17 research outputs found


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    Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini didasari oleh pemasalahan yang dihadapi Mitra Kelompok Tani yaitu rendahnya produktivitas padi, harga gabah rendah saat panen, dan kelangkaan pupuk. Sementara itu, bahan baku untuk pembuatan pupuk kompos/biochar dan pupuk cair/biopestisida tersedia dalam jumlah yang besar, namun cara memproduksi dan manajemen produksinya belum diketahui dengan baik. Solusi yang ditawarkan adalah pembinaan kelompok tani melalui pelatihan pertanian organik dan demplot benih dan beras hitam fungsional, baik dari aspek teknik budidaya maupun manajemen pemasaran dari pengemasan, pelabelan dan pemasaran. Selama kegiatan pengabdian dilaksanakan pendampingan kelompok tani dalam memproduksi benih padi hitam, beras hitam, produksi kompos dan pupuk cair organic (POC)/biopestisida, sehingga produktivitas dan pendapatan petani meningkat. Metode dan tahapan pelaksanaan dilakukan melalui sosialisasi program dalam bentuk FGD, dilanjutkan dengan pelatihan tatap muka tentang teknologi yang akan diterapkan. Hasil pelatihan berupa produk pupuk kompos dan POC/biopestisida yang dipraktekkan oleh kelompok tani digunakan pada demplot perbenihan dan produksi benih padi hitam. Total produksi yang dihasilkan dalam kegiatan ini sebesar 2 ton pupuk kompos, 100 liter POC/Biopestisida dan padi hitam dengan produktifitas sekitar 7 ton/ha. Produk yang dihasilkan diproses dan dikemas sebagai usaha agrobisnis padi hitam dan pupuk organik untuk dijual di pasaran dibawah binaan UNHAS dan PEMDA setempat. Target khusus yang ingin dicapai pada program ini adalah terbentuknya Desa Mandiri benih padi hitam berkualitas dan pupuk organik secara lokal sebagai suatu unit usaha kelompok tani yang dapat mensuplai benih dan pupuk kepada petani di Kabupaten Bone. Kata kunci: Padi hitam, Jeliteng, Kompos, POC, Biopestisida.   ABSTRACT This community service activity is based on the problems faced by farmer group partner, namely low rice productivity, low grain prices at harvest, and scarcity of fertilizers. Meanwhile, raw materials for the manufacture of compost and liquid fertilizer/biopesticides are available in large quantities, but the method of production and production management are not well known. The solution offered is the development of farmer groups through organic farming training and demonstration plots of seeds and functional black rice, both from the aspect of cultivation techniques and marketing management from packaging, labeling and marketing. During the service activities, assistance was carried out by farmer groups in producing black rice seeds, black rice, compost production and organic liquid fertilizer (POC)/biopesticides, so that the productivity and income of farmers increased. The method and stages of implementation are carried out through program socialization in the form of FGDs, followed by face-to-face training on the technology to be applied. The results of the training in the form of compost and POC/biopesticide products practiced by farmer groups were used in demonstration plots of black rice seed and seed production. The total production produced in this activity is 2 tons of compost, 100 liters of POC/Biopesticide and black rice with a productivity of 7 tons/ha. The resulting product is processed and packaged as an agribusiness business for black rice and organic fertilizer to be sold in the market under the guidance of UNHAS and the local government. The specific target to be achieved in this program is the establishment of an Independent Village of quality black rice seeds and organic fertilizers locally as a business unit of farmer groups that can supply seeds and fertilizers to farmers in Bone Regency. Keywords: Black rice, Jeliteng, Compost, Liquid Organic Fertilizer, biopesticide


