191 research outputs found

    SOS Ambiente

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    Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Santarém para obtenção de grau de Mestre em Educação e Comunicação MultimédiaO presente Relatório de Estágio refere-se às actividades programadas e realizadas durante o ano lectivo de 2009 – 2010 no âmbito Mestrado de Educação e Comunicação Multimédia da Escola Superior de Educação de Santarém. O Relatório de Estágio reporta-se a um Projecto de Intervenção, que apelidámos de SOS Ambiente, na Escola Secundária da Marquesa, através do qual procurámos aprofundar e aplicar os conhecimentos adquiridos no MECM. Para o desenvolvimento deste Projecto de intervenção contámos com o apoio dos alunos, que se envolveram nas várias actividades propostas, com o apoio de muitos colegas da mesma Escola, que articularam o desenvolvimento das suas actividades curriculares com a importância de actividades e comunicações multimodais de articulação a nível de Escola, com o apoio da Direcção da Escola, que nos deu as devidas autorizações e, finalmente, com o apoio da Câmara Municipal de Almeirim, que, mais uma vez, foi inexcedível.N/

    Critical behaviour of a tumor growth model - Directed Percolation with a mean-field flavour

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    We examine the critical behaviour of a lattice model of tumor growth where supplied nutrients are correlated with the distribution of tumor cells. Our results support the previous report (Ferreira et al., Phys. Rev. E 85, 010901 (2012)), which suggested that the critical behaviour of the model differs from the expected Directed Percolation (DP) universality class. Surprisingly, only some of the critical exponents (beta, alpha, nu_perp, and z) take non-DP values while some others (beta', nu_||, and spreading-dynamics exponents Theta, delta, z') remain very close to their DP counterparts. The obtained exponents satisfy the scaling relations beta=alpha*nu_||, beta'=delta*nu_||, and the generalized hyperscaling relation Theta+alpha+delta=d/z, where the dynamical exponent z is, however, used instead of the spreading exponent z'. Both in d=1 and d=2 versions of our model, the exponent beta most likely takes the mean-field value beta=1, and we speculate that it might be due to the roulette-wheel selection, which is used to choose the site to supply a nutrient.Comment: 8 pages, 15 figure

    O mosteiro de Santa Maria da Vitória no século XVI as Capelas Imperfeitas e o Renascimento em Portugal

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    No primeiro terço do século XVI cruzaram-se no obradoiro da Batalha os percursos de dois dos mais influentes construtores quinhentistas – João de Castilho e Miguel Arruda – que aqui terão experimentado, como num laboratório, novas técnicas e estéticas, a coberto da brisa cultural de matriz humanista que então soprou, fugazmente, na corte joanina. Desta fase tão pouco estudada do estaleiro batalhino chegou até nós a janela renascentista das Capelas Imperfeitas, datada de 1533, com o seu exuberante entablamento, um registo maneirista precoce no ambiente artístico nacional, então dominado pela persistência do já esgotado modo manuelino. O que hoje sabemos sobre tão surpreendente intervenção permite-nos inferir que ela foi absolutamente determinante na definição dos caminhos do Renascimento em Portugal, confirmando o pioneirismo de sempre da profícua fábrica de Santa Maria da Vitória. Contudo, as disposições testamentárias d'O Venturoso relativas ao acabamento do mausoléu batalhino1 ficaram adiadas sine die. D. João III, guiado por opções estratégicas distintas das de seu pai, acabaria por concentrar-se noutras obras, nomeadamente em Évora e Tomar, não sem antes ter ensaiado na Batalha o seu primeiro projecto de tumulação. Em 1533, Miguel de Arruda dava início na Batalha à reforma joanina das instalações monásticas, obra perdida. Por essa altura as Capelas Imperfeitas foram palco da metamorfose do arquitecto João de Castilho: de superlativo agente manuelino na nacionalização do tardo-gótico, transformou-se num diligente intérprete da nova linguagem clássica de matriz transalpina.Abstract: In the first third of the sixteenth century, two of the most influential builders of the time – João de Castilho and Miguel Arruda – crossed paths in the workshop of the Batalha Monastery. There, they are thought to have experimented, as if in a laboratory, new techniques and aesthetics, following the humanist cultural breeze that then blew, fleetingly, in the johannine court. From this little-studied phase of the Batalha workshop, came to us the Renaissance window of the Unfinished Chapels, dated 1533. With its lush entablature, the window had an early mannerist registration in the national art scene, which was then dominated by the persistence of the already exhausted manueline style. What we know today about this surprising intervention allows us to infer that it was absolutely crucial in defining the ways of the Renaissance in Portugal, confirming the pioneering spirit of the always-fruitful factory of Santa Maria da Vitória . However, the testamentary dispositions of The Fortunate regarding the finishing of Batalha’s mausoleum2 were adjourned sine die. King John III, guided by strategic options distinct from those of his father, eventually focused on other works, particularly in Évora and Tomar, though he first tested his first funerary project in the monastery of Batalha. In 1533, Miguel de Arruda initiated the johannine reform of Batalha’s monastic facilities, work that was lost. By that time, the Unfinished Chapels were stage to the metamorphosis of architect João de Castilho: from a superlative Manueline agent in the nationalisation of the late Gothic, he then became a diligent interpreter of the new classical transalpine language

