473 research outputs found

    Floridi: información y filosofía

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    En Este Trabajo Se Pretende Profundizar En La Filosofía De La Información Comodisciplina Académica Y En Particular En La Visión Que Tiene Luciano Floridisobre Ella. Se Estudia El Alcance, La Definición Y Los Problemas Abiertos Queconforman El Núcleo De Dicha Corriente Y Se Dan Ciertas Orientaciones Paracomprender Bien El Concepto Primitivo De Información Como Noción Omnipresente Enla Sociedad De Las Tecnologías De La Información Y La Comunicación.This Contribution Intends To Deepen Into The Philosophy Of Information, Inparticular, Into Luciano Floridi S Stance. The Scope, A Definition, And Someopen Problems That Comprise This Discipline Core Are Studied. Some Orientationsto Understand The Primitive Conception Of Information As A Pervasive Notion Inthe Information Society We Live In Is Given

    Immigration and Social Benefits in a Mediterranean Welfare State: The Case of Spain

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    The aim of this paper is to explore the impact of immigration on the Spanish Welfare State nowadays. Using two different household surveys, both the reception of state cash transfers and the use of public health care insurance by nationals and immigrants are analysed. Controlling by observable socio-demographic characteristics, we find that immigrants receive fewer cash transfers than locals and do not exhibit a statistically significant higher use of health care services than nationals. The nature of the Spanish Welfare State compared to its European correlates and the age composition of the immigrant population, concentrated in active age, can help to explain these findings.Immigration; Welfare State; Spain; cash transfers; health care

    The impact of the minimum wage on Spanish youth: Evidence from a natural experiment

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    This work assesses the impact of the minimum wage on youth employment, unemployment and education enrolment in Spain. Using a difference-in-differences approach, we take advantage of the fact that the minimum wage for people aged 16 and 17 years old, which was approximately two thirds the level of the standard minimum wage, was raised to reach full convergence with the latter in a period of three years (from 1995 to 1998). The empirical analysis suggests that this policy intervention depressed the employment levels of the affected group, raised unemployment among them and decreased the probability of remaining in formal education.minimum wage, Spain, difference-in-differences, employment

    Health care utilization and immigration in Spain

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    The aim of this work is to analyze the use of health care services by immigrants in Spain. Using a nationally representative health survey from 2006-2007 that allows overcoming problems present in previous studies and negative binomial and hurdle models, it is found that there is no statistically significant difference in the patterns of visits to physicians and hospital stays between migrants and natives in Spain. However, immigrants have a lower access to specialists and visit emergency rooms with higher frequency than nationals.health care; immigration; Spain; access; equity

    Equidad en las reformas de la seguridad social en América Latina : una evaluación crítica

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    A lo largo del último cuarto de siglo se acometieron en América Latina reformas en los sistemas de pensiones que introdujeron esquemas de capitalización privados de carácter obligatorio. En este trabajo se articulan algunas críticas contra la teoría y la práctica de los nuevos sistemas. Desde el punto de vista de la equidad intergeneracional se sostiene que los nuevos sistemas no resuelven parte de los problemas atribuidos a los sistemas públicos e introducen nuevas distorsiones en las tasas de retorno que recibe cada generación. Desde una óptica de equidad intrageneracional, se justifica que las reformas son susceptibles de deteriorar aún más la ya escasa capacidad redistributiva de los sistemas. Por último, se presentan recomendaciones de política económica para abordar estos problemas. _______________________________________Along the last quarter of the century, pension reforms which introduced private and mandatory capitalization schemes were implemented in Latin America. In this paper, the author states some criticisms against the theory and the practise of the new systems. From the point of view of intergenerational equity, it is argued that the new systems not only do not solve some of the problems attributed to public systems but also introduce new distortions in the rates of return which each generation receives. From the optic of intragenerational equity, the paper justifies that reforms are susceptible to worsen the poor redistributive capacity of the present systems. Finally, the author offers several policy implications for dealing with these problems

    From guests to hosts: a first whole picture of immigrant-native wage differentials in Spain

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    This article analyses the immigrant-native wage differentials in Spain, which only recently has become a host country. The paper exploits the Earnings Structure Survey 2006, which is the first nationally representative sample of both foreigner and Spaniard employees. Using the Machado-Mata econometric procedure, wage differentials between locals and foreigners are decomposed into the gap related to characteristics and that due to different returns to endowments (i.e., discrimination). We found that, in absolute terms, the latter component grows across wage distribution, reflecting the existence of a kind of glass ceiling consistent with the evidence of over-education found by previous research.immigration; wage differentials; Spain; quantile regression

    How are you doing in your grandpa’s country? Labour market performance of Latin American immigrants in Spain.

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    This paper analyses wage differentials between local and foreign workers from Latin America and the Caribbean in Spain, which was traditionally a country of emigrants, being precisely Hispanic America the main host region of Spanish migrants during the 19th and 20th centuries. In addition, we also compute earnings. The paper exploits the Earnings Structure Survey 2006, which is the first nationally representative sample of both foreign and Spanish employees. Using the Machado-Mata econometric procedure, wage differentials between locals and foreigners are decomposed into the gap related to characteristics and the one due to different returns on endowments (i.e., discrimination). First, we find that, in absolute terms, the latter component grows across wage distribution, reflecting the existence of a kind of glass ceiling. Second, there seem not to be significant wage gap between Latin American and the last of foreign employees, probably because non-native workers are employed in low-skill jobs.Immigration; Wage differentials; Latin America; Spain; Quantile regression.

    Análisis económico de la reforma de la seguridad social en Nicaragua: Una propuesta de pensión no contributiva en Nicaragua

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    En 1999 el gobierno nicaragüense decidió reformar su sistema de pensiones adoptando un esquema provisional de capitalización individual. Por diversos motivos esta reforma no ha entrado en vigor y su puesta en marcha está aplazada sine die. Este trabajo argumenta que, dada la estructura del mercado laboral del país, un cambio de esas características no resuelve los problemas existentes. Asimismo, se presenta una propuesta de reforma basada en la extensión de la cobertura de las prestaciones a través de beneficios no contributivos. Se simula el coste fiscal de una prestación focalizada y universal en varios escenarios de crecimiento económico.Nicaragua ; reforma ; pensiones no contributivas

    FPGA-Based Implementation of RAM with Asymmetric Port Widths for Run-Time Reconfiguration

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    In this paper, we present a HDL description of a RAM with asymmetric port widths which allows read and write operations with different data size. This RAM is suitable for implementing run-time reconfigurable systems in FPGA. The proposed RAM specification has been tested with different target devices.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TEC2006-11730-C03-0

    On the use of simulation methods to compute probabilities: application to the first division Spanish soccer league

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    We consider the problem of using the points a given team has in the First Division Spanish Soccer League to estimate its probabilities of achieving a specific objective, such as, for example, staying in the first division or playing the European Champions League. We started thinking about this specific problem and how to approach it after reading that some soccer coaches indicate that a team in the first division guarantees its staying in that division if it has a total of 42 points at the end of the regular season. This problem differs from the typical probability estimation problem because we only know the actual cumulative score a given team has at some point during the regular season. Under this setting a series of different assumptions can be made to predict the probability of interest at the end of the season. We describe the specific theoretical probability model using the multinomial distribution and, then, introduce two approximations to compute the probability of interest, as well as the exact method. The different proposed methods are then evaluated and also applied to the example that motivated them. One interesting result is that the predicted probabilities can then be dynamically evaluated by using data from the current soccer competition.Peer Reviewe