646 research outputs found

    Effect of synthetic and algal astaxanthin levels on egg astaxanthin content of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

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    This research was done in a trout farm in Kohkiloyeh and Boyer- Ahmad province. The main object of this study was comparing of two sources of astaxanthin (synthetic or algae) in feed on astaxanthin content of egg in rainbow trout. It was considered seven groups consisting six treatments (T1-T6) in two different astaxanthin sources and a control (C) (without astaxanthin). So, algal astaxanthin (haematococcus pluvialis) in the three levels of 2.67, 3.55 and 8gr/kg food (T1,T2, T3); and synthetic astaxanthin in three levels of 40, 80 and 120mg/kg food in diet (T4, T5, T6) examined on 140 trout broods (3-4 years) for 4 months, before the spawning season. Astaxanthin content of obtained eggs from all treatments in spawning season was measured by HPLC apparatus. The highest and the lowest amount of egg astaxanthin were observed in T3 and C respectively. In each astaxanthin group, a significant difference was obtained between averages in treatments (P <0.05), as T3 was the highest between them. No significant difference was observed between synthetic astaxanthin treatments (T4, T5 and T6) and T1 (the lowest level of algal astaxanthin). Treatments T2 and T6 also had the same function in term of saving astaxanthin in eggs. It also concluded that natural astaxanthin (Haematococcus pluvialis) for the reason that contains supplementary nutritious, is extraordinary preferable than synthetic astaxanthin to improve astaxanthin content of egg in rainbow trout

    Kewajiban Kepala Desa Sebagai Mediator Dalam Menyelesaikan Perselisihan Hak Atas Tanah Masyarakat Desa

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    Penyelenggara pemerintah desa dilaksanakan oleh kepala desa disisi lain kepala desa diberi kewajiban sebagai mediator, paham yang dianut Indonesia paham distribusi kekuasaan yang intinya kekuasaan tidak bertupuk pada satu orang, jenis perselisihan dimasyarakat desa yang diselesaikan oleh kepala desa tidak jelas, meningkatnya perkara dipengadilan tentang hak atas tanah dari tahun 2014-2015, proses mediasi dipengadilan kurang maksimal. Aspek ontologi, hakikat kebenaran dan kenyataan, kebenaran penyelesaian perselisihan masyarakat desa yang kemudian penyelesaian ini dilalukan oleh Kepala Desa. Kepala Desa merupakan penyelengaran pemeritah desa untuk urusan masyarakat desa dalam bidang adminstrasi selain itu kepala Desa juga harus bertindak sebagai mediator untuk menyelesaikan perselisihan di masyarakat. Epistemologi, Secara Epistomologi penyelesaian perselisihan masyarakat desa cara yang hendak digunakan untuk mengakhri perselisihan pada masyarakat, mengunakan lembaga yang berada didesa baik itu lembaga yang sudah ada sejak lama maupun lembaga yang akan baru diadakan guna untuk mengakhiri perselisihan masyarakat secara damai. Aspek Aksiologi, mempertanyakan apakah penugasan kepala desa sebagai mediator sudah sesuai dengan tujuan hukum mengingat kepala desa memiliki dua peran yaitu sebagai penyelengarah pemerintahan desa dan sebagai mediator. Rumusan masalah 1). apakah kewajiban kepala desa sebagai mediator dalam menyelesaikan perselisihan hak atas tanah masyarakat desa 2). mengapa kepala desa diberi kewajiban sebagai mediator dalam menyelesaikan perselisihan hak atas tanah masyarakat desa 3). bagaimana pengaturan penyelesaian perselisihan hak atas tanah masyarakat desa sesuai dengan tujuan hukum Metode yang dipergunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian hukum (legal research) dengan mengunakan pendekatan filsafati ( philosophical approach), konsep, kasus, sejarah dan undang-undang (statute approacht). teori dan konsep yang digunakan sebagai piasu analisis dalam disertasi ini, teori tujuan hukum, teori keadilan, teori kewenangan, teori penyelesaian sengketa. Hasil penelitian : Pertama Kewajiban Kepala Desa Sebagai Mediator, secara filosofis tujuan Negara Republik Indonesia pembukan alinea ke IV UUD NRI Tahun 1945, salah tujuan terbentuknya Negara Republik ini untuk menciptakan Perdamaian abadi, secara Yuridis untuk membina memelihara ketentraman dan ketertiban masyarakat desa, Secara Teoritis untuk mengakhir perselisihan para pihak tercipta keadaan seperti semula hidup damai. Kedua Pertimbangan kepala Desa diberi kewajiban sebagai mediator, Kepala Desa sebagai penyelenggara pemerintahan Desa, kewenangan dari Undang-undang dan berdasarkan hak asal vii usul, pemerintah Desa sangat dekat dengan masyarakat desa. Ketiga penyelesaian perselisihan hak atas tanah masyarakat desa sesuai dengan tujuan hukum, pertama penyelesaian yang berkeadilan yaitu a). kepala desa sebagai mediator b). kepala desa bersama lembaga khusus penyelesaian perselisihan c). jika kepala desa tidak digunakan sebagai mediator maka perlu adanya lembaga khusus menyelesaikan perselisihan hak atas tanah masyarakatan desa, penyelenggara LPMD tentunya harus paham hukum negara, hukum adat dan hukum agama sehingga hasil penyelesaian akan mendekati rasa keadilan. Kedua hukum yang berkepastian, penguatan hak asal usul terkait dengan penyelesaian perselisihan masyarakat desa dengan perda atau perdes dengan meperhatikan peraturan perudang-undangan lain jika diperlukan adanya pejabat khusus yang mencatat akta perdamaian masyarakat desa. Ketiga hukum yang bermanfaat, memberikan manfaat bagi masyarakat desa guna mewujudkan penyelesaian perselisihan cepat sederhana dan biaya ringan