    Statistical mechanics model of angiogenic tumor growth

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    We examine a lattice model of tumor growth where survival of tumor cells depends on the supplied nutrients. When such a supply is random, the extinction of tumors belongs to the directed percolation universality class. However, when the supply is correlated with distribution of tumor cells, which as we suggest might mimick the angiogenic growth, the extinction shows different, and most likely novel critical behaviour. Such a correlation affects also the morphology of the growing tumors and drastically raise tumor survival probability.Comment: 4 page

    Taquicardia ventricular: apresentação de linfoma com infiltração cardíaca

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    © 2014 Sociedade Portuguesa de Cardiologia. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.A 53-year-old man, with a 15-year history of mycosis fungoides (MF), presented with fever, dizziness, and presyncope. On examination, he was tachycardic (180 bpm) and hypotensive (100/70 mmHg). The ECG showed diffuse ST-segment depression, and cardiac troponin I was elevated (3.47 ng/ml). He was admitted with a suspected acute coronary syndrome. On the third day of hospitalization there were several episodes of sustained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia (MVT).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Epidemiology of injuries in senior male rugby union sevens: a systematic review

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    In 2016 the Rugby Union variant of sevens will enter the official Olympic Programme. Until now, most of injury surveillance studies in Rugby Union focus on elite 15-a-side cohorts, with reported injury incidence rates reaching 96 per 1000 player-match-hours, and mean severity set at 20 days. Sparse data is available regarding rugby sevens. The aim of this study was to systematically review available data regarding the epidemiology of injuries in senior male rugby sevens.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sistema de apoio à decisão para o transporte não urgente de doentes em veículo partilhado

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    O transporte não urgente de doentes em Portugal foi alvo de reformulação legislativa de modo a reduzir os custos que acarretava. Neste artigo apresentam-se métodos heurísticos para a formação de agrupamentos de doentes a serem transportados na mesma viatura. São apresentados resultados computacionais que validam os algoritmos desenvolvidos. Os algoritmos podem ser facilmente integrados num sistema de apoio à decisão.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)COMPETE Programa Operacional Fatores de Competitividade (POFC) Ref FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-02060

    Coexistence and critical behaviour in a lattice model of competing species

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    In the present paper we study a lattice model of two species competing for the same resources. Monte Carlo simulations for d=1, 2, and 3 show that when resources are easily available both species coexist. However, when the supply of resources is on an intermediate level, the species with slower metabolism becomes extinct. On the other hand, when resources are scarce it is the species with faster metabolism that becomes extinct. The range of coexistence of the two species increases with dimension. We suggest that our model might describe some aspects of the competition between normal and tumor cells. With such an interpretation, examples of tumor remission, recurrence and of different morphologies are presented. In the d=1 and d=2 models, we analyse the nature of phase transitions: they are either discontinuous or belong to the directed-percolation universality class, and in some cases they have an active subcritical phase. In the d=2 case, one of the transitions seems to be characterized by critical exponents different than directed-percolation ones, but this transition could be also weakly discontinuous. In the d=3 version, Monte Carlo simulations are in a good agreement with the solution of the mean-field approximation. This approximation predicts that oscillatory behaviour occurs in the present model, but only for d>2. For d>=2, a steady state depends on the initial configuration in some cases.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figure

