetic moments, which has a transition temperature of 8.5K to the superconducting state. The BEDT-TTF molecules pack in the [beta]" fashion, which facilitates considerable overlap of the Sulfur orbitals. Susceptibility measurements at low field verify the superconducting transition, but as the field is increased, the paramagnetic signal from the Fe3+ becomes more dominant. At fields greater than 1 Tesla, the superconductivity is destroyed and the material obeys the Curie - Weiss law to 2K. A contribution from the conduction electrons is also observed. Band structure calculations suggest two dimensional metallic behaviour. Chapter 5 collates other compounds which have been prepared from solutions of BEDT-TTF and M(C2O4)33- (M = Fe, Cr, Co) in Benzonitrile. This has resulted in several new phases being isolated but due to multiple twinning, their structures have not yet been determined. Crystals grown from the solution where M = Cr are semimetallic to ∼ 150K at which temperature it undergoes a transition to the insulating state. The solvent has also been modified to include 5% Methanol. This has resulted in a superconducting phase whose lattice parameters have been determined. Efforts are currently being made to determine the full crystal structure. SQUID measurements indicate a Tc of 7.5K

    An Experimental Investigation Into the Design and Perception of Line Symbol Series on Route Planning Maps

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    Recent estimates by the Department of Transport have suggested that up t
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