25 research outputs found

    Using the Delphi method to verify a framework to implement sustainability initiatives.

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    The paper provides a Delphi study to verify the framework to implement sustainability initiatives in the business processes. The Delphi technique seeks to obtain consensus on the opinions of experts, termed panel members, through a series of questionnaires. As part of the process, the responses from each round are fed back in summarized form to the participants who are then given an opportunity to respond again to the emerging data. The study successfully obtained a consensus in the phases and steps of the conceptual framework and provided feedback from the specialists. According to them, leadership, people and cost were identified as the main challenges related to the sustainability adoption by the organisations and key performance indicators (KPIs), Lifecycle assessment (LCA) and triple bottom line (TBL) were identified as the main methods to assess al the sustainability dimensions in terms of business processes.N/

    Supply chain risk perception: understanding the gap between theory and practice.

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    The risks inherent in the supply chain threaten the effectiveness and the output of the chain. It is capable of hampering the growth and performance of organizations whose goods pass through a supply chain. This paper explores the awareness of supply chain risks of employees at different levels in a UK Agri-food industry, and the impact of these awareness on risk mitigation performance. Through literature review, this research identifies the main supply chain risks in the UK Agri-food industry, the sources and drivers of these risks, and the strategies for managing these risks. A case study of UK agri-food business was carried out to evaluate the employees’ perceptions of the risks, risk drivers and risk management practices. In order to identify the impacts of these perceptions on supply chain performance, a set of hypothesis were developed and analyzed. The findings of the study carried out shows that supply chain risks are better averted when the parties involved are aware of their attendant nature and consequences. Furthermore, it also shows that the employee’s level of experience determines his/her level of supply chain risk awareness and not basically organizational level. The study enunciates the impact of risk management practices on supply chain performance.N/

    Using BPM to improve sustainability in biomass generation

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    Biomass represents approximately 10% of the energy sources in the world. The most common use of biomass for energy is direct combustion, gasification, carbonization and pyrolysis. In this perspective, torrefaction emerges as a thermal biomass pre-treatment method that has an ability to reduce the major limitations of biomass, such as heterogeneity and lower energy density. However, one of the outputs from the torrefaction process is a pyrolysis condensate (tar). Tar is brown or black liquid composed of hydrocarbons which can cause clogging and fouling of pipes, heat exchangers or particulate filters. This paper provides a study performed in a biomass power generation company that was producing an excess of tar. In order to provide a solution to the excess tar generated, a framework to implement sustainability business processes using the Business Process Management (BPM) approach was used. The study found two solutions for the issue (short- term and long-term scenarios) using tools to improve the process management by focusing on sustainability.N/


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    Restaurants are essential part of hospitality industry which contribute considerably to the 9 economy. The design of restaurant significantly impacts customer's experience and satisfaction level, 10 influencing the business success and its sustainability. This study examined design strategies for the 11 development of sustainable restaurants in Lagos, Nigeria, with a view to establish guidelines for 12 designing an eatery capable of meeting customers’ satisfaction which will improve business 13 performance in the study area. The study adopted a qualitative research approach that collected data 14 from secondary sources. The data were gathered through internet search and libraries of higher 15 institutions in the study area. The data gathered were analyzed by content analysis and presented 16 descriptively, using thematic approach. The findings indicated that the design of a restaurant plays 17 a significant role in achieving users’ satisfaction and business promotion. Some of the key design 18 strategies designers need to pay attention in achieving sustainable development include: lighting, 19 layout, colour, landscape and exterior elements. Other considerations include: heating, cooling, 20 ventilation, material selection, sitting area and development regulation requirements. The study 21 concludes by considering and implementing these design strategies appropriately. Restaurant 22 owners and designers can create spaces that are functional, visually appealing and comfortable for 23 customers, ultimately leading to increased business success in sustainable development. The study 24 provides valuable recommendations towards the development of sustainable restaurants for 25 owners, as well as designers

    Review of Lighting Strategies for Enhancing Users' Experience and 3 Achieving Environmental Sustainability in Art Museums

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    Art museums hold a distinct role as custodians of cultural heritage, housing a rich tapestry of artefacts that encapsulate human creativity, history, and identity. The interaction between mu11 seum displays and visitors hinges on lighting, a critical factor in enhancing user experiences and preserving ecological balance. This review paper explores the intricate relationship between lighting strategies, user satisfaction, and environmental sustainability within the context of art museums. 14 This paper is particularly centered on achieving two intertwined objectives: enhancing the quality of user interactions and experiences, while concurrently championing principles of environmental reservation and sustainability. By reviewing relevant scholarly articles, books, conference papers, and reports, this paper explores the current state of knowledge regarding lighting strategies in art museums, their impact on users' experience, and their contribution to environmental sustainability. Using the qualitative approach, data was gathered by content analysis from relevant published works. The result was presented with text in themes with the aid of a table. The review reveals key trends, challenges, and best practices in the field, shedding light on potential avenues for further research and practical implementation. The study provided insight into various lighting strategies that are not deleterious to interior functions and artefacts in art museums. The study is useful for enhancing the knowledge of building and environment on issues relating to optimizing lighting strategies in the development of exhibition areas, especially in art museums

