546 research outputs found

    Novas tendências em embalagens alimentares funcionalidades e materiais

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    Motivada pela crescente preocupação com a qualidade e a segurança dos alimentos, a utilização de embalagens alimentares é uma prática de há muito enraizada na sociedade. As funções solicitadas aos materiais utilizados para produzir embalagens alimentares estão relacionadas com as tendências de consumo e com as evoluções tecnológicas adotadas ao longo dos anos pela indústria alimentar e pela distribuição, o que implica um esforço adicional para encontrar soluções de embalagem que respondam a essas solicitações. Por outro lado, mais recentemente, tem emergido uma grande polémica relacionada com a pegada ambiental deixada pelos materiais plásticos não biodegradáveis, muito comumente utilizados no fabrico de embalagens alimentares, a que urge dar resposta. Estes desafios originaram o aparecimento de novos materiais de embalagem, com novas funcionalidades, que poderão chegar ao mercado mais cedo do que possamos imaginar.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Lawyers, judges, and judicial reform: a conceptual framework and a quantitative exploration

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    A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Economics from the NOVA – School of Business and EconomicsThere is growing evidence on the importance of institutions for growth but limited understanding of the mechanisms of institutional divergence, persistence and change. Focusing on the judicial, starting from formalism indicators developed under the legal origin theory, but following different explanatory paths, we propose a thought experiment assessing reasonable preferences of judges and lawyers regarding formalism. We find a striking divergence, with lawyers showing preferences for high, and judges for low, formalism. This may generate institutional conflict, resistance to reforms and a dynamic equilibrium at an inefficient level. The analysis offers paths for reform, potentially addressing limitations of institutional approaches

    Equity valuation : Under Armour

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    The present dissertation aims to value Under Armour, an American sportswear company. Since Valuation is not an exact science, during the literature review will be presented several valuation methods. Most of the authors mention DCF Valuation as one of the best but it seems impossible for them to reach a consensus about which one is in fact the best. In order to get Under Armour’s target price, a DCF valuation will be made and accompanied by a Relative Valuation that, when it is properly used, it can perform the perfect complement. In the end, a comparison between the dissertation’s result and JP Morgan report will be made. In January 2016, JP Morgan was predicting a target price of 90pershare.Apresentedissertac\ca~otemcomoobjetivoavaliaraUnderArmour,umaempresaamericanadete^xtildesportivo.Umavezqueumaavaliac\ca~ona~oeˊumacie^nciaexata,durantearevisa~odeliteraturasera~oapresentadosalgunsmeˊtodosdeavaliac\ca~o.Paramuitosautoresumaavaliac\ca~ofeitaatraveˊsdoDCFeˊconsideradacomoumadasmelhores,maspareceimpossıˊvelparaosmesmoschegaraumconsensosobrequeeˊrealmenteomelhormeˊtodo.Parachegaraoprec\cofinaldaUnderArmour,umaavaliac\ca~ousandooDCFiraˊserfeitaeacompanhadaporumaavaliac\ca~opormuˊltiplosquequandousadaadequadamente,podedesempenharopapeldeperfeitocomplementoparaaprimeira.Nofinaliraˊserrealizadoumacomparac\ca~oentreoresultadoobtidonadissertac\ca~oeorelatoˊriofeitopelaJPMorgan.EmJaneirode2016aJPMorganestavaapreverumprec\cofinalde90 per share.A presente dissertação tem como objetivo avaliar a Under Armour, uma empresa americana de têxtil desportivo. Uma vez que uma avaliação não é uma ciência exata, durante a revisão de literatura serão apresentados alguns métodos de avaliação. Para muitos autores uma avaliação feita através do DCF é considerada como uma das melhores, mas parece impossível para os mesmos chegar a um consenso sobre que é realmente o melhor método. Para chegar ao preço final da Under Armour, uma avaliação usando o DCF irá ser feita e acompanhada por uma avaliação por múltiplos que quando usada adequadamente, pode desempenhar o papel de perfeito complemento para a primeira. No final irá ser realizado uma comparação entre o resultado obtido na dissertação e o relatório feito pela JP Morgan. Em Janeiro de 2016 a JP Morgan estava a prever um preço final de 90 por ação

    Internationalization and entry mode determinants of SMEs : the case of Adira

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    This study aims to find out the reasons that push small and medium-seized enterprises (SMEs) to keep on expanding operations abroad as well as the motives they choose different modes on doing so. By adopting the case study methodology, we choose a company called Adira Metal Forming Solutions, S.A, (AMFS) in order to answer our proposed research question. Our findings suggest that the first motive that triggered the company to go international in the late 1960’s was the limited domestic market in which it was operating. This motive was also evidenced as a valid one for the whole process of internationalization. Additionally, the other motives that pushed the company to expand once it was already in the international market place were mainly the globalization of markets, the vision of the founder’s son, a risk diversification strategy and, more recently, a shift towards emerging markets. Finally, the export mode of entry seems to be the preferred entry mode adopted by the company. The main reasons could potentially be linked with a risk-averse manner of dealing with internationalization and constraints in terms of resources, which prevent the use of more intensive entry modes

    Fisheries Development and Fisheries Dependent Communities in Portugal: Socio-Economic Change and Strategic Planning

