248 research outputs found

    Universities and economically depressed regions: how ‘attractive’ is the University of Évora?

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    As it is well known, universities constitute sources of important multiplier effects on the economic activity of the regions where they are located. Plainly, in the case of economically depressed regions, the importance of universities becomes higher. This is certainly the case with the University of Évora as being located in the Alentejo, one of the poorest regions at the European Union level, it have been contributing to the attraction of economic activity. Besides the direct effect on the economic activity of the Alentejo, the University of Évora also have been exerting demographic effects, on the one hand, by allowing people to become residents on the region and, on the other hand, by attracting students which normally become residents during the period of time required to conclude their academic degrees. The paper explores this last effect by the analysis of how and why the University of Évora is chosen by students coming from all over the country (and from abroad). This analysis, which is done through the use of econometric techniques, also indicates which are the decisive factors for the attraction exerted by the University of Évora, in general, and by its degree courses, in particular, on the candidate students. KEYWORDS: Decision Analysis, Discrete Choice Models, Portugal, Universities JEL CLASSIFICATION: C21, R12, R23

    Higher Education ‘Market’ in Portugal: a diagnosis

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    The higher education system in Portugal, in recent decades, experienced profound structural changes, including a substantial increase in the number of higher education institutions, scattered throughout the country, with a growing number of students and teachers. The subject of this study is to examine the characteristics of current supply and demand within the higher education subsystem, in Portugal. The methodological approach includes two steps: first, making a characterization of key variables that shape demand and supply of higher education in Portugal and, second, using spatial econometric analysis, particularly multidimensional scaling, in order to estimate the location of universities.Higher education, Multidimensional scaling, Spatial location.

    The Higher Education 'Market' in Portugal: a diagnosis of current situation

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    During the recent decades the higher education system in Portugal has experienced structural changes, including the substantial increase in the number of higher education institutions, scattered throughout the territory, in parallel with the increasing number of students and teachers. Recently, international organizations that analyze the behavior of the subsystem of higher education, in particular the OECD, pointed to the existence of negative trends, i.e. a shrinking demand for higher education, in addition to excess of supply. As an equilibrium in the ‘market’ of higher education seems to be essential, those features do not appear to be sustainable in the long term. This fact suggests the theme for this study, i.e. to analyze the characteristics of the current supply and demand within the subsystem of higher education in Portugal. As methodology we first make a characterization of key variables that shape the demand and supply of higher education in Portugal and, secondly, use tools of spatial analysis, namely multidimensional scaling, in order to verify how distant are the higher education institutions in Portugal.Higher Education; Multidimensional Scaling; Spatial Location

    Scientific study of an 18th century portuguese painting on canvas and their old restoration: PROBLEMS of date and authenticity of the current image

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    A Portuguese painting of the 18th century, from the collection of the National Library of Portugal, restored in 1864, was studied with the aim of better understanding the practice of restoration in Portugal in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Initial observations suggested that it had been subjected to significant changes, due to the existence of an extensive decorative bar at the bottom of the painting and an inscription with calligraphy that seemed to suggest being of the 19th century. However, the scientific study carried out with the use of a set of analytical techniques leads to the conclusion that, essentially, the current image is consistent with the original image, although a thick layer of varnish and several localized repaints were observed. However, the inscription does not seem to be original.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Endovascular Treatment of Iliofemoral Deep Venous Thrombosis - Is There Enough Evidence to Support It? A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis

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    INTRODUÇÃOː O Síndrome Pós-Trombótico (SPT) e a redução da Patência Iliofemoral (IF) são complicações comuns da Trombose Venosa Profunda Iliofemoral (TVPIF). Estudos recentes sugerem que técnicas de tratamento endovascular, tais como a Trombólise Dirigida por Catéter (TDC) e a Trombectomia Farmacomecânica (TF), permitem reduzir de modo eficaz o risco e morbilidade de SPT em doentes com TVPIF. Este artigo visa rever a literatura atual acerca deste tema, focando-se nos outcomes obtidos a longo prazo a partir da aplicação de técnicas de tratamento endovascular a doentes com TVPIF. AQUISIÇÃO DE EVIDÊNCIAː Foi elaborada uma revisão sistemática da literatura usando as bases de dados PubMed/Medline e Scopus, de acordo com as normas de publicação da PRISMA. Um número total de 40 artigos foram incluídos na análise qualitative da revisão, de acordo com a sua relevância científica. Deste grupo inicial de artigos, 9 artigos foram incluídos na realização da análise quantitativa. SÍNTESE DE EVIDÊNCIAː O tratamento endovascular com TDC e TF está associado a uma diminuição do risco de desenvolvimento de SPT, por comparação com anticoagulação standard (OR = 0.71; 95% CI = 0.54-0.92). Para além disso, a patência IF apresenta taxas superiors em pacientes tratados com TDC ou TF, por comparação com anticoagulação standard (OR = 3.20; 95% CI = 1.80 -5.71). Não há diferenças estatísticas significativas no risco de SPT e na patência IF entre pacientes tratados com TDC e TF. Complicações como hemorragias, embolismo pulmonar e morte tmabém não parecem divergir entre o tratamento endovascular e anticoagulação, bem como entre TDC e TF. CONCLUSÕESː Técnicas de tratamento endovascular parecem ter outcomes satisfatórios a longo prazo em doentes com TVPIF, relativamente ao risco de SPT e à preservação da patência IF. Contudo, investigação adicional com ensaios clínicos randomizados prospetivos com elevado tamanho populacional e tempos de seguimento longos parece ser necessário para poderem ser tiradas mais conclusões.INTRODUCTIONː Post-Thrombotic Syndrome (PTS) and iliofemoral (IF) patency reduction are common complications of iliofemoral deep venous thrombosis (IFDVT). Recent studies suggested that endovascular treatment, such as catheter-directed thrombolysis (CDT) and pharmacomechanical thrombectomy (PMT) can effectively reduce the risk and morbidity of PTS in IFDVT patients. This article aims to review the current literature on the subject, focusing on the long-term outcomes of endovascular treatment techniques in IFDVT patients. EVIDENCE ACQUISITIONː A thorough systematic review of the literature was conducted using PubMed/Medline and Scopus, according to PRISMA statement guidelines. Forty articles were included, according to their scientific relevance, for the qualitative analysis. From this initial set of articles, nine articles were included for the quantitative analysis. EVIDENCE SYNTHESISː Endovascular treatment with CDT or PMT is related to a decreased risk of PTS development, when compared to standard anticoagulation treatment (OR = 0.71; 95% CI = 0.54-0.92). Furthermore, IF patency presents superior rates in patients treated with CDT or PMT, instead of anticoagulation (OR = 3.20; 95% CI = 1.80 -5.71). There are no significant differences in the risk of PTS and IF patency between patients treated with CDT and PMT. Complications such as bleeding, pulmonary embolism and death, don't seem to differ between endovascular treatment and anticoagulation, as well as between CDT and PMT procedures. CONCLUSIONSː Endovascular techniques seem to have satisfactory long-term outcomes in IFDVT, regarding to PTS risk and IF patency. However, further investigation with prospective randomized clinical trials with large populations and long follow-ups is necessary

    As Gavetas da Torre do Tombo. Volume 9. Gaveta 18, maços 7-13.

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    As Gavetas da Torre do Tombo. Volume 8. Gaveta 18, maços 1-6.

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    Acerca dos impactes da Universidade de Évora no seu meio envolvente

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    As instituições de ensino superior, em geral, e as universidades, em particular, exercem sobre o meio envolvente inúmeros efeitos (multiplicadores), quer no lado da procura (por exemplo, por via dos rendimentos associado à sua actividade) quer no lado da oferta (por exemplo, ao nível do conhecimento associado aos seus graduados), os quais interagem entre si. Este conjunto de efeitos é de crucial importância para regiões económica (e demograficamente) deprimidas, como é o caso do Alentejo (Central), onde a Universidade de Évora se encontra localizada. Tendo em conta esta perspectiva, o presente trabalho pretende contribuir para a detecção da real importância da Universidade de Évora no meio envolvente ao mostrar como, em termos qualitativos, o mercado de trabalho dos indivíduos com formação superior, na região de Évora, se comporta de forma diversa do restante mercado de trabalho