606 research outputs found

    UREA/ammonium ion removal system for the orbiting frog otolith experiment

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    The feasibility of using free urease enzyme and ANGC-101 ion exchange resin to remove urea and ammonium ion for space system waste water applications was studied. Specifically examined is the prevention of urea and ammonia toxicity in a 30-day Orbiting Frog Otolith (OFO) flight experiment. It is shown that free urease enzyme used in conjunction with ANGC-101 ion-exchange resin and pH control can control urea and amonium ion concentration in unbuffered recirculating water. In addition, the resin does not adversely effect the bullfrogs by lowering the concentration of cations below critical minimum levels. Further investigations on bioburden control, frog waste excretion on an OFO diet, a trade-off analysis of methods of automating the urea/ammonium ion removal system and fabrication and test of a semiautomated breadboard were recommended as continuing efforts. Photographs of test equipment and test animals are shown

    Lorentz violating kinematics: Threshold theorems

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    Recent tentative experimental indications, and the subsequent theoretical speculations, regarding possible violations of Lorentz invariance have attracted a vast amount of attention. An important technical issue that considerably complicates detailed calculations in any such scenario, is that once one violates Lorentz invariance the analysis of thresholds in both scattering and decay processes becomes extremely subtle, with many new and naively unexpected effects. In the current article we develop several extremely general threshold theorems that depend only on the existence of some energy momentum relation E(p), eschewing even assumptions of isotropy or monotonicity. We shall argue that there are physically interesting situations where such a level of generality is called for, and that existing (partial) results in the literature make unnecessary technical assumptions. Even in this most general of settings, we show that at threshold all final state particles move with the same 3-velocity, while initial state particles must have 3-velocities parallel/anti-parallel to the final state particles. In contrast the various 3-momenta can behave in a complicated and counter-intuitive manner.Comment: V1: 32 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables. V2: 5 references adde

    On field theory quantization around instantons

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    With the perspective of looking for experimentally detectable physical applications of the so-called topological embedding, a procedure recently proposed by the author for quantizing a field theory around a non-discrete space of classical minima (instantons, for example), the physical implications are discussed in a ``theoretical'' framework, the ideas are collected in a simple logical scheme and the topological version of the Ginzburg-Landau theory of superconductivity is solved in the intermediate situation between type I and type II superconductors.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figures, LaTe

    Renormalizable acausal theories of classical gravity coupled with interacting quantum fields

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    We prove the renormalizability of various theories of classical gravity coupled with interacting quantum fields. The models contain vertices with dimensionality greater than four, a finite number of matter operators and a finite or reduced number of independent couplings. An interesting class of models is obtained from ordinary power-counting renormalizable theories, letting the couplings depend on the scalar curvature R of spacetime. The divergences are removed without introducing higher-derivative kinetic terms in the gravitational sector. The metric tensor has a non-trivial running, even if it is not quantized. The results are proved applying a certain map that converts classical instabilities, due to higher derivatives, into classical violations of causality, whose effects become observable at sufficiently high energies. We study acausal Einstein-Yang-Mills theory with an R-dependent gauge coupling in detail. We derive all-order formulas for the beta functions of the dimensionality-six gravitational vertices induced by renormalization. Such beta functions are related to the trace-anomaly coefficients of the matter subsector.Comment: 36 pages; v2: CQG proof-corrected versio

    Weighted power counting, neutrino masses and Lorentz violating extensions of the Standard Model

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    We study the Standard-Model extensions that have the following features: they violate Lorentz invariance explicitly at high energies; they are unitary, local, polynomial and renormalizable by weighted power counting; they contain the vertex (LH)^2, which gives Majorana masses to the neutrinos after symmetry breaking, and possibly four fermion interactions; they do not contain right-handed neutrinos, nor other extra fields. We study the simplest CPT invariant Standard-Model extension of this type in detail and prove the cancellation of gauge anomalies. We investigate the low-energy recovery of Lorentz invariance and comment on other types of extensions.Comment: 26 pages; v2: more references and comments, PR

    A Note on Anomalies in the AdS/CFT Correspondence

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    We test the AdS/CFT correspondence in the case of a d=4 N=2 SCFT by comparing chiral anomalies which are of order N in the 't Hooft large N limit. These include corrections of order 1/N to the conformal anomaly, thus testing the correspondence beyond the extreme large N limit. The field theory anomalies are reproduced by terms in the 7-brane effective action in the bulk.Comment: 13 pages, harvma