    Epidemiology of Time-Loss Injuries in Senior and Under-18 Portuguese Male Rugby Players

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    Rugby union has one of the highest injury incidence rates in team sports, however, most of the available data focus on the epidemiology of injuries in countries where rugby is popular. We aimed to report the incidence rate and relevant epidemiological aspects of injuries occurred in a group of Portuguese male rugby players. A prospective cohort study was conducted with a group of 45 senior and 32 under-18 male players (total of 77 players). Outcome measures included injury incidence, position, type, location and severity of injuries. The match injury incidence for all players was 55.84 per 1000 player match-hours (66.66 for seniors, 42.85 for under-18), while mean time-loss for injury was 20.79 days. No statistical differences were found between groups. Lower limb injuries accounted for 60.5% of all injuries, while joint/ligament injuries were the most prevalent type. Contact events were responsible for 65.1% of injuries. Despite the limitations, the obtained data are consistent with the literature. Time-loss injuries seem highly prevalent in rugby union and the incidence rates found in this Portuguese-based study were lower than the reported for international and senior men's professional rugby union, but higher than those occurring in community rugby in tier-1 countries. The authors believe these data reinforce the need to develop and implement effective injury surveillance and prevention programs.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    A alteração do quadro legal de formação de professores e educadores ocorreu num contexto de desenvolvimento de dinâmicas de globalização hegemónica (Santos, 2001). Neste contexto o Estado-nação tem perdido centralidade, emergindo entidades económico-políticas regionais de natureza supranacional na tentativa de os estados ampliarem a sua influência nas dinâmicas de globalização (Jessop, 2005). A União Europeia, forma avançada de “Estado em rede” (Castells, 2007), apresenta-se como a configuração institucional mais desenvolvida e tem afirmado um papel crescente nas políticas sociais, e. g., a educação (Moutsios, 2009). No processo de transnacionalização da educação certas organizações internacionais e supranacionais têm ganho crescente relevo, e. g. Organização Mundial do Comércio (OMC) ou a Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Económico (OCDE). Neste âmbito, e cujo mandato contempla funções regulatórias, destaca-se a União Europeia (UE). No seio da UE os programas de educação e formação incluem as iniciativas no contexto da plataforma intergovernamental Processo de Bolonha (Conselho da União Europeia, 2009a). Neste contexto têm vindo a ser adotadas medidas consideradas chave para estruturar o Espaço Europeu de Educação Superior (EEES) (Bergen, 2005), como a definição do Sistema Europeu de Acumulação e Transferência de Créditos (ECTS), acompanhada da adoção de um sistema único de graus, com a (sugestão de) adoção do modelo anglo-saxónico, na modalidade 3 + 2 anos, i. é, 180 + 120 ects, nos dois primeiros ciclos, e a implementação de um sistema de avaliação garantidor de qualidade e acreditação, com base em entidades e procedimentos que se desejam articulados nacional e transnacionalmente (Antunes, 2008). Centramo-nos na discussão das opções de política educativa para a formação de professores de crianças dos 3 aos 12 anos de idade, em Portugal, aferindo o grau de autonomia nas vias de consecução do processo de europeização pela evolução das soluções implementadas ao nível das condições de acesso, dos objetivos e da estrutura da formação – duração, vertentes e pesos dos domínios do saber específico dos professores, do saber psicopedagógico e da prática educativa – no âmbito da oferta formativa de 1º e 2º ciclo. Para o efeito, para além da revisão bibliográfica considerada pertinente, procedemos à análise documental de um conjunto diversificado de fontes entre os documentos dimanados das instituições internacionais e supranacionais, de grupos de trabalho e plataformas intergovernamentais – estudos, relatórios, inquéritos e seus resultados, programas, projetos, tratados, etc. –, bem como a produção legislativa sobre problemática, dos últimos governos de Portugal, no sentido de clarificar princípios e opções de política educativa no domínio da formação de professores, nomeadamente ao nível do recrutamento, do perfil profissional e da organização dos planos de estudo e da oferta educativa. Genericamente, o processo de europeização tem contribuído para uma certa convergência das políticas educativas, com impacto no ensino superior português e ao nível da formação inicial de professores. As alterações políticas geraram cambiantes nos regimes jurídicos de formação inicial de educadores e professores