198 research outputs found

    A comparison of cropping levels in the Sultana

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    When sultana vines were pruned to from three to eight 14-bud canes each year for 14 years there was in every sea·son a linear relation between number of canes retained and weight of fresh fruit harvested. The i!'lcrease in weight per cane retained was positively correlated with the overall mean yield for the season but there were departures from this relation suggestive of a slight biennial bearing effect. No evidence was found of any cumulative effect of the ,differential pruning. The yield from three-cane vines over the whole period was nearly two-thirds that from eight-cane vines.Smaller experiments on three sites comparing pruning to 6, 8, 10 and 12 canes per vine showed that a linear relation between number of canes and weight of fresh fruit also held over this range for the four seasons studied, with no interaction between pruning treatment and site. The yield from six-cane vines was more  than three-quarters that from twelve-cane vines. The percentage of buds which burst and the percentage of these which were fruitful appwre, d to be affected by the pruning level ,directly and not through its effects on crop. In both cases there were significant differences in yield between individual vines within the pruning treatments over the period of the trials and these appeared to be at least partly due to internal factors in the vines.No evidence of overcropping was found up to a yield of 143(, tons per acre, the highest for any of the treatments tested

    A field trial with growth regulators on the Zante currant (Vitis vinifera var.)

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    A field trial using young currant vines (Vitis vinifera var. Zante currant) which had never been cinctured showed that over a 5-year period with treatments applied at about 90% capfall phenoxyacetic acid sprays were somewhat less effective and gibberellic aci:d sprays more effective than cincturing (giDdling) in increasing crop. Parachlorophenoxyacetic acid at 20 p.p.pm. and 2,4-D at 5 p.p.m. were equivalent in effect. Gibberellic acid at 10 p.p m. was about equal in effect to cincturing and at 20 p.p.pm. more effective. Gibberellic aci:d at 10 p.p.m. in addition to cincturing gave a further significant increase in yield.The increased yield in all cases appeared to be entirely due to an increase in mean berry weight. Small hard seeds were found in the largest berries from each treatment in one season when an examination was made and there d:,d not appear to be any difference in the proportion of such berries among the various treatments. There was little evidence for any differences in time of maturity due to treatment

    Evidence for a genetic difference in berry weight between Sultana vines

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    Comparison of a number of Sultana clones has shown reproducible differences in berry weight and total soluble solids in the berry. A genetic basis for small berries on one clone is indicated, there being no effect on the berry weight of either clone in a reciprocal grafting experiment with this and a larger berried clone.Belege für einen genetisch bedingten Unterschied im Beerengewicht zwischen Sultana-RebenDer Vergleich einer Anzahl von Sultana-Klonen zeigte reproduzierbare Unterschiede beim Beerengewicht und der gesamten löslichen Substanz der Beere. Es liegen Hinweise für eine genetische Basis der Kleinbeerigkeit bei einem Klon vor; hier wird bei einem reziproken Pfropfungsexperiment mit diesem und einem größerbeerigen Klon das Beerengewicht der beiden Klone nicht beeinflußt

    Dormancy and bud burst in Sultana vines

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    Dormancy and bud burst have been studied for sultana vines in the Murray Valley, Australia. The vines are in deep dormancy at the beginning of autumn and the intensity of dormancy decreases gradually during autumn and winter. Bud burst of cuttings taken during the dormant period occurs the more rapidly the higher the temperature at which they are held. There is evidence to suggest that sultanas have no chilling requirement and no clear distinction between organic and enforced dormancy. Treatment with 3 ml of ethylene chlorhydrin in a.201 container for 24 hours is effective in breaking dormancy. The most effective treatment veries slightly with the intensity of dormancy. Removing the outer bud scales or soaking buds in water decreases the intensity of dormancy. The pattern of bud burst found on canes in the field is established on pruned canes at least one month before the shoots appear. Both auxin and gibberellin will delay bud burst and reduce the proportion of buds which burst but auxin will not affect a bud above the point of application whereas gibberellin will do so

    Chloride accumulation in some hybrids and backcrosses of Vitis berlandieri and Vitis vinifera

