18 research outputs found

    The Phytochemical and Comparative Anticancer Study of Methanolic and Chloroform Extracts of Psidium guajava L. Leaves of Pakistani Origin

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    The chief focus of our study is to evaluate the phytochemical and anti-cancer activity of methanol (PGM) and chloroform extracts (PGC) of the leaves of Psidium guajava (guava) collected from local area of district Sialkot, Pakistan. Shade dried milled leaves was subjected to extraction (maceration) with methanol and chloroform. Quantitative and qualitative screenings by GC-MS and phytochemical techniques were performed. Then different secondary metabolites and phytochemical compounds were identified which are typically associated with the existence of therapeutic characteristics. Psidium guajava has been extensively used as herbal remedies like, anti-diarrheal, antihypertensive, antibacterial, antifungal as well as to control obesity, ulcer, diabetes. In this study, both extracts of P. guajava were evaluated for their anticancer activities against HeLa cell-lines (cancerous cells). The healthiest anticancer response in the form of cell-line suppression was perceived with 200µg/mL of both extracts, PGM showed 81% and PGC exhibited 91% while the standard drug doxorubicin presented around 76% inhibition. The comparative better result was seen with chloroform extract than methanolic abstract. In conclusion, the chloroform and methanol extracts of our nominated plant from Pakistan origin has a good source of phytochemicals that revealed an outstanding anti-cancer potential. Keywords: Psidium guajava, anticancer, phytochemicals, methanol extracts, secondary metabolites

    The evaluation of coated granules to mask the bitter taste of dihydroartemisinin

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    The purpose of this study was to mask the bitter taste imparted by dihydroartemisinin (DHA) by the use of different coating materials. Trial-1 and trial-2 were conducted to prepare the DHA granules. The granules produced from trial-1 were irregular in shape and smaller in size while the trial-2 granules were more regular and larger in size. The granules obtained from both trials were then coated with two different coating methods, namely A and B, depending upon coating material. The trial-2 granules showed better flow properties than trial-1 granules. In vitro dissolution studies in phosphate buffer at pH 6.8 revealed that granules of trial-2B released only 34% ± 3 DHA in two minutes compared with trial-1A (57% ± 2), trial-1B (48% ± 2) and trial-2A (53% ± 7). The pleasant taste perception (PTP) test also confirmed the taste masking efficacy of trial-2B (P < 0.05). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed the more regular and smooth surface of trial-2B granules. In addition, the differential thermal and thermogravimetric analysis (TG-DTA) confirmed no interaction between the materials and pure DHA. DHA has shown its characteristic peaks in the x-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns which were also prominent in all the granules. In conclusion, the granules obtained from trial-2B displayed considerable decrease in the bitter taste of DHA thereby fulfilling the purpose of this study.O objetivo deste estudo foi o de mascarar o gosto amargo característico da diidroartemisinina (DHA) pelo uso de diferentes materiais de revestimento. Experimento-1 e experimento-2 foram realizados para preparar grânulos de DHA. Os grânulos produzidos pelo experimento-1 mostraram-se irregulares e menores se comparados aos obtidos pelo experimento-2, que foram mais regulares e maiores. Os grânulos obtidos em ambos os experimentos foram, então, revestidos por dois métodos distintos de revestimento, designados como A e B, dependendo do material de revestimento empregado. Os grânulos do experimento-2 mostraram melhor propriedade de fluxo que os obtidos no experimento-1. Estudos de dissolução in vitro em tampão fosfato pH 6,8 revelaram que grânulos do experimento-2B liberaram apenas 34% ± 3 da DHA em dois minutos se comparado com experimento-1A (57% ± 2), experimento-1B (48% ± 2) e experimento-2A (53% ± 7). A Análise Sensorial quanto ao sabor (Pleasant Taste Perception - PTP) também confirmou a eficácia do experimento-2B (

    Groundwater budgeting of Nari and Gaj formations and groundwater mapping of Karachi, Pakistan

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    Groundwater depletion is an emerging problem worldwide due to changes in climate and an increase in urbanization. Two significant water-bearing formations, the Oligocene-aged Nari and the Miocene-aged Gaj, were utilized as a case study exposed near Karachi, Pakistan. Groundwater budgeting was performed through a classical equation. The inflow of groundwater in the formations was calculated by thermo-pluviometric data and water loss of Hub Dam. The potential of evapotranspiration (PET) was calculated by the Thornthwaite method. The groundwater inflow from Hub Dam was estimated by using 20 years of annual water loss data by removing PET. The total mean annual inflow of groundwater in the formations was 2414.12 US Gallons per Second (gps). The annual mean outflow was estimated by calculation of groundwater usage for industries and domestic purposes and the mean annual groundwater outflow was 5562.61 US gps and an annual deficit of groundwater was 3148.5 US gps. The research is composed of validating the groundwater budget. Direct Current Electrical Resistivity (DCER) and static water level data from existing industrial wells were used for groundwater maps. The DCER data indicates A-Type and K-Type sub-surface with high resistivity in the three-layer model. The average water table of residential areas in 2019 was 60 m and in industrial areas was 130 m. The oscillation of the groundwater table over the last 20 years and the deficit of the groundwater budget shows an alarming condition for the future. If the same scenario persists, then by 2025, the water table will decline up to 140 m.Validerad;2022;Nivå 2;2022-11-03 (sofila)</p

    Selective arylation of phenol protected propygyl bromide via pd-catalysed Suzuki coupling reaction: synthesis, mechanistic studies by DFT calculations and their pharmacological aspects

