284 research outputs found

    The construction and evaluation of a rating scale for camp personnel.

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    Thesis (Ed.M.)--Boston Universit

    Towards conceptual clarity: pedagogical liminality

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    Work-based learning (WBL) is used interchangeably with other concepts such as work-related learning (WRL) and workplace learning (WPL). Work-integrated learning (WIL) considers WBL a subset within WIL. Some scholars and practitioners argue that WBL as a mode of learning is pedagogically incompatible with WRL, WPL, and WIL. WBL and WIL practitioners work across the coexistence of many possible meanings of modes and disciplines within the Higher Educational space, something WPL and WRL does not do explicitly when applied outside of Higher Education by Human Resource Management (HRM) practitioners. This conceptual paper applies a critical, multi-perspectival, multi-theoretical and multi-methodological approach of inquiry to the concept of boundaries as it relates to WIL and WBL as a mode of learning within pedagogics. It emphasizes the unique raison d'être for WBL and WIL which is the liminality and tension as a mode of pedagogical practice, between, across, and through disciplines

    Spherical Approximation on Unit Sphere

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    في هذا البحث نقدم نظرية جاكسون للدوال في الفضاءات  عندما  على كرات الوحدة و دراسة افضل تقريب للدوال في الفضاءات المعرفه على كرات الوحدة مشكلتنا الاساسية هنا هي وصف عملية التقريب لسلوك الدوال في الفضاءات ,بأستخدام مقاييس معامل النعومة للدالةIn this paper we introduce a Jackson type theorem for functions in LP spaces on sphere And study on best approximation of  functions in  spaces defined on unit sphere. our central problem is to describe the approximation behavior of functions in    spaces for  by modulus of smoothness of functions

    The Role of Mandatory Accounting Disclosure in the Efficiency of Investment Decisions an Applied Study on Sample of Commercial Bank

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    يهدف هذا البحث الى معرفة واهمية الافصاح المحاسبي واثرة على كفاءة القرارات الاستثمارية حيث جاء  لمعالجة الإشكالية التي تعاني منها المصارف عينة البحث والتي تتمثل بشيوع مبدأ التحفظ وعدم الافصاح عن البيانات والمعلومات المحاسبية لأصحاب المصلحة وبتالي تنعكس سلبا على متخذ القرار في صناعة القرار الاستثماري الكفؤ. ولأثبات فرضية البحث واهداف البحث  تم اعداد استمارة استبيان  مكونه من ثلاث محاور المحور الاول تناول التوزيع الديموغرافي للعينه والمحور الثاني  تضمن ابعاد الافصاح المحاسبي اما الثالث فقد تضمن ابعاد القرارات الاستثمارية الكفؤة حيث تم استخدام مقياس (Lekert)  الخماسي لقياس  متغيرات البحث كذلك تم توزيع الاستمارة على عينة البحث والبالغة (38) موظف  وتم استرداد (35 ) وبذلك كانت الاستجابة  (92%) حيث تم استعمال بعض الاساليب الاحصائية مثل معامل الارتباط والانحدار لقياس العلاقة والاثر بين متغيرات البحث بواسطة استعمال   برنامج spss  في تحليل البيانات  وقد تم التوصل الى مجموعة من النتائج كان اهمها هنالك علاقة ارتباط وتأثير بين مستوى الافصاح المحاسبي و كفاءة القرارات الاستثمارية  في المصارف عينة الدراسة اي كلما افصح المصرف عن معلوماته المالية كلما تمكن اصحاب القرارات  باتخاذ قرارات كفؤة واوصى الباحث على ضرورة الزام المصارف بنشر قوائمها بصفة منتظمة وصادقة تعبر عن المركز المالي الحقيقي لها، وعدم التلاعب بالأرقام للرفع من درجة الإفصاح لاتخاذ مختلف القرارات.This paper  aims to identify the role that accounting disclosure plays and its influence on the efficiency of investment decisions, and how to address the problem facing banks, and the sample of the research, which is the spread of the principle of preservation and non-accounting disclosure. The data and information are for the stakeholders and thus reflect negatively on the decision maker in making the decision. Effective investment. According to the application of the research hypothesis and the research objectives, a questionnaire form was developed consisting of three axes the first axis traded with the demographic distribution of the sample and the second axis included the dimensions of the accounting disclosure, while the second axis included the dimensions of the accounting disclosure. Third, it included the dimensions of effective investment decisions, where the five-dimensional Likert scale was used to measure the research variables and the model was distributed to the research sample, and out of 38 employees, 35 employees were recovered, and thus the response was 92%, where statistical methods such as correlation and regression coefficient were used to measure the relationship and impact. Between search variables using spss program in data analysis. In addition, efficiency of investment decisions, that is, every time a bank discloses its financial information, more decision-makers can make effective decisions. The researcher recommended that banks publish their lists periodically and honestly, expressing their true financial reality, and not tampering with numbers to increase the degree of disclosure in order to make various decisions

    Overexpression of Tobacco Osmotin Protein in Carrot (Daucus carota L.) to Enhance Drought Tolerance