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    F1 hybrid populations from crosses of 2 selections of V. berlandieri and 4 cultivars of V. vinifera showed generally low chloride accumulation, as in V. berlandieri, with some small variations related to particular parents. Backcross populations from crosses of 2 F1 hybrid selections and 2 of the cultivars of V. vinifera showed a discontinuous distribution with about half of each population showing low chloride accumulation as in V. berlandieri, and the rest higher chloride, although not as high as in the V. vinifera cultivars. Neither yield nor berry weight in the backcross populations was linked with chloride accumulation. Wines made from a few of the higher yielding backcross seedlings were comparable with wines from selections of V. vinifera.Chloridanreicherung bei F1-Hybriden und Rückkreuzungen von Vitis berlandieri und Vitis viniferaDie F1-Populationen aus der Kreuzung von 2 Vitis-berlandieri-Klonen und 4 V.-vinifera-Sorten zeigten im allgemeinen, ähnlich wie V. berlandieri, nur eine schwache Chloridanreicherung; geringfügige Abweichungen traten in Verbindung mit bestimmten Kreuzungseltern auf. Bei den Rückkreuzungspopulationen aus 2 F1-Klonen und 2 V.-vinifera-Sorten wurde eine diskontinuierliche Verteilung der Chloridanreicherung beobachtet; die einzelnen Populationen setzten sich jeweils etwa zur Hälfte aus Sämlingen mit schwacher und mit stärkerer Chloridanreicherung zusammen, die allerdings nicht so hoch wie bei den V.-vinifera-Sorten war. In den Rückkreuzungspopulationen waren weder Traubenertrag noch Beerengewicht mit der Chloridanreicherung verknüpft. Die Weine, die von etlichen der stärker tragenden Rückkreuzungssämlinge gewonnen wurden, waren den Weinen von V.-vinifera-Klonen vergleichbar

    The Cannon Hall Muscat grape

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    The Canon Hall Muscat table grape grown for export in Western Australia is consistent with the early descriptions and the present appearance of the original  Cannon Hall Muscat vine, and is clearly the same variety. It has the diploid number of chromosomes and the use of its name for tetraploid sports of Muscat of Alexandria is not justified.Die Rebensorte Cannon Hall MuscatDie Tafeltraube Canon Hall Muscat, die in Westaustralien zum Export angebaut wird, gleicht der ursprünglichen Cannon-Hall-Muscat-Rebe, da die erstgenannte eindeutig den alten Beschreibungen und dem heutigen Aussehen der letzteren entspricht. Canon Hall Muscat ist diploid, und deshalb sollte dieser Name nicht für tetraploide Mutanten von Muscat of Alexandria gebraucht werden

    Variation in chloride accumulation in some American species of grapevine

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    Seedlings of Vitis berlandieri accumulated relatively small amounts of chloride in their petioles. Seedlings of V. cinerea, V. rupestris and V. champini x V. rupestris accumulated on average 3-4 times as much chloride as V. berlandieri although some individuals were comparable with V. berlandieri. The V. berlandieri x V. rupestris rootstocks 99 and 110 Richter, 140 Ruggeri and 1103 Paulsen were all comparable with the V. berlandieri seedlings.Unterschiedliche Chloridanreicherung bei amerikanischen RebartenSämlinge von Vitis berlandieri sammelten in ihren Blattstielen relativ geringe Chloridmengen an. Sämlinge von V. cinerea, V. rupestris und V. champini x V. rupestris reicherten durchschnittlich 3- bis 4mal soviel Chlorid an wie V. berlandieri, obgleich einzelne Individuen mit V. berlandieri vergleichbar waren. Die (V. berlandieri x V. rupestris)-Unterlagen 99 und 110 Richter, 140 Ruggeri und 1103 Paulsen zeigten alle ähnliche Chloridkonzentrationen wie die V.-berlandieri-Sämlinge

