481 research outputs found

    MATH 344-001, Fall 2023: Regression Analysis

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    ABSTRAK Minyak goreng merupakan salah satu bahan pokok yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat Indonesia, terutama didalam rumah tangga. Konsumsi minyak goreng biasanya digunakan sebagai media menggoreng bahan pangan dan penambah cita rasa. Banyaknya penggunaan minyak goreng menyebabkan minyak jelantah dalam jumlah tinggi, menyadari adanya bahaya kosumsi minyak jelantah menyebabkan berbagai penyakit maka dilakukan upaya untuk memanfaatkan agar tidak terbuang dan mencemari lingkungan. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan penambahan tonggol jagung pada minyak jelantah sehingga dapat menyerap senyawa karsinogenik yang terdapat pada minyak jelantah. Minyak jelantah tersebut di perbaiki dengan mengadsorpsi bau tengik, menyerap warna, dan mereduksi senyawa-senyawa karsinogen yang terdapat pada minyak tersebut. Minyak jelantah yang digunakan untuk proses ini di ambil dari pedangan gorengan. Dengan konsentrasi tonggol jagung 0,2 ; 0,4 ; 0,6 ; 0,8 gram dan untuk ukuran partikel sebesar 120 mesh, 100 mesh dan 80 mesh. Analisa yang di lakukan terhadap pemurnian minyak jelantah yaitu kadar air, asam lemak bebas dan angka penyabunan. Dari pemurnian minyak maka dapat diperoleh kadar airnya sebesar 2,5 %, Kadar FFA 0,1173 %, dan Angka penyabunan yang di dapat adalah sebesar 149,3662 %.Kata Kunci : Minyak jelantah, Tonggol jagung, karsinogenik, karsinoge

    Alcohol Drinking Patterns and Differences in Alcohol-Related Harm: A Population-Based Study of the United States

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    Alcohol use and associated alcohol-related harm (ARH) are a prevalent and important public health problem, with alcohol representing about 4% of the global burden of disease. A discussion of ARH secondary to alcohol consumption necessitates a consideration of the amount of alcohol consumed and the drinking pattern. This study examined the association between alcohol drinking patterns and self-reported ARH. Pearson chi-square test χ2 and logistic regression analyses were used on data from the National Comorbidity Survey Replication (NCS-R). The NCS-R is a cross-sectional nationally representative sample. Data was obtained by face-to-face interviews from 9282 adults aged ≥18 years in the full sample, and 5,692 respondents in a subsample of the full sample. Results presented as odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI). Alcohol drinking patterns (frequency of drinking, and drinks per occasion) were associated with increased risks of self-reported ARH; binge or “risky” drinking was strongly predictive of ARH than other categories of drinks per occasion or frequency of drinking; and men had significantly higher likelihood of ARH in relation to frequency of drinking and drinks per occasion. Findings provide evidence for public health practitioners to target alcohol prevention strategies at the entire population of drinkers

    Optimum methodology for site selection of wave energy converters

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    A critical review on the feasibility of extracting wave energy in the marine environment for the purpose of generating electric power has been carried out using a methodology of resource assessment to analyse the different elements involved in the site selection process and as it relates to the operation and maintenance (O&M) activities for deployment of wave energy converter (WEC) technologies. Part of the issues affecting the choice of using wave energy as an alternative source for power generation centres on the uncertainty surrounding cost of O&M for these power generation technologies. The resource assessment approach examines the different aspects of the operational process starting from the initial site selection stage, and the cost implications of various O&M practice. The objective is to establish the evidence which clearly illustrates that the selected site does not have too many environmental or technical constraints that could impinge on the development of the project. This approach will help prospective investors and developers of marine renewable technologies in planning the project implementation

    Influence of local spices (Tetrapieura tetraptera and Allium sativum) on the keeping quality of sausages prepared under laboratory conditions.