ilustrando a permanência do Estado como regulador, no plano nacional, como contraponto a uma regulação transnacional da educação. Uma perspetiva do professor como profissional autónomo dotado de atitude crítica, capaz de avaliar a sua atuação, que investiga e constrói reflexivamente o seu saber profissional, aparenta deslizar para uma visão mais técnica do trabalho do professor, orientada para e pelos resultados. A formação apresenta uma estrutura bietápica, mas com inegável integração das dimensões de formação prevalecendo, no entanto, a tradição portuguesa de modelos estruturais em detrimento dos concetuais (Ferreira e Mota, 2013). Desde novembro de 2015 que o contexto político, em Portugal, se alterou e, na educação, diversas medidas têm sido revertidas. Contudo, a formação de professores permanece inalterável.   PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Processo de Bolonha; Espaço europeu de educação superior; Formação de professores.     ABSTRACT The change of the legal framework for the training of teachers and educators occurred within a context of development of hegemonic globalisation dynamics (Santos, 2001). In this context, the nation-state has lost its centrality, and regional economic-political entities of a supranational nature have emerged in an attempt for states to increase their influence on globalisation dynamics (Jessop, 2005). The European Union, an advanced form of ‘Network State’ (Castells, 2007), presents itself as the most developed institutional configuration and has affirmed an increasing role in social policies, e.g., in education (Moutsios, 2009). Within the process of transnationalisation of education, certain international and supranational organisations have gained increasing importance, including the World Trade Organisation (WTO) or the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). In this context, the European Union (EU) stands out with a mandate that includes regulatory functions. Within the EU, education and training programs include initiatives in the context of the intergovernmental Bologna Process (Council of the European Union, 2009a). In this framework, key measures have been taken to structure the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) (Bergen, 2005), such as the definition of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS), with the adoption of a single system of degrees, with the (suggestion of) adoption of the Anglo-Saxon model, in the modality 3 + 2 years, in other words 180 + 120 ects, in the first two cycles, and the implementation of a quality assurance and accreditation system, based on entities and procedures that are coordinated nationally and transnationally (Antunes, 2008). We focus on the discussion of educational policy options for the training of teachers of children aged 3 to 12 years in Portugal, assessing the degree of autonomy in the ways of achieving the process of Europeanisation by the evolution of solutions implemented at the level of conditions of access, objectives and structure of the training - duration, fields and weights of the areas of specific knowledge of teachers, psycho-pedagogical knowledge and educational practice - within the scope of the 1st and 2nd cycle training offer. To this end, in addition to the bibliographic review considered relevant, we engaged in the documentary analysis of a broad range of sources among the documents originating from international and supranational institutions, working groups and intergovernmental platforms - studies, reports, surveys and their results, programs, projects, treaties, etc. - as well as of the legislative production on this matter by the last Portuguese governments, in order to clarify education policy principles and options in the field of teacher education, including recruitment, professional profile and the organisation of study plans and educational offer. In global terms, the process of Europeanisation has contributed to a certain convergence of educational policies, with an impact on Portuguese higher education and at the level of initial teacher training. The political changes generated variations in the legal regimes of initial training of educators and teachers illustrating the permanence of the State as a regulator at the national level and as a counterpoint to a transnational regulation of education. A perspective of the teacher as an autonomous professional with a critical attitude, capable of evaluating his/her work, who investigates and constructively reflects his/her professional knowledge, seems to give way to a more technical view of the teacher's work, oriented towards and for results. Teacher training presents a two-stage structure, but with undeniable integration of the training dimensions, with the Portuguese tradition of structural models still prevailing to the detriment of the conceptual ones (Ferreira e Mota, 2013). Since November 2015, the political context in Portugal has changed and several education measures have been reversed. However, teacher training remains unchanged.   