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    Lack of water is one of the most significant issues that already threaten world agriculture as many countries are unable to meet the demand for water to grow the crops. To make matters worse, the water availability is expected to fall by half by 2050, thus severely restricting agriculture production. Genetic engineering of crops to enhance their tolerance to such unfavorable environment represents one of the few approaches that can help us address this problem. Osmotin and osmotin-like proteins are stress proteins, belonging to the plant PR-5 group of proteins, which induced in response to various types of biotic and abiotic stresses in several plant species. Carrot plants were transformed with tobacco osmotin gene that encodes a protein lacking 20 amino-acid sequence at the C terminal end under the control of CaMV 35S promoter using the Agrobacterium-mediated transformation method. The gene integration and expression were confirmed by Southern and Western blot analyses and the transgenic plants were evaluated for their ability to tolerate drought stress. Under drought conditions, transformants exhibited slower rates of wilting compared to the wild-type and gained the ability to recover faster than their untransformed counterparts when the drought stress was alleviated. Under water stress, transformants showed lower levels of H2O2 accumulation, reduced lipid peroxidation and electrolyte leakage, and higher leaf water content. Taken together with some earlier reports, our results provide additional evidence for the protective ability of tobacco osmotin protein against drought stress and suggest a possible means to achieve tolerance against a serious type of abiotic stress


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    A lab experiment was conducted at the Plant Tissue Culture Lab / College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences / University of Baghdad. This experiment was aimed to investigate gene expression index in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) after preparation of salt and simulated drought stresses. Two tomato cultivars were selected which claimed to exhibit different levels of tolerance toward abiotic stresses designated as salt-tolerant Yassamine (Y) and salt-sensitive GS12 (G) to assess the test. Seven day-old seedlings from both cultivars were grown in MS media supplemented with four concentrations of NaCl at 0, 50, 100 and 150 mM and four concentrations of PEG at 0, 10, 20, and 30% for 48 hours. The results were showed that Y cultivar exhibited more proline secretion and chlorophyll content when compared with G. In addition, Y cultivar showed less ion leakage and less affected by elevated abiotic stresses in term of seedling weight variation when compared to G counterparts. The SDS-PAGE gel analysis showed that Y cultivar showed more band intensity when compared with G suggested more corresponding gene expression of tolerant protein against abiotic stresses.  

    Talking about sex after traumatic brain injury: perceptions and experiences of multidisciplinary rehabilitation professionals

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    Purpose: Research indicates that although 50–60% of people who have had a traumatic brain injury (TBI) experience changes in sexual functioning, sexuality issues remain largely unaddressed in rehabilitation. This study aimed to explore rehabilitation professionals’ perceptions and experiences of discussing sexuality with service-users who have had a TBI. Method: Purposeful sampling was used to recruit 24 participants from two local National Health Service trusts and from a national charity. Four focus groups were conducted with pre-existing groups of professionals, using a semi-structured interview schedule. Focus group data were transcribed verbatim and analysed using thematic analysis. Results: Six main themes were derived from the analysis: (1) sexuality after TBI is a specialist issue; (2) sexuality is a sensitive subject; (3) practicalities of discussing sexuality; (4) roles and responsibilities; (5) dilemmas about risk and vulnerabilities; and (6) organisational and structural issues. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that a more proactive approach to addressing sexuality issues be taken by incorporating sexuality into assessments and by having sexuality information available for service-users. Support for professionals is also needed in the form of the development of policy, on-going training and supervision

    A review on food safety and food hygiene studies in Ghana

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    Food safety and hygiene in Ghana was studied using desk top literature review. Food research was highly concentrated in the capital city of the country and most research focus were on commercial food operations specifically street foods and microbiological safety with limited information from institutional catering and other forms of food hazards. The media currently serves as the main source for reporting of food borne diseases. Food establishments and other sources contributing to food borne diseases included restaurants, food joints, food vendors, schools and individual homes. Limited use of prerequisites measures and food safety management systems was identified. Recommendations on regulating the General Hygiene Principles, implementation of HACCP to strengthen the food sector, regular food safety and hygiene workshops and training for food handlers that commensurate with their roles were made. Government support for SMEs and food handler's health screening were made. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd

    A multiple timepoint pre-post evaluation of a ‘sexual respect’ dvd to improve competence in discussing sex with patients with disability

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    Sexual problems are common after chronic illnesses and disability, yet research indicates that this is a neglected area in healthcare services. Evaluation studies provide evidence of the effectiveness of education in enhancing professionals’ knowledge, skills, and comfort in addressing patients’ sexual concerns. However, there are limited evaluations aimed at improving ability to discuss sexuality when working with people with disabilities. The overall aim of this study was to evaluate a ‘Sexual Respect’ DVD as an intervention to improve competence in addressing ‘sexuality and disability’. A mixed methods design was used with both quantitative and qualitative components. Nursing students’ self-report ratings of knowledge, confidence, comfort and willingness (to discuss sexuality) levels were collected across four time points: baseline, pre-intervention, post-intervention, and follow-up. Data were analysed using one-way repeated measures ANOVAs with post hoc comparisons. Open-ended qualitative comments relating to the barriers and facilitators to discussing sexuality were analysed using content analysis and subsequent frequency analysis. Reported barriers included lack of knowledge about sex¬uality and disability issues, the patient’s level of disability, and waiting for the patient to raise sexuality issues first. Facilitators included education/training, written information, and if the patient raised it first. Overall, the DVD intervention had a significant and positive impact on nursing students’ self-reported knowledge, confidence, comfort and willingness levels. The findings are discussed in relation to the PLISSIT model, which emphasises the importance of a proactive approach to addressing sexuality issues