25 research outputs found
Discrete Gauge Symmetries in Axionic Extensions of the SSM
We examine discrete gauge symmetries in axionic extensions of the SSM which
provide a solution of the -problem. Automatic-PQ symmetry and proton
stability are shown to be guaranteed by certain discrete symmetries. Focusing
on the L-violating discrete symmetries we discuss two sources of neutrino
masses and their relevance for the solar neutrino problem.Comment: 13 pages, TUM-TH-150/92, MPI-Ph/92-7
Where are the beryllium neutrinos?
We show that present experiments imply that neutrinos are nonstandard at the
87\% C.L., independently of solar or nuclear physics. Moreover, if neutrinos
are standard, the Be flux must be almost zero. Even if we arbitrarily
disregard one of the experiments, the neutrino flux must still be less than
half of the value predicted by standard solar models.Comment: 8 pages in RevTeX 3.0 plus 2 figures in uuencoded postscript files.
Full postscript version available via anonymous ftp from
risc0.ca.infn.it:/pub/private/lissia/infnfe-10-94.ps ( Submitted
to Physics Letters
An Inverted Mass Hierarchy for Hot Dark Matter and the Solar Neutrino Problem.
The cosmological model in which 20% of the dark matter is shared by two
nearly equal mass neutrinos fits the structure of the universe on all scales.
This has been motivated a - oscillation explanation of the
deficit of atmospheric muon neutrinos. If the observed ratio of atmospheric
to has an alternative explanation, the cosmological model can
be retained if the deficit of solar neutrinos is explained by
- oscillation. In this case an inverted mass hierarchy is
required with eV.
We show that if there exists an symmetry in nature, both the
near mass degeneracy of \nue\ and \nut\ as well as the consistency of the above
values for neutrino masses with the negative results for neutrinoless double
beta decay search experiments are easily understood. We show that this symmetry
implemented in the context of a high-scale left-right symmetric theory with the
see-saw mechanism can lead to a simple theoretical understanding of the desired
form of the mass matrix.Comment: Tex file; no figures; 10 page
Neutrino Masses in Flipped SU(5)
We analyse the fermion masses and mixings in the flipped SU(5) model. The
fermion mass matrices are evolved from the GUT scale down to by solving
the renormalization group equations for the Yukawa couplings. The constraints
imposed by the charged fermion data are then utilised to make predictions about
the neutrino properties . It is found that the {\it generalized } see-saw
mechanism which occurs naturally in this model can provide {\it i})a solution
to the solar neutrino problem via the MSW mechanism and {\it ii})a sufficiently
large mass to contribute as a hot dark matter component as
indicated by the recent COBE data.Comment: (14 Pages,No figures,TEX,IOA-290/92 preprint
Solar and atmospheric neutrino oscillations with three flavours
We analyze the solar and the atmospheric neutrino problems in the context of
three flavour neutrino oscillations. We assume a mass hierarchy in the vacuum
mass eigenvalues , but make no approximation
regarding the magnitudes of the mixing angles. We find that there are small but
continuous bands in the parameter space where the constraints imposed by the
current measurements of , and Kamiokande
experiments are satisfied at level. The allowed parameter space
increases dramatically if the error bars are enlarged to . The
electron neutrino survival probability has different energy dependence in
different regions of the parameter space. Measurement of the recoil electron
energy spectrum in detectors that use scattering may distinguish
between some of the allowed regions of parameter space. Finally we use the
results for the parameter space admitted by the solar neutrinos as an input for
the atmospheric neutrino problem and show that there exists a substantial
region of parameter space in which both problems can be solved.Comment: 25 pages plus eight figures. Uses Revtex. Postcript files for figures
sent separately as a uuencoded fil
Phenomenology of Neutrino Oscillations
The phenomenology of solar, atmospheric, supernova and laboratory neutrino
oscillations is described. Analytical formulae for matter effects are reviewed.