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    Teknologi budidaya tanaman pada era 4.0 membutuhkan konsep pertanian cerdas untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektivitas budidaya tanaman. Salah satu teknologi pertanian cerdas dalam bidang pertanian adalah penggunaan pesawat tanpa awak atau drone. Teknologi ini dapat menjawab permasalahan terkait evaluasi budidaya pertanaman, sehingga pengabdian teknologi ini kepada petani menjadi terobosan baru dalam memajukan kesejahtera petani. Metode penelitian ini memggunakan  demonstrasi langsung dilapangan, tepatnya pada kelompok Tani Pattarowangta, Galesong Selatan, Kabupaten Takalar. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Penggunaan teknologi untuk bidang pertanian seperti UAV diyakini bisa memberi banyak keuntungan kepada pelaku industri pertanian, terkhusus kepada petani. Proses pemantauan dan deteksi dini serangan hama, penyakit, kekurangan nutrisi, hingga prediksi waktu dan hasil panen menggunakan pesawat tanpa awak atau drone telah menjadi terobosan baru dibidang pertanian. Oleh sebab itu teknolohgi ini direkomendasikan dalam menentukan keputusan atau kebijakan yang tepat dalam mengelola suatu sumbedaya lahan. Kata kunci: Pesawat tanpa awak, pertanian cerdas, pemantauan, Jagung. ABSTRACT Plant cultivation technology in the 4.0 era requires smart farming concepts to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of plant cultivation. One of the smart farming technologies in agriculture is the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). This technology can answer problems related to the evaluation of crop cultivation so that the service of this technology to farmers is a breakthrough in advancing the welfare of farmers. This research method uses direct demonstration in the field, precisely in the Pattarowangta farmer group, South Galesong, Takalar Regency. The results of this study indicate that the use of technology for agriculture such as UAV is believed to be able to provide many benefits to agricultural industry players, especially to farmers. The process of monitoring and early detection of pests, diseases, nutritional deficiencies, to predict harvest time and yields using unmanned aerial vehicles has become a breakthrough in agriculture. Therefore, this technology is recommended in determining the right decisions or policies in managing a land resource. Keywords: Unmanned aerial vehicles, smart agriculture, monitoring, Zea mays


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    Kegiatan pengabdian yang dilaksanakan di lahan Experimental Farm (Exfarm) Fakultas Pertanian dengan sekitar 7 ha bertujuan untuk mengoptimalkan sarana dan prasarana yang tersedia yang selama ini tidak dimanfaatkan secara optimal, kecuali untuk tujuan praktikum dan penelitian dosen. Solusi yang ditawarkan adalah menjadikan exfarm Fakultas Pertanian sebagai unit pembelajaran dan sekaligus sebagai unit produksi dengan memanfaatkan lahan, sarana dan prasarana yang tersedia. Dengan luas lahan yang ada serta fasilitas yang cukup, exfarm dimanfaatkan sebagai suatu unit usaha agar menjadi tempat pembelajaran kewirausahaan mahasiswa sekaligus unit produksi untuk mendapatkan profit untuk digunakan dalam pemeliharaan rutin exfarm. Hal ini sekaligus sebagai cikal bakal untuk meningkatkan pendapatan Fakultas dan Universitas Hasanuddin sebagai PTNBH. Kegiatan pengabdian dilaksanakan dalam bentuk pelatihan dan pembuatan produk pupuk organik cair, pupuk silika, sayuran hidroponik, dan hasil stek tanam hias dan buah. Kegiatan ini melibatkan para pegawai kebun, mahasiswa/i Fakultas Pertanian dan Vokasi Universitas Hasanuddin, serta siswa/i SMA. Kegiatan pengabdian ini memberikan pengetahuan, wawasan serta keterampilan kepada para peserta yang terlibat dalam proses kegiatan pengabdian. Kata kunci: Experimental farm, unit usaha, unit pembelajaran, pelatihan, produk. ABSTRACT The service activities carried out on the Experimental Farm (exfarm) of the Faculty of Agriculture with around 7 ha aim to optimize the available facilities and infrastructure which have not been used optimally, except for practicum and lecturer research purposes. The solution offered is to make the Faculty of Agriculture's exfarm a learning unit and at the same time a production unit by utilizing the available land, facilities and infrastructure. With the existing land area and sufficient facilities, the exfarm is used as a business unit to become a place for student entrepreneurial learning as well as a production unit to earn profits to be used for routine maintenance of the exfarm. This is also a precursor to increasing the income of Hasanuddin Faculty and University as PTNBH. Service activities are carried out in the form of training and making liquid organic fertilizer products, silica fertilizer, hydroponic vegetables, and ornamental and fruit planting cuttings. This activity involved plantation employees, students from the Faculty of Agriculture and Vocational Studies, Hasanuddin University, as well as high school students. This service activity provides knowledge, insight and skills to participants involved in the service activity process. Keywords: Experimental farm, business unit, learning unit, training, product