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    Biaryls are the potential source of synthetic drugs. The present study describes the synthesis of a series of functionalized biphenyl derivatives (3a-3g) using Pd-catalyzed Suzuki coupling reaction. The experimental results revealed the facile synthesis of biphenyl derivatives (3a-3g) with notably high yield (80-88%). Density functional theory (DFT) studies were performed by Gaussian 09 software in order to rationalize the selectivity of coupling at C-Br bond instead of C-Cl bond. In addition of synthesis, the biological activities (biofilm inhibition, hemolytic and anti-thrombolytic) of these novel compounds were investigated. These results exhibited good biofilm inhibition (5.86-65.8%), hemolytic (1.32-30.1%) and anti-thrombolytic activities (9.64-42.5%), indicating the potential use of these compounds for pharmaceutical application

    Application of robotic manipulation for carbon fiber reinforced polymers manufacturing- A survey

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    With the rapid advancement in the manufacturing industry, there has been a massive rise in the demand for products made of fiber reinforced polymer composites as they have high stiffness and strength to weight ratios. They are widely used in the manufacturing of parts in aerospace and automobile industry. The manual draping process of prepreg on the mold is time intensive and requires a highly skilled worker to perform the task. Various techniques have been designed to automate the process of composite parts manufacturing using automated fiber placement (AFP), automated tape laying (ATL) and automated plies layup. These methods use robots equipped with an end effector designed to drape the prepreg. The system utilizes both single and multi-robot cells for the process of composites manufacturing. The aim of this paper is to review the techniques and strategies employed for conforming and grasping of prepreg. The paper will also delve into the process parameters that influence the composites manufacturing process and investigate the impact of correct and inaccurate selection of process parameters on the final product. The paper will also discuss the limitations, challenges and future prospects for automated composite part manufacturing. © 202

    Preparation and Characterization of Solid Dispersions of Artemether by Freeze-Dried Method

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    Solid dispersions of artemether and polyethylene glycol 6000 (PEG6000) were prepared in ratio 12 : 88 (group-1). Self-emulsified solid dispersions of artemether were prepared by using polyethylene glycol 6000, Cremophor-A25, olive oil, Transcutol, and hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) in ratio 12 : 75 : 5 : 4 : 2 : 2, respectively (group-2). In third group, only Cremophor-A25 was replaced with Poloxamer 188 compared to group-2. The solid dispersions and self-emulsified solid dispersions were prepared by physical and freeze dried methods, respectively. All samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction, attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, differential scanning calorimeter, scanning electron microscopy, and solubility, dissolution, and stability studies. X-ray diffraction pattern revealed artemether complete crystalline, whereas physical mixture and freeze-dried mixture of all three groups showed reduced peak intensities. In attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy spectra, C-H stretching vibrations of artemether were masked in all prepared samples, while C-H stretching vibrations were representative of polyethylene glycol 6000, Cremophor-A25, and Poloxamer 188. Differential scanning calorimetry showed decreased melting endotherm and increased enthalpy change (Δ ) in both physical mixture and freeze-dried mixtures of all groups. Scanning electron microscopy of freeze-dried mixtures of all samples showed glassy appearance, size reduction, and embedment, while their physical mixture showed size reduction and embedment of artemether by excipients. In group-1, solubility was improved up to 15 times, whereas group-2 showed up to 121 times increase but, in group-3, when Poloxamer 188 was used instead of Cremophor-A25, solubility of freeze-dried mixtures was increased up to 135 times. In fasted state simulated gastric fluid at pH 1.6, the dissolution of physical mixture was increased up to 12 times and freeze-dried mixtures up to 15 times. The stability of artemether was substantially enhanced in freeze-dried mixtures by using polyethylene glycol 6000, Cremophor-A25, and Poloxamer 188 of self-emulsified solid dispersions of artemether in Hank&apos;s balanced salt solution at pH 7.4

    Impacts of urbanization, LULC, LST, and NDVI changes on the static water table with possible solutions and water policy discussions: A case from Islamabad, Pakistan

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    Rapid urbanization, coupled with land use land cover changes (LULC), has caused stress on freshwater resources around the globe. As in the case of Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan, the population has increased significantly, creating a deficit of natural resources and affecting the environment adversely. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the effects of urbanization and LULC on the decline of the static water table in Islamabad. It also seeks to analyze water policy issues in order to achieve sustainable water resource development. The excessive pumping of the existing groundwater has exceeded the safe limit, which is justified by the constantly growing population. However, the changes in the LULC of the study area have turned many green pastures into barren land. Our research data were obtained from the Capital Development Authority (CDA), Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD), and Landsat Satellite images. After analyzing PMD and CDA data for the last 20 years (2000–2020), the results were interpreted using Arc GIS. It has been observed that the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) value increases as the Land Surface Temperature (LST) decreases. Therefore, the overall observation is a decreasing trend in Islamabad temperatures due to the increased vegetation in the study area during the period of 2000–2020. It was observed that there has been a considerable drop in water levels due to over-pumping in a few areas. It is primarily associated with the increasing population of the capital in the last 2 decades. This study uses a survey to explore the potential locations for check dams to enhance and recharge the groundwater aquifers in the capital, Islamabad. It suggests catchment areas throughout the Margalla Hills along with different localities, such as Rumli Village, Trail 5, and Shahdara.Validerad;2023;Nivå 2;2023-02-15 (hanlid)</p