    On the AdS Higher Spin / O(N) Vector Model Correspondence: degeneracy of the holographic image

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    We explore the conjectured duality between the critical O(N) vector model and minimal bosonic massless higher spin (HS) theory in AdS. In the boundary free theory, the conformal partial wave expansion (CPWE) of the four-point function of the scalar singlet bilinear is reorganized to make it explicitly crossing-symmetric and closed in the singlet sector, dual to the bulk HS gauge fields. We are able to analytically establish the factorized form of the fusion coefficients as well as the two-point function coefficient of the HS currents. We insist in directly computing the free correlators from bulk graphs with the unconventional branch. The three-point function of the scalar bilinear turns out to be an "extremal" one at d=3. The four-leg bulk exchange graph can be precisely related to the CPWs of the boundary dual scalar and its shadow. The flow in the IR by Legendre transforming at leading 1/N, following the pattern of double-trace deformations, and the assumption of degeneracy of the hologram lead to the CPWE of the scalar four-point function at IR. Here we confirm some previous results, obtained from more involved computations of skeleton graphs, as well as extend some of them from d=3 to generic dimension 2<d<4.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figure

    The Trilinear Hamiltonian: A Zero Dimensional Model of Hawking Radiation from a Quantized Source

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    We investigate a quantum parametric amplifier with dynamical pump mode, viewed as a zero-dimensional model of Hawking radiation from an evaporating black hole. The conditions are derived under which the spectrum of particles generated from vacuum fluctuations deviates from the thermal spectrum predicted for the conventional parametric amplifier. We find that significant deviations arise when the pump mode (black hole) has emitted nearly half of its initial energy into the signal (Hawking radiation) and idler (in-falling particle) modes. As a model of black hole dynamics, this finding lends support to the view that late-time Hawking radiation contains information about the quantum state of the black hole and is entangled with the black hole's quantum gravitational degrees of freedom.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, Submitted to New Journal of Physics focus issue: "Classical and Quantum Analogues for Gravitational Phenomena and Related Effects

    Topological field theory and physics

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    Topological Yang-Mills theory with the Belavin-Polyakov-Schwarz-Tyupkin SU(2)SU(2) instanton is solved completely, revealing an underlying multi-link intersection theory. Link invariants are also shown to survive the coupling to a certain kind of matter (hyperinstantons). The physical relevance of topological field theory and its invariants is discovered. By embedding topological Yang-Mills theory into pure Yang-Mills theory, it is shown that the topological version TQFT of a quantum field theory QFT allows us to formulate consistently the perturbative expansion of QFT in the topologically nontrivial sectors. In particular, TQFT classifies the set of good measures over the instanton moduli space and solves the inconsistency problems of the previous approaches. The qualitatively new physical implications are pointed out. Link numbers in QCD are related to a non abelian analogoue of the Aharonov-Bohm effect.Comment: 23 pages, 1 figure. Revision: additional explanation

    On renormalization group flows and the a-theorem in 6d

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    We study the extension of the approach to the a-theorem of Komargodski and Schwimmer to quantum field theories in d=6 spacetime dimensions. The dilaton effective action is obtained up to 6th order in derivatives. The anomaly flow a_UV - a_IR is the coefficient of the 6-derivative Euler anomaly term in this action. It then appears at order p^6 in the low energy limit of n-point scattering amplitudes of the dilaton for n > 3. The detailed structure with the correct anomaly coefficient is confirmed by direct calculation in two examples: (i) the case of explicitly broken conformal symmetry is illustrated by the free massive scalar field, and (ii) the case of spontaneously broken conformal symmetry is demonstrated by the (2,0) theory on the Coulomb branch. In the latter example, the dilaton is a dynamical field so 4-derivative terms in the action also affect n-point amplitudes at order p^6. The calculation in the (2,0) theory is done by analyzing an M5-brane probe in AdS_7 x S^4. Given the confirmation in two distinct models, we attempt to use dispersion relations to prove that the anomaly flow is positive in general. Unfortunately the 4-point matrix element of the Euler anomaly is proportional to stu and vanishes for forward scattering. Thus the optical theorem cannot be applied to show positivity. Instead the anomaly flow is given by a dispersion sum rule in which the integrand does not have definite sign. It may be possible to base a proof of the a-theorem on the analyticity and unitarity properties of the 6-point function, but our preliminary study reveals some difficulties.Comment: 41 pages, 5 figure
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