    Ahmad Syafii Maarif’s Journey of Thought: From Fundamentalism to Inclusivism

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    This article aims to provide a historical narrative about the journey of thinking of one of the leaders of Islamic thought in Indonesia named Ahmad Syafii Maarif. Syafii Maarif experienced a fundamental thought change from a fundamentalist admirer of the Islamic State of Indonesia to becoming an inclusive person who fights for human values. The track record or range of points of intellectual development is divided into three stages. The first turning point or the phase of intellectual formation of Syafii Maarif's thoughts occurred when he received an education at the Muhammadiyah Mu'allimin Madrasah at Balai Tangah, Lintau, West Sumatra. The second point, or phase of intellectual growth, occurred after continuing his studies at Madrasah Mu'allimin Yogyakarta and finished in 1956. The third point, or phase of intellectual development, happened when he attended a doctoral program at the University of Chicago, United States, completed in 1983. At the university, he experienced a significant intellectual turning point by experiencing a new spiritual and intellectual awakening under Fazlur Rahman (1919-1988). This article uses the historical theory of Kuntowijoyo's thoughts, as a form of thought study methodology in which it examines the text, context, and the relationship between the text and society. This article uses a biographical approach to analyze the genealogy of thought and environmental conditions of Ahmad Syafii Maarif


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    Drought and the availability of nitrogen fertilizers are the main constraints in the growth and production of maize, so it is necessary to build synthetic corn varieties that are tolerant of drought stress and low N fertilization. These synthetic maize varieties can support a wider planting of maize and involve farmers who lack capital, thus supporting increased production and national self-sufficiency in corn in a sustainable manner. The aim of the service was to introduce the Unhas Synthetic maize variety (SINHAS1) with dissemination and field meetings through the Experimental Demonstration Plots, as well as interviews about the level of farmers' preference for the SINHAS 1 variety. 2020. The activity was carried out through the socialization and dissemination process of SINHAS 1 corn through a pilot demonstration plot. The demonstration plot was carried out by combining the use of the superior varieties of SINHAS 1 corn with corn cultivation technology which is packaged as a corn cultivation technology package. The demonstration plot was conducted at four locations in Tarowang Village, Galesong Selatan District, Takalar Regency. The results of the activity showed that the level of farmers' preference for the Unhas synthetic maize variety (SINHAS 1) was very high (85%) with an average productivity of 7.8 tonnes / ha, so that it is very likely to be developed in Tarowang Village, Galesong Selatan District, Takalar Regency. Development efforts need socialization and dissemination on a broader scale to accelerate development efforts. Development efforts will be carried out together with the Tarowang Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) in collaboration with the Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University to produce the SINHAS 1 corn variety through seed breeding.  Keywords: Dissemination, corn, SINHAS 1, seed, takalar ABSTRAK Masalah kekeringan dan ketersediaan pupuk Nitrogen merupakan pembatas utama dalam pertumbuhan dan produksi jagung, sehingga diperlukan usaha perakitan varietas jagung sintetik yang toleran cekaman kekeringan dan pemupukan N rendah. Varietas jagung sintetik tersebut dapat menudukung penanaman jagung yang lebih luas dan melibatkan petani yang kurang modal sehingga mendukung peningkatan produksi dan swasembada jagung nasional secara berkelanjutan. Tujuan pengabdian adalah memperkenalkan varietas jagung Sintetik Unhas (SINHAS1) dengan diseminasi dan temu lapang melalui Demplot Percobaan, sekaligus wawancara tentang tingkat kesukaan petani terhadap varietas SINHAS 1. Kegiatan pengabdian dilaksanakan di Desa Tarowang, Kecamatan Galesong Selatan, Kabupaten Takalar yang berlangsung sejak Juli sampai Oktober 2020. Kegiatan dilakukan melalui proses sosialisasi dan diseminasi Jagung SINHAS 1 melalui Demplot Percobaan. Demplot dilakukan melalui perpaduan penggunaan varietas unggul jagung SINHAS 1 dengan teknologi budidaya jagung yang dikemas sebagai paket teknologi budidaya jagung. Demplot dilakukan pada empat lokasi yang ada di Desa Tarowang, Kecamatan Galesong Selatan, Kabupaten Takalar. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kesukaan petani terhadap varietas jagung sintetik Unhas (SINHAS 1) sangat tinggi (85%) dengan produktivitas rata-rata mencapai 7.8 ton/ha, sehingga sangat berpeluang dikembangkan di Desa Tarowang, Kecamatan Galesong Selatan, Kabupaten Takalar. Usaha pengembangan diperlukan sosialisasi dan diseminasi pada skala yang lebih luas untuk mempercepat usaha pengembangannya. Usaha pengembangan akan dilakukan bersama dengan Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDes) Tarowang bekerjasama dengan Fakultas Pertanian Unhas untuk memproduksi varietas jagung SINHAS 1 melalui penangkaran benih. Kata Kunci: Diseminasi, jagung, SINHAS 1, benih, takalar

    Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Analysis to Evaluate Corn Cultivation Technology Based on Farmer Participation

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    An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), widely known as a drone, proves very effective in assessing cropping or crop cultivation. Its practical use in evaluating corn cultivation technology systems is feasible when based on farmer participation. UAV can generate the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) algorithm that reflects the greenness of leaves, which is a parameter related to photosynthesis and plant productivity. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate whether the participation-based UAV-derived NDVI could be effectively used to assess corn cultivation technology and determine the appropriate technology to be used in the cultivation. The research was conducted in Tarowang Village in Galesong Selatan District, Takalar Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia, using two plots, namely, mother trial and baby trial. The mother trial applied a randomized block design in which eight packages of corn cultivation technology were randomly assigned, whereas the baby trial consisted of eight corn plots cultivated by farmers. In the latter, each farmer received one package of the cultivation technology. The study results indicated that NDVI and yield could effectively evaluate corn cropping. Three packages, i.e., P1, P4, and P5, are recommended for corn cultivation, especially in the village observed. Nevertheless, they are expected to be also applicable to other districts in South Sulawesi to promote improvement in corn production


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    melibatkan mitra kelompok tani pada Desa Bantimurung Kecamatan Tondong Tallasa dan Desa Bara Batu Kecamatan Labakkang, CV. Sorgum, dan Dinas Pertanian Kabupaten Pangkep. Kegiatan pengabdian bertujuan untuk diseminasi teknologi kompos Trichoderma, pupuk nano silika, dan pupuk cair Bioenzim pada budidaya Sorgum manis sebagai pangan fungsional. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat adalah sekolah lapang pembuatan pupuk kompos berbahan dasar cendawan Trichoderma, pembuatan pupuk nano silika, dan pembuatan pupuk organik cair bioenzim. Selain itu juga dilakukan demplot penanaman sorgum manis untuk kebutuhan produksi benih unggul dan beras sorgum. Kegiatan terlaksana dengan lancar dan diikuti oleh anggota kelompok tani dari kedua lokasi dan mitra dari dunia usaha dan industri serta pemda setempat. Dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan mitra terhadap pembuatan dan aplikasi pupuk kompos Trichoderma, nano silika dan bioenzim. Selain itu, melalui demplot percobaan dihasilkan benih sorgum dari varietas unggul untuk kebutuhan penanaman sorgum oleh kelompok tani. Selama kegiatan penanaman berlangsung terdapat kendala musim kemarau yang berkepanjangan sehingga produktivitas yang dihasilkan dari demplot produksi benih dan beras sorgum hanya mencapai masing-masing 3 ton/ha dan 4 ton/ha yang lebih tinggi dari produktivitas normal petani sorgum di Kabupaten Pangkep. Selain itu, dari penggunaan teknologi ketiga jenis pupuk yang diperkenalkan dihasilkan batang sorgum dengan kandungan brix sebesar 18-21%. Kata kunci: Sorghum bicolor L., Trichokompos, Nano Silika, Bioenzim. ABSTRACT A community service activity was carried out in Pangkep Regency involving farmer group partners in Bantimurung Village, Tondong Tallasa District and Bara Batu Village, Labakkang District, CV. Sorghum, and the Pangkep District Agriculture Service. The service activity aims to disseminate Trichoderma compost technology, nano silica fertilizer, and Bioenzyme liquid fertilizer in the cultivation of sweet sorghum as functional food. The method of implementing community service activities is a field school for making compost fertilizer made from the Trichoderma fungus, making nano silica fertilizer, and making bioenzyme liquid organic fertilizer. Apart from that, a sweet sorghum planting demonstration plot was also carried out for the production of superior seeds and sorghum rice. The activity was carried out smoothly and was attended by members of farmer groups from both locations and partners from the world of business and industry as well as the local government. From this community service activity, it can be concluded that there has been an increase in partners' knowledge and skills regarding the manufacture and application of Trichoderma compost fertilizer, nano silica and bioenzymes. In addition, through experimental demonstration plots, sorghum seeds from superior varieties were produced for the needs of sorghum planting by farmer groups. During the planting activities, there was a long dry season so that the productivity resulting from the sorghum seed and rice production demonstration plots only reached 3 tons/ha and 4 tons/ha respectively, which was higher than the normal productivity of sorghum farmers in Pangkep Regency. Apart from that, using the technology of the three types of fertilizer introduced produces sorghum stalks with a Brix content of 18-21%. Keywords: Sorghum bicolor L., Trichokompos, Nano Silica, Bioenzym