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    Two local spices Tetrapleura tetraptera and Allium sativum (garlic) were used as preservatives in the preparation of chicken and beef sausages. The effect of these spices on the microbiological and biochemical properties of sausages was monitored. Initial microbial counts of ground meat before treatment with preservatives were 2.55 x 105cfu/g and 3.64 x 105cfu/g for raw beef (Br) and raw chicken (Cr) respectively. Ground meat was treated with garlic (g), Tetrapleura tetraptera (t), sodium nitrite (n) or their combinations (gn, tn) at varying concentrations for the preparation of different sausage samples. Storage was carried on at two different temperatures and results showed that sausages treated with 4% garlic, 4% Tetrapleura tetraptera and 0.42% sodium nitrite per 100g meat showed much proliferation of microbes during storage. For these samples microbial counts were 3 x 103cfu/g, 1.4 x 104cfu/g, 2 x 103cfu/g, 1.3 x 103cfu/g for Bg1, Bt1, Cg1, and Ct1 respectively. Microbial genera isolated were mainly Escherichia coli, Staph. aureus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Micrococcus spp and Rhizopus. Sausages treated with 10% garlic, 10% Tetrapleura tetraptera and 0.42% sodium nitrite per 100g meat were less susceptible to microbial deterioration irrespective of whether the sausages were stored at room temperature or refrigeration temperature. For these samples, postprocessing counts were 1 x 103cfu/g, 1 x 103cfu/g, 2.7 x 104cfu/g, 1 x 103cfu/g, 5 x 103cfu/g and 2 x 103cfu/g for Bg2, Bt2, Cg2, Cgn, Ct2 and Ctn respectively. The microbial genera isolated after treatment were Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Staph epidermidis. Escherichia coli, Staph. aureus, were absent. Btn and Bgn had no microbial growth. All sausage samples showed reduced percent fat and increased ash, protein and carbohydrate content. KEY WORDS: Tetrapleura tetraptera, Allium sativum Micrococcus spp, Staph epidermidis, Lactobacillus bulgaricu

    Effect of multiparity on electrolyte composition and blood pressure

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    Pregnancy affects the physiology of the pregnant woman particularly the endocrine, cardiovascular and the renal systems. This work was therefore set to ascertain the state of electrolytes in pregnancy and how it affects blood pressure using multiparity as a factor. One hundred and twenty (120) women were used in this study. The non-pregnant groups were the nulliparous (control) and grand multiparous women who have stopped gestation (GMS) for at least five years. The pregnant groups were made up of 30 primigravidae (PG) and 30 grand multiparous (GMP). The pregnant groups (PG and GMP) were further divided into first, second and third trimesters. The subjects were aged matched with controls. Serum electrolytes (Na+, K+ and Cl-) were measuredusing standard methods. The results show that there was no significant difference in the electrolyte composition among the groups and between trimesters. There was also no significant difference in blood pressure among the groups and between trimesters in the pregnant groups irrespective of parity. Multiparity therefore may not pose any severe threat to health

    Resource Control and Grassroots Development in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria

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    In every society, economic development is an important part of social living, especially the specific economic activities of government in ensuring the development of that society. But then integrated effort towards this development will be incomplete where cognizance of the existing resources and ways of tapping as well as equitably allocating the resources is undermined. For some time now. this has reflected in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria and the inequitable allocation of the resources especially to the areas of their derivation has led to the constraints in developmental efforts and consequently deterioration in the lives of the rural dwellers. The effects of this have been marginalization and unsavory reactions from the affected communities and these have led to national insecurity. This paper examines these issues in the context of resource control, causes of agitation for control of resources by the Niger Delta dwellers, the contending trend of uneasiness in the nation and actions that can be taken by the government to ensure grassroots development in the area, thus pulling an end to the insecurity of lives and property in that region, and the nation as a whole

    The Use of Latent Semantic Indexing to Cluster Documents into Their Subject Areas

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    Keyword matching information retrieval systems areplagued with problems of noise in the document collection, arising from synonymy and polysemy. This noise tends to hide the latent structure of the documents, hence reduing the accuracy of the information retrieval systems, as well asmaking it difficult for clustering algorithms to pick up on shared concepts, and effectively cluster similar documents. Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) through its use of Singular Value Decomposition reduces the dimension of the document space, mapping it onto a smaller concept space devoid of this noice and making it easier to group similar documents together. This work is an exploratory report of the use of LSA to cluster a small dataset of documents according to their topic areas to see how LSA would fare in comparison to clustering with a clustering package, without LS

    Symptoms And Lung Function Values In Nigerian Men And Women Exposed To Dust Generated From Crushing Of Granite Rocks In Calabar, Nigeria

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    This study was carried out to determine lung function and respiratory and non-respiratory symptoms among men and women exposed to dust emitted from crushing of granite rocks and to compare them with control men and women not exposed to any known air pollutant. The sites were the granite rock crushing industries in old Netim, Akamkpa Local Government Area of Cross River State, Nigeria. Respirable dust level was higher in the dust-emitting sites (1.087±0.243mg/m3) than in the control areas (0.099± 0.007 mg/m3;