59 research outputs found

    How to Simplify Tools for Natural Grassland Characterisation Based on Biological Measures Without Losing Too Much Information?

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    In marginal areas, such as the Pyrenees, natural grasslands are the only available resource for livestock feeding. Despite this, there is a lack of simple and efficient tools for advisers to aid the management of the complex vegetation of these grasslands. Therefore, we tested an approach derived from functional ecology, to construct such tools: using biological traits to inform on the agronomic characteristics and the way farmers’ practices act on them (Ansquer et al., 2004). Nevertheless, the required protocol of measurement is still time-consuming and difficult. In this paper, we test different ways of simplifying this protocol by reducing the number of species measured and not considering specific abundances

    Multi drug resistance and &#946-lactamase production by Klebsiella pneumoniae

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    The extended spectrum -lactamase (ESBL) production and multidrug resistant of Klebsiella pneumoniae in children below 5 years of ages are investigated. The K. pneumoniae strains isolated from patients suffering from intestinal and extra intestinal infection between the 0 - 5 year’s ages of children showed resistant to the three antibiotics (ceftazidime, cefotaxime, ceftriaxone), and coexist with non -lactam resistance and ESBL production. All the strains were susceptibility to the antibiotic,imipenem. Out off 110 strains only 9 strains produced ESBL. The plasmid responsible for the antibiotic resistance and ESBL production can be transferred to recipient Escherichia coli strain

    Breast cancer in HRT: introduction

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    Mais qui sont les néoplasies intralobulaires ?

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    Diderot and La Mettrie, Readers of Seneca

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es elucidar el sentido de las críticas que Diderot dirige a La Mettrie en su Essai sur les règnes de Claude et de Néron, et sur les m?urs et les écrits de Sénèque, que resultan llamativas en la medida en que los filósofos compartieron una visión materialista de la realidad y una profesión de ateísmo. Se demuestra, por otra parte, que los cuestionamientos presentan algunos puntos débiles, que generan dudas acerca de su alcance. A partir de uno de ellos, además, se saca a la luz un problema metodológico que provoca tensiones en el texto y pone en riesgo el objetivo que Diderot se había propuesto alcanzar en el escrito, a saber, defender la imagen de Séneca de sus detractores antiguos y modernos.The aim of this paper is to elucidate the meaning behind Diderot’s criticisms of La Mettrie in his Essai sur les règnes de Claude et de Néron, et sur les mœurs et les écrits de Sénèque, which are particularly noteworthy as both philosophers shared a materialistic view of reality and professed atheism. Furthermore, it is illustrated that the considerations present certain weak points which raise concerns about its scope. In turn, one of them brings to light the methodological issue that leads to tensions in the text and jeopardizes the objective Diderot had resolved to reach, that is, to defend the image of Seneca before his old and modern detractors.Fil: Ratto, Gustavo Adrián. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentin
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