    Heritabilitas, Karakterisasi, dan Analisis Clustergram Galur-galur Padi Dihaploid Hasil Kultur Antera

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    Doubled haploid rice formation through anther culture becomes one of the alternatives in the plant breeding. The lines need to be characterized, clustered, and selected. This study aimed at determining heritability, characters, and cluster of doubled haploid lines obtained from anther culture. This experiment was conducted at IPB Rice Field Experiment Station, Darmaga, Bogor from October 2016 until January 2017. The experiment was managed according to randomized complete block design (RCBD) with 3 replications and genotype as the single factor treatment. Genotypes used were 60 genotypes consisting of 56 doubled haploid lines and 4 control varieties. The controls were Ciherang, Inpara 5, Inpari 29, and Inpari 34 Salin Agritan. The results showed that all characters have significant effect and high heritability (above 60%), so they could be used as a selection character. The tested genotypes could be grouped into three main groups. The first group consisted of 11 genotypes, the second group consisted of 44 genotypes, and the third group consisted of 5 genotypes. The main group determinant characters were productive tillers, percentage of filled grain number, plant height, panicle length, and weight of 1,000 grains. The number of filled grain and productive tillers can be used as selection characters together with yield potential

    Identification of Lines Inducing Male Sterility in Hybrid Maize

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    Efficiency and effectiveness in controlling crossbreeding are pivotal in yielding superior hybrid varieties with desired traits such as genetic purity and high productivity. Cytoplasmic Male Sterile (CMS) is a crucial component in hybrid variety assembly. This study aims to identify the genotypes that can induce male sterile lines based on genetic diversity and the level of pollen sterility in the prospective male sterile genotypes tested, consisting of seventeen genotypes. The research findings revealed that the genetic diversity among the seventeen observed male-sterile candidate genotypes tends to vary in quantitative traits. Among the quantitative traits, JHD14 exhibited indications of being a male sterility inducer compared to the other genotypes observed, demonstrating a value of 0.00 g in terms of pollen weight. This is further substantiated by the microscopic examination of JHD14 pollen grains, which displayed 100% sterility.

    Yield Components and Productivity of SINHAS 1 Maize on the Application of Different Types and Spraying Frequency of Biofertilizer

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of biofertilizer application based on the types and spraying frequencies on the yield components of maize variety SINHAS 1. The research was conducted in Tarowang Village, Galesong Selatan District, Takalar Regency from August to November 2020. Three types of biofertilizer were used applied in five different frequencies of spraying. The study employed a split plot design with types of biofertilizer as the main plot and application frequencies as the sub plots. The research was repeated 3 times, resulted in a total of 45 experimental units. The maize variety used was SINHAS 1 and observations were made on the yield components of the ear height, wet weight of peeled cobs, ear length and diameter, percentage of seed yield, weight of 1000 seeds at 15% moisture content, and productivity. The results shows that the frequency of biofertilizer application had more dominant effect than the type of biofertilizer. The type of biofertilizer used has relatively the same role in the growth of the yield components of SINHAS 1 corn. Based on the results, it is recommended to apply the biofertilizer in four times in fertilizing the SINHAS 1 maize cro