    Green and Lean: a Gemba–Kaizen model for sustainability enhancement

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    Despite the encouraging results obtained from the application of Green Lean, organizations have found the integration of Green and Lean, and their implementation as an integrated approach, challenging, especially when resources are limited. This paper aims to overcome some of these challenges by presenting a model for integrating Lean and Green based on the Gemba-Kaizen approach. The objective is to help organizations reduce their environmental waste in a practical and easy manner with limited resources. The proposed model was developed on the basis of a through literature review on Gemba and Kaizen, conducted on peer–reviewed journal articles and pragmatic books with managerial impact on the subject, and the more than 40 years of accumulated experience of the authors as academics, researchers, industrialists and consultants after having worked on a number of projects for multinational organisations that wanted to implement Lean Six Sigma and/or environmental management systems in various industrial sectors. The model was validated through two cases study in the aerospace and automotive industries. The results showed that the proposed model helped the case organizations to reduce the consumption of resources and improve their environmental performance. The proposed model can be the basis for further research on Lean and Green, contributing to help organizations to improve their sustainability performance. This research presents a first attempt to develop a model which integrates Lean and Green based on a combined Gemba-Kaizen approach

    Impact of Lean, Agile and Green (LAG) on Business Competitiveness:An Empirical Study of Fast Moving Consumer Goods Businesses

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    The adoption/utilisation of Lean, Agile and Green (LAG) practices in both the manufacturing and service sector is rising. However, there yet remain a research gap to precisely evaluate the relationship between LAG practices and business competitiveness (e.g, achieving reduction in cost, lead time and environmental recyclable waste). This research aims to explore this relationship, specifically in fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) businesses. The hypothesised relationships are tested with data collected from 96 FMCG companies. Structural Equation Modelling is applied to evaluate different channels of achieving business competitiveness through the adoption of Lean, Agile and Green. The findings suggest that competitive outcomes vary with the adoption of LAG practices in specific product life cycle stages. This implies that awareness of the product life cycle concept is essential. A combination of LAG practices for the sole purpose of reducing environmental waste is negatively related to environmental waste reduction. LAG practices are more efficiently adopted when the adopters are equipped with expert knowledge on the paradigms and their individual practices. This research has approached the attainment of competitiveness in the FMCG businesses by analysing management efforts that improve cost performance, lead time and environmental sustainability aspects of business operations. The research has also considered the product life cycle stages in analysing the impacts of management efforts.N/

    Lean manufacturing and environmental performance – exploring the impact and relationship

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    The relationship between Lean Manufacturing and Environmental Performance has attracted much debate but at the same time lack of empirical evidence leaves haphazard opinions on this matter. The objective of this paper is therefore to pro-vide some insight into the impact of Lean Manufacturing on Environmental Per-formance and the existing relationship of these two concepts. Four semi-structured interviews with industrial and academic experts provided a solid ground to suggest that the relationship does exist, despite the fact that these two concepts were developed independently from each other. Being the exploratory nature of this study and its purpose to ignite further research, it does not employ a quantitative approach. The results of this study can help managers to better un-derstand and concurrently tackle both the economic and environmental challenges faced by their organizations.N/

    Exploring the Challenges of Electric Vehicle Adoption in Final Mile Parcel Delivery

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    The rise in e-commerce has increased last mile parcel deliveries, in turn affecting the sustainability of transport. With the worldwide efforts to minimise fossil fuel use including the UK Government's plans to end the sales of new petrol and diesel vehicles by 2035, alternative fuels need to be explored. Currently one of the most promising solutions is the electric vehicle which produces zero tailpipe emissions. This paper aims to explore the challenges of adopting Electric Vehicles (EVs) in final mile parcel deliveries, and thus identify potential directions for future research. To achieve this, we developed a systematic literature review to better understand the nature of these challenges and to provide a background from which to acquire more information from leading logistics companies in the form of in-depth interviews. We found that the companies encountered different challenges based on their fleet sizes, schedule and capacity to implement the required structural and infrastructural changes to support the efficient running of their last mile delivery operations on EVs.N/

    Dynamically Integrated Manufacturing Systems (DIMS)—A Multiagent Approach

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