The results from oscillations are confronted with neutrinoless double beta
decay.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, latex, Plenary talk given at Workshop in High
Energy Particle Physics-6, Chennai, Indi
Treating Solar Model Uncertainties: A Consistent Statistical Analysis of Solar Neutrino Models and Data
We describe how to consistently incorporate solar model uncertainties, along
with experimental errors and correlations, when analyzing solar neutrino data
to derive confidence limits on parameter space for proposed solutions of the
solar neutrino problem. Our work resolves ambiguities and inconsistencies in
the previous literature. As an application of our methods we calculate the
masses and mixing angles allowed by the current data for the proposed MSW
solution using both Bayesian and frequentist methods, allowing purely for solar
model flux variations, to compare with previous work. We consider the effects
of including metal diffusion in the solar models and also discuss implications
for future experiments.Comment: 29 pages (incl figs), latex, 6 figures (appended as separate
uuencoded file. To embed figures in text, uncomment 6 \epsfysize lines which
appear before bibliography), CWRU-P5-94, CfPA-94-TTH-29,
Neutrino conversions in random magnetic fields and from the Sun
The magnetic field in the convective zone of the Sun has a random small-scale
component with the r.m.s. value substantially exceeding the strength of a
regular large-scale field. For two Majorana neutrino flavors two
helicities in the presence of a neutrino transition magnetic moment and nonzero
neutrino mixing we analyze the displacement of the allowed ()-parameter region reconciled for the SuperKamiokande(SK) and
radiochemical (GALLEX, SAGE, Homestake) experiments in dependence on the r.m.s.
magnetic field value , or more precisely, on a value assuming the
transition magnetic moment . In contrast to RSFP in
regular magnetic fields we find an effective production of electron
antineutrinos in the Sun even for small neutrino mixing through cascade
conversions , in a random magnetic field that would be a
signature of the Majorana nature of neutrino if will be
registered. Basing on the present SK bound on electron antineutrinos we have
also found an excluded area in the same -plane and
revealed a strong sensitivity to the random magnetic field correlation length
.Comment: LaTex 36 pages including 14 PostScript figure
Unified explanation of the Solar and Atmospheric neutrino Puzzles in a minimal supersymmetric SO(10) model
It was recently suggested that in a class of supersymmetric SO(10) models
with Higgs multiplets in 10, and a single representations, if
the contributes both to the right handed neutrino masses as well as
to the charged fermion masses, one can have a complete prediction of the
neutrino masses and mixings. It turns out that if one chooses only one 10,
there are no regions in the parameter space where one can have a large
mixing angle necessary to solve the atmospheric neutrino
deficit while at the same time solving the solar neutrino puzzle via the oscillation. We show that this problem can be solved
in a particular class of SO(10) models with a pair of 10 multiplets if we
include the additional left-handed triplet contribution to the light neutrino
mass matrix. This model cannot reproduce the mass and mixing parameters
required to explain the LSND observations neither does it have have a neutrino
hot dark matter.Comment: 4 pages and 4 figures; Version substantially different from the
original one but same conclusion
The MSW solution to the solar neutrino problem for non-standard solar models
The difficulties for non-standard solar models (NSSM) in resolving the solar
neutrino problem are discussed stressing the incompatibility of the
gallium--Kamiokande data, and of the gallium--chlorine data. We conclude that
NSSM's cannot explain simultaneously the results of any two of the solar
neutrino data (chlorine, Kamiokande and gallium). We address further the
question whether the MSW solution exists for NSSM's (e.g. models with B
neutrino flux much lower than the standard one and/or central temperature
very different from ). We demonstrate that the MSW solution
exists and is very stable relative to changes of (-factor for +
Be reaction) and . In particular, is almost constant
while depends on the exact values of (or
B-neutrino flux) and .Comment: 13 pages in RevTeX 3.0 plus 3 figures in uuencoded postscript files.
Full postscript version available via anonymous ftp from
risc0.ca.infn.it:/pub/private/lissia/lngs-94-104.ps ( Submitted
to Physics Letters