    CARS Temperature Measurements in a Hypersonic Propulsion Test Facility

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    Nonintrusive diagnostic measurements were performed in the supersonic reacting flow of the Hypersonic Propulsion Test Cell 2 at NASA-Langley. A Coherent Anti-stokes Raman Spectroscopy (CARS) system was assembled specifically for the test cell environment. System design considerations were: (1) test cell noise and vibration; (2) contamination from flow field or atmospheric borne dust; (3) unwanted laser or electrically induced combustion (inside or outside the duct); (4) efficient signal collection; (5) signal splitting to span the wide dynamic range present throughout the flow field; (6) movement of the sampling volume in the flow; and (7) modification of the scramjet model duct to permit optical access to the reacting flow with the CARS system. The flow in the duct was a nominal Mach 2 flow with static pressure near one atmosphere. A single perpendicular injector introduced hydrogen into the flow behind a rearward facing step. CARS data was obtained in three planes downstream of the injection region. At least 20 CARS data points were collected at each of the regularly spaced sampling locations in each data plane. Contour plots of scramjet combustor static temperature in a reacting flow region are presented

    Yield differences between Sultana clones related to virus status and genetic factors

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    Differences in yield between Sultana clones were found to be partly transmissible by grafting and partly not. The most important graft transmissible factor was leafroll, mild symptoms being associat.ed with yield reduction in 3 out of 6 seasons with a mean overall of 14 %, and severe symptoms in all 6 seasons with a mean of 35 %. The lower yields were related to fewer bunches per vine and in some seasons for severe leafroll with fewer berries per bunch. Shoot growth was delayed in spring with severe leafroll and less total annual growth was produced. There was a smaller reduction in total annual growth with mild leafrqll. Severe leafroll did not alter the colour of the fruit, either fresh, or dried with or without dipping. Sugar concentration was only slightly reduced when either mild or severe leafroll was present. Fanleaf virus in addition to severe leafroll was associated with a further reduction in yield and growth in some seasons.Yield differences not transmissible by grafting ranged up to about 50 %. The lowest yielding source vine which did not transmit reduced yield by grafting also showed puckered leaf and more oblate berry characters which were not transmitted by grafting. This was the only source vine showing any obvious morphological differences.Ertragsdifferenzen zwischen Sultana-Klonen in Beziehung zum Grad der Viruserkrankung und zu genetischen Faktoren Ertragsdifferenzen zwischen Sultana-Klonen konnten teilweise durch Pfropfung übertragen werden, teilweise nicht. Der wichtigste pfropfübertragbare Faktor war die Rollkrankheit. Beim Vorliegen leichter Krankheitssymptome war der Traubenertrag in 3 von 6 Jahren um durchschnittlich 14 % verringert; bei stark rollkranken Reben war in allen 6 Jahren ein mittlerer Ertragsrückgang von 35 % zu verzeichnen. Die niedrigeren Erträge waren durch weniger Trauben je Rebe, in einigen Jahren bei starker Erkrankung auch durch weniger Beeren je Traube bedingt. Das Triebwachstum war bei schwerer Rollkrankheit im Frühjahr verzögert, und es wurde weniger Holz erzeugt; bei leichter Erkrankung war die Holzproduktion weniger rückläufig. Starke Erkrankung veränderte die Beerenfärbung nicht, weder bei frischen noch bei getauchten oder nichtgetauchten getrockneten Beeren. Die Zuckerkonzentration war sowohl bei milder wie bei starker Rollkrankheit nur geringfügig vermindert. Schwere Rollkrankheit mit zusätzlichem Fanleafvirus war in einigen Jahren mit einer weiteren Verringerung von Traubenertrag und Holzproduktion verbunden.Die durch Pfropfung nicht übertragbaren Ertragsunterschiede erreichten annähernd 50 %. Die am schwächsten tragende Ausgangsrebe dieser Kategorie zeigte runzliges Laub und stärker abgeplattete Beeren; diese Merkmale waren nicht pfropfübertragbar. Nur diese eine Ausgangsrebe wies überhaupt deutliche morphologische Abweichungen auf

    Union learning representatives in the UK: activity, impact and organization

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    The debate over the significance of union learning representatives (ULRs) in the UK has become increasingly polarized. Some commentators see little prospect of ULRs contributing to advancing either workplace learning or union organization due to the constraints of neo-liberal state policy. An opposing view emphasizes union agency in developing a collective approach to learning and extended joint regulation through a process of critical engagement. This article presents analysis of data from the 2009 National Survey of ULRs, which finds a positive relationship between ULR activity and its impact in enhancing training outcomes, increasing union membership and the joint regulation of workplace learning. This supports arguments that agency of ULRs is not inevitably suppressed by the structural limitations of union learning