KEYWORDS: Bologna Process; European Higher Education Area; Teacher training     RÉSUMÉ La modification du cadre juridique de la formation des enseignants et des éducateurs est advenue dans un contexte de développement de dynamiques de globalisation hégémonique (Santos, 2001). Dans ce contexte, l’Etat-nation a perdu de sa centralité, faisant émerger des entités économico-politiques régionales de nature supranationale dans une tentative, de la part des états, d’élargissement de leur influence dans les dynamiques de globalisation (Jessop, 2005). L’Union Européenne, forme avancée d’«Etat en réseau» (Castells, 2007), se présente en tant que configuration institutionnelle la plus développée et a affirmé progressivement un rôle croissant au niveau des politiques sociales, notamment l’éducation (Moutsios, 2009). Dans le processus de transnationalisation de l’éducation, certaines organisations internationales et supranationales ont gagné une croissante notoriété, par exemple, l’Organisation Mondiale du Commerce (OMC) ou l’Organisation pour la Coopération et le Développement Economique (OCDE). Dans ce contexte, on peut mettre en exergue l’Union Européenne (UE), dont le mandat contient des fonctions de régulation. Au sein de l’UE, les programmes d’éducation et de formation incluent les initiatives dans le contexte de la plateforme intergouvernementale Processus de Bologne (Conseil de l’Union Européenne, 2009a). Dans ce contexte aussi, ont été adoptées des mesures considérées cruciales afin de structurer l’Espace Européen de l’Enseignement Supérieur (EEES) (Bergen, 2005), comme la définition du Système Européen d’Accumulation et de Transfert de Crédits (ECTS), accompagnée de l’adoption d’un système unique de degrés, avec l’ (suggestion de) adoption du modèle anglo-saxon, dans la modalité 3 + 2 ans, c’est-à-dire 180 + 120 ects, lors des deux premiers cycles, et la mise en œuvre d’un système d’évaluation qui assure la qualité et l’accréditation, sur la base d’entités et de procédures qui se veulent articulées au niveau national e transnational (Antunes, 2008). Nous nous centrons sur la discussion des options de la politique éducative pour la formation des enseignants d’enfants de 3 à 12 ans d’âge, au Portugal, conférant le degré d’autonomie dans les voies d’exécution du processus d’européisation à travers l’évolution des solutions mises en œuvre au niveau des conditions d’accès, des objectifs et de la structure de la formation – durée, volets et poids des domaines du savoir spécifique des enseignants, du savoir psychopédagogique et de la pratique éducative – dans le cadre de l’offre formative du 1er et du 2d cycles. À cet effet, outre la révision bibliographique considérée pertinente,  nous procédons à l’analyse documentaire d’un ensemble diversifié de sources parmi les documents émanant des institutions internationales et supranationales, de groupes de travail et de plateformes intergouvernementales – études, rapports, enquêtes et leurs résultats, programmes, projets, traités, etc. –, ainsi que la production législative sur la problématique, des derniers gouvernements du Portugal, dans le but de clarifier des principes et des options de politique éducative dans le domaine de la formation d’enseignants, surtout au niveau du recrutement, du profil professionnel et de l’organisation des plans d’étude et de l’offre éducative. Globalement, le processus d’européisation a contribué à une certaine convergence des politiques éducatives, avec un impact dans l’enseignement supérieur portugais et au niveau de la formation initiale d’enseignants. Les modifications politiques ont engendré des changements dans les régimes juridiques de formation initiale d’éducateurs et d’enseignants démontrant bien la permanence de l’Etat en tant que régulateur, sur le plan national, comme contrepoids à une régulation transnationale de l’éducation. Une perspective de l’enseignant en tant que professionnel doté d’une attitude critique, capable d’évaluer son action, qui recherche et construit de façon réfléchie son savoir professionnel, semble glisser vers une vision plus technique du travail d’enseignant, orienté par et vers ses résultats. La formation présente une structure en deux étapes, mais avec une indéniable intégration des dimensions de formation; cependant, ce qui prévaut c’est la tradition portugaise de modèles structuraux au détriment des modèles conceptuels (Ferreira e Mota, 2013). Depuis novembre 2015 que le contexte politique, au Portugal, s’est modifié et, dans l’éducation, différentes mesures ont été inversées. Toutefois, la formation d’enseignants est maintenue inchangée.   MOTS-CLÉS: Processus de Bologne; Espace européen de l’enseignement supérieur; Formation des enseignants