    Study of some biological characteristics (Tiger tooth croacher, Silver pomfert, Yellow fin seabream, Hilsa shad, Indo-pacific king mackerel, Narrow-bared Spanish mackerel) in the coastal waters of the Persian Gulf

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    The present study was carried out in the fishing landing center in khozestan using the commercial catch data. The data of total cutch of fishes and effort were prepared from the deputy of statistic office. Based on the pre data, the effort of gill-net fishery was being decreased from 1996 to 2000 and then had a trend to increase from 2001. The maximum and minimum of trap fishery of dhows ware observed 2005 and 1996 respectively. The maximum and minimum of total catch were observed in 2005 in Hilsha shad and Spanish mackerel with 4174.95 tones and 73.33 tons respectively. In this year the total catch of silvery pomfret and tiger tooth croaher species were recorded 323.6 tones and 1700.44 tons respectively. The growth parameters of Hilsha shad were estimated from 10071 specimens in Abadan and 4032 specimens of length frequencies from Hendijan, statistic program of t-test was used for the mean total length and the results showed the significantly different (p < 0.05) in the two areas during 12 months. The Von Bertalanffy growth parameters were estimated from the FISAT II and ELEFAN.The asymptotic length (L) was estimated using the Powell – Vetheral method in Abadan and Hendijan, 42.74 cm and 37.02 cm respectively. Growth coefficient or K for both areas were 0.77 and 0.71 per year respectively. The instantaneous rotes of total mortalities (Z) were estimated from length-converted catch curves and the values were at 2.55 year^-1 for Abadan and 2.81 year^-1 for Hendijan. The instantaneous rate of natural mortalities (M) and fishing mortalities (F) for both areas, Abadan and Hendijan were 0.75 year^-1, 0.732 year^-1 and 1.8 year^-1, 2.078 year^-1 respectively. The exploitation rates (E) for both populations were 0.7 year^-1 in Abadan and 0.73 year^-1 in Hendijan. However the optimum level of E should be 0.5 and the estimated valves of E is more than 0.5 and shows the pressure of fishing effort and overexploited on the population of this stock. The instantaneous rate of total mortalities of Tiger tooth croacker was 1.95 year^-1 the instantaneous rate of natural mortality using Pauly empirical formula was estimated 0.7 year^-1 and fishing mortality were 1.52 year^-1. The exploitation rate for this species was calculated 0.62 year^-1. The values of M and F for silvery pumfret were obtained 0.91 year^-1 and 1.47 year^-1 respectively. The exploitation rate was estimated 0.61 year^-1

    The incidence and prevalence of delirium across palliative care settings: A systematic review

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    © The Author(s) 2019. Background: Delirium is a common and distressing neurocognitive condition that frequently affects patients in palliative care settings and is often underdiagnosed. Aim: Expanding on a 2013 review, this systematic review examines the incidence and prevalence of delirium across all palliative care settings. Design: This systematic review and meta-analyses were prospectively registered with PROSPERO and included a risk of bias assessment. Data sources: Five electronic databases were examined for primary research studies published between 1980 and 2018. Studies on adult, non-intensive care and non-postoperative populations, either receiving or eligible to receive palliative care, underwent dual reviewer screening and data extraction. Studies using standardized delirium diagnostic criteria or valid assessment tools were included. Results: Following initial screening of 2596 records, and full-text screening of 153 papers, 42 studies were included. Patient populations diagnosed with predominantly cancer (n = 34) and mixed diagnoses (n = 8) were represented. Delirium point prevalence estimates were 4%–12% in the community, 9%–57% across hospital palliative care consultative services, and 6%–74% in inpatient palliative care units. The prevalence of delirium prior to death across all palliative care settings (n = 8) was 42%–88%. Pooled point prevalence on admission to inpatient palliative care units was 35% (confidence interval = 0.29–0.40, n = 14). Only one study had an overall low risk of bias. Varying delirium screening and diagnostic practices were used. Conclusion: Delirium is prevalent across all palliative care settings, with one-third of patients delirious at the time of admission to inpatient palliative care. Study heterogeneity limits meta-analyses and highlights the future need for rigorous studies

    Investigation of the viable role of oil sludge-derived activated carbon for oily wastewater remediation

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    A wide range of studies has been carried out to describe the equilibrium data of adsorption for the surface adsorption process. However, no extensive investigation has been carried out to evaluate the oil sludge based activated carbon surface adsorption. Therefore, the possibility of carbon active production using different oil sludges and consequently the adsorption mechanism of these kind of adsorbents is still unknown. In this study, a novel low-cost approach was introduced to synthesize the activated carbon using oil sludge applying a two-step process including carbonization and chemical activation. In this way, four different types of oil sludges were characterized and then applied to synthesize different carbon actives and their performance were investigated as an adsorbent. The results showed that all synthesized activated carbons, with about 6% ash and pH = 7 and the specific surface area of 110 m2/gr, have the ability to treatment of oily wastewater; which can be referred to the high carbon content (&gt;80%). The iodine number and the efficiency of prepared activated carbon were obtained as 406.8 mg/g and 94%, respectively. The adsorption process was also studied at different process conditions such as temperature (308–338 K), pH value (3–9) and adsorbent amount (50–200 mg/L) to find the optimum condition for wastewater treatment. The results show that the pH value has an optimum in the adsorption rate (the maximum adsorption was measured at pH = 5) and the adsorption capacity can be reduced by increasing the temperature or decreasing the adsorbent amount. Moreover, three different adsorption isotherm models were applied, i.e., Langmuir, Temkin, and Freundlich isotherms; which the Langmuir equation was more suitable than others investigated isotherm models with R2 ≈ 0.999