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    The socio-economic subsystem encompassing fisheries may be defined as including not only the harvesting sector but also several related activities occurring both upstream (shipbuilding, gear manufacture) and downstream (processing, distribution and trade). But these closely interrelated economic activities can also be set within a much broader system which would include the ecological, institutional and political influences which frame economic behaviour. The value of this broader conceptualisation is that it treats fisheries not as an isolated and independent economic activity but as part of a more holistic and complex system. This broader perspective is of particular significance when attempting to examine the concept of regional dependence. The socio-economic subsystem for fisheries is dominated by small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). And Peniche emerges as one of Portugal’s most important fishing ports whether measured in terms of the volume of landings or the total numbers of fishermen. It also has one of the highest levels of fisheries dependence of all coastal municipalities in Portugal with over 20% of its workforce currently engaged in fisheries related employment, faces a daunting and uncertain future. The social fabric of fisheries dependent communities also suffers serious damage; once again, the technocratic approach to management has no solutions to offer. It is essential, therefore, to turn away from the existing approach and to develop instead new forms of intervention; in short, to provide a new vision. This implies change not only to the policy process but also in the attitudes of the social actors and in the preoccupations of fisheries related research. An integrated approach is required based on participative action and the development of an integrated information network.fisheries; socio-economic system; Peniche; Portugal; dependent communities; policy

    Contributos da comunicação não-verbal na integração social, cultural e educativa de imigrantes numa perspetiva de multiculturalidade – um estudo de caso

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    O Homem não comunica só com as palavras, mas com todo o seu corpo. Este trabalho visa analisar de que forma a Comunicação Não-verbal pode ou não contribuir para a integração social, cultural e educativa de imigrantes numa perspetiva de multiculturalidade. Trata-se de um estudo de caso no qual participam onze imigrantes provenientes do leste da Europa. Os dados foram obtidos através de entrevistas gravadas em suporte áudio, a seguir transcritas, e obtidos, também, através da observação direta registada em caderno de notas. O trabalho conclui que há contributos positivos e contributos negativos da Comunicação Não-verbal para a integração social, cultural e educativa destes imigrantes, numa perspetiva de multiculturalidade. Os contributos negativos detetados têm que ver, fundamentalmente, com as diferenças culturais. Os mesmos são, contudo, rapidamente ultrapassados pelos imigrantes entrevistados, graças a um processo de aculturação que realizam. Desta forma, deixam de ser um obstáculo para essa sua integração

    Racing performance of the Quarter Horse: genetic parameters, trends and correlation for earnings, best time and time class

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the sprint racing performance of Quarter Horses in Brazil. Estimating genetic parameters, trends and correlations were obtained by single- and two-trait analyses using Bayesian inference (earnings to 2 years of equestrian age, best time and time class at distances of 301 m and 402 m). The data comprised a period of 38 equestrian years (1978 to 2015) with 23,482 sprint race records from 5861 animals. The heritability estimates were of low to moderate magnitude, ranging from 0.10 to 0.37 (single-trait) and from 0.15 to 0.41 (two-traits), and the repeatability was 0.31 to 0.46. The additive, residual and phenotypic correlations between earnings to 2 years of equestrian age and the other traits (best time and time class in distances 301 m and 402 m) were high (−0.95, −0.96, 0.69 and 0.92), low (−0.29, −0.37, 0.26 and 0.27) and moderate (−0.41, −0.47, 0.37 and 0.47), respectively. There is a positive genetic trend for all traits considered. However, evaluation of the last 10 equestrian years (2006 to 2015) showed negative trends (genetic loss) and trends close to zero (genetic stagnation). The design of breeding programs using the earnings trait in conjunction with other racing performance traits can enhance changes in the genetic gains as a whole in speed-racing Quarter Horses. These findings suggest that the traits studied should be included in breeding selection programs for racing Quarter Horses.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    International operations, with its multiplicity of objectives, can be seen as a diversification strategy, sometimes even as a strategic option taken as an effective alternative to product diversification. Focusing on a sample of SMEs of Portuguese manufacturing industries, this study analyzes the international diversification strategies and their organizational and exogenous antecedents. Specifically, entrepreneurial orientation and dynamic capabilities of the firm are two factors of organizational nature, while the environmental uncertainty arising from the diversity of the different markets is studied as an exogenous antecedent. Data collected in 390 companies through an online questionnaire, its processing and analysis through the use of a structural equations model suggest the existence of different types of influence of the antecedents, according to companies’ options in various dimensions of the international diversification strategies. These results provide guidelines for managers and generate directions for future research


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    The rational use of resources is currently a widely discussed topic in any organization, although it takes on greater importance in those of productive scope. Measures of different levels − strategic, tactical or operational − are increasingly being implemented, so it is pertinent to analyze their effect on the distinct dimensions of sustainability: environmental, economic and social. Any strategic process must go through those that are considered the four crucial stages: analysis, formulation, implementation and control. The perfect knowledge of the environment and its emerging needs and concerns along with an in-depth survey of the internal situation of the organizations will allow us to achieve truly differentiating levels of excellence. This research, carried out in a wine-producing organization – Adega Cooperativa de Mangualde – identifies its crucial activities, the main strategic, tactical and operational actions that have been implemented in the last eight years, fits them into the above-mentioned dimensions of sustainability and determines its relative weights. Particular emphasis is placed on grapes suppliers − the capital holders −, as regards their mode of production and its impact on biodiversity and the environment. Raising public awareness of this issue is of great importance and people should be encouraged to alter their behaviour by changing some attitudes in everyday life. This awareness to achieve sustainable development becomes even more important insofar as it is a cooperative institution with a management model of well-defined specific characteristics